Long distance talking stage

Stage1st是一个以游戏和动漫为主题的中文论坛,动漫论坛是其中一个子版块,涵盖了各种动画、漫画、新闻、讨论、分享等内容。如果你对动漫感兴趣,可以在这里找到最新最热的动漫资讯和讨论,也可以参与投票、鉴赏、求助等活动。 本网页收集了多位作者在知乎上分享的science或nature系列的文章审稿过程,包括投稿、审稿、修改、接收等各个阶段的时间和状态。其中一位作者详细描述了投稿nature的过程,从manuscript under submission到manuscript under consideration再到editor decision started等,最后成功发表。 stage1/s1 是一个以游戏和动漫为主题的综合性论坛,提供手游页游、欧美动漫、模玩手办、主论坛、Dreammask、影视、PC数码、八卦体育等多个板块。论坛每日有数万条帖子,最新回复显示最近的活动和讨论。 stage1/s1 是一个以游戏和动漫为主题的综合性论坛,提供手游页游、欧美动漫、模玩手办、主论坛、动漫论坛、影视论坛、PC数码、八卦体育等多个板块。热门新区展示了最近的帖子和回复,包括宇宙小机器人、百合 RRC是Required Reviews Completed的缩写,表示论文已经有最少两个审稿人意见,等待编辑处理。如果RRC状态持续一个月,可以向编辑部发邮件询问,但要注意礼貌、简洁、不催促等要点。知乎用户分享了催稿信的模板和投稿经验。 本网页回答了如何用where或when引导stage作为先行词的定语从句,以及两者的区别和用法。网页还提供了stage作为地点概念和时间概念的例句,以及相关的英语学习资源。 本文是知乎用户陈靖邦对2023年ICPC南京区域赛的题目和结果的详细分析和感想,包括题目的难度、特点、验题过程和裁判长的讲话。文章中提到了袋鼠题、原根题、F题等经典题目,以及钱哥、长夜漫漫、有手有脚队等知名队伍的表现。 Stage1st是一个以游戏为主题的综合性论坛,涵盖了各种平台和类型的游戏,以及动漫、音乐、电影等相关话题。在这里,你可以找到最新的游戏资讯、评分、攻略、资源、汉化、自制等内容,也可以参与各种游戏讨论、党争、投票等活动。 本文介绍了华为鸿蒙系统的三种形态:开源的OpenHarmony内核系统,闭源的基于OpenHarmony和安卓的HarmonyOS手机系统,以及闭源的纯血鸿蒙的HarmonyOS NEXT手机系统。文章还分析了鸿蒙系统的应用生态打法,以及适合学习鸿蒙开发的人员类型。 本网页收集了多位用户对于如何查询期刊是否属于SCI、SSCI、EI等数据库的方法和链接,包括Web of Science、Engineering Websites Index、中国知网等平台。还提供了一些期刊的影响因子、分区、分布等信息,以及相关的科研背景提升项目和学术交流平台。

2024.11.25 01:30 Fun-Perspective-8747 Long distance talking stage

29F pisces (single) currently talking to a 38M (divorced) April Aries. He seems invested, initiates conversations then suddenly goes cold. Almost Every other night He would ask about my day and share about his day then say he's too tired and need to sleep. That's it! I admit he was more invested at the beginning but I sorta showed disinterest and then things got a little bit cold. But I really am interested now as I had the chance to know him better and want to pursue things further. Does the age have anything to do with this? Any tips?
submitted by Fun-Perspective-8747 to AriesTheRam [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:30 Mikeybratz First time Bratz collector!!

First time Bratz collector!! Just recently got into collecting Bratz and I love them! My little display so far!
submitted by Mikeybratz to bratzcommunity [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:30 Zaeil_Xane12164 How well does Timeweaver work on Grace?

I lost the 50/50 to Koleda but still pulled Timeweaver to get Grace off the Rainforest engine. How well does it work?
submitted by Zaeil_Xane12164 to GraceHowardMains [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:30 Jaaguareyes I need u to help to choose one of these fragrances for uni/office use and plz something different frol JPG LE MALE ,BLEU DE CHANNEL and AZZARO(since i have em)

I need u to help to choose one of these fragrances for uni/office use and plz something different frol JPG LE MALE ,BLEU DE CHANNEL and AZZARO(since i have em) Tbh i also want a compliment getter and for the season :winter fall
submitted by Jaaguareyes to fragranceclones [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:30 SuperSmashPikachu3 r/subsiwishcouldexistbutcantbecauseofthetwentyonecharactercap

subsiwishcouldexistbutcantbecauseofthetwentyonecharactercap I read it, but my brain failed to register before I clicked it.
submitted by SuperSmashPikachu3 to subsiknewifellfor [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:30 FadedPrinc3 I'm a mother fucking MEANCE

I'm a mother fucking MEANCE submitted by FadedPrinc3 to spiderman2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:30 Cold-Place-5380 Saved or not

How does one know if they’re truly saved. I feel like I am drowning in sin, I was alright a couple months ago but I feel like I have almost gone backwards. I now feel like God cannot forgive me and I hate myself for sinning continuously. How can I stop, it’s making me question who I am.
submitted by Cold-Place-5380 to Christian [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:30 ThrowRAWestern18 Ex moving on immediately

I’m not sure what I’m trying to gain from this, except perhaps others have dealt with something similar and can help me talk it out?
We broke up a few weeks ago, I moved out 2 weeks ago and have been going no contact and blocked her on everything I could.
Unfortunately, I’ve still been informed that she has moved on immediately according to her social media and is seeing new guys constantly already.
This was a 2.5 year relationship, and even though it was incredibly unhealthy and I know it’s for the best and I NEVER want to go back. The relationship was an absolute rollercoaster, she has BPD and it was a relationship filled with emotional and verbal abuse from her.
I’m still hurting, struggling throughout each day having my emotional ups and downs, in therapy, not sleeping great, and just generally struggling despite being away from it all and being able to breathe from the space.
Again, no part of me wants to go back, but it still feels like a gut punch that someone could move on so quick. Thanks for the vent sesh!
submitted by ThrowRAWestern18 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:30 Bal-27 What brawler should I upgrade for ranked .

What brawler should I upgrade for ranked . I feel like I'm always a liability in KnockOut and gem grab.
submitted by Bal-27 to BrawlStarsCompetitive [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:30 SammyOVC What's the best mouse for around £60

Im in desperate need for a new mouse and with black friday deals my price points about £60 I don't really care what make it is but after breaking my steeleseries aerox 3 I need a wireless mouse.
submitted by SammyOVC to MouseReview [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:30 ArcanicTruth All E4 (T2NA) teams that qualified from the 1st Open Qualifier + My Initial Thoughts

All E4 (T2NA) teams that qualified from the 1st Open Qualifier + My Initial Thoughts Link to E4's 2nd Open Qualifier: https://www.challengermode.com/s/NerdStreet/tournaments/7a88ff2a-67da-4afe-a3cf-08dcf1b8544f/participants
Friendship Team & PewPewPew & Mormon Battalion & TSG.G have qualified.
Friendship Team (Ex-LG)
  • Nick
  • Wifi
  • Silent
  • Eddy
  • Kixhro
Yeah, Ex-LG admit to being a friendship team now after multiple Pro Tryouts/Fmr LG players tried to drop Eddy for his foolishness but LG refused to drop him. Eddy/Silent/Kixhro will always be loyal to each other and not being a better roster. It's a shame cause Silent is actually somewhat talented and if he took the game seriously, he could've been on Wildcard making an actual players and beating better plahers.
I'm glad they qualified so the next E4 Qualifiers so next week's E4 quals will have full non-T1 teams participating.
We haven't seen CL4L vs Luminosity yet so I'm very excited to see this matchup during element's Swiss stage!!!
  • Joee
  • Rival (Not JJ's Rival but another rival)
  • Nyleq
  • Snoopy
  • Hitman
  • BJL (Sub)
Hitman is legitimately criminally underrated. BJL is a good player as well but I'm pretty sure he retired. Snoopy is somewhat T2 level-talented. I have no idea about Nyleq but Nyleq must be good if he qualified with Joee lmaoooo. I REALLY like this roster tho, they're fun to watch.
FYI: I also think "RivalGN" should change his name because it will get confusing having 2 Rivals in E4. Change it to "Raval" or "Ryvel" but don't have it as "Rival" since another more famous player on Thrive already has that name...
TSG Gold (True Synergy Gaming)
  • Vipoa
  • Dommy
  • RyRy
  • Hektik
  • Zonkey
I'm surprised this team qualified because they had to beat Hyper's team (b).
Dommy and Vipoa are good players but Vipoa underperformed his last element event. Hopefully he does better in this but I won't expect him to do good. Idk about RyRy/Zonkey/Hektik tho.
(b) TSG.G beat Instinct E4's (Hyper's team) when Geo apparently couldn't play because SQ still has him signed for some reason? Why wasn't Geo informed of that when he signed up? Idk but it reeks of unprofessionalism from the admins to let Geo play/eliminate some teams and then all of a sudden say that he can't play late in the bracket. I guess Hyper's going to CL4L alongside Woos lmaoo.
Mormon Battalion
  • Vulspur
  • Cassia
  • Skoob
  • Exige
  • Eli
I actually kinda mess with this roster. I think Cassia/Vulspur might be Himothys and I'm glad I can see these guys play in E4. Watch out for this duo!
No idea who Exige/Eli are but Skoob is like a T2 quality player so I don't expect him to be MVP of the team but I expect him to make some cool clutches in E4.
submitted by ArcanicTruth to R6ProLeague [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:30 ifnotwhynot1862 Serious non-compliance at former job

Hello fellow managers, I want to ask you for some advice.
I left my previous job a few months ago, due to being expected to work 70+ hours and only being paid for 40. On top of that, many of my concerns were ignored by management (never gave me feedback). In fact, that was the main reason I left. I loved my job, was very driven to do well and didn't mind the overtime as long as I was taken seriously. Then they put me on a PIP because I didn't reach my targets (which I had been flagging for months that they were impossible to reach without a 2nd supervisor on my team - even when I was doing all the overtime).
The biggest issue they ignored was the fact that one of our locations doesn't have an operating license. The location had moved 3 years before I started in the job, and the new license was simply never requested. When I started and found out, I tried to request it myself but didn't manage. I lacked in very specific knowledge and didn't have the time to deepdive.
So, I escalated it to my manager, several times. I asked for their help, or for support from more specialized departments. No feedback. I tried again myself, but I simply couldn't free up several consecutive days to really focus on this topic. I got a new boss, escalated it again and got ignored again. Started to doubt myself that I maybe didn't communicate clearly but what can you not understand in "we don't have an operating license"? It's clear that this is important and urgent, is it not?
That's when I decided to leave, they clearly didn't take me seriously.
But it keeps bugging me. I know I should move on but I can't. I keep contemplating to file a whistleblowecompliance case for this lack of a license, mostly because it will be my ex team members that are screwed if anything happens. Management will make sure the company itself is safe.
Filing a case is anonymous, but it will be obvious it was me because I'm the only person that knows about it aaide fom my 2 ex-managers and my successor. What would you guys do, file or let it go?
submitted by ifnotwhynot1862 to managers [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:30 WhisperingValley NuNew's look from today's event 💗

NuNew's look from today's event 💗 submitted by WhisperingValley to ZeeNuNew [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:30 Individual-Media6704 Achievement idea

They should add an achievement or numerous ones for upvoting posts and somments. Like upvoting 50 comments, 250, 1000, 10k etc. Would this be a good one?
submitted by Individual-Media6704 to Redditachievments [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:30 phimolova Any men with bunions in this group?

submitted by phimolova to BunionLoversHere [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:30 ZYMask Is USV SSG Vegeta worth using?

The combo flashing mechanic is difficult to time right, so I wonder if he is good for pvp
submitted by ZYMask to DragonBallXenoverse2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:30 Expensive-Ad762 Adidas Men's Original Trefoil Street Graphic Front Pocket Active Pullover Hoodie | eBay #ad

Adidas Men's Original Trefoil Street Graphic Front Pocket Active Pullover Hoodie | eBay #ad submitted by Expensive-Ad762 to Flowerdoo [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:30 Major-Bet-1138 Proxies

Reaper proxies I'll be using for the original Heroquest game.
submitted by Major-Bet-1138 to Heroquest [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:30 hymierules 2 drummers, but why?

2 drummers, but why? Personally, I never understood the reasoning behind having 2 drummers. Especially when they end up playing the same thing. Can someone please explain to me what the logic is behind having 2 drummers essentially playing the same rhythms?
submitted by hymierules to drums [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:30 Forward-Ad5678 Doe down

First deer of my life with a 1940 Tula. Iron sites, no bubbaing required
submitted by Forward-Ad5678 to MosinNagant [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:30 useless_fanboi What should I name this adorable ball of Floof?

What should I name this adorable ball of Floof? submitted by useless_fanboi to Catnames [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:30 OneCoffee2341 بوست هيتنشر في كل حتة اعرفها

بكتب دلوقتي والساعة 4 وتلت عشان اعرف انام، الدنيا بتبقى بيس وحلوة لغاية اما تتهبب تروح تنام، كل الافكار السودة بتيجيك احساس عدم الرضا عن النفس القاتل، انا بعمل وعارف اني بعمل بس مش راضي عن اللي بعمله، لسة مش شايف تغير جوهري، غير احساس انك وحدك وانك اتخذلت، شريط ذكريات وأسئلة سخيفة بتتكرر كل يوم، حد قدمت له كل ما تملك وعملت كل حاجة ممكنة عشان يفضل معاك وهو سابك من غير ما يشرح ببساطة لانه مش عارف هو عايز ايه، ومع ذلك مازلت بتفكر فيه ولسة عايزه، بجد احساس رخيص لا يوصف، شخص مش عايزك وانت متمسك بيه مع انك فاهم انه عايش حياته وبيخرج وبيتبسط في الوقت اللي انت فيه صاحي الفجر مش عارف تنام، معتش عارف الاقيها من نفسي ولا من القرارات الغلط اللي انا خدتها، حياتي كلها بقت بعنوان لو وياريتني.
submitted by OneCoffee2341 to AlexandriaEgy [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:30 Cold_Extension_2427 Please help me find this template.

Know where to find this video template? Anybody? Thanks in advance
submitted by Cold_Extension_2427 to DesiMemeTemplates [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:30 For_College_Stuff Not sure what the right translation for me might be

I'm not a Christian, but some video essays on Angelology and Demonology have made me interested in reading scripture to better understand the greater context around these topics.
Wikipedia sort of accidentally promotes the NIV on their page on Biblical Canon, so that's where I checked first. It feels too casual and direct for me. Given that, it seems like my best options are between the NKJV, NRSV, and NASB.
I understand that there's probably not a correct answer here, but opinions would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by For_College_Stuff to Bible [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:30 MalditoCommunista Making a Billy Bookcase Out of Extensions

I have a need for shelving in one of my closets, however, the shelf in that closet is mounted 2" too low for the short three shelf Billy.
I was wondering if anyone has seen an entire Billy bookcase made out of the extensions? How it went? If it is even possible? TIA
submitted by MalditoCommunista to ikeahacks [link] [comments]
