The sign we’ve been looking for. 🚀🌕

2024.11.25 02:49 adrianb121 The sign we’ve been looking for. 🚀🌕

The sign we’ve been looking for. 🚀🌕 12
submitted by adrianb121 to Pepecryptocurrency [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:49 Playful-Season2938 They have no sense of shame.

They have no sense of shame. submitted by Playful-Season2938 to ParlerWatch [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:49 Ps3MasterManDDC [HOBBY] Unity3D Ps2 Remake

Hello my friends
I am currently working on a fan remake of the game Vexx, which was originally available on the PlayStation 2, Xbox, and GameCube. My goal is to modernize the game with improved mechanics and features while staying true to the original art style. The gameplay mechanics and controls will be reworked and expanded to create a better experience for the players.
What I’m looking for: Programmers who are experienced with physics settings in Unity. I need help fine-tuning movement physics and addressing smaller details to enhance the gameplay. If you enjoy working on this type of project, you’re welcome to stay involved for the long term!
This project is currently non-commercial as it is a fan project. My plan is to develop a playable demo and present it to the rights holder to potentially obtain a license. Should the game be licensed and marketed in the future, all profits will be shared fairly:
If two people are working on the project: 50/50
If three people are involved: 33/33/33
If four people are involved: 25/25/25/25 The profits will always be split equally based on the number of contributors.
If you’re a programmer and interested in being part of this exciting project, feel free to message me. I would greatly appreciate any support to bring this remake to life with your help!
Thank you for your time
submitted by Ps3MasterManDDC to INAT [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:49 bushy3103380452 hawk tours

hawk tours submitted by bushy3103380452 to namesoundalikes [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:49 Interesting-Desk8045 My accounts no longer available?

Hi I went to makes some games today and found that when trying to sign in with my Google accounts for construct 3 it was claiming the accounts don't exist.
I couldn't find an actual support page but really need help since I pay for this program.
submitted by Interesting-Desk8045 to construct [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:49 Abu-Hajaar- Omg bruh shes too cute

She hugged me before we left for Thanksgiving break.
submitted by Abu-Hajaar- to Crushes [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:49 emmacampbsksk Autism in men v women

Do the autistic men on this subreddit recognize that women have a harder time getting diagnosed with autism, therefore have a harder time learning coping mechanisms and skills to deal with the debilitating aspects of the disability? Just would like some recognition for the specific type of pain autistic women deal with.
submitted by emmacampbsksk to autism [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:49 mintilmidnight Help with remote play at home

Good evening everyone
I have been trying to get my portal to play with my playstation while my wife watches the tv. But it disconnects often and just gives me constant issues of lag while im playing any type of single player game. is there any way to fix this? i have a 500mb fiber connected (up and down) which is about 180-200mbps on the playstation wifi.
please let me know what i can try to fix and change so that i don't run into these disconnection issues as often as i do, love the device but super frustrated at that.
submitted by mintilmidnight to PlaystationPortal [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:49 Radiant_XGrowth How does your rabbits’ bondmate(s) act if their partner is sick/experiencing stasis

I’m asking because anytime Lady has a bout of stasis her Husbun gets very obviously anxious. His entire personality changes. He will pace, become restless, eat NON STOP and generally just acts like a human waiting for bad news they know is coming.
What are your experiences with rabbit bondmates during stressful times?
submitted by Radiant_XGrowth to Rabbits [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:49 Darkblade51224 Planning to start a comic. I'm looking for a comic script maker and possibly an artists to help me with my inexperience

Planning to start a comic. I'm looking for a comic script maker and possibly an artists to help me with my inexperience Above is some character art and cover art I got done, I'm looking for someone to turn my novel into a comic script and possibly a line artists to work with. I have a decent budget and money can be discussed I'm looking for someone talented on combat scenes and character interaction as that seems to be the weak point of my current artist.
My novel is a anime-esque fantasy with magic and swords. Pretty generic tbh but it's a passion project so I don't care much about it's profitability, however I'm open to criticisms and help when working cause I know I'm inexperienced and anything that makes the story better would be welcomed. I guess you could say I'm looking for more of a partnership.
submitted by Darkblade51224 to ComicBookCollabs [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:49 Useful_Composer_2092 W/F/L (already done)

W/F/L (already done) submitted by Useful_Composer_2092 to MurderMystery2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:49 Black4Bella First laptop with a dedicated GPU for me

First laptop with a dedicated GPU for me Just picked this deal from MicroCenter a couple of days ago, loving it so far, 4060 is pulling more weight than what I expected based on heresay online... I even tested it for PCVR and its doing quite well. What you guys think of the offer? And if anyone has the same laptop and has any tips & tricks, I'd appreciate it. And to my PCVR folks, what settings shall I use!!!
submitted by Black4Bella to GamingLaptops [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:49 Ender5674Light Maybe we're friends maybe we're more

How could they love a simple someone next door I'm just not the type they're looking for
submitted by Ender5674Light to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:49 Glum_Horse_9724 Employee Discount For Parent

I was a minor when I started working for kohl’s. I was always told that since my parents claimed me on their taxes, they were able to use my discount. I’m getting mixed opinions while reading this Reddit page on if they’re able to use discount while I’m present??? I haven’t had a problem, but I don’t want one either…
submitted by Glum_Horse_9724 to employedbykohls [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:49 AffectionateEye4790 Question— please help!

I am a somewhat experienced canner (I can pickles, salsa, hot sauce, etc for years). Just canned some cranberry juice and when pulling them out of the water bath, they were hissing. I put the bread cloth on top of them for them to sit and seal and there is stains on the cloth of cranberry juice coming out. What went wrong? Are they still ok if they seal? How/why did this happen? Thank you so much!
submitted by AffectionateEye4790 to Canning [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:49 Creative-Net8588 CHILLMAGA

submitted by Creative-Net8588 to SolanaMemeCoins [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:49 JabbaTheBassist Scooby Doo Character Concepts

Scooby Doo Character Concepts submitted by JabbaTheBassist to deadbydaylight [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:49 MtnDewm What piece of health advice is widely accepted as true yet you ignore completely?

submitted by MtnDewm to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:49 Mulliganasty Sharp cheddar, heirloom tomato and horseradish Mayo on an everything un

Sharp cheddar, heirloom tomato and horseradish Mayo on an everything un submitted by Mulliganasty to cheeseburgers [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:49 Reasonable_Toe8596 Had to Cash Sabonis Scarring me 0 points incoming blowout idk😅

submitted by Reasonable_Toe8596 to fanduel [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:49 reedc2324 Where can I find my graduation date?

I leave for basic training in late April. Is there any way I can find out my graduation date in advance so my family can get flights or is it one of those things where I’ll figure it out when I get there?
submitted by reedc2324 to nationalguard [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:49 Own_Jaguar1512 Thoughts ???

Something I find interesting is the discussion surrounding how the children/BIW/good entity brings back the Miranda/christophejade/tabitha reincarnations to have another shot at saving the children. I wonder if the bad entities also bring people to the town who they know will derail or further their cause (i.e Elgin, Sara?, etc.) it seems too Ethan has to know something too which is why they wanted Sara to kill him S1.
submitted by Own_Jaguar1512 to FromSeries [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:49 Overcooked_Burrito Breakups and abandonment trauma

My boyfriend had the breakup conversation with me yesterday. We weren't able to finish it for a few reasons so we're going to talk about it again in a few days. About 6 weeks ago, we had agreed to pause the relationship for multiple reasons. Now he's saying that a breakup might be better.
I can't recall the last half of the conversation at all. I know we talked for at least 10 more minutes, but I don't remember a single word. A part of my brain (that I didn't know existed) was screaming "he's abandoning you, he won't come back and he won't love you anymore." I can't get that part of my brain to shut up. I remember what i felt - panic, loss, fear, helplessness, intense pain, extreme anxiety. I felt completely shattered. I was basically shell-shocked for the rest of the night.
Through some reading I did today, I know i have abandonment trauma. I already knew I have anxious attachment. I actually felt like this relationship helped me transition to a more secure attachment. I wasn't doing what I'd done in previous relationships - hyperviligance, codependency, compulsive caretaking. It was the FIRST relationship where I felt safe. It was the FIRST relationship where my partner didn't emotionally abandon me or react with anger or dismissiveness when I shared my feelings or argued with them. He reacted with kindness, gentleness, respect and openness. That was HUGE for me.
I have never experienced such an intense reaction to a breakup before. Sad and heartbroken, sure, but not...this. I don't know how to deal with this or wear to start. Please help me. Please don't tell me how I just need to focus on myself or how I'll be better off without him. I'm locked into a trauma response and I don't know how to get out of it.
submitted by Overcooked_Burrito to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:49 thenigbigga Lego Harry Potter minifig ID?

Anyone got a possible id on this figure? Me and gf got a big tub of Harry Potter Lego and are trying to figure out all the sets. We think this is a Ron Weasley figure but not sure. Any help would be appreciated thank you
submitted by thenigbigga to buildingblocks [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:49 kyakoai_roll A Recruiter Stood me Up at an Interview

So um. On Friday, I got a call from a company that was looking for applicants. This was to like a tech retail store for a customer service position. I sent the application around 6 months ago, and now they called me back. The caller ID and the person who called me were two different names. They asked if I can do an interview saturday morning even though I said I could Monday or Tuesday. This interview was rushed out to me and the guy didn't even ask for what job position I applied.
I wake up early in the morning for this interview. I wait there for like 40 mins (as i got there 15 mins early), and the guy sends me an email saying that he has to cancel our interview as he had important things to do. I sent an email back for an answer on when he would like to reschedule. Nothing occurred. I don't think he's gonna email or call me back.
I look like an idiot and I feel like I just played myself.
submitted by kyakoai_roll to recruitinghell [link] [comments]