2024.11.25 04:39 Mythicalforests8 Hopefully I won’t have any Gen beta children
Safe to say I’m not getting a wife anytime soon and even if I did I pray that I won’t get a Gen beta kid. I mean, by the end of the generation I’ll be 28, what’s the worst that will happen?
submitted by Mythicalforests8 to GenBeta [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 04:39 Randy-Marsh_ Everett wins in OT 4-3 after being down 3 goals!
submitted by Randy-Marsh_ to Everett_Silvertips [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 04:39 Just-Orange-9523 Spider Drama
Anyone else trying to patiently wait for the 3rd installment by creating your own scenarios? 🖤🖤🤘🏻✌🏻
P.S. I need better backgrounds 😂🤣😂🤣😂
submitted by Just-Orange-9523 to MarvelLegends [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 04:39 tar64k Nerd girl with demons 😈
submitted by tar64k to PixelArt [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 04:39 chai_tealatte Mike Brown is a chill guy
submitted by chai_tealatte to kings [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 04:39 batman_in_a_bikini My bf cheated on me I'm so lost
So the other day I (19f) was really pissy all day and I'm not entirely sure why, my bf (19m) lives with me because he's currently homeless and I needed space from everyone including him, so I was just hanging out with my headphones in doing skincare, afterwords I came into the living room and laid down in this big chair we have, my bf goes into the bathroom then comes back out and asked me if I had loyalty testing him. I was confused and said no and he said "aw shit. " I asked him what he did and he told me about how this girl had added him on snap and was texting him, he could see she was screen recording everything and she had asked for pictures which he sent, he apologized profusely for both sending the pictures and thinking he's in a relationship where I would loyalty test him, and he's trying to make it up to me but I don't think he fully realizes just because of that things aren't just going to go back to normal. I tried explaining to him that I'm heartbroken and sad and angry and that as much as I wouldn't change him for the world, right now his "mean" jokes and unsolicited advice when I make dinner were only going to make me even more upset, and everytime I get angry at him he puts on his headphones and just sulks and ignores me and it pisses me off even more. i love him, I don't want to break up with him, and I don't want to cause more issues, I wish I could forgive him I just don't know how to get it through his head that he genuinely fucked up and I can't just go back to normal two days later that's not how it works. I already made him delete snap chat and get life 360 which ik might seem controlling but I seriously can't trust him anymore. I just need help on how we can improve the relationship and help him understand that he seriously broke my heart.
submitted by batman_in_a_bikini to Advice [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 04:39 Agile_Ad1966 Looking for a travel app that doesn't incorporate AI
Hello, I am currently looking for a travel app that can organize all my trips, but not manage them. Something simple like adding documents, images, journaling, etc. to the trip. I found a few, but most of them use AI and doesn't actually do what I need it to do. Others try promote/market hotels, flights, or use other marketing tools. I just need something simple. I found this one app called Travel Pal and it seems to be doing what I need it to do, but I was wondering if there are any other apps out there like it I can try as well? Also, I use android and not iOS in case you want to provide that may not be in the Google Play store. Thank you!!
submitted by Agile_Ad1966 to traveleurope [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 04:39 No_FsToGive help me please
what level does kumatora learn PK Ground? I’m gonna fight the masked man for the first time so i’ll need some tips pleeeeeeaaaassssssseeeeeee
submitted by No_FsToGive to earthbound [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 04:39 Upset_Technology_920 Ghostface's 2nd Fatality small rant.
The fact that it breaks the 4th Wall and makes it look like he kills the player is Genius. The only thing I don't like is "Why is it always Johnny Cage?" Like come on, that was super lazy, it would have been better if every character had their own animation.
submitted by Upset_Technology_920 to MortalKombat [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 04:39 Either_Skin_709 How do I get my rank next to my name?
I’ve seen players have Diamond 1 or GC next to their names and was wondering how to get mine
submitted by Either_Skin_709 to RLSideSwipe [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 04:39 thejellybeanflavored Copper carbonate and cobalt carbonate?
I was given these with a lot of glazes. They’re ingredients. But are they worth keeping? I do not mix my own glaze
submitted by thejellybeanflavored to Ceramics [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 04:39 BasheerFidanator How is this game still active
I thought the servers were shutdown years ago? How can I play this again?
submitted by BasheerFidanator to vainglorygame [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 04:39 lilflashstan And just like that, we're out of the play in
Thanks to Brooklyn, reality is here now start the tank 💪🏿
submitted by lilflashstan to DetroitPistons [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 04:39 No-Amphibian-5753 Is this a brown recluse?
This is the second time in as many weeks I’ve seen a spider like this in my house. Living in Austin TX. It’s not a wolf spider like I’m used to. Kinda freaked out that it may be a brown recluse. submitted by No-Amphibian-5753 to spiders [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 04:39 Yreva- Both of my hips are numb
Can a doctor actually help me with this? Or am I just screwed.
submitted by Yreva- to Sciatica [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 04:39 sigeppilot TTD Midtown
My wife and I (mid-30s) are staying near Midtown for a few days to celebrate our anniversary. Any recommendations on things to do Monday or Tuesday in the area? Thinking along the lines of trivia or a music/comedy show. Did some Google searching, but I figured I’d go right to the source here. I know early in the week isn’t particularly big days for things like that.
submitted by sigeppilot to Detroit [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 04:39 Yes-Man-Kablaam A proposed way to buff Stormtrance and add a little mechanical depth to it.
So honestly it's been a good long while since I've used to super and this is just spitballing an idea i got randomly so there might be some holes in it but I think this might be interesting enough.
So basically we have something that we can use for this i think very easily. Landfall! On cast it deals some chunky damage and can hit pretty hard depending on where you cast it. What I'm thinking is that we make a heavy attack for Stormtrance and have it be essentially a weaker version of Landfall. It'll have 2 versions charged and uncharged. Think like Nova Warp essentially. We will base our numbers around the Landfall that is casted on super activation. Uncharged would do 45% of Landfall's damage and lacking the little ground seekers and charged would do 80% of Landfalls' damage and have the little seekers. This is one part of it.
Second part is that when attacking enemies with your light attack the little zaps, or collecting ionic traces during your super you'll essentially gain power for your next Landfall cast. Each tick of damage with you rlight attack will give 1 stack. Collecting an Ionic trace will give 3 stacks with the maximum being 20. This will add a multiplier to your landfall where at 10 stacks you'll do double damage and at 20 you'll do triple damage so your next landfalls would be. These stacks have no timer and will only be used when you use your heavy attack. So to recap it.
light attacks = gives 1 stack every hit Ionic traces = gives 3 stacks on collection
10 stacks: Uncharged = 90% damage Landfall. Charged = 160% damage Landfall. 20 stacks: Uncharged = 135% damage Landfall. Charged = 240% damage Landfall.
This will help hit some heavy targets and you can still build it up without killing normal ads but killing and collecting traces will obviously build this faster so you can move from small fry to big guys and hit them hard. Obviously not as hard as a one shot super but it's not meant to be at the end of the day. I feel this is a decent way to help the super out. My only other thought would be to have the fully charged Landfalls blind but that might be relegated to an exotic that could be based around this new mechanic.
That's it just wanted to get an idea out of my head is all I think it's neat. Might try to think on something for Spectral Blades later on.
submitted by Yes-Man-Kablaam to destiny2 [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 04:39 mrting7 Trade?
submitted by mrting7 to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 04:39 Dr_Assist How is my first build? I don't want to spend much more and I want an Nvidia graphics card
Choose Your Parts - PCPartPicker
I'm looking to make a new build budget build and do not want to spend much more than $800. Do these parts work well with each other? Could this PC handle 1440p gaming at 60fps on titles like Forza Horizon 5?
Is there anything else I need to get or look out for? I know that the motherboard may need a BIOS update. I am also getting cable extensions for a cleaner all white look. I also believe that I can install windows 11 from my current laptop that has windows 11.
2024.11.25 04:39 Ok_Dog46 am i crazy?
how do i know if they’re abusive? are they malicious or really just joking? do they just need time and patience or do i need to move on? are they truly oblivious to their behaviour or just manipulating me?
submitted by Ok_Dog46 to abusiverelationships [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 04:39 DylanRaine69 My question is how would they pick one for you?
submitted by DylanRaine69 to badcustommagic [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 04:39 Augurkendrank How to (23m) handle with a very emotional girlfriend (26f)?
Hi everyone, I (23M) have been in a relationship with my girlfriend (26F) for about 1.5 years. Overall, we communicate well, we’re both emotionally intelligent, and in all this time, we’ve only had two small arguments. However, we’ve both noticed that she’s very emotional, and I sometimes struggle with that.
What I mean is that I do comfort her when she’s upset, but I often find myself at a loss for words in those moments. She tends to feel hurt when I respond a bit shortly, which is usually because I’m busy studying or doing something at home. I’ve explained to her that if there’s ever an issue, I’ll communicate it, and if she doesn’t hear anything, it means everything is fine. Yet, it sometimes feels like she assumes something must be wrong. In those moments, I feel like I have to defend myself while also comforting her because she’s crying.
We don’t see each other very often because I’m busy with my studies, which involve a lot of reading and writing. Another issue is that she gets really upset when I fall asleep without saying goodnight. I’ve explained to her that it’s accidental, and if I realized I was falling asleep, I would’ve said it.
Does anyone have advice on how I can handle this better? Especially with feeling at a loss for words in emotional situations?
TL;DR: She’s very emotional, and I sometimes don’t know how to respond. She gets hurt when I’m short with her (due to being busy) or when I accidentally fall asleep without saying goodnight. This often leads to moments where I’m comforting her while also feeling like I need to defend myself. Any advice on how to deal with this, especially with my struggle to find the right words?
submitted by Augurkendrank to Advice [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 04:39 Accomplished-Show666 USA visa, early appointment guaranteed?
Came across a Travel agents who promises a guaranteed early appointment such as 15, 30, 60, 90 days off course with charge. Does this really work?
submitted by Accomplished-Show666 to UAE [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 04:39 SettingTechnical7642 Need teammates for ultimate royal
These are my previous season stats. Looking for players good with team synergy.
submitted by SettingTechnical7642 to BGMI [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 04:39 Acceptable_Sea3253 Two good servers that have great calls and com!
https://discord.gg/WzQECTZSPZ and https://discord.gg/uTTF8xw5SB
Yall can jus join and chat about good calls on memecoins or anything really. Also owners be givin out sol!
submitted by Acceptable_Sea3253 to SolCoins [link] [comments]