2024.11.25 02:23 YaranaikaLenny69 who pulling up
https://preview.redd.it/q54lqqk1ky2e1.jpg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e53623f20ddf5cdd9378b2ef07e01090e39114b6 need people to go with🙏 #wood submitted by YaranaikaLenny69 to ShedTheory [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 02:23 Funny-Ad3200 Calling all students with bipolar disorder (How are you doing it? How did you do it?)
Hello students of the past and present! I was diagnosed with BP2 years ago and after (mostly) stabilizing, I am now a third-year undergrad student. I'm noticing a lack of personal accounts of the successes, trials, and tribulations one has to endure and overcome while pursuing academia and having bipolar disorder.
Please share your tips, tricks, and experiences as a student with bipolar disorder. How do you manage your course load, studying, and finals? What made/is making your student experience more survivable? What would you tell yourself if you knew what you know now? Are grad studies (Masters or PhD) attainable for you? If so, could you share a little about your journey and what was/is important for balancing your mental health and academic endeavours? Please feel free to share as little or as much about yourself as you'd like.
A little about me: I do intend to go to grad school to earn a Master's and am more recently also considering getting my PhD. There are some days where this feels out of my grasp, but I also have days where it feels completely attainable. I don't have anyone in my life who has both post-secondary or post-grad education and bipolar disorder so I'm curious to know how other people are managing. Also, I am mostly stable but I still have some variation of an episode (usually mixed) every few months or so. Especially when the stress of midterms/finals combines with the change of seasons (Canada).
Thanks for sharing! I'm hoping other students may want to know these things as well.
submitted by Funny-Ad3200 to bipolar2 [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 02:23 ok-nobody2326 Guarantor sa Online Lending Apps
May ga-text abi many times na nga guarantor daw si mama sang isa ya nga kilala kag nagiging threatening na ang messages pero wala kami kabalo kag indi man sila close sang person nga nag hulam
Ga-hambal sila sa text nga ma deduct daw sa gcash account or savings account. Tas ang latest nga message is sexual naman about sa naghulam. This is a form of harrrasment na diba? Ano pwede ubrahon man to stop this? Pwede ni ma blotter?
May business kami kaya very disturbing na gid kag basi maka apekto ni samon bala.
submitted by ok-nobody2326 to Iloilo [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 02:23 31313sd12341 Died in HC as GM with no one to hand the guild off to.
submitted by 31313sd12341 to classicwow [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 02:23 Enthusiastic_Eel christmas village is in progress (theres some on the left and right that u cant see)
submitted by Enthusiastic_Eel to teenagers [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 02:23 iolitm u guys just want girls girls girls
submitted by iolitm to norulevideos [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 02:23 Liv29ID [SQD][RECRUITING] 29th Infantry Division
29th Infantry Division
We are very new player friendly! Need a rundown of how the game works? We've got a course run by our knowledgeable drill instructors for just that purpose.
We run multiple one-life drills Sunday through Thursday, accommodating both European and North American time zones. You can always find a group pubbing or playing other games! We strive for realism, not milsim. For more on the difference, click here.
Looking to avoid people who don't want to be part of a team.
Here's how enlisting works:
Create an account on our forums
Confirm your email address by clicking the link in the registration email
While logged in, fill out an enlistment form
Bookmark the page you're taken to when it's posted and check back the next day for a response.
Tell 'em Liv sent you.
Please don't hesitate to DM me for help! We look forward to seeing you.
submitted by Liv29ID to squadup [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 02:23 Immediate_Cup_9021 New Mac- can’t read the font to play game
Hi everyone! The font is super tiny on my new computer and it makes the game unplayable. All the advice I’ve found online doesn’t seem to work for Mac’s (there isn’t a folder that lets me edit the UI or font size).
Has anyone here successfully made the text size readable?
submitted by Immediate_Cup_9021 to Civilization6 [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 02:23 lullli Creating an Advent calendar with 24 puzzles
Hey everyone! I'm planning to create an Advent calendar with 24 fun puzzles for myself, and possibly as a gift for someone. I’ve been browsing this subreddit for inspiration and thought it would be great to reach out for some help!
I’m aiming for a mix of different types of puzzles, but I have a soft spot for math-based ones.
If you have any interesting or fun puzzle ideas that you’ve come across, I would love to hear your suggestions! It could be from an old post here or even from other sites.
Thanks so much in advance for your help!
submitted by lullli to puzzles [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 02:23 Money-Contract-8885 Neighbour’s Rooster Screams at Odd Hours, Disturbing My Sleep – What Legal Actions Can I Take?
I’m extremely frustrated with my neighbour from the behind society who has a pet rooster. The rooster starts crowing at odd hours, like 3 AM, 4 AM, and even 11 PM, and it’s causing me a huge disturbance. I work late into the night for office meetings, so getting woken up at 4 AM by this constant noise is unbearable.
Other neighbours have tried to talk to the rooster’s owners, but they’re completely ignorant and refuse to listen. I’m at my wit’s end and really don’t know what to do anymore.
We live in a densed residential area and it’s not an open space. She has pet three of them in the house.
Does anyone know if it’s even legal to keep a rooster in a residential area? What legal steps can I take to get this situation resolved
submitted by Money-Contract-8885 to AskIndia [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 02:23 Boring_Fig1916 Lizard, middle aged woman and deadbeat mom obsessed with shopping
Ok deadbeat mom with a passion to wear new clothes every damn day. Did you know these two outfits would have paid a third of your daughter’s groceries? I seriously hope Andrew presents all of this at a show cause hearing for your deadbeat ass. submitted by Boring_Fig1916 to ElizabethTeckenbrock [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 02:23 Disastrous-Tadpole-6 Considering Quitting
Hi all,
I have an 8 year old, she is considering quitting competitive dance mid-season. She is pretty miserable and said she feels relief at the thought of quitting. I reached out to the studio to let them know how she was feeling. Their response shared no concern of why she’s wanting to leave, but I can’t help but feel oddly guilty for her wanting to quit. Does anyone have any experience with this? I’m at a loss.
submitted by Disastrous-Tadpole-6 to Dance [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 02:23 roachfuzz88 LCS was stocked this weekend
TMNT adventures #9 TMNT III: The movie Mirage TMNT #7, #31, #35-37, & #48 submitted by roachfuzz88 to TMNT [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 02:23 Sh4d0w0v3rl0rd 🔥 A Close up of a Tapeworm
submitted by Sh4d0w0v3rl0rd to Interestingbutcreepy [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 02:23 Pasizo Wladimir Klitschko responds to Joe, asks to come on the podcast
submitted by Pasizo to JoeRogan [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 02:23 DaddyMommyIssuesRUs Trach Day Tomorrow
Does anyone have any kind words or just advice? I’m an anxious mess, and it doesn’t help my MIL is trying to invite herself.
submitted by DaddyMommyIssuesRUs to NICUParents [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 02:23 ImMrRogerz You know Panos had to do it to them
submitted by ImMrRogerz to CODZombies [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 02:23 Monkeyboy561 6’1 197 before and 174 now.
I look the same after 11 months of lifting weights. I even started counting my calories to lose the 20 pounds. Do I keep cutting to 163? I hate the love handles and how little muscle I gain. I did get a lot stronger though. I lift to failure every workout and I eat around 0.8 of my body weight of protein. Thx if anyone replies. submitted by Monkeyboy561 to BulkOrCut [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 02:23 Unreal08 Portal Gang
Got it for $140 just to try it out and ya it was worth the 140 for sure ! Loving it! submitted by Unreal08 to PlaystationPortal [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 02:23 _brokebillionaire Title academic comeback karega
submitted by _brokebillionaire to JEENEETards [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 02:23 seanny104 Instantly.ai CRM
So instantly.ai offers a CRM from $47/month to $97/month but this includes telecom and sms services. Has anyone used it? I can’t seem to find reviews on the product. I already use the platform for email outreach, so it might make sense. I’d just like to get some feedback before making a switch from my current platform. Thanks in advance for any thoughts!
submitted by seanny104 to coldemail [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 02:23 Liberal_Killer Find out more at husk truth
Funny little joke ft a drawing of Dennis I'm very proud of submitted by Liberal_Killer to FORTnITE [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 02:23 GlumSeaworthiness907 Need advice for my mother
Hello community ,
I am seeking one support here. My mother who is 60 yrs old. She struggles alot because of her knee muscles pain for many years. She has come to Delhi. Can you advise who is the best Homeopathy doctor in Delhi to consult We stay in South Delhi near Nehru place. Thanking you all in advance.
submitted by GlumSeaworthiness907 to DoctorsofIndia [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 02:23 gradient44 My first gamer ❤️‍🔥
Brendan Morrison 2005/2006 Set 3. Been dreaming of a west coast express era gamer for a while now. Feels like magic just to hold it. He scored 3 goals and had 3 assists wearing this sweater. If you're a GW collector, who was your first? would love to hear of others experiences. submitted by gradient44 to hockeyjerseys [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 02:23 IndividualOcelot1563 Quando você acha que já viu de tudo...
Era uma tarde qualquer no shopping, dessas em que a rotina vira cenário de fundo para passos apressados, crianças correndo e sacolas balançando. Eu estava ali, sem pressa, apenas esperando o tempo passar enquanto tomava um café e observava o movimento.
Foi então que vi. No meio do vão central, perto da fonte decorativa, uma senhora idosa — não, uma senhora muito idosa, do tipo que você imagina com netos e tricô, não com... o que estava prestes a acontecer. Ela largou a bengala no chão, ajeitou o chapéu florido na cabeça e começou a esticar o corpo, como quem se prepara para algo grandioso.
A música de fundo do shopping era uma playlist genérica de jazz suave, mas, de repente, algum funcionário de alma rebelde trocou para um beat de hip-hop frenético. Foi nesse exato momento que tudo mudou.
A senhora, com um sorriso travesso, deu uma giradinha tĂmida, quase como se estivesse testando o pĂşblico. Os olhares começaram a se virar. Um adolescente tirou os fones do ouvido. Uma mĂŁe parou de mexer no celular. E entĂŁo... ela deslizou pelo chĂŁo, como se fosse uma profissional do break dance.
Meu cafĂ© parou no meio do caminho para a boca. Era um headspin. Um headspin perfeito! E, acredite, ela nem parecia fazer esforço. Como se nĂŁo bastasse, emendou com um movimento de waves pelos braços, o tipo de coisa que eu já vi nos vĂdeos dos melhores dançarinos urbanos.
As pessoas ficaram boquiabertas. Alguns começaram a aplaudir; outros filmavam, incrédulos. Um senhor grisalho cochichou para a esposa: "Isso é montagem? Como ela tá fazendo isso?" Eu só consegui rir, mais encantado do que qualquer um. A senhora, sem perder o ritmo, subiu para o famoso windmill. Imagine isso! Uma vovó executando um movimento que até jovens treinados suam para dominar.
No meio da performance, um grupo de dançarinos profissionais que passava pelo shopping se juntou. Primeiro ficaram olhando, perplexos. Depois começaram a acompanhar o ritmo dela, quase como alunos diante de uma professora lendária. Era um show espontâneo, algo que ninguém esperava, mas ninguém conseguia desviar os olhos.
Quando a mĂşsica terminou, ela se levantou, ajeitou a saia como se nada tivesse acontecido, pegou a bengala e deu um aceno tĂmido para os aplausos ensurdecedores. Com um sorriso sapeca, piscou para o garoto que filmava e disse: "Agora vocĂŞs tĂŞm algo pra contar pros netos tambĂ©m."
E foi embora, desaparecendo entre as vitrines, deixando o shopping com um ar mágico, como se algo extraordinário tivesse passado por ali e só nós, sortudos, tivéssemos visto. Até hoje, não sei se foi real ou um sonho. Mas toda vez que ouço um beat de hip-hop, me pego olhando ao redor, esperando que ela volte.
submitted by IndividualOcelot1563 to FanFiction [link] [comments]