Tired of Committing and Pushing Just to Test Workflows? Try This New VS Code Extension I Published!

2024.11.24 23:30 sanjulag Tired of Committing and Pushing Just to Test Workflows? Try This New VS Code Extension I Published!

submitted by sanjulag to programming [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:30 JadedIncome5718 Pitanje

Pozdrav, da li moze neko od pravnika ili ko je bio u sličnoj situaciji da mi odgovori? Da li osoba koja ima ugovor o dozivotnom izdrzavanju ( davalac izdrzavanja) moze da podnese zahtev za tudju negu i pomoc? Da li to utiče na ugovor o dozivotnom izdrzavanju u smislu ništavosti.
submitted by JadedIncome5718 to pravnisaveti [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:30 CharacterFox7606 jemand bock zsm auf hentai zu wichsen ?

submitted by CharacterFox7606 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:30 NewLoofa What do we think of this art?

submitted by NewLoofa to interiordecorating [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:30 ItzJustGummy Young and inexperienced pulling quarter. tips would be appreciated

Young and inexperienced pulling quarter. tips would be appreciated Hey! To make this short I’m barely 21, kinda dumb, and inexperienced (none) when it comes to body stuff. I picked up this 350z out of a field and while doing a full rebuild of everything mechanical I found out the left side quarter was straight up bondo. Probably a quarter inch worth.
I have pulled it out but I feel like I could have done this way better. This was my first time using a stud gun and I’m not sure why it put holes in the panel when I pulled them. I went from inside the hatch and beat it quite a bit with a little hammer to get it somewhat into shape but now I’m left with a slightly smaller mess to clean up. How would you go about this?
submitted by ItzJustGummy to Autobody [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:30 Responsible-Entry875 Got new glasses!!!

Got new glasses!!! Needed these so badly 😭🎀
submitted by Responsible-Entry875 to actuallesbians [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:30 Proud_Helicopter1160 Everyone meets my baby

Everyone meets my baby submitted by Proud_Helicopter1160 to TabbyCats [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:30 agressivedoodle Rehide NSFW content

Is there a way to re-hide NSFW content after I click to see it? Not the whole post but the picture or video.
Thank you!
submitted by agressivedoodle to narwhalapp [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:30 dabanditodadorito 189650154025 primal kyogre 3 local wb

189650154025 primal kyogre 3 local wb submitted by dabanditodadorito to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:30 M3Owner2006_YT District 2 Role Play | New qbCore server | San Andreas State Troopers open positions | Custom Vehicles

Hello everyone, my name is M3, I want to first off ask you all a question. Does FiveM feel like the same thing over and over again? By that I mean does it feel like no matter what server you go to, it's always the same situation of RDM, VDM, unrealistic roleplay, unbalanced economies (for qbCore and ESX servers), and other miscellaneous problems that arise. I felt this way and decided to try to make a server that fixes all those problems, and I'm not naive enough to know that I can just say these problems will go away overnight, there is always bad actors that will cause issues.
At District 2 Role Play (D2RP) we are a server striving to offer an inclusive and enjoyable roleplay experience for all, and the way we do that is by implementing suggestions from the community to make it what the community wants. Always adapting to the shifting styles of the player base. Now we don't want everything to change overnight, and leave people confused, so keep in mind your suggestions may not be completed overnight, but we will always try to make everyone enjoy the server.
District 2 Role Play is a qbCore based server, meaning it does have an economy for those of you not familiar with all the server side lingo. We have some amazing assets and scripts from around the community to enhance your roleplay experience. We currently have one department open for new officers, SAST, which uses a red and blue valor lightbar for all it's vehicles.
So, with all that being said, come check us out, and please leave a suggestion if you have one for how we could improve the server, and maybe stay for some roleplay sessions sometime!
Thank you for reading!
Discord: https://discord.gg/aRwDnjZ3Bb
submitted by M3Owner2006_YT to FiveMServers [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:30 datascience388 [US-MA] [H] Glove80 Rev2 w/ Grey / Kailh Choc v1 Brown, Used 1 Day! [W] Venmo

Used for 1 day and realized it's not the right keyboard for me. It's in perfect condition and comes with all accessories, including travel case!
$330 + shipping, not looking for trades
Shipping to continental US.
Please comment then PM
Images: 1, 2
submitted by datascience388 to mechmarket [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:30 PigletWithTeeth Scorpion - first time pinning one !

Scorpion - first time pinning one ! submitted by PigletWithTeeth to insectpinning [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:30 nba_gdt_bot Game Thread: Toronto Raptors (4-12) at Cleveland Cavaliers (16-1) Nov 24 2024 7:30 PM

Body will update in a moment
submitted by nba_gdt_bot to torontoraptors [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:30 TPGIV [PS5] W: Carian sovereignty AoW H: Any / ask / karma

submitted by TPGIV to PatchesEmporium [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:30 Maleficent-Radio-113 Last nights dinner

Last nights dinner Black bean tostada with guacamole. The food here is really great.
submitted by Maleficent-Radio-113 to hospitalfood [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:30 Sure-Blueberry-5151 What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Sure-Blueberry-5151 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:30 XDanny_PhantomX Seed shrimp advice

I had a huge boom in berried females in one of my tanks and near the end of their gestation period i always overfeed a bit of powdered food to make sure theres access to food cause i get paranoid. Anyways now my seed shrimp and other microfauna populations are booming and im wondering if i just stop feeding for a bit will my shrimp be able to out compete with them for food/end up eating some of them? I know copepods are a nuisance i hate how many there are.
submitted by XDanny_PhantomX to shrimptank [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:30 Derar11 So nothing out of the ordinary

So nothing out of the ordinary submitted by Derar11 to feedthememes [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:30 arauhauser Utah HC walking to the rink due to Toronto traffic

submitted by arauhauser to hockey [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:30 Royal_Courage_204 question about cardio and max heart rate

hello all. Ever since I got a Garmin ive been exercising regularly. I am mostly doing cardio on the treadmill. I closely watch my heart rate and whenever I hit “threshhold” or “maximum” I always keep in mind I should not be in that zone for more than 10 minutes max. It sound kind of scary to be in those zones and i’m constantly checking my heart rate. And, I sometimes can not help but look at people who , for example: got this trend on tiktok which is about training on the stairmaster for an hour. But they just start cold turkey. and dont even pay attention to their heart rate. I am wondering if that could actually be dangerous? or am I too focussed on my garmin stats?
submitted by Royal_Courage_204 to Garmin [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:30 Sensitive-Cod-6884 My (30M) friend (22M) has a crush on my other friend (28F) and it's making things awkward when we hangout. I'm not sure what to do

I (30M) have got two new friends, Lance (22M) and Victoria (28F) (fake names). We all play a sport together (I'll say "sport" instead of the actual name of the sport for the sake of anonymity).
We recently got pretty close since we played together in tournaments for this sport and have been hanging out a lot recently at my place. This has been going on for about a month now.
We go the gym together, we run and we play sport.
Lance and Victoria are sport partners when we play tournaments.
Usually after training, they'd come over to mine and we'd hang out til some odd hours in the morning. We'd spend time chatting, watching TV and eating.
One day after training, Lance told me, kind of out of the blue, he'd been crushing on Victoria. I had no idea before he told me. I was surprised because he did a pretty good job of hiding his feelings until then.
So I told him that it seemed a bit weird to me that he was so casual whenever we'd all hang out. He wouldn't flirt or let his feelings show at all. I asked him if it didn't bother him, like being so physically close to her all the time. Like I wondered if it would frustrate him. He told me that it didn't bother him and he didn't seem interested in acting on the crush. Fine, nothing to worry about then.
One night, they were at my place as usual. It was late, and they were both too tired to drive home, so they stayed over. Morning came and they both left. A few hours after they'd gone, Lance texted me saying that he'd started to have those thoughts and feelings I was talking about.
He told me that he thought that he'd been inappropriately staring at her a lot that last night. He also went on to say that he's not sure he'd feel comfortable hanging out with us like this anymore. I heard him out and I told him that we could cut back on hanging out since it made him uncomfortable. He said that he'd lay low for a bit and that he was OK if she and I continued to hang out without him.
A few minutes go by and he texts me again telling me that he partially blamed me for the way he felt. Saying that me talking about her physical appearance around him didn't help him much in the way of exercising self control. For context, I'd made mention a couple times of her physical appearance but only when she was around. I only commented on Victoria's appearance when she was present, never in private conversations with Lance. I thought it was ridiculous that he blamed me and even more so that that was his reason for blaming me, but didn't really hold on to it much as I remembered that he's only 22. This immature way of thinking is typical for someone his age imo. I know I would have said something like that and believed when I was 22. I told him that we could talk about it some more afte the work day if he wanted to but we never revisited the topic.
The three of us took last week to rest and recover from all the training we'd been doing since tournament season was over.
Fast forward to yesterday. I get a call from Victoria saying that she and Lance were at the sport venue watching games and that they're all done watching and they wanna come by mine to eat and hangout. I had no issue with this and I assumed that, since they were both hanging out without me, Lance felt a bit more comfortable being around Victoria.
So they both headed over to mine, we get food and we talked throughout the night. They left my place at about 2:30am.
Now today, I decided to check in on Lance via text and ask how he felt last night since the break. He responded saying "you don't wanna know".
He said that it was the most he'd ever had to exercise self control in his life. Now, I don't think that meant that he was trying to stop himself from physically jumping her, that wouldn't make sense to me given the setting. I think maybe he was trying hard to stop himself from maybe saying something inappropriate around her.
So it seems the week-long break didn't really do much imo and I'm not sure what to do at this point. I'm not sure what to tell Lance and I don't know if it's OK to keep this from Victoria. She's my friend but I don't know if I should be the one to tell her. It isn't my problem really. I dont want to lose the friend dynamic we have but it seems complicated.
What do I do?
submitted by Sensitive-Cod-6884 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:30 ShivanDrgn Mac Pro 4,1 won’t boot

I have had this machine for quite some time and it has worked well. Now it will not boot, drives spin and it comes on but no chime and no video. Would removing the graphics card help me trouble shoot this? Thanks in advance.
submitted by ShivanDrgn to macpro [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:30 Good-Blackberry-461 What are my chances of getting a good scholarship from MSU law with a 3.59 lsac gpa and 160 lsat score?

submitted by Good-Blackberry-461 to lawschooladmissions [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:30 rajahbeaubeau Apocalypse-class Battleship by HexanitY

Apocalypse-class Battleship by HexanitY submitted by rajahbeaubeau to ImaginaryStarships [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:30 HumbleberryPie88 The Manimals ready for night on the town.

The Manimals ready for night on the town. A Goliath big night out is a terrifying event for anyone not a Goliath. A typical event sees the Tyrant and his forge bros descend upon the brothels, drinking dens and fighting pits of the hive fuelled by enough drugs, chems and alcohol to kill a baseline human ten times over. If something’s not on fire, no one has died or the local enforcers haven’t been beaten to a bloody smear it’s considered lame and un-metal. Telling a hung over Goliath this fact will likely earn the speaker a rapid trip to the side of the emperor…
submitted by HumbleberryPie88 to necromunda [link] [comments]
