Loved it

2024.11.25 01:59 Dry-Farmer-4277 Loved it

submitted by Dry-Farmer-4277 to 30SecondsToMars [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:59 Tillytorpey White factored border collie puppy - deafness ??

White factored border collie puppy - deafness ?? Hi All,
I recently bought a 8 week border collie puppy. She’s a chocolate Merle with blue eyes but half her face is completely white.
Her mum is a chocolate normal pattern border collie and her dad is a blue Merle who comes from show dog lineage. She was sold as purebred but not from a registered breeder.
I’ve done some research into her face pattern as I haven’t seen collies like her before and came across “white factor”? And that it’s associated with deafness? I’ve noticed she’s not the best at coming when you call her and although she does respond to noises sometimes it’s like she can’t tell where the noise is coming from? Other than that she seems like a normal collie pup to me, very playful, going good with crate training, potty training ect.
Would like some input on this if anyone has any knowledge in the area
Thanks 😊😊
submitted by Tillytorpey to BorderCollie [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:59 ClearSignature721 19m bwc giving tasks to cucksons. Disc: lockkk111

submitted by ClearSignature721 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:59 glaring_ What the actual hell is r/teenagersPart3

I stumbled upon this subreddit while searching for this. Ya'll just make up your mind and settle for one. And DEFINITELY don't settle like that subreddit.
Ya'll posting weird ass pics there, don't be all confused now if a 40 year old man is in your dms (happened to me and I never even posted a pic of myself on reddit).
submitted by glaring_ to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:59 PumpkinSpiceJesus Peekaboo

Peekaboo submitted by PumpkinSpiceJesus to cats [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:59 rwby-minutemen5 What would fanfiction be if postal dude met Lagoon crew

What would fanfiction be if postal dude met Lagoon crew submitted by rwby-minutemen5 to blacklagoon [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:59 OB_GYN-Kenobi How do I sell Taiko?

I've been asking on Loopring and Taiko Discord channels but going nowhere. Hoping to hear from anyone who has done it.

Christ, I just want to sell Taiko and tired of wasting time, effort, and ETH. Please provide options.
submitted by OB_GYN-Kenobi to loopringorg [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:59 BornLik23266 What level of chronically online are you?

submitted by BornLik23266 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:59 phsm94 It was always there

It was always there submitted by phsm94 to Marathon [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:59 Temporary_Memory_357 eu fiz certo?

Bom, hoje a noite me chamaram pra comer um hambúrguer na casa de um amigo, mas eu eu recusei pq to cansado pra krl e zero vontade de socializar, mas, eu tenho um bagulho que eu me sinto mt abandonado pelo meus amigos, tipo, parece que eles nn me chamam pra nada e que sou sempre a ultima opção -e sou mesmo, ja testei isso-, e aí fico mal e me culpando quando recuso convites como esse de hj, porque seria uma puta forma daora de socializar, mas eu apenas não tenho energia pra ir, oq vcs acham, eu deveria ir msm cansado pra krl, ou devo ficar em casa e descançar?
submitted by Temporary_Memory_357 to conversas [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:59 holesomkeanuchungus Where to find open source projects?

Like the title says, does anyone know of any site or place that hosts a bunch of open source projects? I want to find something interesting to contribute to and get experience, but besides just surfing GitHub I don’t really know where else to look
submitted by holesomkeanuchungus to csMajors [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:59 Embarrassed-Field236 How many cameos did Donald Osmond do. I know Doug was a bouncer and he asked for the good yams, like author

submitted by Embarrassed-Field236 to kingofqueens [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:59 Complex-Air-4368 Uluslararası İlişkiler veya İngiliz D.B

Sınava neredeyse 6 ay kaldı ve ayt hiç yok ve tyt 0'a yakın, yeni yeni çalışmaya başlıyorum, zaten mezunum ve tekrar mezuna kalmak da istemiyorum. İngiliz dili ve edebiyatı ile uluslararası ilişkiler arasındayım. Lisede dil alanında olduğum için 11 ve 12. sınıfımda haftada sadece 2 saat temel matematik ve 3 saat edebiyat gördüğüm için ayt temelim hiç yok, bu sebeple u.i okumaktan korkuyorum. Fakat bu iki bölümden hangisini okursam okuyayım, mezun olduktan sonra her türlü pazarlama, finans, ticaret sektörlerinde çalışmak istiyorum.Sizce hangisini okusam daha mantıklı? Direkt uluslararası ticareti seçmememin nedeni uluslararası ilişkiler bölümünün uluslararası ticaret bölümünün bazı yerlerini de kapladığını düşündüğüm ve "istediğim şeyleri yapamazsam en azından kendimi bu bölümde geliştiririm" dediğim için okumak istemiyorum açıkçası, çünkü ui daha kapsamlı bir bölüm. İngiliz d.e olmasının sebebi de zaten iyi olan İngilizce'min köküne kadar her şeyi bilmek ve hiçbir eksiğimin olmaması için, çünkü dediğim gibi mezun olduktan sonra finans alanında çalışırsam dil konusunda yetersiz kalmak istemiyorum. Ayrıca u.i okursam üniversitede Unicef'te staj yapma isteğim de var.Önerileriniz nelerdir? Sizce direkt uluslararası ticaret mi okumalıyım?
submitted by Complex-Air-4368 to UniversityTR [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:59 gomalley411 What would it have looked like if the show had parodied "Wicked"?

What would it have looked like if the show had parodied The thought crossed my mind since I just saw the movie lol
submitted by gomalley411 to phineasandferb [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:59 Level_Look_5945 Bagriculture

What was Anthony talking about regarding a host doing damage during s show on 11/24. He stated thus was being done on camera. And this person has to be let go. Anyone know what he was referring to? And the host? Always drama.
submitted by Level_Look_5945 to poshmark [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:59 Mr_Master_Mustard I'm a week late, I use internet explorer

I'm a week late, I use internet explorer submitted by Mr_Master_Mustard to memes [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:59 Red_Red_It Can someone explain this to me?

Can someone explain this to me?
submitted by Red_Red_It to Kalshi [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:59 Valuable_Skirt_1703 PrimalGroudon 2 locals add 5 each 670851124816-373960720535-

submitted by Valuable_Skirt_1703 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:59 jcormier98 Primal Groudon adding 10 782351628849

Primal Groudon adding 10 782351628849 submitted by jcormier98 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:59 Aksshit Brought this bad boy

Brought this bad boy Finally got my second ps5 controller at just 4390
Black friday sale rocks...
submitted by Aksshit to IndianGaming [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:59 Bloopbloopbloop420 So. Exhausted.

I’m on .0025% tret, and clindamyacin. I have insanely dry skin with severe cystic acne (great combo!) and very inflammation prone skin. It’s just a mess. My barrier is messed up right now somehow even tho on week 9 of treatment, I’m only using tret 3x a week since my skin can’t handle any more without getting irritated. Im also on spironolactone since my acne is hormonal. I’m doing all I can.
This is the second time in my life I’ve had severe acne, so this time I really have tried to be positive since I know from experience that obsessing over my skin and crying in the mirror every night does nothing to help. The first time cleared up very quickly, but NOW is a very diff story. It’s been a year and a half, and oh my fucking god I am so tired of being strong and patient. I FEEL SO FUCKING UGLY. seriously.
My breaking point was tonight. I have a cyst near my eye and it had been bothering me for a few days now, and it’s just so inflamed and it hurts so bad. I just can’t stand it. It’s one after another. If something gets better, another area of my face gets worse.
I broke down tonight for the first time. For over a year now (until tonight), not one single tear shed about the fact that I feel disgusting all the time, and that I feel shame from even speaking to my friends and family. It’s so horrible feeling so gross all the time. I feel like a walking infection. I’ve tried so hard not to pity myself since in the grand scheme of things, it’s just acne. But I’m tired of putting it into perspective to remind myself that my problems are small. It’s taking over my life.
Just had to rant for a sec since it’s too embarrassing to talk to anyone about this.
submitted by Bloopbloopbloop420 to acne [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:59 silly_wifey Who is your favourite muscle mommie from real life or anime 🙈

Muscle mother 💪
submitted by silly_wifey to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:59 PlusResponsibility85 Help

I defeated the witch king. What do I do now??
submitted by PlusResponsibility85 to shadowofmordor [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:59 ForeignBaby4870 size bet winner gets losers girl 05c237bc711a6f28a8d6fe7d7201495b0d338a7bd1f8de7b4f7004068aa95e861b

submitted by ForeignBaby4870 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 01:59 MildlyCross-eyed The story I realized I have yet to share.

The story I realized I have yet to share. This is Dilbert. Dilbert is a Zonai, if that wasn't obvious enough. But today, he shares his story by the fire, waiting for a certain blondie to be executed for saying devious slurs.
Dilbert comes from a tribe of Zonai that evacuated Hyrule long ago. As the presumed extinction event of the Zonai was taking place, certain groups escaped their fate by travelling to the Sacred Realm, a place of wonder once used to house the Triforce way back when.
Many,any, many thousands of years later, the tribe of escaped Zonai still thrive in their angelic realm. Until Dilbert comes along. His people used to murmur about him behind his back, saying he was born to balance the scales of good and evil In their otherwise perfect society.
Such as Ganondorf was trapped in the Sacred Realm millenia before the events of TOTK, Dilbert was trapped in the realm of Hyrule to preserve the peace of his homeland. Stripped of everything but his secret stone, he was left to rot in our very own Hyrule.
And that is where his involvement with the Yiga begins. He witnessed the horrors Ganondorf caused during the upheaval, and wished to ally with him to take revenge on his traitorous tribe. He later caught wind of the Yiga Clan, after a stranger with a rounded black haircut discussed it loudly with his mother.
After his power over the mind was witnessed by the infinitely wise Kohga, Dilbert was allowed to join the ranks of the most dangerous and sneaky force to grace this land. And that, perseverant reader, is how Dilbert found his way into the Yiga Clan.
Also, his name is not actually Dilbert. But only the glorious Kohga knows his true identity.
submitted by MildlyCross-eyed to YigaClanOfficial [link] [comments]