Twin flame push and pull

These are three different commands: Git pull is a git fetch followed by git merge - read here. Git fetch fetches info about remote repositories - read here. Git sync does everything in one command meaning pull and push read here. If you want to compare git and svn workflow then git pull is like svn update. There's no direct svn version of git ... 90. Scalability was the major driving factor when we design such systems (pull vs push). Kafka is very scalable. One of the key benefits of Kafka is that it is very easy to add large number of consumers without affecting performance and without down time. Kafka can handle events at 100k+ per second rate coming from producers. Push: sends commits and asks them to update their branch. This requires that things be right on their end. This cannot combine parallel development. Pull: runs git fetch, which gets commits and has your Git update your remote-tracking name, then runs a second Git command to update your branch. Observer Pattern in detail (with the focus on questions asked) Definition : The Observer Pattern defines a one-to-many dependency between the objects so that when one object changes state, all of its dependents are notified and updated automatically. 3 things to focus: Observable object - The object being observed. 1. the procedure should be the below: pull the file. edit it. commit it (it commits to your local repository) pull it again (if there are any conflict you will Be notified) in that case you can solve it executing the below command (GitBash on your repository working folder): git mergetool. 8. Yes. That means merging the code to master. In a general scenario many developers work on a repository and not all of them have push access to master. This means they cannot push the code directly to master. Hence, developers push the code to a different branch and then raise a pull request to merge the changes to master. 1790. Basically, git commit " records changes to the repository " while git push " updates remote refs along with associated objects ". So the first one is used in connection with your local repository, while the latter one is used to interact with a remote repository. Here is a nice picture from Oliver Steele, that explains the Git model and ... It's better to commit first. Pulling without commiting may make your work overwritten. With a local commit, conflicts will be shown and prompted for manual merging when pulling, giving you a better control over your work. answered Nov 24, 2017 at 3:35. iBug. I have a project on github that I have been working on before. However, I wiped out my computer and I am wondering which git command should I invoke under my username to checkout my project again so that I can push my latest changes to github under my account. 2. Git Pull-This will update your local branch with the origin/main branch i.e. actually what it does is a combination of Git Fetch and Git merge one after another. But this may Cause Conflicts to occur, so it’s recommended to use Git Pull with a clean copy.

2024.11.25 00:50 Nitrochic73 Twin flame push and pull

Does anyone know how to tell if your masculine can feel the push and pull in the journey? If so is this why they run?
submitted by Nitrochic73 to twinflames [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:50 NumerousAssumption47 Newage 42” cabinets

Has anyone bought the newage 42” garage cabinets and can share pictures? Seems like the extra width over the 28” wide ones would be nice.
submitted by NumerousAssumption47 to garageporn [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:50 IntnsRed Ever wonder what a nuclear war would be like?

Once upon a time, back at the height of the Cold War, I graduated from a nuclear, biological and chemical warfare school in the US Army. So this is a topic that has always fascinated me.
In this video at about this time the narrator gives a graphic description, with maps and other info to support just how evil and life ending a nuclear war would be. Highly recommended for anyone curious.
submitted by IntnsRed to EndlessWar [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:50 sarah6804 One year post op and slipping.

Title says it all. Friday was my one year surgerversary, I’m down 115Lbs. I was down 125, but for the past 3 months I’ve been way off track. Started with the hurricanes. We lost power for 10 days and I ate crap food because I had to, and I liked it. The carbs went down so easy with no adverse reactions no dumping nothing. So I ate chips and pb&j sandwiches for a week. Since then I tried to get back on track but I do find myself grazing more on carbs than I should. Doesn’t help I threw my back out cleaning up debris and was out of commission for 2 weeks. I quit going to the gym on sept 27th and haven’t gone back. I’ve been stressed out to the max in my life right now and trying to focus on protein and exercise has been the last thing on my mind, though I know I need to prioritize. I feel like crap, I haven’t been taking my vitamins & iron and meds regularly either, it’s like every good habit I worked hard to create I just woke up and said F-it. I don’t know why. Anyone go through a phase like this and get back on track? I’ve talked to my nutritionist about it and she suggested I get on a GLP1 when I go back to see my Dr. she said since I’m pretty close to my goal it’s just going to be harder and that might jump start me back. I don’t know. I’m just disappointed in myself. I feel like my surgeon will be disappointed too. I go back first week of Dec and I’m the same weight I was when he saw me 3 months ago. Sorry for the pity party rant, I just feel so lost right now. I feel like I came so far but am fumbling at the finish line. Any advice or thoughts on GLP1’s? Anyone a year out and successfully still losing what are you eating in a day? Thanks!
submitted by sarah6804 to BariatricSurgery [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:50 pl00h Fiddlesticks Match #983

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by pl00h to Fiddlesticks [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:50 Alon_Gottdenker Struct in C++

A struct in C++ is a way to group different types of data under one name. It is like a container that holds multiple variables, called members.
Basic Syntax:
struct StructName {
dataType member1;
dataType member2;
Key Points
Public by default: All members of a struct can be accessed directly.
You can add functions inside a struct, just like in a class.
using namespace std;
struct Person {
string name;
int age;
void display() {
cout << "Name: " << name << ", Age: " << age << endl;
int main() {
Person person1; = "Alice";
person1.age = 25;
person1.display(); // Output: Name: Alice, Age: 25
return 0;
Difference Between struct and class struct: Members are public by default.
class: Members are private by default.
The biggest difference is how you use them.

submitted by Alon_Gottdenker to cs2a [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:50 Cappin_Handi I'll legitimately give someone $20 to help me figure out which laptop to get.

I'll legitimately give someone $20 to help me figure out which laptop to get. I don't know a whole lot about what all the numbers for the processers mean, and all that. So I'm having a little trouble trying to figure out what would be the best pc for me. I like both these, but I'm open to suggestions. I'm looking for kind of like an all use multi-purpose type computer, but I definitely want to do some light coding/data science type things, and I definitely want a matchine that is vr ready or whatever, so I can hook my quest up to it and make the VR experience better
submitted by Cappin_Handi to computers [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:50 Higher-Analyst-2163 MattBeGreat's College Football Playoff Rankings (week 14)

MattBeGreat's College Football Playoff Rankings (week 14) submitted by Higher-Analyst-2163 to CFB [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:50 Additional-Link-5296 Only girls come over and get age guessed over on session 05694b71f638ae9f447920fbd6c2a6c2febc20d240ff5a510553edbad780e63a06 or teleguard SGPEJQ4BW

submitted by Additional-Link-5296 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:50 New_Werewolf_2080 Merchandise?

Is Powergirl not popular enough for quality merchandise? Other than a few statues it seems like there isn't much for collectors. (Or am I wrong?)
submitted by New_Werewolf_2080 to PowerGirl [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:50 That-Jelly6305 hiding in plain sight...

hiding in plain sight... submitted by That-Jelly6305 to ChinaMemes [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:50 Psychological_Price5 KYOGRE W 3 LOCALS ADD ME!! 800477429817

submitted by Psychological_Price5 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:50 boopthesnootnoot Nothing to see here, just the dark insides of a cat tree…

Nothing to see here, just the dark insides of a cat tree… submitted by boopthesnootnoot to VoidCats [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:50 Loafus1986 Saving up for a gas mask so I can garden

I live in Saskatchewan. Winter just started, and there are less smoky days in the winter, at least from what I have observed in the past few years. I like to garden and do stuff outside in the summer, so I might start saving up for a reusable mask. My throat hurts during smoky days, and so far the only thing that works is staying inside with the air purifier on. I did some research, and apparently you can prevent the throat pain with a gas mask. Nothing else. And I already tried a multitude of different masks, and they didn’t work. I can’t just wear an ugly mask in the backyard because my dad probably won’t let me. He would probably say I’m over reacting. I don’t remember it being like this before, but my dad says that there has always been this much smoke. Breathing comfortably is so expensive and difficult lol.
submitted by Loafus1986 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:50 Kevinphenomenal Selling my account with shop and crp

Selling my account with shop and crp Dm if interested
submitted by Kevinphenomenal to TikTokShopSellersClub [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:50 Little-Complaint-361 Should I talk to my son about his AuDHD?

My son was recently diagnosed with Autism/ADHD. He is 6. My husband and I disagree on how to talk to him about his diagnosis. I want to talk about it openly. I want him to understand how his brain works and to have a community to lean on and feel a part of. My husband disagrees with the medical model of autism. He agrees we should talk with our son about his skills and challenges, but would prefer we avoid using the labels. I would love any advise or insight. I don't know how to proceed.
submitted by Little-Complaint-361 to AutisticAdults [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:50 ForwardElephant6743 Help Hydra Teams

Help Hydra Teams can someone give me good advices for my hydra Teams?
submitted by ForwardElephant6743 to RaidShadowLegends [link] [comments]


WOULD MR SATAN HAVE WON A TOURNAMENT IN OG DRAGON BALL submitted by Chance-Garlic-3902 to Dragonballsuper [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:50 JackfruitGrouchy4325 What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by JackfruitGrouchy4325 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:50 Last_Delivery3016 macys great american marching band

thinking of auditioning for the macys band thing for highschoolers next year. It is kind of expensive to do it if you are accepted. If it turns out I cannot afford it, are you able to like decline the acceptance? I’ve never really auditioned for anything that like has a large fee like that.
submitted by Last_Delivery3016 to marchingband [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:50 cporter202 ChatGPT in Global Market Research: Pros and Cons of Translation and Localization

Hello fellow Redditors,
Recent discussions have surfaced about the utilization of AI like ChatGPT in global market research, specifically looking at its role in translation and localization. I thought it would be interesting to dive deeper into this subject and explore both the upsides and downsides.
On the pro side, ChatGPT demonstrates remarkable efficiency when it comes to translation work. Its ability to process and translate languages rapidly can save companies significant time compared to traditional translation methods. This not only speeds up market research but also ensures that businesses can make quicker decisions based on the information available.
Furthermore, ChatGPT possesses the capability to learn and adapt to cultural nuances and slang, which is a crucial aspect of localization. The AI's deep learning capabilities allow it to understand context better and provide translations that don't just exchange words but preserve original meanings and cultural relevance.
However, we must consider the cons as well. For starters, ChatGPT can sometimes lack the intricacy required to accurately interpret all cultural subtleties. Artificial intelligence, despite advancements, may still miss the mark on regional idioms, humor, and traditions that a local speaker would naturally understand.
Moreover, the process of continuous learning means that occasionally, ChatGPT might produce translations based on incorrect data sources, potentially leading to flawed insights or miscommunication. Given that market research often guides crucial business movements, any errors in translation or localization can lead to decision-making based on faulty data, which could have sizable consequences.
So, what do you all think? Can the potential time and cost savings justify the risk of potential inaccuracies? Is there a hybrid solution that might give us the best of both worlds? How much should we lean on AI like ChatGPT for critical tasks in global market research? Let's discuss the future of AI in this fast-evolving market research landscape!
submitted by cporter202 to ChatGPTautomation [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:50 Reasonable-Isopod219 Can anyone do 12 stars?

Can anyone do 12 stars? Close to my vault, thanks!
Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: IGN Chach
submitted by Reasonable-Isopod219 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:50 Bright-Rhubarb-6982 RR DAY 2 AUCTION STRATEGY

1)Need foreign batters and all rounders
1.will jacks
2.azmatullah omarzai
4.steve smith/Warner(2cr)
Any 2 of above for 6 cr
2)Need foreign bowling allrounders and fast bowlers
3)Indian players
2.akash déep
Any 2 for 4cr
Remaining 1 cr backups
submitted by Bright-Rhubarb-6982 to RajasthanRoyals [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:50 Notaclevername8365 What expenses have you cut from your life?

I’m trying to save for a new car (new to me, not brand new). I feel like I’ve cut a lot of expenses such as unnecessary makeup, clothes, and other items but I feel like I’m not getting anywhere. What else have you all stopped spending your money on in order to save more?
submitted by Notaclevername8365 to SavingMoney [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:50 Narrow_Line_5642 Is Shidou the closest one to Nagi in terms of potential?

Does he even exert more effort than nagi in training? or does he even train at all? coz i feel like hes just playing for fun unlike the likes of Rin and Barou who put so much work. What was he doing before the bluelock?
submitted by Narrow_Line_5642 to BlueLock [link] [comments]