Mystical Event

2024.11.25 03:46 BuildingOrganic4801 Mystical Event

Mystical Event submitted by BuildingOrganic4801 to SouthParkPhone [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:46 Bluewitch221 How can I tell if someone likes me in this situation and what to do ?

There is this regular who comes into my work often who I sometimes have friendly conversation with. Often our conversations can linger for a little longer and he is quite happy and maintains a lot of eye contact when we see each other. I found out recently that he works at a grocery store that I go to regularly and I have had two friendly conversations with him there too that seem to be like they are at my work. I kinda have found myself liking him a little bit recently, but I havent really had a random crush on someone in a while. I am 22 and I believe he is too. I saw him the other day and we were making eye contact and then he looked away suddenly like he was nervous but Idk I don’t want to just off the bat believe he is into me too. What are some very clear signs that a guy would be interested or attracted to me in this type of situation? I need some advice. I am bad at this. Help !
submitted by Bluewitch221 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:46 Emmy-LouSugarbean Watch out. He might beat it and then take it outside and shoot it.

Watch out. He might beat it and then take it outside and shoot it. submitted by Emmy-LouSugarbean to TeenMomOGandTeenMom2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:46 paraguador Who would win?

Who would win? Len Dogshit vs Locked the fuck IN baby
submitted by paraguador to Slavfolk [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:46 bandagio Our stadium PA needs to stop hyping the crowd when we’re on offense

Showing niners and eagles fans to get boos while we’re on offense is idiotic. Fire the stadium person showing things, it’s unreal how stupid they are
submitted by bandagio to LosAngelesRams [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:46 Upstairs_Rub8182 FAR Tomorrow!!!

I made a similar post to this one before I took REG and ended up passing! Simply posting this for good karma! I finished all of the FAR content at the beginning of last week and have spent the last week (especially this last weekend) doing a deep dive into the content. Wrapped up the only practice exam I could fit in before exam day with a 67. I have seen 50/50 stories about the becker bump from where I am sitting score wise, but you're telling me there's a chance!!! Gonna do a little more review before I hit the hay! Sending all the good vibes to my fellow test tackers tomorrow! WE GOT THIS!!!! WHOS BETTER THAN US .... NOBODY!!!!!
submitted by Upstairs_Rub8182 to CPA [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:46 sunderlmao Tire/Wheel size?

Tire/Wheel size? submitted by sunderlmao to wrx_vb [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:46 NinjaInspector New Orleans woman ends vigil to protect Uptown tree, claiming victory: 'I am so thankful'

New Orleans woman ends vigil to protect Uptown tree, claiming victory: 'I am so thankful' submitted by NinjaInspector to NewOrleans [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:46 Icy-Home444 Can someone explain why this isn't registered as block?

Can someone explain why this isn't registered as block? submitted by Icy-Home444 to clevelandcavs [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:46 Joli_eltecolote Dos Días en Seúl

Dos Días en Seúl submitted by Joli_eltecolote to SouthKoreaPics [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:46 Epic-Gamer_09 How would you rank all the seasons you've played?

Keep in mind I haven't played any seasons before Ch3 S2

  1. Ch5 S3: It wasn't even fortnite at that point, it was just car battle game
  2. Season OG: I know I'm going to get a lot of hate for this but this season was just extremely boring to me. Plus it was the season with the most sweats I've played
  3. Ch4 S3: It wasn't bad, just boring
  4. Ch5 S1: Honestly I didn't get to play much of the season (just the very beginning of it) so my opinion on it isn't entirely fair
  5. Ch3 S3: It was a perfectly fine season. The theme was cool but it just felt like a downgrade from the previous season to me
  6. Ch4 S2: It was fine on its own, but I dislike it because it removed a lot of the things I found fun about the previous season
  7. Ch3 S4: It was a fun season, albeit a lame ending to the chapter. The chrome was fun and it was also the season that introduced keys which I honestly wish were still a thing
  8. Ch2 Remix: Way better than the 1st og for me, the map is rather nice, and I quite like the weapons (though snipers being a one shot of you get a headshot is and always has been annoying. I still like snipers, but that's just too much)
  9. Ch4 S4: I quite like the theme, as well as the vaults with the mythic items. It was quite fun for me.
  10. Ch3 S2: It may be a bit of bias because it was the first season I played, but I quite liked the theming of the season overall, and the map was really fun too
  11. Ch5 S4: It's been a really good season throughout, but I think the Fortnitemares is what pushed it up here for me, definitely the best Fortnitemares they've done
  12. Ch5 S2: I see this season get a lot of hate, but I just don't get it. The themeing was great, the items and bosses were fun, and it was just a great season overall
  13. Ch4 S1: Great new map, loved the hammer, mid season event was great, the themeing was great, the bosses were cool, definitely the best Fortnite season I've played
submitted by Epic-Gamer_09 to FortNiteBR [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:46 Ahhgotreallots How did I do?
How did I do for this? Cpu and gpu showed 0% bottleneck. Motherboard fits the 1700 for the cpu. Case has 3 fans, bought an extra, and the cpu cooler shows 71cfm.
Any thoughts on this build? I want 1440p gaming on high or ultra settings.
submitted by Ahhgotreallots to PcBuild [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:46 weoffthatredditpack Burt's going to lose it

He's sizing up everyone like theyre fresh meat and they're already terrified of him.
submitted by weoffthatredditpack to fishtanklive [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:46 Fun-Ad4544 Why are they actually kinda good

Why are they actually kinda good Played a couple matches with them, and I’m surprised at how well they tank
submitted by Fun-Ad4544 to DragonballLegends [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:46 Kindly_Quarter_2771 F19 Looking to date

The dating scene here in Tagum has been pretty off lately, and it’s hard to avoid those "aslom" guys. I’m thinking of trying Reddit—why not, right? Feel free to PM me and drop your Insta so we can start chatting!
I like a bit Chubby and Tall na men btw😊
submitted by Kindly_Quarter_2771 to tagum [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:46 RobbyJonny What are some truly awful 80s albums in your opinion?

What are some truly awful 80s albums in your opinion? Thing Fish!
submitted by RobbyJonny to ToddintheShadow [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:46 HauntingBuy5199 Windbreaker a question

Windbreaker a question Are this two female the same person or different i am having confusion...... because one of them have golden eyes while other one has red eyes ..... so somebody help me 😭
submitted by HauntingBuy5199 to WindBreakerWebtoon [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:46 GoMx808-0 These alternatives to popular apps can help reclaim your online life from billionaires and surveillance

These alternatives to popular apps can help reclaim your online life from billionaires and surveillance submitted by GoMx808-0 to HeadlineNews [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:46 shonenlex Idk how many times this thing hit me even when I'm already aware of the sound cue

Idk how many times this thing hit me even when I'm already aware of the sound cue submitted by shonenlex to GodofWarRagnarok [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:46 CoruscareGames Have a pun a couple years late:

What do you call a male dragon in ladies' clothes?
A Cross-Z Dresser
submitted by CoruscareGames to KamenRider [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:46 Upstairs-Fondant-159 Been off Celexa for 3 months and still get dizzy spells.

As the title says, anyone have a similar story? I had been on it for years (40 mg) and wanted to get off it - no major life stressors and wanted to give it a try. Got off of it slowly.
Oooh boy. I have had some manic moments, anger, irritability, brain zaps, PVCs with my heart, but the dizziness is one of the worst.
I can’t decipher if the racing heart and dizziness is anxiety or a legit heart issue. Thinking a cardiologist visit might be in order 🤷🏻‍♂️
submitted by Upstairs-Fondant-159 to citalopram_celexa [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:46 goldcat88 How BedJet Saved My Sleep and My Sanity (10% Off Discount)

How BedJet Saved My Sleep and My Sanity (10% Off Discount) submitted by goldcat88 to bedjet [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:46 MildredBailey01 Dinner ideas? Literally anything you got!

I want to start cooking more for my guy as he does most of the cooking, which I appreciate, but I want to pitch in more. What are some meals I can add to my roster?
submitted by MildredBailey01 to Cooking [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:46 Academic-Baby5443 Half Dane Good

Hello! Long time lurker, first time poster. This is my silly half Dane/half Golden Retriever Finn (crazy we know but we did a DNA test and so did another from his liter and it was about a 50/50 split). We just want to say hi and share some love
submitted by Academic-Baby5443 to greatdanes [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 03:46 Spare_Strike_5856 What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Spare_Strike_5856 to Pixelary [link] [comments]