What are your experiences of being about to lose your virginity without knowing how IT even works?

2024.11.24 23:49 Comfortable_Map6255 What are your experiences of being about to lose your virginity without knowing how IT even works?

submitted by Comfortable_Map6255 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:49 Sons_of_Maccabees 'Look me in the eyes': Ex-Hamas hostage leaves pro-Palestinian activist speechless

'Look me in the eyes': Ex-Hamas hostage leaves pro-Palestinian activist speechless submitted by Sons_of_Maccabees to JordanPeterson [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:49 socks-WlTH-Sandals Palkia raid

Palkia raid submitted by socks-WlTH-Sandals to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:49 BEATRIX095 fugue or ruan mei

i want to improve my himeko team.. currently im playing himeko with herta, robin and aven my other team is himeko, gallager, HMC and i think of getting either ruan mei or fugue to boost her dmg. who do you guys think i should get?
submitted by BEATRIX095 to HimekoMains [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:49 IckySmell Update, I put my original rocks back and added some red plants. Now I just need to work on algea

Update, I put my original rocks back and added some red plants. Now I just need to work on algea I reduced my light hours and blue light. Maybe I need a 48 hour blackout? Now to replace the blue hose and some cable management
submitted by IckySmell to PlantedTank [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:49 Different-Call-4427 Heavy EV Truck Research

Hi guys I would love to hear what truck drivers opinions are on EV trucks. Primarily, what are some of the reasons why people are reluctant to adapt them and why do people like them. Moreover, if there was a subscription based model (monthly fee, no lock in contracts and total flexibility) would trucks drivers be more willing to go with EV Trucks.
Thanks so much!!
submitted by Different-Call-4427 to EVConversion [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:49 Eyemeow Saw this at the renaissance fair today. No option to buy but so cool!

submitted by Eyemeow to SarahJMaas [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:49 Strange-Monitor-9512 whats the aphex twin song that goes

dun don don dun dan dan dun don don dun don don dan dan don don dun don don don dan dan i think its from like SAWII idk if anybody knows tell me pls tell me i forgot
submitted by Strange-Monitor-9512 to aphextwin [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:49 TMNH00000 Are people able to see my posts/comments?

I just wanted to make sure people are able to see this because it seems like something is off with my account. Thanks!
submitted by TMNH00000 to help [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:49 FrenzyKnight_ Black Myth: Wukong - Zodiac Village (No Commentary) Blind Gameplay Part 39

Hey guys, check out my Black Myth: Wukong gameplay link and tell me what you think in Youtube comment 🎮 and if you enjoy the video, don't forget to like, share and subscribe 😊
submitted by FrenzyKnight_ to ContentCreators [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:49 GDSGHUMAN Local barber fights $280 ticket for flying flags outside Ambleside business

Local barber fights $280 ticket for flying flags outside Ambleside business submitted by GDSGHUMAN to westvancouver [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:49 Apprehensive_Gene787 San Diego Area

Just went to a Grocery Outlet in Lakeside and they had a BUNCH of Feel Good Foods for $2.99. I got Mac & Cheese bites, mozzarella sticks, and the veggie egg rolls. They also had the cream cheese stuffed bagels.
submitted by Apprehensive_Gene787 to glutenfree [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:49 parappaisadoctor Whats the source for these borderlands online concept art?

Using reverse image search just goes back to the same tweet. I'm very interested in the history of the cancled game.
submitted by parappaisadoctor to Borderlands [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:49 Solenum756 Will it work over the road?

Hello there, First time posting here and I'm on mobile sorry for any format issues. So my question is pretty simple; I drive a truck for a living and we're getting the family a PS5 for Xmas and I was wondering if I got a portal for myself would I be able to play games out on the road? I guess that's all. Thanks in advance for the help.
submitted by Solenum756 to PlaystationPortal [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:49 Lanky_Stretch_5294 bfdivv 2

bfdivv 2 saw is out team 2 is ufe save 3 in link https://strawpoll.com/e6Z2AO2bJgN
vote in the comments idc
submitted by Lanky_Stretch_5294 to BFDIVoting [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:49 lymburn Need and Haves 5*

Need and Haves 5* submitted by lymburn to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:49 No_Blacksmith7972 Parking spring 2025

Hi, I'm looking for a parking spot near campus for spring 2025. Is anyone planning on selling an rs11 spot this spring? Thanks
submitted by No_Blacksmith7972 to UNC [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:49 Iopnuni I honestly don't get why so many people dislike tenpai dragons

I honestly don't get why so many people dislike tenpai dragons submitted by Iopnuni to masterduel [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:49 firewaterairgal always in my head

hey so i’ve been in limerence with two people (father & son) for about 11 years now, since i was 13/14. i have used limerence to cope with cptsd. i have always thought about them every day. now i am healing and getting myself on track so the limerence has been unraveling. but i still feel like i somehow filter my thoughts through limerence. basically because i have been in limerence for so long, its hard to completely detach, so even when i am trying to think of others things in my life, things i want for myself, my beliefs, how i feel, i still feel like i have these two LO in my head and its hard to completely get rid of that. its almost as if its like ghosts that follow me around. ive tried to do things like cord cutting rituals, but i think im just going to have to wait for time to heal this more. i guess im just so used to thinking of them/looking at pics and whatnot that it’s just very engrained and it’s going to take more time. i want myself back
submitted by firewaterairgal to limerence [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:49 No_Spite3504 WB Palkia ✨ 255545583961

submitted by No_Spite3504 to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:49 otterpop9 Toy salt shaker is a grower, not a shower

submitted by otterpop9 to mildlypenis [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:49 rubberhorses Vicious Blade - Relentless Force / Siege of Cruelty

Vicious Blade - Relentless Force / Siege of Cruelty Ripping deathy thrash metal out of Pittsburgh- starting to play some bigger domestic fests!Relentless force is the debut full length from this year, getting a lot of spins! Very fun gig last night with nunslaughter and ladybeast 🤘
submitted by rubberhorses to heavyvinyl [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:49 Spiritual_Pop2224 Happy Sunday.

Happy Sunday. submitted by Spiritual_Pop2224 to BathoryX [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:49 fluidxrln Got scared of ghosts recently

I am 17 and I am planning to live alone next year for some personal matters and just suddenly, whenever I am the person awake at night in the living room (everyone is asleep), I tend to now get scared and nervous of ghosts and such (even lights are dark nor lit) Ill try to listen to some music or watch some TV but I feel like and fear like someone will just eventually touch me. As someone living alone yourself, how did you overcome this and what would be your advice especially me going to live alone soon?
submitted by fluidxrln to LivingAlone [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:49 WayMoney8059 Is it possible to buy a single headphone ?

I recently lost one of my wireless headphones but still have the case and the left headphone but I’m not even sure if it’s possible to buy just a single headphone anyone know ? Or will I just have to get a whole new pair
submitted by WayMoney8059 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]
