My Review of Having Surgery

2024.11.25 00:41 Corniferus My Review of Having Surgery

I had a surgery 2 weeks ago. The discomfort was much worse than I anticipated, but early on the doctors overdid it with the pain meds. I was vomiting and passing out the first day or two, so I managed to tough it out with just Tylenol since then. The pain was excruciating, but I’m glad I toughed it out.
Normally, I’m quite independent and capable. So it’s been quite a challenge adjusting to relying on others. It’s gotten to the point where I actually miss working.
Now that my head is clearing and I’m getting my strength back, I’m looking forward to working out again. This is the longest I’ve had to go being inactive and I’m very antsy. But trying not to push it too quickly, or I’ll get yelled at.
This has definitely been an eye opening experience. Facing my own mortality, having time to reflect. Barely eating, barely sleeping. Fevers and chills throughout the night. Flashes of pain. Loss of consciousness at times.
All of this while trying to coordinate my work schedule, arguing with administrators and studying for an upcoming certification exam.
2/10 would not recommend. There are better options for personal growth. Get a snake.
submitted by Corniferus to self [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:41 Remote_Face_2657 Guess Im having spaghetti for dinner tonight...

Guess Im having spaghetti for dinner tonight... submitted by Remote_Face_2657 to 3Dprinting [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:41 Valuable_Skirt_1703 Primal kyogre 2 locals add 5 each 670851124816-373960720535-

submitted by Valuable_Skirt_1703 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:41 ProudFollowing4120 Please help - does this sound like eczema?

About 2 months ago, I started to get an itchy, inflamed rash on my neck. It has come and gone, and only gotten bigger in size each time it reoccurs. I got environment allergen testing (positive for dust mites - I have air purifiers at home and appropriate bedding washed in hot water weekly plus weekly vacuum- and pollen(I am on Zyrtec and hardly go outside and maintain home windows closed) and patch testing (positive for many metals, none of which I come in contact). I do not wear any jewelry or have any contact with anything on my neck. I only use fragrance-free gentle products, shampoo and lotion (ex: vanicream, cerave, Vaseline) and hydrate my skin several times a day. Allergist and dermatologist do not know what it is. But it isn’t hives. It has gone away on its own about 3 days after each occurrence, and looks and feels like nothing ever happened.
My question - can it be eczema even though it is NOT dry or patchy or rough? But it is extremely itchy and inflamed and it drives me crazy and stressed me out. I don’t have a history with eczema and I’m in my 40s. Any ideas?
Ps - is there a way to add a photo?!
submitted by ProudFollowing4120 to eczema [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:41 Faction_Chief /r/worldnews -

submitted by Faction_Chief to NoFilterNews [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:41 Dj896 What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Dj896 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:41 RelativeLab2002 Hard beats on iOS?

Hard beats on iOS?
submitted by RelativeLab2002 to ipadmusic [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:41 DiarrheaFilledPanda If Canada Post employees overplay their hand and strike through Christmas, then there is no incentive for corporate to end the strike. I hope the union is explaining this to members.

The whole leverage that CP employees have is striking through the busiest shipping days of the year (Black Friday and Christmas). But if they hold out too long, I wonder if this strike will go on for 3-4 months to teach employees a lesson? They can't last without pay cheques for 4 months. Strikes work both ways I hope CP employees are understanding this and not just trusting their union because you may end up hurting
submitted by DiarrheaFilledPanda to CanadaPost [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:41 l0shmiBgd Ubistvo Đinđića, sta je teorija a sta istina?

Emitovanje serije o Đinđiću pokrenulo je nekoliko polemika u siroj okolini.
Postoji teorija po kojoj, Đinđića nije ubio Zvezdan, i članovi JSO u saradnji sa zemunskim klanom, vec neko drugi.
Cak u jednoj verziji stoji da ga je sam telohranitelj overio, u drugoj je pak CIA organizovala sve.
Motiv je navodno bio taj sto se Djindjic odlucio da vodi nezavisnu politiku i da nisu imali kontrolu nad njim.
Ja i dalje verujem da je bilo sasvim dovoljno motiva JSO da uradi tako nešto ali sam skoro prvi put cuo drugačiju verziju pa se iznenadih.
Da li postoji šansa za tako nečim?
submitted by l0shmiBgd to AskSerbia [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:41 wojiparu Brookies!!!!!

submitted by wojiparu to FoodPorn [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:41 zhuki Esims which work with no data / can be topped up without wifi

Hi, as the title says, anyone know of such esims? Iknow a few but im trying to make a list of them.
Basically, these allow you to access their portal/app even if you have no data plan, and can purchase that way withiut having to connect to the internet.
submitted by zhuki to eSIMs [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:41 Geyball Kyogre

Kyogre submitted by Geyball to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:41 samueltrpd No 😭

No 😭 submitted by samueltrpd to Pelicangers_Cave [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:41 RedSox11Boston [WTS] Pre33 Gold, Commemorative Halves, Morgans, Peace Dollars etc
[2FA Enabled]

1904 $20 Liberty: $2675 1902-S $20 Liberty $2675 1885-S $20 Liberty: $2675 1901 $10 Liberty: $1345 1912 $10 Indian: $1375 1914-D $2.5 Indian: $450
1899 $10 Liberty MS62: $1450
1901-S $10 Liberty MS63: $1475
1915-S $1 Pan-Pac MS63: $625
1878 $20 Liberty: $2700
1878-S $20 Liberty: $2675
1847 $5 Liberty: $800
1835 $5 Classic Head: $900
1848-C $5 Liberty XF40: $4000
1901-S $5 Liberty MS65: $1350!!! [GS Bid = $1630]
1851-O G$1: $325
(2x) 1928 $20 Saint G MS65: $2900ea
1908 $20 Saint G No Motto MS65: $2900
1925 $20 Saint G MS65: $2900
1925 $20 Saint G MS65: $2900
(2x) 1924 $20 Saint G MS64: $2800ea
1899 $20 Liberty OGH MS62: $2850
(2x) 1909-D $5 Indian MS62: $800ea
1908 $5 Liberty MS63: $750
1901 $5 Liberty MS63: $750
1900 $5 Liberty MS63: $750
1895 $5 Liberty MS63: $750
1881-S $5 Liberty AU50 (Cleaned): $700
(2x) 1997 1/10 Gold Eagle NGC-X 9.9: $305ea
(2x) 2016-W 1/2 Gold Walking Liberty SP70: $1675ea
1921 50c Alabama MS65: $750
1925 50c Huguenot MS64: $150
1936 50c Columbia MS65 CAC: $300
1935/34 50c Boone MS66+ CAC: $450
1934 50c Maryland MS65: $200
1938 50c New Rochelle NGCX MS 9.6 (MS66) (Vaultbox Series 8): $400
1942 50c Walking Liberty Proof NGCX 9.3 (PF63): $350
1864 Large Motto 2c NGCX 9.4 Red Brown (MS64): $355
1905 5c Proof NGCX 9.4 (MS64): $350
1890-S $1 Morgan MS64 (Amazing Tone): $650 OBO
1921 $1 Morgan MS64 CAC: $600 OBO
1922 $1 Peace AU58 VAM 2E Wing Break Top 50: $100
1923 $1 Peace MS63 (toned): $300
1880-S $1 Morgan MS63 OBV DMPL: $175
1929 5c Buffalo MS65: $450
I accept Zelle, CashApp and Crypto. Ship is $10. Insurance available at cost upon your request.
submitted by RedSox11Boston to Pmsforsale [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:41 Tight-Tackle4386 Does anyone know what this genre is?

Does anyone know what this genre is? submitted by Tight-Tackle4386 to musicproduction [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:41 Kurraa870 M-am tot uitat la alegeri anul asta și peste tot in vest e o mare diferență între ce votează oamenii din marile orașe si ce votează populația din mediul rural. Credeți ca poate un partid sa rezoneze cu ambele grupuri. Vorba lui Lăpușneanu "...[sunt] mulți"

submitted by Kurraa870 to Romania [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:41 Choice-Ruin8842 Winner of the last raffle is. ..

submitted by Choice-Ruin8842 to polyGONE [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:41 Equivalent-Mall8413 Same voice actor

Same voice actor submitted by Equivalent-Mall8413 to MrRecaMains [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:41 ScaredFuckingArms My best buddy Gemini

My best buddy Gemini submitted by ScaredFuckingArms to aww [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:41 Chester_cheetah02 The Real World Hookups, heartbreaks and happily ever afters.

The Real World Hookups, heartbreaks and happily ever afters. This I haven’t seen since 2002.
submitted by Chester_cheetah02 to therealworld [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:41 Agitated_Tie_8363 Who did it Better and is more menacing?

Who did it Better and is more menacing? (Mcu spidey) (md sd-n) Lemme know in The comments.
submitted by Agitated_Tie_8363 to MurderDronesOfficial [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:41 ayyzhd how much movement speed is 30 movespeed?

I buy movespeed weapon and movespeed armor and don't notice a difference.
Does it only increase my movement by 1% or something
submitted by ayyzhd to supervive [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:41 Fluffy_bunny173 Anybody else here got seriously ill from Covid i did 😭

Back when the Covid pandemic was happening i got covid and i got seriously ill. I ended up on a ventilator for a while to this day I’m still scared i will get it again, but this was back before vaccines luckily we have them now. I’m interested to see how covid affected the rest of us asthmatics across the world. My shitty lungs almost didn’t pull through. Stay safe guys and feel free to vent here!
submitted by Fluffy_bunny173 to Asthma [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:41 AlexMar678 Ekko at the end of 2x09, behind the scenes

So I was just thinking about the last scene of Ekko and my mind kinda put together some sort of plot and I decided to write it down, maybe some of you will enjoy it. I am open to constructive criticism :)
Ekko plopped down on the cold ground, overseeing the city. Embers of burning paper danced in the air above his home. Tired and with his whole body aching, he pulled out a small note. He held it tightly between his fingers before lighting it up and letting it go. This one was not only for her, but also for all the people they've lost. Head heavy with thoughts, he let out a sigh and closed his eyes, wanting to be anywhere else except here, alone.
"I guess that one's for me huh?"
He sharply turned around, ignoring the ache that engulfed him. His heartbeat was dulling everything. Before him was standing Jinx, scratched and bruised and hurt. A slight smirk on her face, she was holding her side, likely a severe outcome of the blast that she managed to flee with seconds to spare.
"Yeah. they're still here, some parts of them, I guess... Spare some space?"
They looked each other in the eyes. Ekko froze for a second, before getting up to assist her. With one arm slung over his shoulder, he helped her limp next him, on the ledge.
"Easy with-mmmph... the sides, hero. I'm not as tough as your time-tank."
Jinx let out a long sigh when she sat down, glancing at the small burning firelights that soared the night sky. Ekko was looking at her, concerned about her health.
"You ok? Sure you want to stay here? You should get treated, let's get you to the hid-"
"Sush, boy savior. Let a girl enjoy the view."
Ekko chuckled lightly.
"After everything that happened, still with the quips?"
With a soft grunt, she lowered herself to the ground beside him, gently letting her head rest on his lap. Ekko stroked her hair, his fingers moving tenderly through the blue strands that not long ago he helped her cut. It was still uncertain to him, this future that he helped come to existence. He felt nervous; her presence here, too was somewhat unnverving, a certain bittersweet feeling lingered through the air. But he couldn't let her go, not again, not anymore.
"I have to leave, Ekko..." Powder said softly.
This uncertain future... Ekko knew the power to weave his fate was in his own hands.
"You don't have to. You shouldn't. You've proved yourself enough, that you changed, that you can do it. Stay with me... with us, the Firelights, at the hideout... I'll protect you..."
"Oh, to save the damsel in distress...You've grown up a lot..." She glanced up at him. There was a clear tension in his gaze.
"The hideout will always be your ho-"
"My home... said it before too, after you... saved me from blowing myself up like confetti... But you don't have to worry for me, I'll be fine..."
"That's exactly why I worry... these past years you always were on your own thing, saying you'll be fine... Try something different maybe, for a while, see how it feels..."
He reached for her hand and held it tightly. She was looking out at the city, expression blank, lost in thought.
"I'll try, but I don't promise anything..."
He strengthened his grip, but just barely for her to notice.
"That-... My home... can I come whenever?" asked Jinx after a moment of silence.
"Yes, whenever. Always. I'll be there"
"You'll wait for me?"
"I've got the time" Ekko said jokingly
"Sure you do, kid. Now, about my home, you've got a bed to spare?"
submitted by AlexMar678 to TimeBomb [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:41 gklopfenstein Preferred Metering When Mixing

Looks like the default metering in pro tools is digital vu, but I was just curious what everyone’s general preference is and why?
submitted by gklopfenstein to protools [link] [comments]