[HELP] - access to the dasboard from another computer

2024.11.28 19:11 Loose_Operation_443 [HELP] - access to the dasboard from another computer

To gain skills, I'm trying to deploy a kubernetes cluster via terraform.
I want to access the dashboard from my personal computer which is on the same network as the server.
The creation of the kubernetes cluster is OK
The creation of dashboard services is OK
I'm doing an installation by release helm:
The release installed kong to access the service.
From there, I'm lost on the steps to be taken to access it from my computer.
I changed the kong service to nodeport, but that's not enough.
Trying to connect by:
I think I can create a ingress for the kong service.
Thank you.
submitted by Loose_Operation_443 to kubernetes [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 19:11 BerenBeren Did I change a setting or something? How do I go back to the old tabs? (New / Old images)

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2024.11.28 19:11 ConsistentRespect842 Wtt asia 6x5 for eu account ( must) with any number of five stars ( atleast 2) and ar 40 to 45. Sngf can use mm

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2024.11.28 19:11 Secret-Parsnip5071 Help plz

Is it possible to remove a armorstands hit box in bedrock? If so how?
submitted by Secret-Parsnip5071 to MinecraftCommands [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 19:11 Rollingforest757 Just found this today. You'd think they'd try a little harder to hide that they are AI.

Just found this today. You'd think they'd try a little harder to hide that they are AI. submitted by Rollingforest757 to DeadInternetTheory [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 19:11 JJnujjs How we started 2020 vs 4 years later

How we started 2020 vs 4 years later Yea i think ima keep them.
submitted by JJnujjs to locs [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 19:11 Jerseysure35 $10 OFF 1st Instacart Order

Get $10 off your first order with Instacart
Coupon Code: SD6F565
submitted by Jerseysure35 to referralcodes [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 19:11 Prime_Time_77 Are there female snipers/drone operators who killed male soldiers that were significantly larger and stronger than them? What would the condition of his large feet most likely be if he is killed?

submitted by Prime_Time_77 to AskReddit [link] [comments]


submitted by misterkinton to misterkinton [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 19:11 Sad_List_0 Preeklampszia

Valakinél a 29. Hétben mértek kissebb magzati súlyt? Sztori: preeklampszia rizikót megállapította a genetikusom a 14. Terhességi hétben. Szedem is rá a Thrombo ASS-t 75mg-ot minden este 2 darabot kell bevennem. Eddig mindent rendbe találtak a babánál, kivéve nálam, az áramlás a méhlepénybe a normál érték alatt volt, a thrombo ass szedésével emelkedett a véráramlás értéke, de még mindig a normális alatt volt, ezért a genetikusom elrendelte hogy a 28. Héttől 2hetente vizsgálják a baba méretét, sulyát, valamint a méhlepényt is figyelni kell. A 27. Hétben még minden a legnagyobb rendben volt, az orvosom azt mondta minden tökéletes(szerintem nem tévedhetett, mivel a véráramlást ahogy nézte a méhlepény felé szép hangja volt, meg normális volt minden). Ma kellett jönnöm a korházba, a nőgyógyászom kiírta a beutalót, hogy vizsgálják meg itt a baba méretét, súlyát. Itt a doki hosszas vizsgálat után közölte hogy a baba túl picike 😭 a vernyomásom 166 volt, a véráramlást amikor nézte a saját füleimmel hallottam hogy nem olyan volt mint a megszokott, nagyon gyenge volt és halk, majd ezután a doki közölte hogy elkezdett kialakulni a preeklampszia, ezért most bent tart megfigyelés alatt, és mondta hogy beállítsa a vérnyomásom, és megtesz minden tőle tellhetőt hogy a terhességet minél tovább elhúzza. Kérdésem az volna, járt valaki így? Valamint azt mondta hogy a baba felsőcombja a normál érték alatt van jóval, túl rövid, de viszont a fejtől a popsiig meg rendben van, nem értem tényleg; eddig mindig minden rendben volt 😭 nagyon ideges vagyok. Nipt teszten voltam, a babának nincs kimutatott genetikai rendellenessége. Nem tudom fontos infó-e, de Bécsben vagyok, tehát nem valami hazai korházban.
submitted by Sad_List_0 to csakmamik [link] [comments]

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I have the base game of The Crew Motorfest on steam, if I buy the DLC on Ubisoft will this work?
submitted by 509Triple to ubisoft [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 19:11 reddit_lss_2 Test Title 28-November-2024 19:11:16

Test body 28-November-2024 19:11:16
submitted by reddit_lss_2 to lssAuto [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 19:11 Puzzled-Department13 Share your shares acquisitions !

Share your shares acquisitions ! From now on I vow to lower my average as much as I can. I will always buy at least 10 shares per month, on the first Monday, at marker opening. Sometimes I will afford hundreds of shares, sometimes only 10.
Bought +16 today.
Proof attached. By the way my real average is bellow 10 euros, but I have sold by mistake and bought back 1 minute after.
submitted by Puzzled-Department13 to wolfspeed_stonk [link] [comments]

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2024.11.28 19:11 Pallc1992 Can I legally install little fence ?? , separating the road and grass

Hi guys .
My deeds map , shows me I own the land right upto the public road .
In the past few years the little grass area between my front rail and road . Has been destroyed and dug up from road workers , tractors , trunks , cars . , it's currently completely wrecked just all mud , a track machine drove over it when it was really wet , so before I topsoil it and plant it again this spring .
Can I legally put up a little fence at the edge of the grass ,, to protect my grass from getting driven on and destroyed ?
Nothing heavy , just a light fence to stop the public from wrecking it , whether it be road workers or drivers .
Can I legally fence it in and keep the public off it .
Thanks any information greatly appreciated
submitted by Pallc1992 to AskIreland [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 19:11 Dry_Investigator1541 What song do you headbang the most? For me it´s Night Witches and Ghost Divison

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2024.11.28 19:11 MaterialFuel7639 strugglin to make a build tell me how i can improve ts

strugglin to make a build tell me how i can improve ts submitted by MaterialFuel7639 to deepwoken [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 19:11 Ok-Switch6311 Android Auto doesn't work on my phone only

I have a 2016 Honda Civic and when I got the car, my Android Auto worked perfectly. No issues. Randomly for seemingly no reason, my phone DOES NOT WORK with Android Auto. It's like my car can't even detect my phone is there and plugged in. I've gotten multiple different cords, cords meant for Android Auto, manufacturer cords for Android phones, cheap ass cords, nothing. Anyone else who plugs into my car it works no problem. They could even be using the exact same cord as me. I've un-installed Android Auto and re installed it, I've updated it to its most recent update, I've cleared the cache, I even reset all of my settings just in case I toggled something I didn't mean to. Any advice would be welcome as I would really love to use it again.
submitted by Ok-Switch6311 to AndroidAuto [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 19:11 Wicked-Hum0r The Shore

The Shore Happy Thanksgiving Y'all
submitted by Wicked-Hum0r to AvoidantBreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 19:11 missslovak Kde v okoli Mlynskej doliny v Ba na dobre pivo?

Just 🍺🍻
submitted by missslovak to Slovakia [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 19:11 fssg_shermanator U-Sports draft to be held Dec 5 (6 pm AT / 5 pm ET / 4 pm CT / 3 pm MT / 2 pm PT). Will be broadcast on OneSoccer, YouTube and CBC

U-Sports draft to be held Dec 5 (6 pm AT / 5 pm ET / 4 pm CT / 3 pm MT / 2 pm PT). Will be broadcast on OneSoccer, YouTube and CBC submitted by fssg_shermanator to CanadianPL [link] [comments]
