Scrotal raphe swollen and itchy. Fungal infection or eczema?

2024.11.25 04:40 Ok-League-8201 Scrotal raphe swollen and itchy. Fungal infection or eczema?

Hello, I'm 39M white, from brazil. A few months ago I noticed itching and swelling in the scrotum raphe line. Sometimes I feel a kind of tingling and as if something is crawling in that area. The itching is more intense on hot days and when I sleep. I wake up once or twice, itch a little and go back to sleep. I've tried applying ketoconazole shampoo directly to my scrotum twice a week while showering. The itching stops, but returns a few hours later. I'm not sure if it could be a fungus or eczema. I'm worried that this swelling and itching is only on the raphe line of the scrotum, causing this deformation as shown in the pictures. I don't take any medication, nor alcohol/drugs/smoking.
Alert: Sorry about the explicit pictures, but I have to show the affected area, which in this case is my scrotum:
submitted by Ok-League-8201 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:40 Hot_Soil_9754 I am creating a group on telegram for worshipping/fapping AB .....So DM me

submitted by Hot_Soil_9754 to AliaBhattfappers [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:40 No-Assignment7129 Just bouncing the global racist titles towards the more localised population.

Just bouncing the global racist titles towards the more localised population.
submitted by No-Assignment7129 to librandu [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:40 PapaAndrei Iphone 7 updated to 15.8.3 and now is no longer able to use cellular?

Iphone 7 did a tiny update from I think 15.8.2 to 15.8.3 and now it can not use anything cellular data or calling relates. It says I need to download the newest IOS 17+ updates for this function/to install the diagnostics app… which isn’t supported on my model. Did Apple legitimately just force my phone to stop functioning so I’d have to buy a new one and is there action I can take to undo this, as it feels illegal.
submitted by PapaAndrei to ios [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:40 joshmsimmz Wasn’t going to be denied GPU upgrade

Don’t have a full ATX tower ? Just take a hammer and smash off those obsolete hard drive bays and boom , you get a 3060Ti in the Omen
submitted by joshmsimmz to PcBuild [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:40 Sandgetseverywhere12 It’s not much

It’s not much Such meme
submitted by Sandgetseverywhere12 to Pepecryptocurrency [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:40 Hinayiro09 I really love this game but it's so freaking hard to collect all the marvel cards 🙃

Yeah 😂
submitted by Hinayiro09 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:40 Macleod99 Ne meritam soarta.

Pana nu dispare cel putin o generație adica bunicii nostri si chiar parintii(am 40 de ani )nu se va schimba nimic in tara asta. Tot vor pune botul la micile atentii gen 100 de lei la pensie si manipulare pe social media. Am votat Lasconi ptr ca vreau si un suflet de femeie sa carmuiasca tara cat poate ea. Sunt dezgustat de cum un om , pana ieri nici nu stiam cine e , poate ajunge președinte.
submitted by Macleod99 to Romania [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:40 speedemonsd They call him work husband' for a reason

submitted by speedemonsd to Funnymemes [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:40 Medical_Employer7613 Some Video of TWBD

Some Video of TWBD We did a little bit of everything but avoided the single track.
submitted by Medical_Employer7613 to ArizonaDualSport [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:40 7Ichi7 Can't stop looking. so dumb

can't even hide from harpy. 7 steps every step. there following you,, nothing to PVP... yea lets do that..
submitted by 7Ichi7 to DarkAndDarker [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:40 itzthajefe Wait how not hit

submitted by itzthajefe to fanduel [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:40 Madness1930 What Happens When Groucho Visits the Most Secretive Place on Earth?

submitted by Madness1930 to YouTubeShorts [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:40 ham-562 What was your first GSSR during the early days

By that I mean when GSSR gacha needed 30 SQ and it included non limited SSR servants what I got during those days were Tesla and NP2 artemis
submitted by ham-562 to grandorder [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:40 Big-Requirement-4162 i think it would be so interesting if dylan did a hear me out cake😭

w his downbad crushes i just KNOW he’d get canceled again 😭😭😭
submitted by Big-Requirement-4162 to YoTroublemakers [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:40 TheShadowBandito Is this San Pedro and active?

I’ve never seen any pictures of ones this spikey.
submitted by TheShadowBandito to sanpedrocactus [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:40 Ghroth66 Cata/Twins/Unstable/Twitch

Before I move on to Darktide with the imminent PS5 release just wanted to share one of my favorite matches from V2. Unfortunately i disconnected a few times throughout the match so the end score only reflects the final boss fight, but this was a rush.
submitted by Ghroth66 to Vermintide [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:40 Designer_Actuator_95 Need Proper Fix | 3090 FE Fan Cable Snapped

Hi guys, Can you please suggest what can be the proper solution here? I have done a temporary fix to handle this. All ideas are welcome, I am thinking of ordering some ribbon cable but how would I solder these things. (Would love to hear about what pitch ribbon cable will be needed). Unfortunately the replacement fan is not available on Amazon India.
submitted by Designer_Actuator_95 to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:40 Prior-Pepper381 simbal trying to be nonchalant has been cracking me up all day

submitted by Prior-Pepper381 to fishtanklive [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:40 SeanBenzu Hello everyone usefully
submitted by SeanBenzu to youtube [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:40 BothZookeepergame612 POLITICO: Trump team barred from agencies amid legal standoff

submitted by BothZookeepergame612 to conservativeterrorism [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:40 No-Mammoth6447 Cuck wanted me to post his gf. My Kik/sess are in the comments if you are a cuck and want your gf/ex owned by a real bwc bull. Asian and blonde++

Cuck wanted me to post his gf. My Kik/sess are in the comments if you are a cuck and want your gf/ex owned by a real bwc bull. Asian and blonde++ submitted by No-Mammoth6447 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:40 Guyserbun007 Why do I see likely invalid trait offer from Opensea API but not on the website's user interface?

submitted by Guyserbun007 to opensea [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:40 1The3Justas Boeing 737-476(SF) Crashed into residential buildings in Vilnius today
Flight number: BCS18D
A DHL cargo airplane crashed to day in Vilnius, Lithuania. Local authorities are in the location. No info regarding casualties.
submitted by 1The3Justas to aviation [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 04:40 petewentzs need help!!

hello!!! here’s my story…wondering people’s opinions
when i was 13 i met a boy online who was 16, i was in a very vulnerable state due to trauma and loss at the time, he toyed with me, flirted with me and made me trust him very quickly, calling me pet names like darling, angel, love, baby, babe, ect. and saying if he was with me he’d hug me for hours and look into my eyes forever. he would say i was pretty a lot. he had a lot of power over me and anything he told me to do i would do. there was casual sexual jokes like teens do but he never forced me to send pics or do any sexual activity. i’ve been told grooming doesn’t have to involve sexual activity and can be for romantic/emotional purposes, so i just wanted some extra help and advice. he would use me for anything he needed, he basically made me love him and trust him so i could be his personal therapist and constantly vent his emotions to me without ever doing the same back. he would always talk abt committing suicide and even did these little stunts of saying he was going to but backing out last minute. he would go ghost and come back a lot. this entire time i had a girlfriend and he kept saying the behavior was platonic and i just followed his lead bc i trusted him so much. in the end i left him and he had nothing to say, blocking me. i called him out on twitter (very classic teenage move😭) and he said that he was flirting with me but it was platonic and he had no ulterior motives, but those around me who didn’t know my age thought we were gonna get together because of how public and open he was about it. they said they would have stepped in if they knew i was 13 because of how creepy he was being. i know it’s a three year age gap but as i’ve developed as a person you truly see the maturity gap from 13 to 16. i feel like i left just in time because he might have gone further. if anyone can help and let me know if i was groomed that would be really helpful, thank you.
submitted by petewentzs to groomingvictim [link] [comments]