why is the english dialogue in anime so hard to hear?

2024.11.25 04:48 Brightclaw431 why is the english dialogue in anime so hard to hear?

So I am trying to watch scissor seven in the english dub and I can't hear 90% of what they are saying as the dialogue is too damn low despite my sound bar being cranked up to near max.
I looked into the audio settings, but there is just one english option, not like you can switch it from english 5.1 to english original.
Is this just a "me" problem, an anime audio mixing problem or a Netflix problem as I have noticed the same thing with other anime in that that the english dub dialogue is way to quiet
submitted by Brightclaw431 to netflix [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:48 IDepriveMyselfOfSlee i’m still a bit proud of this one thing indrew so im gonna share it here. Eat up, or don’t

t!boy khan,,, hhnhhnnghh,,,
submitted by IDepriveMyselfOfSlee to murderdroneswarzone [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:48 quippy-77 is this skinny fat?

is this skinny fat? submitted by quippy-77 to SkinnyFat [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:48 DragonflyDiligent920 They're filming at the wrong time!

Neuromancer is set during summer:

SUMMER IN THE Sprawl, the mall crowds swaying like windblown grass, a field of flesh...
Yet they're filming the Chiba scenes in Japan in December: https://imgur.com/psBmWW4. Literally unwatchable!
I honestly don't mind this actually, the Chiba sections have a much more wintery vibe to me anyway.
submitted by DragonflyDiligent920 to Neuromancer [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:48 kinky_angelx Can you rate mommy's new haircut? Btw, Im only 26yo :)

Can you rate mommy's new haircut? Btw, Im only 26yo :) submitted by kinky_angelx to rate [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:48 Twnty21_29 Mina

Mina submitted by Twnty21_29 to MyouiMina [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:48 CustardTop277 New Product Owner in New Company : Need advice

Hi all,
I’m starting as a senior technical product owner in a company with head count of +2k employees. So fairly it is mid size company.
I’m starting my first day today and there are few onboarding meetings that are planned ahead to get started with the day.
Could someone help me what I should do in first month to gain momentum. As an engineer I knew to check open source and PRs. But as PO i don’t want to put my energy as I’m starting off in completely uncharted plains.
Background : i started off as engineer but switched to PM roles as I like to operate in administration space rather than development space. I did few certifications to get knowledge on basics
submitted by CustardTop277 to ProductOwner [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:48 SmokeAndEchoes Lea

Lea submitted by SmokeAndEchoes to SNSladyarchive [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:48 OpenOlive2987 FREE Tarot Reading (Yes/No/Maybe) DM only for Paid Reading

(1) reply to this post with your question (make sure that it can be answerable by a yes/no maybe); and
(2) Please ask clear questions, minsan mala unalive dating ng tanong nyo. I will start replying right away when the comments are eligible and does not have any conflict with the disclaimers.
Only 1 Question per person for Free. Cut off @ 9pm.
If you want to get a private reading, weekly or monthly reading, kindly dm me! I also do personal readings around Malolos, Bulacan!
submitted by OpenOlive2987 to classifiedsph [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:48 EngineerGaming_6 Goulart

Goulart submitted by EngineerGaming_6 to InesperadoCu [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:48 United_Grapefruit_ What song reminds you of a certain commercial?

submitted by United_Grapefruit_ to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:48 robopiglet Problem with my Ultra 2, looking for solutions before returning...

I rely on voice memo a lot. I found recording was stopping inexplicably. It turns out that the top of my hand is hitting the crown on my Ultra 2 and stopping the recording. I'm guessing other apps will also be affected. I could try and keep my watch farther up the wrist but 1. this is not a look I like and 2. I like a loose watch strap as I think having to tighten the band will be unhealthy for wrist tendons.
I never had an issue with my earlier non-ultra watches because I always had a protective case on them which kept the crown being pressed, as the case was as far from the watch body as the crown.
Any thoughts, before I return this for a 10?
submitted by robopiglet to AppleWatch [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:48 CustomerOld6132 Good online clothing brands to shop?

I've attached some photos of what I'm looking for. I'd like for it to be as inexpensive as possible, but i'm willing to pay a higher price for quality pieces. I'm also studying in the US for uni, so the store needs to be able to ship to US. Thanks for any recommendations
submitted by CustomerOld6132 to europeanmalefashion [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:48 UnlikelyAd4344 Trading my pets each for many fr pot as possible not taking underpay

Trading my pets each for many fr pot as possible not taking underpay submitted by UnlikelyAd4344 to AdoptMeRBX [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:48 Icy-Cobbler-7639 anyone else regret not splurging on pit this tour?

next tour i am getting pit for sure
submitted by Icy-Cobbler-7639 to twentyonepilots [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:48 Dry_Phrase8201 Ayuda tengo 16 y que pueden recomendar?

Tengo 16 y me acaban de echar de casa y necesito un trabajo donde dormir y ese tipo de cosas PTT son las 2am
submitted by Dry_Phrase8201 to AskRedditespanol [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:48 PineappleParadiseSTV Is the Gigabyte m27Q still a good monitor to use?

Looking into buying a monitor for my Xbox Series X as I’ve been playing on a TV for far too long. I mainly play COD and other fast paced multiplayer shooter games,having never owned a monitor before a lot of these specs are foreign to me. Would it be worth it to upgrade to a 2.1 HDMI rather than this? Thanks for any help. Having trouble pulling the purchase trigger not knowing fully what I’m getting myself into
submitted by PineappleParadiseSTV to buildapcmonitors [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:48 tkc0 [WTS] Boldr Venture Sandstorm – 38mm Titanium Field Watch (9/10 Condition)

submitted by tkc0 to Watchexchange [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:48 Sorry-Report6099 Display Issue After Update

Display Issue After Update submitted by Sorry-Report6099 to GamingLaptops [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:48 GambleDiaz08 Ps5 ds3 can anyone solo Sullivan

submitted by GambleDiaz08 to SummonSign [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:48 Sillyinz Long-term or short-term solution

Ayyy Reddit,
I’ve been on lexapro for about 6 months. It has been very helpful for the most part. My anxiety has significantly reduced and I don’t have nearly as severe or frequent depressive episodes, but I do not want to be on lexapro long-term.
Have people had positive experiences of getting off SSRIs? I know this sub is generally used by people currently on or beginning to take lexapro but it seems like anytime people try to taper off they end up back on meds.
submitted by Sillyinz to lexapro [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:48 meli_hj Finden Sie diesen Text unten gut ?? Wie anderes würden Sie es formulieren als Muttersprachler?

Sehr geehrte/r Frau/Herr [Nachname],
ich hoffe, es geht Ihnen gut. Mit diesem Schreiben möchte ich mich nochmals herzlich für die wunderbare Gelegenheit bedanken, die Sie mir durch das Praktikum in Ihrem Unternehmen gegeben haben. In den letzten Wochen habe ich viele wertvolle Erfahrungen gesammelt und fühle mich sehr wohl in Ihrem Team.
Da ich weiterhin großes Interesse an der Arbeit in Ihrem Unternehmen habe und das Gefühl habe, noch viel mehr lernen zu können, möchte ich anfragen, ob es die Möglichkeit gibt, mein Praktikum um einige Wochen zu verlängern. Die Aufgaben und Projekte, an denen ich bisher gearbeitet habe, haben mein berufliches Wissen und meine praktischen Fähigkeiten erheblich bereichert. Ich bin überzeugt, dass eine Verlängerung mir helfen würde, meine Kenntnisse weiter zu vertiefen.
Darüber hinaus bin ich der Überzeugung, dass ich dem Team auch in den kommenden Wochen weiterhin mit meinem Engagement und meiner Motivation unterstützen kann. Die Arbeitsatmosphäre gefällt mir sehr gut, und ich schätze die Zusammenarbeit mit meinen Kolleginnen und Kollegen.
Falls eine Verlängerung möglich ist, stehe ich Ihnen gerne für ein Gespräch zur Verfügung, um die Details zu besprechen. Ich würde mich sehr freuen, weiterhin Teil Ihres Teams zu bleiben und noch mehr von Ihnen zu lernen.
Vielen Dank im Voraus für Ihre Zeit und Ihr Verständnis. Ich freue mich auf Ihre Rückmeldung.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen, [Ihr Name]
submitted by meli_hj to German [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:48 Unusual_Practice_169 Catch and release at goodwill. Is this a loss? 😕

submitted by Unusual_Practice_169 to chanel [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:48 RevengeRealism Some pictures

submitted by RevengeRealism to pathoftitans [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:48 crunch1O1 What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by crunch1O1 to Pixelary [link] [comments]
