2024.11.25 04:50 ThrownAwayFeds [WTB] B5 SOPMOD, A5 buffer tube, Sprinco green
Building M16A5.
B5 enhanced SOPMOD black -$60 A5 buffer tube - $35 Springco green - $15
submitted by ThrownAwayFeds to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 04:50 Friendly-Gate9865 Ethics of Print on Demand
So I had a killer PoD business idea a couple moths ago and then realized that it is impossible to source mugs from the US. Most come from China which means there is no way to verify if slave labor is part of the production process. So PoD that sources overseas (which it almost always does) is inherently unethical, correct?
submitted by Friendly-Gate9865 to Ethics [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 04:50 Hii_there_1999 Which app would Babita use the most in her phone?
submitted by Hii_there_1999 to TMKOC [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 04:50 PrinceOfArragon What is happening here?
I have been suffering with god knows what for 2 years. I am difficulty urinating. It doesn’t empty completely, have some urine left in the bladder. After peeing I get the urine stuck in the urethra feeling, frequent urination. Then for sexual symptoms I have severe Hard Flaccid, Severe ED and I’m just 25. I can get erection using manual stimulation but lose it the moment i stop. My glans is always soft even during erections. Weak ejaculation power. I don’t know what’s causing all of this. I have done all the tests , all normal. I just dont want to do cystoscope since my doctor doesn’t think it’s a stricture, but I fear what if it is. What if it’s venous leak, at this point i don’t know how to get with life.
submitted by PrinceOfArragon to Prostatitis [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 04:50 Royal_Ad1798 Oclip pro beam shots
submitted by Royal_Ad1798 to flashlight [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 04:50 SplitShot2488 Risk
submitted by SplitShot2488 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 04:50 XWolfyCat This loser has no idea what’s about to happen behind her
submitted by XWolfyCat to teenagers [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 04:50 PackageUnitedking M4F can any Teen F help a guy on c0ke?❄️🔥🤗05a91434ce91a12398035563926836d2bc065f167e3c07a6b2740f0cbedb712538
submitted by PackageUnitedking to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 04:50 BroMandi [Amazon] 1321-Piece LEGO Super Mario Dry Bowser Castle Battle Expansion Set $75.59 + Free Shipping [Deal: $75.59, Actual: $109.99]
submitted by BroMandi to RedditShoppingDeals [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 04:50 New-Mind5466 How do I make this game awesome
My players ( 4 18 year old boys who love to fuck things up) started playing Rime of the frostmaiden today, and like an idiot, I put them on two different rowboats ( during the lake monster mission) so immediately they start fighting over who has the most fish, and eventually, they see another rowboat get attacked by the monster, so they both go over to it ( taking potshots at eachother with bows and arrows) and try to coax the people on the boat into their boats so they could rob them. During this time, the monster attacked the first rowboat ( rowboat A) and those players started fighting it, tying a rope onto its neck and holding onto the rope to fight it underwater, meanwhile the second boat slowly started sinking from driving through the ice. Eventually, the Druid that blessed the monster feels it’s in distress, and tries to empower it from the side of the lake ( about 200 feet away, players just saw glowing green light on the side of the lake and glowing runes on the monster) but they managed to kill the monster, so the Druid tried to retake its body by using magic to drag it closer in an attempt to use its remaining life force to channel into more magic ( homebrew idea/explanation)
Anyways. My players charmed the Druid to get the body back and sold it to the research lady, but they still fight with one another. I don’t mind when the games go like this because they all laugh and cheer and have great ideas. I’m just wondering if anyone has good ideas for plot twists or events after reading that synopsis?
submitted by New-Mind5466 to DMAcademy [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 04:50 Mark_Xyruz "Dissonant Sonata" Signal Search Details
submitted by Mark_Xyruz to LighterMains [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 04:50 Electronic_Pin_7860 Christmas gift recommendations please!
My dad (a cop) and my brother (army) were talking about how the torches they get at work have gone down in quality with the budget cuts and it gave me the idea to get them good ones for Christmas.
At first I thought a keychain one would be cool but realised the battery wouldn’t last very long. But I guess any that would be not too heavy so they could clip it onto their vests? And one that didn’t require too much tinkering. I guess around $150 each or less would be my budget
Thanks in advance ! :)
submitted by Electronic_Pin_7860 to flashlight [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 04:50 Alan250 Forças armadas são um mal necessário e cansei de ouvir do Reddit que eles não servem pra nada
Quem usa o Reddit sabe que frequentemente as forças armadas são criticadas, principalmente porque se argumenta que esse dinheiro deveria ser destinado a hospitais e escolas, o que, sinceramente, seria correto em um mundo perfeito. O problema é que nosso mundo está longe de ser perfeito. Como Flávio Vegécio afirmou no século IV: “Si vis pacem, para bellum,” que é latim para "se quer paz, prepare-se para a guerra". Ou seja, paradoxalmente, a própria existência de poderio bélico desencoraja e previne conflitos. O exemplo mais notável foi a Guerra Fria, na qual os Estados Unidos e a extinta União Soviética, embora fossem extremamente poderosos e tivessem uma imensa rivalidade, não entraram em conflito direto, pois sabiam das catastróficas consequências de uma guerra. Agora, num exemplo inverso e geopoliticamente próximo, podemos observar a Guiana: um país extremamente pobre, comparável à África, sem recursos bélicos, que em um dia descobriu estar sentado sobre bilhões de dólares em petróleo e no outro viu sua vizinha, Venezuela, anunciar que metade do território guianense é seu. Há de se convir que a vulnerabilidade da Guiana teve extrema influência nesse acontecimento.
Também leio frequentemente que, em caso de guerra, muitas pessoas “fugiriam do país o mais rápido possível” e desertariam caso fossem convocadas, o que eu entendo completamente. É muito difícil ter orgulho de uma pátria que tem o 11º maior PIB do mundo e ver tanta miséria. Ver políticos milionários e trabalhadores vivendo na pobreza. Ver que, hoje em dia, uma casa própria é um sonho inalcançável. Ver que, mesmo com uma graduação, um mestrado ou até mesmo um doutorado, as pessoas teriam mais qualidade de vida e mais acesso a bens se estivessem realizando trabalhos não qualificados em países de primeiro mundo. O que nos leva à pergunta: afinal de contas, o que estamos defendendo? Porém, ao mesmo tempo, vejo brasileiros furiosos ao assistir as atrocidades realizadas pelo exército israelense invadindo territórios, tomando casas, agredindo vulneráveis, roubando, matando e destruindo conquistas. Tenho certeza de que este sentimento seria ainda mais intenso ao ver o mesmo cenário ocorrendo em seu próprio país. Sinto informar que isso é guerra. Infelizmente, esse é o normal, e é isso que queremos evitar; isso é o que estamos defendendo.
Observo que muita dessa rejeição é vocalizada por pessoas que passaram pelo serviço militar obrigatório. A essas pessoas, gostaria de dizer que sinto muito. Não concordo que as forças armadas obriguem alguém a passar por isso; isso deveria ser uma escolha voluntária e não uma imposição, o que poderia ser alcançado por meio de um bom salário para essas pessoas. No entanto, isso vai além do ponto que quero discutir hoje.
Portanto, reitero que, embora idealmente não precisemos delas, as forças armadas são um mal necessário, e a dissolução ou corte nos custos colocaria em risco a nossa própria paz.
Disclaimers porque tem muita gente chata neste mundo: Meu texto não possui caráter político. A existência das forças armadas não é vinculada ao partido atualmente no poder. Golpe de estado é errado e inconstitucional.
Bônus: Sim, à primeira vista, as forças armadas podem parecer uma entidade extremamente ignorante. Pessoas gritam umas com as outras e esperam receber ordens sem questionamento. Mas já pararam para entender o contexto em que essas pessoas estão inseridas?
Em um campo de batalha, há explosões, tiros e veículos extremamente ruidosos. Portanto, a comunicação normal é por grito. Além disso, a obediência a ordens sem espaço para discussão pode parecer um dispositivo arcaico. Porém, mesmo no meio civil, esse modus operandi é adotado (guardadas suas proporções) na gestão de emergências, uma vez que o subordinado não tem a visão macro, e ter que explicar os motivos de uma ordem é improdutivo quando estamos em um contexto onde segundos fazem a diferença entre a vida e a morte.
submitted by Alan250 to conversasserias [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 04:50 PragmaticReddit26 Which industries have reigning old boys club and are pretty difficult to break into ?
i was talking to my friend in finance and he wanted to break into commodity trading . He is in europe and the commodity trading houses in Switzerland are extremely difficult to break into as it is ruled by the old boys club.
To even get a Job interview is extremely difficult and requires a lot of vouching . It is pretty much run by same people their descendants from the time of world war two is what he told me .
This got me wondering what are other industries/Niches which have pretty much the same Reputation ?
submitted by PragmaticReddit26 to Rich [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 04:50 ColdStoneSteveAustyn Brooklyn Steel-- This Is RIDICULOUS
I'm from out of state and I'm going to a concert on the 27th at the Brooklyn Steel venue. I've been scouring Google Maps trying to find out what hotels are the closest to the site but also trying to figure out transportation to and from. It looks like I'll have to take the subway which is fine but I have no fucking clue what stations are nearby and where to get off, etc.
I tried calling the phone number posted on Google (888) 929-7849 and apparently that's NOT the number for the venue, it takes me straight to AXS or something. The lady that I spoke to had an attitude with me because my phone reception kept cutting on and off and I was trying to ask if she knew anything about what the closest station would be.
The venue website is no help at all either. No phone number. The only way to get in contact with them is through social media or downloading some stupid fucking app. RIDICULOUS.
I have no fucking clue what to do, who to speak to, if there even IS anyone that is able to get in contact with me. I have one simple question and there are NO SOURCES at all to help me. Absolute fucking clown world.
submitted by ColdStoneSteveAustyn to Brooklyn [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 04:50 ibemini fond bombe acier corten Angola
submitted by ibemini to machinebtp2 [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 04:50 Sakto_Lang00 The Kings guard this man from 3pt line and let others shoot it.
submitted by Sakto_Lang00 to kings [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 04:50 sunny03172 27 M4F
about me: 27 male toronto, indian.
i like netflix, cartoons, video games (pc), reading, spirituality, ufo, vegan food, nature walks.
im looking for: hangout, netflix and chill, sex, doing activities together, relationship.
message me
submitted by sunny03172 to r4rMississauga [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 04:50 fourwheel2638 New Members Intro
If you’re new to the community, introduce yourself!
submitted by fourwheel2638 to dog1 [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 04:50 gofics Marshall !! Quickie Burger pt2 ig
Finally got around to doing this one. It probably sucks but I’m already thinking of alternative scenarios and currently throwing together a multiple character bot that had both him and Sam Anyway, here he is: https://janitorai.com/characters/cfc98344-e7ec-4073-b306-470fced3463f_character-marshall-quickie-burger submitted by gofics to JanitorAI_Official [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 04:50 Extension-Type-2555 how many times a day do you fart?
submitted by Extension-Type-2555 to notinteresting [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 04:50 AltruisticResponse78 POC Fire Red Normal and Shiny MasterDex. On my way to First Badge.
Hello, everyone, currenty (actually from 8th august of this year) I'm doing a POC that suggests that you should catch all normal and all shiny forms (also gender and etc) for all games and versions. I called this MegaMasterDex challenge. For financial and regional reasons I'm doing this on PC, so don't be so mad about this. For me, that challenge feels like a hobby after work and university. My goal on this adventure is to complete all games like, for example: -complete all versions in gen separately in POC challenge (FireRed -> LeafGreen), after that both versions together (FireRed+LeafGreen | Yes, you got it rightm i should start a new saves in this games and complete POC challegne using both games (trades and etc)). I don't know how much years it would take, I'm only at pre-1-badge and it already took me 3 months, but I'm having fun, isn't it the main thing in our beloved challenges? :) https://preview.redd.it/ixf9ur78az2e1.png?width=1566&format=png&auto=webp&s=ce102897e315ac068be9d3f128c5cd1b693f8f96 https://preview.redd.it/mtic7vp8az2e1.png?width=1055&format=png&auto=webp&s=6f22983c41fcb7d6cf6a6e0549edb5bcefdef9df submitted by AltruisticResponse78 to ProfessorOak [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 04:50 Babykiens Before vrs After
I'm lowkey liking before a bit better. Luckily I saved both😣 Context the before was when the halloween update came out and I made a outfit I was only a Fashion Maven then. Went through my saved outfit said I hated it so I wanted to updated it lol. Hating that the old one is growing on me. I think I like the before gold better than the after gold.😵💫 submitted by Babykiens to DressToImpressRoblox [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 04:50 MonitorIntelligent87 She came back..
You are home from deployment now. You got that girls name tattooed on you, you know, the one you left me for and made things official with 2 days after breaking up with me.. we were together for a year and a half and you left me for someone you just met 3 days prior. I was writing you letters. Making you little roses to have. I was filling boxes and boxes full of snacks bc of low supply. I was trying to take care of you from 8k miles away. you’re home. And you are asking me to work things out with you. Told me you missed me the first night you got back, even though you were still in a relationship with her. You’re telling me that you love me so much, and that things have changed. That YOU have changed. You blame everything on your drinking, even though you were sober during everything you did to me while overseas. I’ve caught you in several lies and haven’t even agreed to work things out with you lol. How would someone even BEGIN to work on things after the amount of heartache caused? I’d forgiven you enough. It was easy to accept that you just didn’t want me. And now you’re telling me you’ve wanted me all along. You actually said, the plan all along was to come home and work things out with me. lol. You PLANNED this… you EXPECTED ME TO WAIT???!! But didn’t tell me to wait. You told me you didn’t want me. So I accepted that and moved on. And now I’m heartbroken all over again bc .. you think so lowly of me. You think you can do all of that and expect to have me back? The plan all along was to come home to me.. so you were comfortable destroying me bc you thought I’d wait. You tell me now, that you have been in love with me all along. So you “loved me” but left me, and gave your mind and your body and time to someone else. Fuck. You.
submitted by MonitorIntelligent87 to BreakUps [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 04:50 punkandcat Books around adult anxiety
I’m looking for books centering around adults with chronic mental illness, specifically anxiety, ocd, depression.
Nonfiction or fiction. Not necessarily self help books- I have plenty of those.
I was diagnosed with ocd in elementary school and always thought I’d grow out of the “scary feelings” that came for no reason.
Today’s my 32nd birthday and in the middle of a good day I had a panic attack. It makes me feel a bit of a failure, because my younger self thought I’d grow out of it as I got older.
Looking for books to make me feel less alone. Thank you.
submitted by punkandcat to BookRecommendations [link] [comments]