Triple random luck

2024.11.25 04:37 cocoboy06 Triple random luck

Triple random luck I don’t usually geek out like this but I’ve been playing for about 2 years and for the first time ever got a soul multiplier followed by a mega horde while I had the giants bonus and soul bonus running ! Decent haul of souls in one minute time (:
submitted by cocoboy06 to idleslayer [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:37 run_nyg [Goodman] This could be the final year of the Myrtle Beach Invitational and the Charleston Classic will also be revamped, likely into 2 brackets: a 4-team high major and a 4-team mid-major.

[Goodman] This could be the final year of the Myrtle Beach Invitational and the Charleston Classic will also be revamped, likely into 2 brackets: a 4-team high major and a 4-team mid-major. submitted by run_nyg to CollegeBasketball [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:37 ShiwaniK S. Korea designates May 27 as Aerospace Day: KASA

S. Korea designates May 27 as Aerospace Day: KASA submitted by ShiwaniK to TheWeeklyVoice [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:37 END_MVP 24M

24M Last time (2 months ago) got 5.9
submitted by END_MVP to truerateme [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:37 falconrider111 Point downs have recently become a thing in the UFC.

Point downs have recently become a thing in the UFC. Stolen from the ufc sub.
submitted by falconrider111 to EldenRingPVP [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:37 Substantial-Bit7453 Knees Hurt

I went snowboaridng for the first time ever and I was doing pretty good. I rarely fell back aka my behind but I fell ALOT on my knees, now they’re bruised. Any tips how to stop falling on them?
submitted by Substantial-Bit7453 to snowboardingnoobs [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:37 Happymomma2015 Bitch

Bitch Now i see why yall talk so much shit about her. She’s such a bitch. I asked her one simple question and she went on and on about how I’m a Reddit person. Literally have never posted in this group and watch her a lot. It so funny how she bitches about people not buying but then is an ass and says “you don’t have to watch if you don’t want to.” lol mkay girlie pop.
submitted by Happymomma2015 to BombPartyGossip [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:37 slov90 Up 40 vs. just Saquon tonight and lost. AMA.

I think that’s it for my fantasy football career.
submitted by slov90 to Fantasy_Football [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:37 WaterWraith69 Happy Family

Happy Family submitted by WaterWraith69 to Pikmin [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:37 AfricanToilet Insufficient Funds for Deal?

I thought I’d bite the bullet and top up my account. Even with everything going on, I thought I’d take a risk and go for 3 years.
I go through filling out information, I pull out a $150 CAD MasterCard— it’s the same way I initially paid for PM and it worked fine, and I thought with this deal; I have to get it before it’s gone.
I enter the I enter the pertinent information on the card - it says the TOTAL is $139 after taxes
For SOME REASON it gives me insufficient funds which makes no sense to me. But — I haz suvviithent fundz 🥺🥺
Cody — please help
submitted by AfricanToilet to Premiumize [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:37 -Bari "Mom says it's my turn!"

submitted by -Bari to aww [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:37 sonicdinc Daily Aeqing (day 45)

Daily Aeqing (day 45) submitted by sonicdinc to Aeqing [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:37 JollyVisual566 These any good?

Usually 110$ on sale for 57$ does anyone use these and if so how are they?
submitted by JollyVisual566 to Homeplate [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:37 rampamposh How do you deal with procrastination guys (Please share hacks) ?

submitted by rampamposh to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:37 Empty-Savings-8479 When shld I plan my vacation after xat?

Does anyone have idea about the timeline of interviews after xat? I am very tired with these exams now, need a break after all this is over.
submitted by Empty-Savings-8479 to CATpreparation [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:37 AnyReindeer3939 Know u want to lick’em

Know u want to lick’em submitted by AnyReindeer3939 to soleslovers [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:37 SoozlesNoodles Anyone else never made money from options?

I’m not particularly religious but I feel like god is watching me every time I buy an option knowing I’m effectively just gambling and decides to hammer home a lesson that I shouldn’t be doing this.
I know I shouldn’t fuck with options and I should just invest consistently and if I stick to it I’ll eventually make a substantial amount of money but I want it fast and I feel like that goes against god and he punishes me for doing it.
Anytime I buy a stock with the intention of holding it for a few years, even if it’s doing bad it seems to go up that same day.
Maybe it’s a coincidence but I think the new meta is to buy a company you believe in and pray really hard.
submitted by SoozlesNoodles to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:37 Due_Recognition_3890 [Remake] Couple questions about Marker fragments in NG+

So I'm just going down them in the order you run past them in the story, but I'm wondering if I missed one. When you freeze the Hunter for the first time before sending it to storage, there's a Market next to the tissue sample, is that the only marker fragment in that area?
My next question was, do you have to collect Chapter 10 fragment(s) while the Hunter is chasing you? From what I remember, this is the chapter where you finally kill the bastard. Can you get the fragment(s) after the its death scene, or does it lock the doors forcing you to go to the next map?
submitted by Due_Recognition_3890 to DeadSpace [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:37 First-Pizza-3042 This song has helped me through a lot of dark times what rocky song has helped you?

This song has helped me through a lot of dark times what rocky song has helped you? submitted by First-Pizza-3042 to asaprocky [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:37 Fire_Flies_1993 New Guernsey Numbers.

New Guernsey Numbers. submitted by Fire_Flies_1993 to adelaidefc [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:37 GoalIllustrious4962 Facefuck only gc 1 vid sample only amatuer 0591ec2316c0df8d1d513022b6dc79c3fb3fde3f11878604b4115b23853afe9235

submitted by GoalIllustrious4962 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:36 Micromashington Giants fans after every Eagles game

Giants fans after every Eagles game submitted by Micromashington to NFCEastMemeWar [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:36 LostDevices Can I sue for libel and defamation over bad google reviews containing my name?

I work in a store that sells contracts for a type of service to people over a period of time. My job is pretty straightforward, people come in, pick a service and time frame, and I go over the agreement with them and they sign. A copy of the agreement is sent to their email and the final signature is an acknowledgment that they understood everything.
I may get one or two complaints a month; I sell about 30 agreements a month. I understand that some people will not like the service after using it, but there is no way out of the agreement time frame. I do my best to service these customers, but it usually boils down to me having to explain the agreement to them again and them yelling at me that they didn’t understand the time commitment. The time commitment is in big bold letters on the price board in our store and in the agreement in three different places.
I haven’t had many problems in the past few years working here until recently; people have been leaving bad reviews for the business containing my name and claiming I scammed them and I should be sued, arrested, or fired and that I conned them somehow. This has been affecting my job here the past few months. I have maybe 4-5 negative reviews containing similar info. Unfortunately, people who are pleased with service do not leave reviews and I have around 200-300 who are within agreement per month who are doing fine.
I was wondering if there is any legal action I can take here. This tarnishes my reputation and that’s just for doing my job. People come in and pick a service over a period of time and I get them set up by going through paperwork with them. If they don’t like the service after using it for a while, there’s nothing I can actually do about it except explain the agreement. I’ve gone to management and tried to help customers before but management told me, tough luck, because they’re in term and signed for it. Is there anything I can do?
submitted by LostDevices to legal [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:36 Critical_Abrocoma_87 28M #South Carolina #SC #Online Looking to date a scientist

Ok so I was reading this book a few days ago, and there's a paragraph about this physicist who married his sweetheart from college, after he had found a somewhat well paying job, and how he was talking about how wonderful it was to have someone to bounce ideas off of, to have meaningful and useful conversations with -- and it hit me that this is what I really want.
I'm 28 years old and I really want to find someone special to take a leap of faith with and settle down. I want a family, I want to buy a home. I have a decent job in a technical field and my main interest is in physics and math, but also chemistry and biology and other sciences. I never finished college, but I will at some point soon, and there's a lot of things I want to do-- degree or no degree. We can talk about this, you can ask me, I have a very broad range of interests.
I want someone who is intellectually curious, maybe even more than me, someone who is passionate about discovering new things and goes through the pains of reading and writing to better understand the world. Maybe you're a physicist or a mathematician or a computer scientist or a doctor or I don't know.. You tell me.
If this is interesting, please reach out to me. I don't care about distance at all. I just want someone who cares about learning and doing.
submitted by Critical_Abrocoma_87 to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:36 Istaycrispyy Daniel Jones has been a big baby

Daniel Jones has been a big baby Daniel asking for a release may be sad but sitting on it he up and just abandoned his teammates. Bruh is the highest paid member on the team. He’s supposed to be the leader. He didn’t perform well, he didn’t elevate anyone around him, his teammates stood up for him because he works hard but it’s the NFL who isn’t working hard? I thought this sub was soft for being so upset at ESPN when that lady’s rant wasn’t even that bad scathing. He gives milk toast statement then has the nerve to say he wants to go to a playoff team. MY BROTHER IN CHRIST YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO MAKE US A PLAYOFF TEAM. This year he has everything and still played like trash. So now he’s gone. No QB. No Saquon. No offensive line. No McKinney. Just a bunch of fans and an organization with no idea what the future looks like. Idc if you’re fourth string you didn’t play well ride with the sinking ship until the end. That’s what we expect with the captains of our ship.
submitted by Istaycrispyy to NYGiants [link] [comments]