
2024.11.25 02:09 Joseth211 Advice

I am hopefully starting EMDR soon. Just wondering if it’s better to do it in person (clinic) or is it just as good to do via Telehealth?
submitted by Joseth211 to EMDR [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:09 Whole_Ad_2313 y’all may be blind…

i am 100% against kids in drag. it’s disgusting. but don’t you think payton’s siding with brandon to get Luke voted out? i mean she knows he’s a plant and there to fuck with them. id never side for a pdf even for $50k but i can see what payton’s trying to do here
submitted by Whole_Ad_2313 to fishtanklive [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:09 RaptorBadgerPOWPOW What might a live Insidious horror show entail?

submitted by RaptorBadgerPOWPOW to horror [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:09 Similar-Tap8836 MyBBC is ready feed me your...... whatever kik is UrWivesBul

submitted by Similar-Tap8836 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:09 Mysterious-Art8164 Steve Coogan episode question.

AHA!!!! I've been wondering this for years now. Does anyone else think Steve Coogan was coked out of his fucking mind the second time he did star in a reasonably priced car in season 8? Dude is just sweating buckets, and all fidgety and stuff. I'm not even hating on him for it, he's a grown ass man and he can do what he wants. But I have always wondered if he was spun during this interview. Get on Amazon Prime and watch that episode if you can (season 8 episode 7). I don't think it's nerves, or conditions on the set. I think it's drugs.
submitted by Mysterious-Art8164 to TopGear [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:09 Valuable_Anywhere_24 The Blacksouls series retroactively making its first entry(Red Hood Woods)into being something slightly worth playing as the last game of it is kinda impressive,considering how ass that game is as a standalone product(Spoliers for Blacksouls 1 and 2).

For starters,I let's discuss Red Hood Woods by itself. It suck ass.Like it's completely nonsensical hentai slop,with an aimless story that doesn't know what its doing,and full of random assets on the enemies and terrain to fill space.Like for example,one of the sequences of the game is falling into a snow area,collecting the flashbacks about how the grandpa of the Mc raped her and how at the end the Mc and a wolf conspired to kill and eat him(this is the most coherent idea that the whole game have),then inmiediatly after that,you fight an eldritch Santa Claus,then inmideatly after that you are suddenly transported to hell and have to kill a random,completely unexplained demon boss.The whole game is like that.At the end of the game,Red Hood kills her grandma and leaves in a cliffhanger for next.
However,in Bs1 already does something for it. For starters,it is revealed that the first game is basically the first fanfiction of an edgy deranged teenager eldritch god that doesn't know how to write for shit and thinks adding obscene quantities of edge makes for peak fiction,and that calls herself Mary Sue. So RHW absolutely awful writing is an unironic plotpoint on the story.Red Hood also does appear here,and she,unlike the other chracters,questions her existance for the start and makes her life reason to hunt down the one that it's writing the story,due to her having experienced two stories instead of one.Not only that,but there is also some subtle storytelling by giving a meaning to the reuse of enemies and assets.For example,one of the bosses of RHW appears in Blacksouls,and it's recognized by Red Hood,this is quite literally the writer recycling material between stories.You also meet a character who seems to be RH's mother,and that has the same sprite as her grandmother in the first game,which is quite weird.It is revealed in Blacksouls2 that Mary just takes the soul of people,and lobotomizes and shift them to fit the story,no matter how much sense it makes or it causing contradictions.
But is in Blacksouls2,there are a few more things regarding DRH that makes it playing it after completing the game making for some interesting discoveries. In Bs2 there is a special place called the Chaos Dungeon,that it's an infinite maze where a lot of areas and souls are stored. Some of the things we find here are the areas of Red Hood Woods,some of the enemies of that games,and more interestingly,some bosses of that game come with drops of lore.For example,we see what seems to be the first draft of the story in a boss,"The Wolf on Grandma Clothes",which was canonically scrapped by Mary,alongside many other ideas,like two bosses based on Momotaro,a different take on the Three Pigs that appear in Bs1,ect.
But my favority RHW callback is a piece of ambiental storytelling in Bs2.During the game,you meet a character called Jabberwock,who is so bad that it manages to be the incarnation of evil despite being a C-tier eldritch being.This character is revealed to be the reason that Mary turned it that way,since she groomed her and filled her head with fairytales and despicable toughts,in the hopes that some day she would create the world's greatest evil.She also has a dungeon near her,where it seems that she rapes people.And my favorite detail is that the layout of said dungeon is the exact same asset of RHW hub area,telling us subtly that the Jabberwock's grooming including raping Mary,and that Mary was using her writing as a medium to cope for her trauma and project misery into others.
Overall,I don't recommend Red Hood Woods,unless you are really a fan of the Blacksouls series and want to see some insight into it. It still a terrible game and especially an awful introduction to the series.However I recognize the hard work that went into making such an bad work have some small worth and make it fit pretty well with the following installments,instead of deciding to completely ignore it with a quick and empty retcon.
submitted by Valuable_Anywhere_24 to CharacterRant [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:09 Lethallatai Why are Older Women in the workplace toxic and judgmental towards attractive young women?

Hey everyone, I just quit my job at a medical office where I worked as an admin assistant because I couldn’t take the toxic environment anymore. Most of the women I worked with were older, and they constantly slut-shamed younger female patients who came in wearing “revealing” clothes, makeup, or just had curvy bodies. I’m super liberal and believe women have the right to live however they want, so hearing these comments was shocking. Like, why does it bother you so much how someone else dresses? I don’t know if it’s a generational thing, but the first time I witnessed it, I was genuinely jarred.
For context, I’m 22, Muslim, and I wear the hijab. I love complimenting other women on their style, no matter what they’re wearing. But these women would side-eye me too—especially for wearing makeup—and were always gossiping about each other. They had something negative to say about every beautiful woman, young or old.
The toxicity didn’t stop there. Even management was nosy. They’d constantly ask about my weekend, my dating life, or other personal stuff. Thankfully, I kept my private life to myself because I didn’t trust them. One manager even shared a coworker’s private business with the whole office. I tried reporting things, but it didn’t matter—everyone higher up was just as bad.
I also think I got targeted because of how I look. I get complimented a lot, and I think it made some of them insecure. They started sabotaging my work—deleting entries and making my job harder. Reporting it only made things worse because management started treating me like a problem. I was so stressed that I finally told my parents about everything, and they advised me to quit. I’m lucky to live with them still, so I took their advice. Honestly, the past few weeks have been the best I’ve had in over a year.
I start a new job tomorrow, and I’m so nervous. I love working in healthcare, but dealing with mean, miserable, misogynistic women has been exhausting. How do you manage negativity at work? Has anyone else dealt with toxic behavior from older women in the workplace? If so, how did you handle it?
Just to clarify, I don’t think all older women are miserable. All of my role models are kind, successful older women, so please don’t take this the wrong way.
submitted by Lethallatai to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:09 yeeyeeb01s Football from a charter

Where/how to play high school football if school doesn’t offer it? If any districts let students from their neighborhood or out of school leagues would be a great help.🙏
submitted by yeeyeeb01s to sanantonio [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:09 Kennimer The 18 archetypes Survivor casting looks for are _____.

I’d really like to know exactly what these archetypes are that casting is plugging us into.
If a female happens to be 40+ and happens to be a mom, is that the only spot she is auditioning for? Because some people are waaaay more multidimensional than that. What is Genevieve’s archetype— female attorney under 40 only? Or Rachel’s—what archetype was she cast for? Because I see her archetype as utr mischievous but is it more about demographics? A certain age, race, or gender? Can a female be cast in Tony’s archetype? Let’s have an honest discussion.
submitted by Kennimer to survivor [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:09 Zubes Mathnet

Mathnet 1987-1992. Parody of Dragnet for kids. I loved watching this in grade school and was recently reminded of it by a copy of Dragnet on VHS at Goodwill.
submitted by Zubes to nostalgia [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:09 tessaLP 2b - 2c routine

so i’ve been struggling with my hair recently. sometimes it’s wavy and there are small curls so i need a good routine with products. i also can’t seem how to sleep in it at night without waking up with flat hair. pls share ur routines :))
submitted by tessaLP to Haircare [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:09 Danistuff_idk test2

submitted by Danistuff_idk to demonic_ebay [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:09 POTUS_King What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by POTUS_King to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:09 Parking_Upper What weight do men consider too much for a woman?

22f 5’4 Just had a baby and I am wondering what weight men consider too much for a woman to weigh.
submitted by Parking_Upper to ask [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:09 30footflyingtanker stuck at loading lua

stuck at loading lua as the title says, im stuck at lua and its pissing me off at this point. this only happens when i try to play with friends. this has made the game unplayable for me and i have tried everything at this point
submitted by 30footflyingtanker to gmod [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:09 Miserable_Slice9859 Got $3k in electronics stolen from car, just found sketchy insurance clause - am I screwed? (CoverMyStuff/Homesite Insurance)

Hey all, had my phone, laptop and airpods stolen from my car this week in California. Thought I was covered under my $30k personal property coverage on my renter's insurance... until I found this sneaky clause in my policy:
"$1,000 for loss to electronic apparatus, while in or upon a motor vehicle... if the electronic apparatus is equipped to be operated by power from the electrical system of the vehicle or conveyance while retaining its capability of being operated by other sources of power."
Since modern phones/laptops can charge from both car USB and regular chargers/batteries, seems like this technically limits me to $1k total (minus $250 deductible) even though my total coverage is $30k.
Insurance is through CoverMyStuff Program (underwritten by Homesite Insurance Company). Haven't filed the claim yet.
Questions: 1. Will adjusters definitely use this to limit my claim? 2. Any argument that charging ≠ "operated by power from"? 3. Worth fighting through CA Dept of Insurance? 4. Anyone successfully fought this limitation?
Feels like they deliberately kept old policy language that now screws everyone on modern electronics theft. Looking for real talk - am I cooked?
Thanks in advance for any insights from people who've dealt with this.
submitted by Miserable_Slice9859 to Insurance [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:09 Stupid_market Bolinho de ontem com brigadeiro

Bolinho de ontem com brigadeiro O meu primeiro bolo que deu certo!! N ficou mto fofinho mas ficou bom pra caramba! (E eu queria postar algo nessa bela comunidade)
submitted by Stupid_market to gororoba [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:09 Usual-Assistant8369 Do mad Maggie Can still see through smoke with passive ?

Since the smoke nerf ?
submitted by Usual-Assistant8369 to MadMaggieMains [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:09 Puzzleheaded_Fail_18 Trades

Trades submitted by Puzzleheaded_Fail_18 to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:09 According_Ad2896 Is this a sin?

It’s a bit embarrassing to talk about this, but I’m a bisexual guy and I’ve been consuming 'BL' (gay) mangas and Asian dramas for a few years now. Recently, especially considering my intention to be baptized and consequently receive the sacrament of the Eucharist, I’ve been wondering if it would be a sin to continue consuming this kind of media. I should point out that it’s clearly not erotic or pornographic in nature. Sorry for the bad english, i'm not a native speaker.
submitted by According_Ad2896 to Catholicism [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:09 ScottishGoji The Many W's and Few Debatables and L's of King Ghidorah

The Many W's and Few Debatables and L's of King Ghidorah submitted by ScottishGoji to DeathBattleMatchups [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:09 Appropriate-While153 what ALWAYS gets u faded?

been having the worst time finding a strain/good dispo to smoke that can get me absolutely stupid
what never fails to get yall faded af?
submitted by Appropriate-While153 to Stoner [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:09 EquisapienMLK Could "Organs" be offerings...

A thought just crossed my mind when I was thinking about Borksen and Morena's game. It seems inevitable that Bork will join Morena one way or another, but even if she is infected she will need to kill 20 people to just unlock her power. Which got me thinking about a quick way for her to level up so that they can put her ability into action quickly. What if the organs are meant to be awakened Nen users who are sacrifices for the coveted specialist user so that they can quickly level up and improve their ability.
Just curious what people thought about this idea!
submitted by EquisapienMLK to HunterXHunter [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:09 rsamedian DogMeat’s Dread

DogMeat’s Dread A dreadnaught-WarDog Conversion I made for my Girl based around a mood board she did!
submitted by rsamedian to SpaceWolves [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:09 ThatGuyWill942 Oui

Oui submitted by ThatGuyWill942 to WaterfallDump [link] [comments]