Why do people look down on "wish-fulfillment"?

2024.11.25 02:11 R_Gani_1934 Why do people look down on "wish-fulfillment"?

Across the internet I've seen this term thrown around many times, and everyone acts like this is a bad thing. But why do people hate the concept of using fiction to fulfill dreams? Like, I think that wish fulfillment is a powerful writing motivator. Why should a guy be criticized as childish if, when living under exploitation from corrupt rich people, he imagines a man who steals from the rich and gives his findings to the poor? Or, if a woman lives in an abusive household, she imagines a fairy godmother who comes to help her win the man of her dreams? My opinion is that everyone who hates the concept of wish fulfillment don't understand the reason many people even write.
submitted by R_Gani_1934 to writing [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:11 sewerbrokehisknees drew some of my friends' OCs in homestuck's style (keep in mind this is my first time trying to draw in this style and i have never read homestuck) how'd i do?

drew some of my friends' OCs in homestuck's style (keep in mind this is my first time trying to draw in this style and i have never read homestuck) how'd i do? submitted by sewerbrokehisknees to homestuck [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:11 miojohnwhy Question about Beal and PG

For those who have these 2 players last season, what was it like? I'm thinking of selling low but some say just hold and ride it out. I'm just concern about them not playing enough games because of injuries.
submitted by miojohnwhy to fantasybball [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:11 Scorbunny_Ear What battery holder should I use for N64 cartridges?

I want to replace the dead battery inside my copy of Animal Forest with a battery holder, but I don’t know which one I should get. I don’t want to get one that won’t fit and cause the cartridge to not close properly.
submitted by Scorbunny_Ear to n64 [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:11 diprajara Shrek movie in GIF format

I found it on shitpostBR, I don't know if anyone here has already posted it, but if not it's already here
submitted by diprajara to Shrek [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:11 Mega_Man_200X Gwenom Preorders start Nov 29

Gwenom Preorders start Nov 29 submitted by Mega_Man_200X to AmazingYamaguchi [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:11 JadinhoSmith How to do 8 hours of work in 6 hours or less

I know this varies widely for whatever job you may have, but I’m wondering if anyone has any general productivity hacks that have made them able to consistently complete their typical days work in less time.
I work remote as an energy consultant (MechEng), and I feel like learning to optimize my workflow will give me more time in my day for other life things apart from work.
submitted by JadinhoSmith to productivity [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:11 Batmans_CocknBalls Sesh cycle

Shout out to ktm for maki
submitted by Batmans_CocknBalls to TeamSESH [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:11 Ok_Yogurtcloset_5944 [MLA] Application

Hello everyone! I applied for the MLA program a few days ago but I got waitlisted. Is the chance of getting in at this time really low? I read somewhere that there’s like 90 people on the waitlist already.
submitted by Ok_Yogurtcloset_5944 to NAIT [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:11 Sea_blue542 Revel nails questions

Hey guys I'm thinking about buying a revel starter kit and I just have a few questions, I'd appreciate any and all advice
1) I've been using Kiara sky and they have a natural color (base thing) you have to use before any other colors does revel have a similar thing? 2) how long do your revel nails tend to last? 3)in your option is revel and upgrade from Kiara sky?
Thank you for everything!
submitted by Sea_blue542 to DipPowderNails [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:11 Brunosworld2 Was donnas character abandoned?

When the show first started, it seemed like donned character was going to be very central to the story. Then it wasn’t. If the show is all preplanned, why did they drop her character?
Before anyone yells at me, obviously she wasn’t dropped completely. But I thought she would be featured like Boyd, but she doesn’t really have her own storyline like he does anymore.
submitted by Brunosworld2 to FromTVShow [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:10 Fun_Researcher4497 Your normal todo-list but gamified

Check it out: https://smart-listapp.vercel.app/
Key Features:

Thought it might be useful to you guys esp during the finals season approaching!
submitted by Fun_Researcher4497 to Dalhousie [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:10 ExtensionLine7857 Yet another grinder post ($150 to 300 cad )

Hello have been racking my head around what grinder to buy ! Firstly appoiligise for post maybe seem redundant ! But any input would be great !
I am debating on a king grinder k6 for espresso with my flair pro 2. Looking at doing hand grinder as build quality seems better ? Firstly does type of machine come into play with grinder selection ?
Also debating on the jmax but that is upper end or over my budget . It also has 8.8 microns adjustment which seems to be not necessary as the king grinder is 16 microns of adjustment which is supposed to be alot ? I am currently using a delonghi that I modded and are somewhat happy with it. But want better !
Trying to get the perfect grinder on the (150 to 300 cad ) range. What is anyone's thought on the K6 for espresso only ? For dark roasts ? Is there another grinder ?
Or better to save up and buy better like the comandatnte c40 ? Or how you spell that , even the kinu ? But feel these are older kill for odd shot of espresso. Mainly be for Americanos , lattes and capucino .
Thanks for reading any help be appreciated or linked if I should have done better in my searches in this sub.
Dazed and confused.
submitted by ExtensionLine7857 to espresso [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:10 Jerseyracks Raid this tweet!!! Share it, comment tag Elon. GOOO

Raid this tweet!!! Share it, comment tag Elon. GOOO submitted by Jerseyracks to hoge [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:10 Basic_bat_bish coworker asking about zyns update

so this is a little update to the zyns situation
for those who didn't see my original post, i had a male coworker (who i now know is closer to 30) ask me (17F) ifi wanted a zyn which is obviously not okay for obvious reasons, this situation has now been brought up to two of the store managers
i recently found out that he's been asking for the snapchats of different female employees at this specific store. the first one he asked literally has a husband and is maybe in her 40s? idk i know her kids are in their twenties but she doesn't look old enough to have them. so she reported that to one of the managers. now this week he asked another girl, who the front end supervisor had to literally make sure she wasn't a minor when she was told, thank god shes not but shes 19 and it's obviously weird
so we have that utter shitshow and then on thursday night the most batshit crazy thing came up
thankfully nobody was harmed or made uncomfortable this time and this situation was rather funny
so the district manager got lunches for all of the managers at the store (theres like 5 of them) earlier in the day and one of the managers got a chicken bacon ranch cobb salad and ate half of it for lunch and saved the rest in the breakroom fridge with im assuming a note
now that night she takes her salad out of the fridge and finds the avocado smeared all over the inside of the container and opens it to find that someone had came into the break room, taken her salad and had individually picked out all the chicken, bacon and egg from the salad, leaving just lettuce and avocado
obviously shes pissed and pulls up the list of people who could have been in the breakroom during that time and who could have guessed but the weird coworker was literally the only one in the breakroom at that time
the manager requested to have the camera footage from that time to confirm it but it's pretty obvious he did it, i haven't heard anything about it since but i will definitely share any updates because this is completely bonkers
submitted by Basic_bat_bish to AskRetail [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:10 Plunger_Camerawoman Thank you Boom for adding subtitles to 70

Thank you Boom for adding subtitles to 70 he angy Boom added subtitles to the full episode version of 70. He didn’t add it for everything said throughout the video, but he did make one minor change. Where poly originally says “my technology,” Boom changed it to “This is our technology.” I saw some people theorizing a while back about this that poly created the teleporting tech. Guess we can put that to rest. I hope this is just the beginning and that Boom goes back through all the seasons and episodes to add subtitles to what the tv men say. Some of what they said in earlier episodes is hard to make out.
submitted by Plunger_Camerawoman to skibiditoilet [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:10 quizzicalquow This is not a drill. PAUL CAME OUT TODAY!

This is not a drill. PAUL CAME OUT TODAY! I picked up a little baby (at the time Homoeomma) Urupelma Peruvianum back in March. My little guy named it Paul after Paul McCartney. Paul has now started putting on their juvenile coloring after three or four molts with me, but has always hidden in their burrow.
After their most recent molt a week and a half ago I finally was able to get small enough crickets for them. I dropped two little ones in and I checked in on Paul an hour later and I finally got a great view out in the open for the first time since rehousing into the 4” cube I made. They’re definitely an incredibly handsome spider and I hope they start spending more time outside.
submitted by quizzicalquow to tarantulas [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:10 AJK02 How do you tell someone that you have misophonia?

There’s a coworker that I want to ask out, but obviously it’s hard to go on dates when there’s eating.
The only time I eat with other people is when there are special occasions like family visits. So I will be willing to power through eating, while on a date. I just don’t know how to explain it in a casual way.
Any ideas? Or better yet, any other first date ideas that don’t involve eating? Thanks for any help.
submitted by AJK02 to misophonia [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:10 Tuliano2 Edita V - Balkans (Cover)

Edita V - Balkans (Cover) submitted by Tuliano2 to indie_rock [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:10 ToggleFan How do you get magenta before the stm is up?

How do you get magenta before the stm is up? submitted by ToggleFan to DragonBallBreakers [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:10 yourmamadontdance Another day another horror story

Another day another horror story submitted by yourmamadontdance to masculinity_rocks [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:10 Jas_On_Bass How well do Office 2019 files transfer over to Office 2024 (both for Mac)?

I use Office A LOT, particularly Word and Powerpoint. I probably have over a hundred Word docs on my computer (some are very long with massive file sizes) and a few big Powerpoint presentations. I’ve been with Office 2019 for a long time now and never had issues with it, but apparently I should update for security purposes.
I’m considering getting Office 2024, but I’m concerned how these files will transfer over. Are there any know issues with this? Could they be corrupted? Could designs change? Could fonts be altered? Could pasted graphics disappear? Anyone who has experience with this, advice would be appreciated.
*I don't consider this a tech support post, I'm just asking for info/advice.
submitted by Jas_On_Bass to microsoft [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:10 Renna_FGC Valeera Sanguinar - a faithful adaptation

Valeera Sanguinar - a faithful adaptation This is AS CLOSE as I could physically get with the little options I had. If only I could get the mage tower daggers. Zzz
submitted by Renna_FGC to Transmogrification [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:10 Smart-Raccoon-6887 Help me with this onion problem

A seasoning blend is 4% onion powder, by mass.
How much pure onion powder should they include in a 72g bottle to make the final blend have 20% onion powder?
The answer should be 11.52 right??
But the answer is 12 I'm pretty sure 11.52 is the right answer can someone tell me if I'm wrong here
submitted by Smart-Raccoon-6887 to askmath [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:10 Opalfrrrost First real job lied and my career prospects are dead

Job description required coding experience and turns out I won't be doing any coding at all. At first I thought maybe I can still use this opportunity to automate things or talk to QA/dev team and learn from them and try and make the best of it to transition to a better role later. That is not an option because there is no QA/dev team. My job without all the fluff surrounding it boils down to data entry.
I have no idea how to get into the coding side of tech. I do not want to do devops nor do I want to do data science. I really want to end up in software dev and the market is terrible for it. I have nobody to give me real advice on how to go about getting an entry level job that will be able to pivot me in the correct direction. I can grind leetcode all day or woek on personal projects but without internships or any sort of school related projects, I feel like I stand no chance. What do I do?
submitted by Opalfrrrost to womenintech [link] [comments]
