International Space Station: Everything you need to know about the orbital laboratory

2024.11.25 03:40 TALLWALTON007 International Space Station: Everything you need to know about the orbital laboratory

International Space Station: Everything you need to know about the orbital laboratory submitted by TALLWALTON007 to satellites [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:40 Individual_Cookie886 ¿Novia? Quiero saber porque escapa de mi, ¿O soy yo?

Pues... Busco una respuesta, mi yo interno sabe que no soy ningun partidazo pero no me considero uno malo tampoco, pues, no hablo con muchas chicas pero hay una con la que tengo una historia particular. En mi inexperiencia con las mujeres se me dificulta saber cuando debo dejar ir.
En primer lugar, a ella la conocí este año, por entonces tenia una relación tóxica con su ahora exnovio, bueno, inicialmente ella no me hablaba mucho, ni yo a ella, era normal, si habíamos tenido nuestros roces no amistosos pero no nos conocíamos de nada, asi se fueron tres, cuatro, cinco meses, sin embargo, quizá por vernos la cara casi a diario, en algun momento nos volvimos amigos, bien ahi, empezamos a hacer trabajos juntos y a charlar mas a menudo, cuando de pronto, sin darme cuenta, ella y yo hablábamos durante toda la jornada, hasta en plena clase, empezamos a salir solos a esperar el transporte de cada uno(ella y yo teniamos que esperar en el colegio de al lado donde estudian nuestros hermanos) y así nos fuimos uniendo mas. Llegado un día, ocurre una escena de ella con el novio en que yo me encontré indirectamente involucrado, y ellos deciden romper, ella llega triste al colegio y soy el primero en enterarme de ello en la escuela junto a su mejor amigo. Allí empezamos a tener más cercanía, y empecé a lanzarle indirectas de amor. Al poco tiempo me entero que ella volvió con el novio, pero fue para darme cuenta que el le había puesto los cuernos a ella, y ahí rompen definitivamente, donde yo declino de mi cortejo a ella. Poco después, ella y yo junto con otros compañeros decidimos hacer un proyecto escolar, en donde ella queda haciendo todo el proyecto sola y sin mas que la financiación y apoyo moral de nosotros. En ese orden de ideas, cuando ella recurre a mi, ya que me tenía mucha confianza(así me lo habia dicho muchas veces), para pedirme opinión acerca de los ultimos detalles del proyecto, yo le digo francamente que no me gustó y que me parece feo, a lo que ella decide casi que sacarme del grupo, tratarme de inútil y dejarme en claro que no me quería volver a ver, a lo que yo decidí tras insistirle un poco, decistir de seguir buscandola y hablarle. Luego me entero de que una amiga de ella le salió con el chisme de que yo iba a su casa(tiene casa sola) muy seguido para coger con ella. Lo que acrecentó mas su molestia conmigo. Tras una semana de ello, la chica decide acercarme a mi, y meterme conversa al hablar sobre que queremos estudiar en U, pero yo no quería hablar con ella y solo le contestaba por cortesía. Tras otra semana de ella queriéndome meter conversa salimos de la escuela y no nos hemos vuelto a ver. Ahora la ultima vez que la veré será el día de la graduación.
submitted by Individual_Cookie886 to Preguntas_de_Reddit_ [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:40 AadityaGelani__ To do??

Is mathongo enough for bitsat? And gimme some tips for chemistry Like it is highly predictable but being specific for physical chemistry
submitted by AadityaGelani__ to Bitsatards [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:40 Smol_queen1 [19/F] hiyaaaaa, again is 5am c:

Really wanna talk before classes in a bit and Plus done a allnighter so need someone too keep me awake, Can talk about literally anythinggggggggg And feel free too ask whatever💫
submitted by Smol_queen1 to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:40 coolbern Trump’s science-denying fanatics are bad enough. Yet even our climate ‘solutions’ are now the stuff of total delusion. The ‘progress’ made at Cop29 has been on carbon markets: a world of magical thinking, over-claiming and distorted truth.

Trump’s science-denying fanatics are bad enough. Yet even our climate ‘solutions’ are now the stuff of total delusion. The ‘progress’ made at Cop29 has been on carbon markets: a world of magical thinking, over-claiming and distorted truth. submitted by coolbern to climatepolicy [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:40 YourTrueCrimeLibrary On the Docket: Week of November 25 2024

Here's a quick look at some of what's scheduled in court this week. Subject to change as hearings are added or canceled. It will likely be a slow week with the Thanksgiving holiday here in the US.

submitted by YourTrueCrimeLibrary to TrialWatching [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:40 Automatic_Farm_6092 Studocu download help!

Hello i am an as level student studying economics and i just really need to download this document but I can’t get a subscription for just one document as it would be a waste of a subscription. so if one of you with a subscription could just download this document and send the pdf it would really help !!!!
Here is the link
Thank you!
submitted by Automatic_Farm_6092 to ASLevel2025 [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:40 lemmethinkidk Asking ChatGPT to create step by step tutorials has to be the funniest thing I’ve seen all week

Asking ChatGPT to create step by step tutorials has to be the funniest thing I’ve seen all week submitted by lemmethinkidk to ChatGPT [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:40 forrealthoughforreal What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by forrealthoughforreal to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:40 Femaleuser18th Necesito consejo de personas que hayan estado en mi situación A.E.

Soy una chica de 18 años y no tengo problemas tangibles ni visibles a simple vista pero: Básicamente hace años caí en un pozo sin fondo, del cual me costó muchísimo salir ya que nadie se enteró de lo que estaba pasando, pasé 2 años enteros haciéndome olvidar cada misero detalle de esa época hasta tal punto que perdí mi esencia, cuando estaba dentro tuve que dejar muchas cosas, me convertí en una “persona gris”, no deprimida pero perdi mis sentimientos en su gran mayoría, me ha costado mucho replicar esos sentimientos para que los demás no noten nada pero no los siento tan fuertes como debería dejar ser, desde que salí no he sido capaz de enamorarme de nadie ni de amar a nadie no románticamente. El hecho de que nunca se lo contara a nadie ha creado una barrera invisible entre todo el mundo y yo, y no puedo confiar plenamente en mis amigos. El caso es que estoy volviendo a caer, soy consciente de que estoy bastante profundo, pero esta vez tengo miedo, perdi tanto la última vez, tuve pensamientos su!c!das que no llegaron a nada por el miedo de hacer sufrir a mi familia, pero ahora que esos sentimientos no son tan intensos tengo miedo de lo que podría llegar a hacerme, no quiero destrozarme a mi misma otra vez por que estoy bastante segura de que esta vez no me voy a reponer, tengo miedo y no quiero pasar esto sola, pero no sé a quién pedirle ayudar, mis padres están descartados, estaba pensando en un par de amigos pero no sé ni cómo empezar ni si me van a entender, a si qje realmente estoy en un callejón sin salida.
submitted by Femaleuser18th to Ayuda_emocional [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:40 Dismal-Wrangler1197 Why can’t I use recover?

I’ve been told in the game that if I press circle while cal is down he’ll get up and recover but whenever to try this it doesn’t work and I end up dying to an enemy’s combo cause I’m down and cal refuses to get up
submitted by Dismal-Wrangler1197 to StarWarsJediSurvivor [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:40 Fluffy_Ad7443 Why does everybody always talk about how good bbc is? Discord-alt_1236

Why does everybody always talk about how good bbc is? Discord-alt_1236 submitted by Fluffy_Ad7443 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:40 Lowrenn Me julguem. O que você acha da minha aparência? Rosto, corpo... E o que acha q devo melhorar para parecer "mais bonita"?

Me julguem. O que você acha da minha aparência? Rosto, corpo... E o que acha q devo melhorar para parecer submitted by Lowrenn to MeJulgue [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:40 thr0away_acc1 IM SO EXCITED!!!

IM FINALLY GETTING MY HAIRCUT!!! my hair was shoulder length and kind of wolfcut-ish but its soooo grown out and it doesnt hold volume but im finallt getting it cut tuesday im so excited my boyfriends gonna take me and its gonna be awesome YAYAYYAYAY!!!!!!
submitted by thr0away_acc1 to teenagersbuthot [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:40 CardiologistFar7813 For all that are against Brandon

You are acting like "believe all women" folk. you are the same as those who accuse people of sexual assault with no substantive evidence. if this was a man that reportedly abused a woman you all would be treating it VERY differently.
Drag is a medium. it is not inherently sexual.
And even if it was.
The only "proof" you have is Brandon making a couple of age-appropriate outfits and promoting someone in his community. He is supporting his community and lifting up kids that are like him because he struggled in their shoes. There is nothing wrong with any of these things.
Brandon did not do these things to harm people. he did them to uplift his community.
And even if it was harmful, even IF there is something wrong with it.
There is no hardline proof that he is a pedophile.
You people are on a hate-fueled train because gender non conformity makes you uncomfortable. You heard some things on TV, you read an article and saw a twitter post. If you read any scholarly articles or papers about this stuff, it's not how your media portrays it. get a grip. You are making a fool of yourself and you look exactly like all the me too girls that tore apart innocent peoples lives on false claims. You have no substantive proof. You are the punchline.
submitted by CardiologistFar7813 to fishtanklive [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:40 Only-Afternoon-4775 The Rain in Vietnam. Real view of a real life experience in the best city in the world.

submitted by Only-Afternoon-4775 to AussieinVietnam [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:40 Wide_Note9849 Royal puppers need pets too!!

Royal puppers need pets too!! submitted by Wide_Note9849 to dogvideos [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:40 Ok_Worldliness_5779 Carhartt trucker jacket

Carhartt trucker jacket Hello guys,does anybody have idea about this one ? Is this woman’s ? Fits small to me (5’6” 165) thanks!
submitted by Ok_Worldliness_5779 to Carhartt [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:40 abjinternational Ed Sheeran buys luxury London office block for £8.25million in bizarre career move as he expands his £70million investment portfolio

Ed Sheeran buys luxury London office block for £8.25million in bizarre career move as he expands his £70million investment portfolio submitted by abjinternational to newslive [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:40 dreamy-person Hellooo 👋🏻 here you can post your art and have some drawing tips, but don't post +18 content pls. Have fun and have a nice day/night 🫶

submitted by dreamy-person to art_is_everywhere [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:40 Gamester1927 HERE’S AN EXCLUSIVE RECIPE

For the ice cake, you take the ice, and you make eight slices
submitted by Gamester1927 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:40 Waste_Trainer7143 Come rate my girl tele:boofasl111

submitted by Waste_Trainer7143 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:40 Lazy_Pomegranate_372 Français

Non Français??? Pas du tout, tout ici est en Français sauf ses utilisateurs.
submitted by Lazy_Pomegranate_372 to Tripes_Et_Poudrenoire [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:40 AdIndependent1457 Question about Karm

When Shaishupal got killed by Shri Krishna, he got back to Baikuntha dham. But what about all his wordly karma, he must have karma ties to other souls, did all of those got wiped out?
submitted by AdIndependent1457 to hinduism [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:40 suzuki1971 Help smoke turkey

I remember back in 2006 traeger brown book recipes had turkey apples, onions two bottles of wine butter but I don’t remember all ingredients and temperature please help
submitted by suzuki1971 to Traeger [link] [comments]