Having fun sure is a lot of work. 🥵

2024.11.25 02:30 Cartoonicus_Studios Having fun sure is a lot of work. 🥵

submitted by Cartoonicus_Studios to mariokart [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:30 FluidQuantity3396 Distraught over losing friends over time

Recently, I texted my best friend of about 10 years about her relationship with me. After school, she'd been really distant from me, albeit her moving countries for education had her really depressed and homesick, which is why I knew it was mentally tiring for her to reach out.
Throughout the past years, I'd always ask her to communicate more and how I felt she had been really distant which would be resolved usually by her saying that she's bad at it and I should reach out whenever. I think only recently did I acknowledge my own feelings that she's also been emotionally distant. Everything seems normal when we meet once a year, but it's always me wanting to share about my life while she isn't as invested.
When I spoke to her about this, she mentioned how we both have changed as people and specifically mentioning how she's grown in certain aspects where I haven't such as my mentality on others, that I'm judgemental, etc. She said she can't be emotionally vulnerable with me, and she doesn't like my mindset nor does she want to surround herself with such people - I don't know where this came from but I know it may be due to our different outlook on certain lifestyles. However, she also emphasised how she's always wanted to have me in her life since we both have been friends for so long. I've since decided that I can't be in a one-sided friendship with someone who doesn't even seem to like who I am anymore.
I don't know why this hurt me so much, especially the feeling that everytime we've met up or talked she probably had just been tolerating me while thinking this way about me in her mind. I understand its normal for people to grow apart over time, but seeing her mindset about me, especially her reasoning and the examples she gave me of my "judgemental mindsets" that didn't make sense, all of them made me question if it's really just me.
Talking to my partner, he told me that she's not wrong for what she thinks and she probably just was never as emotionally invested in our friendship while going through major life changes really just increased the emotional distance between us.
Is it normal to feel distraught over losing long-term friends? I wish I could be mentally stronger to not have to feel this way about someone who is so indifferent about my presence or absence in her life.
submitted by FluidQuantity3396 to Adulting [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:30 Professional_Love805 If you have the SAD, remember to use the light therapy, and dietary supplements (such as vitamin D)

As the days grow shorter and the weeks pass without sunlight, many find themselves leaving for work in the dark and returning the same way. This can create a challenging and toxic mix, making the coming weeks even harder if help isn't sought.
This is what i use for my light therapy FYI:
submitted by Professional_Love805 to toronto [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:30 ProudFollowing4120 Please help - does this look like eczema?

Please help - does this look like eczema? About 2 months ago, I started to get an itchy, inflamed rash on my neck. It has come and gone, and only gotten bigger in size each time it reoccurs. I got environment allergen testing (positive for dust mites - I have air purifiers at home and appropriate bedding washed in hot water weekly plus weekly vacuum- and pollen(I am on Zyrtec and hardly go outside and maintain home windows closed) and patch testing (positive for many metals, none of which I come in contact). I do not wear any jewelry or have any contact with anything on my neck. I only use fragrance-free gentle products, shampoo and lotion (ex: vanicream, cerave, Vaseline) and hydrate my skin several times a day. Allergist and dermatologist do not know what it is. But it isn’t hives. It has gone away on its own about 3 days after each occurrence, and looks and feels like nothing ever happened.
My question - can it be eczema even though it is NOT dry or patchy or rough? But it is extremely itchy and inflamed and it drives me crazy and stressed me out. I don’t have a history with eczema and I’m in my 40s. Any ideas?
submitted by ProudFollowing4120 to DermatologyQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:30 Away_Morning_9465 will give for stars ⭐️

will give for stars ⭐️ submitted by Away_Morning_9465 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:30 umairsaduzai Gay🎉irl

Gay🎉irl submitted by umairsaduzai to gay_irl [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:30 Stock-Ranger-9963 CHEATING 3 TIMES? IS THIS? AM I OVERREACTING?

Caught my GF cheating on her phone. 3 times. Am I in the wrong?
So. The first case.. We had a wonderful trip in the Dells for my birthday week. Bountiful sex. Beautiful events. Amazing conversations. Fun games in the hotel. Great food. That's when she first said I love you. After this. We were at a bar eating some burgers my favorite spot I introduced her at. She used the bathroom and I heard a Facebook messenger ding. And a portrait pop up of some guy. I decided to open the message. (Hell you say you love me. I'm going to wonder who is this guy? Never heard of him) well they had a slightly friendly conversation borderline flirting. Until she invited him to lunch. He replied "don't you have a boyfriend?" She said "well it doesn't mean we can't be friends 😉😉." Mind you. She never spoke of this guy before. We talked about it after. She blocked him and I let it slide.
The next case.
She always talked about work and coworkers. But never talked about this Ken guy. EVER.... She got a Facebook messenger ding and his portrait popped up.(at this point she talked about having kids with me. And we said we loved eachother everyday. So yeah. Im going to find out who it is) I asked whose that? She said well my boss(he was an assistant manager) I asked what he wanted? She said oh nothing. So I asked if I could see. Reluctantly she showed me. SOooo.. I swiped up a bit. At one point she was talking about how amazing he was. Vented about his current GF and she was trying to talk him out of the relationship. And he asked if she wanted to be his roommate. She said I may take you up on that offer... that's when I got upset. She brushed it off by saying he's just a friend. Well. I was able to meet the guy so I asked him why he wanted to be my GF's roommate? He instantly got defensive. Called me insecure and threatened to beat my ass. I stood down for a bit taken back.. I was expecting a different response. Then an argument unfolded. He stood down.
My GF got us promise rings. Found a new job and stopped talking to him all together. I let it slide once again....
THEN A 3RD TIME!!!!!! She made a fake account. PROFESSED her love to this guy she said was just a friend. I didn't care that they were messaging at ALL. Just the the fact she was hiding it. (And the I love youse and cat names) I called her a cheating b**** out of hurt. I later found out he was from Germany and they've been friends for 7 years. she hid it and never told me
Am I in the wrong here? I got gaslit and manipulated into some kind of monster for calling her a B word. She broke up with me a week later and vanished into thin air. After a miscarriage. After amazing EVERYTHING. Always laughing.... She made her family hate me... I STILL wouldn't leave her alone. I blames myself. As I look back.. i still wonder was I the problem? Was she even cheating? Can someone help ease my thoughts?
I still love her...
submitted by Stock-Ranger-9963 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:30 CircleBox2 Muslims of Reddit, what's the most beautiful verse of the Quran? why?

submitted by CircleBox2 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:30 Tall_Excitement4441 dartmouth tire & oil change

new to the area, looking for a tire and oil change in dartmouth! affordable and reliable pls :) also do i need to rotate my tires like my car is telling me if i change from summer to winters?
submitted by Tall_Excitement4441 to halifax [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:30 Glittering-Clock-344 1990 Crx dx

thoughts? so far cracked windshield and slightly bent in muffler
submitted by Glittering-Clock-344 to crx [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:30 Ok-Bullfrog-7951 Absolute Breezy W trying to haggle with Sam

submitted by Ok-Bullfrog-7951 to fishtanklive [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:30 Bob_the_tenth What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Bob_the_tenth to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:30 erer1243 Currently, it's November 24, 2024 at 09:30PM

Currently, it's November 24, 2024 at 09:30PM
submitted by erer1243 to every15min [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:30 FishermanNext4439 Why do i read that with the AI voice?

Why do i read that with the AI voice? submitted by FishermanNext4439 to DungeonCrawlerCarl [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:29 Such-Possibility1285 Assassins Creed Syndicate sank without trace at launch in 2015

It’s great to see the buzz for Syndicate that Ubi has generated with a good will gesture of a free patch. And delighted to see many new players discovering it, like a lost gem being appreciated by a new generation.
Why did it receive a muted reception on release?
New fans may not know upon release it followed the launch of Unity too quickly, the yearly schedule having driven creativity into the ground. Real franchise fatigue set in, there was no excitement for Syndicate at all. I was a fan and I was burned out. I bought a steel bookcase version at launch, played it for a few hours then it sat on my gaming shelf for years, unloved.
The Witcher 3 sucked all the oxygen up in the room, and Syndicate was left in its dust.
Years lator knowing Syndicate was optimized for Series X decided to give it a ging, as wanted an old skool AC experience after Valhalla. It’s a real enjoyable romp.
Great to see Syndicate getting its moment in the sun finally. M
submitted by Such-Possibility1285 to assassinscreed [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:29 Capable-Mushroom-851 Looking for alliance

Looking for alliance Looking for a chill and active alliance.
submitted by Capable-Mushroom-851 to ContestOfChampionsLFG [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:29 1006231255 Anybody know what the purpose of this is?

Anybody know what the purpose of this is? I have a peculiar leak appearing on kitchen ceiling. Was rummaging around in the loft and found this. May not be responsible but I'm curious to know its purpose
submitted by 1006231255 to ukplumbing [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:29 SavSoSneaky Connection Issues?

is anyone else having trouble connecting? i just want to play 🥲😭
submitted by SavSoSneaky to Palia [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:29 Spooder_dooder Can you draw him sleeping in what looks like a REALLY comfy position

Can you draw him sleeping in what looks like a REALLY comfy position submitted by Spooder_dooder to redditgetsdrawnbadly [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:29 Javaslinger No preset for TFlight Horas 4??

As a new player, how an I supposed to know how to set all of this up???!
submitted by Javaslinger to MSFS2024 [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:29 thee_anna7 I need golds 🤬

I need golds 🤬 BS
submitted by thee_anna7 to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:29 Suitable-Location118 How do you write something impersonal that isn't terrible?

I already express my personal self in writing music. I want to write a book that's more impersonal. I don't want to be working out any sort of difficult question I'm grappling with or express an experience I've had through fiction.
I spoke to a writing coach a couple years ago, and she suggested that writing is for authors to write what they need to write for themselves.
My question is, how do you come up with something to write that has nothing to do with you, but isn't terrible?
I've tried just freewriting and coming up with random stories, but then it just turns out terrible.
I was considering nonfiction that would require me to do research, but... I'm not a scientist or anything like that so I'm not sure what I'd write about.
submitted by Suitable-Location118 to writing [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:29 Shot_Culture_1539 What do all the different abbreviations mean?

I understand FC (fulfilment center), SC (sort center), etc., but what actually are they?
When I applied to my current building, it is listed as a distribution center, which makes sense to me as allegedly all of the picks we are getting, are going to other "spokes" (which i think are other amazon buildings? SWI1, BWI2, SGA2, etc.) note: i still don't know where our packages come from (all i do is pick) But a lot of people call this building a SSD, which I don't know why or what the abbreviations mean.
Basically I'm trying to figure out what each building actually does and what relationships they have with each other.
If anyone has a detailed explanation, that would be wonderful!
submitted by Shot_Culture_1539 to AmazonFC [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:29 HelicopterProper4661 Ready to explode to whatever you want. Kik footballtime2905 telguard KHC7U9TKU disc qoscuck session in comments

submitted by HelicopterProper4661 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 02:29 enieto87 Algo así fue... que buena historia...

Algo así fue... que buena historia... Y que la boda del que vive junto a mi casa el tal Toño... fue ahí "atrás abajo del hotel Mocambo..." donde hay los negros lancheros...
Son gente más que profesional...
Los Teslas Nuevo Leones...
Aquí hay que largarse de aquí... esos a esos los mandan... dijo Maynez... "NL y Jalisco..." y para eso tenían a "Mi Jorge" así se llama el papá de ese guey...
Sale en la película de Satallone... bajando la escalera... dos grupos de gente... unos que van a la izquierda otros a la derecha... el chiquillo bajando la escalera...
En las otras películas de JB... el pescado... en la puerta...
Los Navy Seals... "No se van al Yucatan the living desert..."
Que gente más lista... la viola el de enfrente y el tal toño... el tal Jorge se venía a estacionar solo en la calle... siempre vi su camioneta roja... con dirección de izq a derecha...
Que hay que hacer... saberlo.
No vaya a ser esta pendeja de nuevo los "compadre" porque tienen cerebro de cacahuate.
submitted by enieto87 to LasAventurasDeEnrique [link] [comments]
