Ye at his old Malibu home

2024.11.25 00:41 BOTTimmy Ye at his old Malibu home

Ye at his old Malibu home submitted by BOTTimmy to ThroughTheWire [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:41 z3in-23 Welcome to Las Vegas, Shadeur Sanders

Welcome to Las Vegas, Shadeur Sanders submitted by z3in-23 to AFCWestMemeWar [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:41 drgreenair Is there a cranberry recipe that’s not just a sauce with a load of sugar?

Trying to find a good use of too much cranberries I bought. I made a batch of sauce/jam and don’t think I need more.
submitted by drgreenair to Cooking [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:41 Over_Sector_3397 Sai com uma GP de novo pela 3 vez (Tomei golpe)

Pra quem não viu meus relatos anteriores
Após 1 mês sem degustar damas da noite, ontem decidi pegar uma de novo, fui naquele site chamado "model" pesquisei o catálogo completo em busca de uma novinha bonita e barata. Tinha achado 2 opções, Mulher 1 24 anos, branca, rabuda e malhada (150 reais) e Mulher 2 20 anos, magrinha e pique patricinha (200 reais). Como curto novinha fui direto na ninfeta, chamei no whatsapp a Mulher 2, combinei o esquema pra 12:20, quando era 12:00 pedi a localização e ela não respondeu, a partir daí já parti pra outra. Chamei a Mulher 1 no whatsapp, respondeu na hora, passou local, preço e por 100 a mais beijava e chupava sem capa, aí pensei é essa mesmo, sai de casa e fui. Chegando no local, percebi que ela tava meio seca (não se compara com a educação e doçura da do relato anterior), mas pessoalmente era mais gostosa que nas fotos, tirei a roupa e sentei na cama, ela já veio me beijando e caiu de boca, depois de mamar bem, já encapou o bico e começou o trabalho, entre beijos e vai vem do sexo, eu não aguentei 5 minutos e finalizei, aí ela disse "mais já gozou?Agora que tava ficando bom" eu disse que não aguentei, aliás nem tinha como, como uma mulher daquela... Depois disso tudo já era quase 14:00 da tarde a Mulher 2 me responde, " ai me desculpa, tive que trocar de local, pode vir agora, prometo que vou te recompensar... ". Como eu já estava perto do local dela, pensei... "a vida é uma só", decidi ir na outra novinha pra comer. Chegando no local quando ela me abre a porta, era uma velha na casa dos 40 anos, ela tava até um pouco acima do peso, não era nada igual do perfil, (eu deveria ter suspeitado, era perfil criado há 1 mês), na hora meio que eu congelei, mais aí pensei, já tô aqui mesmo, vou comer essa porra, fui pro quarto, ela caiu de boca sem capa também, depois sentou e eu finalizei. Considerações finais: Valeu a experiência principalmente da mulher 1, bonita daquele jeito nunca me daria, a não ser pagando, agora a velha que fingiu que era novinha pondo foto falsa no "model", só comi pq tava com vontade, da próxima se acontecer dou meia volta e não pego mais.
submitted by Over_Sector_3397 to farialimabets [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:41 riptydefr G

submitted by riptydefr to TheLetterH [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:41 Yankeeknickfan Peter’s live reaction to the miracle play and missed XP

Peter’s live reaction to the miracle play and missed XP submitted by Yankeeknickfan to TheMichaelKayShow [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:41 ZenicDesigns420 RIP Tony?

submitted by ZenicDesigns420 to fishtanklive [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:41 Opening-Yam4712 41 [M4F] EST - New virtual friends

Good evening :) I'm looking for new friends and low pressure conversation.
I'm happiest outside and eternally curious about the world. I enjoy learning through new experiences, traveling and experiencing new places, and meeting new people. I'm a pretty social person, but I do enjoy solo travel. I like hiking, camping, kayaking, plant based cooking, cats, gardening, tattoos and wind. What's a place you've always dreamed of visiting? Or a bucket list kind of place that you were able to see?
submitted by Opening-Yam4712 to R4R30Plus [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:41 KonoFerreiraDa What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by KonoFerreiraDa to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:41 map2photo Moving to the Cities, looking for a good child care for a 3 year old.

Not sure what city we are going to be moving to quite yet, but I’m working in New Hope and my partner is working in Minneapolis at the U of M.
Hoping to find a child care some where around our workplaces so we can drop off/pickup to and from work.
submitted by map2photo to TwinCities [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:41 BadBeatthrowaway Not as big as the other parlays posted today but $25 to $1,050 is decent

submitted by BadBeatthrowaway to sportsbetting [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:41 V1v1d_k another one

another one submitted by V1v1d_k to TheLetterH [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:41 RedPacketSecurity CISA: JCDC’s Industry-Government Collaboration Speeds Mitigation of CrowdStrike IT Outage

CISA: JCDC’s Industry-Government Collaboration Speeds Mitigation of CrowdStrike IT Outage submitted by RedPacketSecurity to RedPacketSecurity [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:41 L-J-Peters Melbourne excited by early look of promising 2025 club-tied prospect Kalani White

submitted by L-J-Peters to melbournefc [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:41 BubbaFett22 Ranger on patrol

Ranger on patrol submitted by BubbaFett22 to falloutnewvegas [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:41 ElChupathingy NC Miata at Barber Motorsports Park

NC Miata at Barber Motorsports Park Started recording data for the first time this weekend. This was the fastest lap, and still included a couple oopsies. Optimal lap according to RaceChrono was about 1.5 seconds faster
submitted by ElChupathingy to CarTrackDays [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:41 Emergency_Grape1762 I did another blue diamond outfit because why not

I did another blue diamond outfit because why not I didn’t know what to put this under so if somebody can tell me, that would be nice
submitted by Emergency_Grape1762 to stevenuniverse [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:41 kyogreobeso What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by kyogreobeso to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:41 bag_of_cheesecake I feel like a failure

Hey y’all. I need to vent. Probably gonna delete this later.
I (27M) graduated college with a degree in business administration and strategic communications. During my undergrad, I was a senior member at a small start up on the east coast that I had a significant share in. I won’t share what the start up was, but the work we did was brand development and booking for freelancing creatives in the region. People like photographers, graphic designers, audio engineers, artists and producers, etc. The plan was to graduate and move to that city to work with the business full time. I would have dropped out to lock in with the business, but I made the decision to tough it out and get my degree.
Covid happened, and we lost a smooth 80% of our clientele, given most of our work was based on in-person events. A few months passed by, and we never fully recovered. We liquidated what was left of our assets, and closed our doors. I haven’t seen my partners since then. Apparently one of them had a mental break after he lost north of six figures worth of crypto holdings when FTX bottomed out.
What followed was me taking advantage of when TikTok was first booming. I built a decent following and held a decent income from it. It wasn’t a lot, but it sustained me and I made a name for myself. I won’t say who I was or what I was known for, but it was in the realm of comedy. A far cry from the right angled alcohol fueled start up culture I was a part of, but I somehow made it work.
Then, in 2023, I had a mental breakdown. I realized that the bigger you get in the public sphere, the more hate you can attract. Or maybe parasocial obsession from strangers. One of the two.
I hate making myself sound like a victim, but I faced a great deal of sexual harassment. People have lied about me with absolutely no footing. People have found where I reside and where I go to church. People have seen me from across parking lots or stores and take pictures of me when I’m just at Whole Foods getting bread or something. I faced a good deal of pressure to produce p*rnography.“Friends” that I’ve had flaunted me as “the famous friend” for a long time after literal countless conversations about how uncomfortable it made me. It was met with apologies, but ultimately no changed behavior. I know this probably sounds minuscule to most of you, but there’s a level of anxiety and paranoia to all of it that made me sick to my stomach. So I wiped all my videos, nuked my channels, and disappeared.
Fast forward to now, I moved back in with my parents, who have been accepting of all of this. I was diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). I spent the better part of eight months dealing with full-body panic attacks, paranoia, and depression. I am now employed as an audio/visual technician on a gig-based basis. It’s what I minored in in school, but it’s ultimately not a career choice that I prefer.
I feel like a failure. I have this permanent feeling of dread that I can’t shake. I’m losing hair from stress over things that literally haven’t happened. I don’t know how to vocalize my problems to people without sounding like a pussy. I’m not used to asking for help, but I’m a husk of who I once was. I feel like I have PTSD from my previous work.
My therapist said that I’m experiencing burnout and I shouldn’t be so hard on myself, but I can’t help it. None of this feels fair. I feel like the previous seven years of my life have just been a series of good things being set up only for it to fall apart in some freak accident. It’s like you’re winning a nascar race only for a tire to blow out and you crash and burn.
I don’t really know why I’m saying any of this. I don’t have a ton of people in my life that I can talk to about this, let alone relate to. Has anyone else felt like this? Am I doing something wrong? Am I being set up for something better? Is this good karma or bad karma? I have this philosophy of when you ask God to guide you, expect some doors to be closed, but Jesus Christ I feel like I’m being tormented.
Anyway. It’s off my chest. Thank you for reading.
submitted by bag_of_cheesecake to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:41 Illustrious-Bar4852 UAE 5 year Multiple entry visa to employment visa

Can i convert my 5 yr tourist visa to employment visa once i am inside uae? Anyone who has done this please let me know.
submitted by Illustrious-Bar4852 to UAE [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:41 foreskin_consumer420 PSA: Do NOT buy from StockX

StockX Authentication is insanely bad and you WILL receive a rep. The only way to get real sp5der is to buy it from
If you want to buy resale, buy from grailed. There are still reps on grailed but at the very least they’re the good reps. If you’re unsure if something you’re looking at is real, try to post it here BEFORE buying.
submitted by foreskin_consumer420 to sp5derlegitcheck [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:41 revientaholes Someone here free to share info about was is Washington and Lee like once you're on campus?

So the title basically, I want to dm because everything seems so contradictory on the internet.
submitted by revientaholes to wluLex [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:41 No_Cartographer455 Something I saw a few days back

submitted by No_Cartographer455 to xbiking [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:41 Comfortable-Radio771 How to get out of platinum

I’ve been platinum for a whopping 6 years and I have never touched diamond in my life. Mainly because whenever I get to my rank up games, my opponents are all champ tourney winners and champ peaks, and me and my teammate are lousy platinums. Whenever I do get a champ peak teammate, it’s always basically a 1v1 to see which team’s champ peak is better. Not to mention the other team has a champ peak absolutely carrying them. I’m talking 7 goals compared to zero. What’s even more frustrating is seeing all these pros giving tips on how to get out of this rank. They all say “hit the ball at the net”. Like ok, but what do I do when I’m literally getting flip reset mustied on in platinum. So that brings me to the question, how do I train or get better to get out of this god awful rank?
submitted by Comfortable-Radio771 to RocketLeague [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 00:41 Jhoerdson Young girls 18

submitted by Jhoerdson to Brsgostosas_ [link] [comments]