Stimulants and psychedelics

2024.11.25 00:40 Jojotalksalot Stimulants and psychedelics

Lisdexamphetamine + 2c-b.
it’s common knowledge the dangers of mixing these substances.
I’m on adhd medication and are low doses of psychedelics for nights out (22:00 dosages ) safe?
If anyone has experience, my curiosity would love to hear it.
submitted by Jojotalksalot to 2cb [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:40 lo________________ol URL fragments and (Brave) browser fragmentation

I recently discovered a neat feature that recently made its way onto Firefox: Links to text fragments. Instead of linking to the top of a webpage or some predefined anchor, text fragments allow you to scroll down a page and highlight text anywhere, as long as the browser supports it.
Here's an example:,importance
(For reference, this is how the link looks when you click on it in a supported browser.)
And this works perfectly if you try the link in Firefox, Chrome, Edge, Safari, Vivaldi... but not Brave.
Why not Brave?
Based on their developers' own words back in 2022, the feature has "open and known security risks" which have been documented. And (as far as I can speculate) Google built this feature mostly to make their web searches a little more contextually relevant.
But, as far as I can tell, those security issues have mostly been mitigated, and people other than Google might want to use the feature. Now might be as good a time as any for Brave to reach feature-parity with their fellow browsers.
submitted by lo________________ol to browsers [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:40 New-Butterscotch-560 Got this for $50

Got this for $50 Fire or nah?
submitted by New-Butterscotch-560 to Texans [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:40 PalamationGaming Despite our differing opinions on the games, can we all agree that the combat has been amazing throughout the whole series?

Despite our differing opinions on the games, can we all agree that the combat has been amazing throughout the whole series? submitted by PalamationGaming to marioandluigi [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:40 Yungxbull710 After a long losing streak it feels good to hit even if it’s a small one

Little 6$ flip
submitted by Yungxbull710 to underdogfantasy [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:40 No-Sell5179 Editing a video : adding 5 video in 1 video ? Merging videos in 1 ?

Hi everyone !
I would like to merge some videos I have in one video. How is it possible to do that with Youtube editing app ? I see where I can edit a video but not adding videos before and/or after a video. Thanks in advance ! :)
submitted by No-Sell5179 to youtube [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:40 Single-Elderberry-46 Few singles for sale. Lmk who you need.

Few singles for sale. Lmk who you need. submitted by Single-Elderberry-46 to BaseballCardsForSale [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:40 ANUB1SE Sou a favor do aborto, eutanásia, prisão perpétua, trabalho forçado, suicídio assistido e pena de morte

Começando pelo aborto, a escolha entre manter ou não a vida gerada deveria ser um direito fundamental da mulher, independente da motivação, obviamente que respeitando critérios, como por exemplo a interrupção da gravidez até a 12° ou 14° semana.
Sobre a eutanásia, se é um caso irreversível e a pessoa vai vegetar a família deve ter o direito de escolher se vai ou não mantê-la viva, caso não a eutanásia (não a ortotanásia) deveria ser uma opção digna.
Mesma coisa para o suicídio assistido, se a pessoa está em uma condição grave de saúde ou limitação física severa e julga que não é digno viver dessa forma, ela deve ter o direito e o suporte para colocar fim em sua existência.
Trabalho forçado como punição de crimes graves, nada mais justo que o preso trabalhe para reparação parcial dos danos que causou a vítima e a família dela, além disso para sua própria manutenção no sistema prisional, e dependendo da gravidade do crime (pedofilia, estupro, homicídio por motivo torpe), pode ser combinado com a prisão perpétua.
Pena de morte, há crimes tão hediondos que a opção anterior ainda parece pouco, nesses casos a única opção é a pena capital.
É isso, quando expresso esses pontos de vista todo mundo me acha meio maluco.
submitted by ANUB1SE to opiniaoimpopular [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:40 Professional_Sir252 Friend code

Friend code NA server Friend invite code: bAKE7pgpAJDj
2 dupe yuta with 1 dupe nonstandard as assist unit
submitted by Professional_Sir252 to JJKPhantomParade [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:40 AffectionateMovie186 Does anyone have contour and contour brush recommendations?

I have fair skin with neutral leaning cool undertones. Thank you!
submitted by AffectionateMovie186 to Ulta [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:40 Solraay-xWest Miss you Queen Elizabeth

Miss you Queen Elizabeth submitted by Solraay-xWest to theviralthings [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:40 vijxuf-1 Who wants to see my Asian gf? Censor/post? 0590ed7f6553340ef383c43b520263acbd9502cf0c5bc15a003f2060f9d797975f

submitted by vijxuf-1 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:40 GamingTimeJ7 Anybody visiting Bahrain?

submitted by GamingTimeJ7 to qatar [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:40 hepennypacker1131 Considering Accelerated Practical Nursing Program at NSCC - Need Advice

Hi everyone,
I'd be really grateful for any help. I’m looking into the Accelerated Practical Nursing Program at NSCC as part of a career transition. I’m currently a software engineer but have always been drawn to healthcare and nursing. The admission requirements seem a bit strict, and I’m facing a unique challenge with my educational background.
I hold a Master’s degree in Engineering from UNB with a GPA of 3.9. However, my high school education was completed a long time ago in a country that’s no longer stable, and I’m unable to obtain my high school transcripts.
Does anyone know if NSCC might accept my Master’s GPA or provide alternate pathways for someone in my situation? Any advice or tips on getting into nursing and how are the career prospects would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
submitted by hepennypacker1131 to NSCC [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:40 Fun_Set_3985 I have a location at apartments but looks like there is no access to it when office closes. Do I find a certain type of apartment lol

submitted by Fun_Set_3985 to vending [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:40 Dbucket24 MetaZoo

MetaZoo To the person I bought this from earlier today thank you, made me very happy today!
submitted by Dbucket24 to PaymoneyWubby [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:40 Background_Mistake76 Do I need to throw the whole box away?

Just had not even a full bag that you get in a variety box and there was a warning that says "consuming this product can expose you to chemicals including acrylamide, which is known in the state of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm." I threw the bag away when I saw that but my anxiety is really high right now because we got the variety pack box. I'm not someone with a lot of money so now will I have to throw the box away?
submitted by Background_Mistake76 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:40 Complete-Farmer-2481 Paano manapaw ng sipsip na binubulungan yung boss (other ways beside sumipsip din)?

Sinubukan kong galingan sa work pero parang useless e. Thanks
submitted by Complete-Farmer-2481 to AskPH [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:40 ErectileKai Advice on getting into accounting from a different degree.

I completed my degree in Electrical Engineering recently. I started working in power systems but I've realized it's a deadend jobs just like most in my field. I'm kinda ambitious and want to see progression in whatever I do. I talked to a friend in Big4 audit and he told me about opportunities you can get having worked in audit. He also said my personality would fit in with everyone at his firm. I'm thinking I should pivot into accounting where I'll see more progression than staying in Engineering. What do you think? Are there any people here who did an engineering degree but have worked in audit?
submitted by ErectileKai to Accounting [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:40 Ok_Progress_5772 F20

submitted by Ok_Progress_5772 to currentlyfapping [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:40 Electronic_Shock_719 NOTHING in the bible condemns same sex attraction Or abortion.

I have a logical argument that will convince any "listening" Christian Literalist (belief in an actual Noah's Ark for example) that therefore must believe in Microevolution, that Homosexuality is a hereditary benefit to Noah's offspring.
submitted by Electronic_Shock_719 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:40 Brilliant-Client-728 Sir a bull is making me give away Olivia’s VSCO. Ruin me with it. 05b0610bc6e38b2f2bb115d412e0e51aaecf518d82c69ed97e19b481d2ad7b1d12

Sir a bull is making me give away Olivia’s VSCO. Ruin me with it. 05b0610bc6e38b2f2bb115d412e0e51aaecf518d82c69ed97e19b481d2ad7b1d12 submitted by Brilliant-Client-728 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:40 icewaterrrrr Tara romantic geet sunda imagine garney koi chai chaido rahexa 😭

submitted by icewaterrrrr to NepalSocial [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:40 TheKnowledgeConsumer Irritation on neck

Hello, im a teen and started shaving like a year ago. I recently noticed irritation on neck ( I think its called razor burn because i googled the problem). I used two blades razor, yesterday i switched to one blade so I dont know if it will solve the problem but I wanted to ask anyway for maybe some tips if it doesnt work? Its like a spot filled with pimples (not sure if these are pimples or just ingrown hair) Maybe some tips how to shave the neck and should i put aftershave or something before shaving Sorry for the rant but im really worried, because people started noticing at school so yea any tips would be appreciated.
submitted by TheKnowledgeConsumer to DermatologyQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:40 Chip3165 I don’t think the Nurse in Medivac missions is a real nurse.

She spent the entirety of the 3hr 30 min flight increasing the patients (who was having an asthma attack) painkillers every 10 minutes.
She seriously goes off on me for a bumpy landing yet she’s given an asthma patient 21 doses of morphine to keep them nice and comfortable.
Someone check her license.
submitted by Chip3165 to MicrosoftFlightSim [link] [comments]