“Time like what? I’m hungry! My stomach doesn’t know that Kramer’s wanted.”

2024.11.25 05:30 Wallass4973 “Time like what? I’m hungry! My stomach doesn’t know that Kramer’s wanted.”

“Time like what? I’m hungry! My stomach doesn’t know that Kramer’s wanted.” The Trip Part 2
submitted by Wallass4973 to seinfeld [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:30 Arshit-Malik Ask Anything Thread

Use this thread to ask anything at all!
submitted by Arshit-Malik to AnyPostOrComment [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:30 mischmash2003 Do you dance at concerts?

So, I went to see Jake bug in Edinburgh today and it was brilliant. Incredibly danceable energergetic set list, all his most popular songs. But the crowd was so strangely still. And I don't mean, one or too people just nodding along, people weren't even nodding. The vast majority of people were stood completely still with their arms folded and a scowl on their faces as if frozen in time. A girl in front of us was playing TETRIS on her phone and I don't think I saw her smile once. Another girl was sat down to our right on ticktock for half the concert. And someone behind us was physically trying to stop us from dancing by holding out her hand, elbow locked, palm flat in the untimate refusal to even let us dance let alone do it herself. Has anyone ever experienced this, is this a new phenomenon amongst the youths? A post covid shift? Does have anyone have any insight?
submitted by mischmash2003 to dancing [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:30 AutoModerator What are you feeling right now? Daily check in

What are you feeling right now?
What physical sensations do you notice in your body? For example, do you feel tightness, looseness, heaviness, lightness, pressure, pain, heat? Where do you feel these things -- for example, in your face, chest, gut, legs?
What thoughts are you having? Are there words or pictures crossing your mind?
What urges do you have? Do you want to do particular things, or do you notice an urge to avoid particular things?
submitted by AutoModerator to WhatsThisFeeling [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:30 A_Zesty_Carrot What is this?

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submitted by A_Zesty_Carrot to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:30 BroMandi [Best Buy] Philips Norelco Series 3000 Rechargeable Wet/Dry Electric Shaver Black S3145/90 - $35 [Deal: $34.99, Actual: $69.99]

[Best Buy] Philips Norelco Series 3000 Rechargeable Wet/Dry Electric Shaver Black S3145/90 - $35 [Deal: $34.99, Actual: $69.99] submitted by BroMandi to RedditShoppingDeals [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:30 MatterPutrid Why do you wanna go back? Anong mga bansa ang babalikan niyo at hindi na babalikan?

Babalikan: Japan and korea Di na babalikan: Hongkong.
submitted by MatterPutrid to AskPH [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:30 13inchrims I don't even miss it

I went out with the boys last night. Some guys drank lots. Some drank a bit. Some of us didn't drink at all.
We had awesome food, great laughs and stayed up until the wee hours of the morning.
I feel like I've grown as a man and as a person and that I'm finally choosing to prioritize everything I want out of life.
I don't miss drinking. Period. In fact I cringe to think of how I behaved when I did drink.
Here's to accepting your self as you were designed to experience life, and living through all that incumpouses it. Present and grounded through its joys and sorrows.
submitted by 13inchrims to stopdrinking [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:30 geekyplug Kadence WP Lifetime Deal 2024

Are you searching for a fast loading theme that is easy to customize for your WordPress website?
If yes then Kadence WP is for you and using our SPECIAL LINK (Kadence WP discount code attached), you will get $150 for a LIMITED TIME.
submitted by geekyplug to bloggingunplugged [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:30 jamesdemaio23 Next Historical title, will either be Empire 2, Medieval 3, Three kingdoms 2, A new WW1/Industrial revolution game or a disappointment.

That's it those are the options, it's one of them I promise you. I have been thinking on this long and hard and below are my explanations for why any of these would make sense.
Let's start off with the easiest one, Three kingdoms 2. Why would they make this? Because China that's why. 1 billion people, largest economy in the world. If the game becomes a commercial sucess over there ca would open up an entirely new studio in Hong Kong to milk the Chinese cash cow dry with whatever games that new market wanted. Similar to what they have done with warhammer. China has lifted hundreds of millions out of poverty, their population is becoming richer. Three kingdoms two would be some kind of legacy bridge to get a foothold in the future and current market there guaranteeing long term financial success for the company. "But but but they already did that with three kingdoms one they wouldnt have canceled support for it". They canceled support so that they could figure out how make even more cash from a new title. One designed to literally bleed the market dry with dlc. I'm telling you this is almost guaranteed but might not be the next title. But this is coming.
Medieval 3, almost every historical fans wet dream. Would be a financial success on pre orders alone. A slam dunk safe bet. If they put half the effort into it as they did with the warhammer series it would be beloved by new and old players alike. It would be talked about for twenty years and constantly being compared to future titles.
Ww1/industrial Revolution, this would be a test bed for 40k mechanics. It would sell well, be a new setting and introduce many features that could carry over and be expanded on by a 40k game. It's a win win. CA needs a new engine for 40k and a new historical game. Its chicken before the egg. Historical games laid the ground work for warhammer mechanics. This would be no different. A ww1 game brings in naval battles, air power, complex econonomic chains and more. If it's possible this is the one I think they would do.
Now for my personal favorite, A Victorian era game/Empire 2. Empire almost had it right. It was so close yet so far. It's my favorite of all the totall war games. The ai for empire is one of the community's biggest gripes with the game. Don't even get me started on the ottoman bug. Can you imagine a Game that took you from the age of sail to steam powered ships, to ironclads and pre dreadnoughts? From flint lock muskets to maxim guns? Franco Prussian war, The American civil war, the boxer rebellion, the Spanish empire collapsing, England literally acquiring all the world's spices just to use none of it on their food? An ai that that was competent and challenging? Ca may do this, I doubt it though.
Now for the last option. A disappointment, another region based saga scale game that maybe 15 people asked for ever. The majority of historical gamers will commit suicide upon its announcement and ca will no longer have to worry about catering to them and can finally have CA Sophia focus on the next Major fantasy ip total war My little pony.
This is it, these are your options you heard it here first. Thank you for reading my shit post
submitted by jamesdemaio23 to totalwar [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:30 W4rcrimes Mod recommendations for a vanilla player please

As said in title looking for good mods, the only mod I have used in the 81 tile extension, nothing else. Whenever I see a good mod I'm interested in, it's outdated and no longer supported from the comments.
Looking to see what yall would recommend to spice up my city :)
submitted by W4rcrimes to CitiesSkylines [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:30 Alienlibra What is this?

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submitted by Alienlibra to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:30 Charming-Leadership2 Foods to eat

I was diagnosed with fatty liver about a month ago and have recently started making changes to my diet. I have cut out all gluten (bread, pasta, cakes etc), all sweets, all sugar, no honey, no processed meats.
I have been eating mainly chicken, avocado, salad, tuna, parmesan cheese mozarella, low fat yogurt, spinach, green mix, cilantro etc.
Recently I decided to go more into keto variety and learned that Jerome tortillas, ground beef, cream cheese are okay as well however I am not sure if those foods are good for fatty liver.
My diet had been very strict but is becoming quite boring and I would like to add more variety that I can rotate meals each week to keep it somewhat fresh while also heal the liver.
Today I cheated a bit and had 1 cookie and half candy bat which sucks as I was doing so good but now feel like I have backtracked significantly.
Would anyone know if meats other than chicken and turkey ate okay to reverse fatty liver or should I only stick with the meals I listed? I also occasionally eat eggs, ghee and butter but try to keep it in small quantities.
submitted by Charming-Leadership2 to FattyLiverNAFLD [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:30 Theophilus_Petrus Is the historical Jesus indeed a man born of a virgin and perform great miracles ?

Is the historical Jesus indeed a man born of a virgin and perform great miracles ? submitted by Theophilus_Petrus to AcademicBiblical [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:30 Puzzleheaded-Rip5214 Debate rudo en tiempos de fragilidad, que pensáis?

Acabo de ver en un post del X de Instagram: "Voy a empezar mi propia empresa multimillonaria contratando a pura mujer trans:
La fuerza de un hombre El sueldo de una mujer Sin temor a incapacidades por embarazos Sin falta por cólicos Sin pagos por maternidad Personal asegurado Empresa LGTBYKW+ FRIENDLY
submitted by Puzzleheaded-Rip5214 to RedditPregunta [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:30 Fnf-player What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Fnf-player to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:30 InTheHeadsetVR Can someone explain the glowing gold balls

So when do I see these? when I'm getting hit or when I'm hitting my opponent, and when I see this, are the balls different size depending on the power of the puch, sometimes I see them and I could punching my hardest to summon these balls but nothing happens.
So a explanation spotlighted on this detail would be very helpful, im rank 600 🤦‍♂️smh
Whats the mystery.
submitted by InTheHeadsetVR to ThrillOfTheFight [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:30 H0rrorBabyXxX Winter is my worst enemy 🤍

Winter is my worst enemy 🤍 submitted by H0rrorBabyXxX to LegsSFW [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:30 soft-cookie Wolves / Pistons / Nets

Wolves / Pistons / Nets submitted by soft-cookie to NBAtradeideas [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:30 Zestyclose5527 Mutota (@enissaceb)

Mutota (@enissaceb) submitted by Zestyclose5527 to GenshinGaysE [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:30 hancinema [HanCinema's News] Behind-the-scene stills released for Lee Yi-kyung in "Marry You"

[HanCinema's News] Behind-the-scene stills released for Lee Yi-kyung in submitted by hancinema to HanCinema [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:30 JuicySpark Just roaming through...

Just roaming through... submitted by JuicySpark to avatartrading [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:30 ayden_george MFC poster (by me!)

MFC poster (by me!) Made a poster for a movie in the Fallout universe, let me know what you all think!
submitted by ayden_george to Fallout [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:30 This-Honey7881 I have questions for you today about cetacean evolution

Why were most cetacean fossils from the Miocene found in the andean parts of south America?
submitted by This-Honey7881 to Paleontology [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:30 lorem_epsom_dollar Raffle winner u/evilninjarobot. All rewards distributed! Total of 15 issues given away on reddit and X!!

Thanks everyone for engaging on X. I'll bring another raffle soon!
submitted by lorem_epsom_dollar to thenewsbruh [link] [comments]
