2024.11.25 05:10 Longbeacher707 FATHER/SON?!?!

FATHESON?!?! submitted by Longbeacher707 to tcap [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:10 Competitive_Swing_59 We Dont Need To Pay Running Backs

We Dont Need To Pay Running Backs submitted by Competitive_Swing_59 to raiders [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:10 psbrown1234 [Stellar Blade] #10, my first Platinum Milestone! Combat was awesome, story was alright, Adam and Eve had the emotional range of Kristen Stewart, Lily and D1g-g2r were the best side characters, I enjoyed this one a lot! I do recommend playing with both hands, makes the game easier (sorry I had to😂)

[Stellar Blade] #10, my first Platinum Milestone! Combat was awesome, story was alright, Adam and Eve had the emotional range of Kristen Stewart, Lily and D1g-g2r were the best side characters, I enjoyed this one a lot! I do recommend playing with both hands, makes the game easier (sorry I had to😂) submitted by psbrown1234 to Trophies [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:10 Western_Employer7680 Tirzepatide prescribed to teen for PCOS

Hello, I am looking for a provider. If you know of anyone, could you please pass on their info?
submitted by Western_Employer7680 to tirzepatidecompound [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:10 Used_Lifeguard6461 Selling/Gunna shiny swaps on profile come shop‌

Selling/Gunna shiny swaps on profile come shop‌ submitted by Used_Lifeguard6461 to Soundmap [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:10 jojo047 Currently experiencing something like existential nihilism and it feels extremely lonely

submitted by jojo047 to nihilism [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:10 System-Phantom wow classes

wow classes submitted by System-Phantom to TierStars [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:10 peyoteeth houston you were amazing!

houston you were amazing! i wanted to give a late thank you to everyone at the houston show this past friday. this was my first VIP show that i went to completely by myself and everyone at the venue that i got to interact with really calmed my nerves. i’m also really grateful there wasn’t any heckling/interruptions during the show and that everyone was so kind. i was the person handing out kandi rats (first time making anything kandi) and i was really happy to see how well received they were by everyone who got one :) thank y’all again!! <3
submitted by peyoteeth to willwood [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:10 Schwhitey Yellow scab that hurts

Yellow scab that hurts It’s winter and my skin hates the dry air. This spot normally doesn’t react great to shaving as it can get sensitive from time to time. A bit ago it started to flare up and get almost acne like bumps that would burn a bit. Then it turned into this crusty yellow grossness. Do I need to go see a doctor? I’m worried it could it be impetigo which Idk much about.
It’s annoying and hurts and is itchy and I can’t shave my face in peace (I hate having facial hair). Anything helps, probably gonna see a doctor tomorrow but I’m just so bothered
submitted by Schwhitey to skin [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:10 Jawa999 Epic Fail: The Whole Family Was Taking Ls In This Video!

Epic Fail: The Whole Family Was Taking Ls In This Video! submitted by Jawa999 to worldstartalk [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:10 carypaola1 Ford Explorer 2023😎

Ford Explorer 2023😎 submitted by carypaola1 to Ford [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:10 kelpangler +39 star points

+39 star points First time seeing. If I actually bought this it would get me to epic? Would that mean I could skip paying the rare core and go straight to epic core? (Which I don’t even have yet.)
submitted by kelpangler to warcraftrumble [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:10 joshsuxxxx Does anyone know what’s happening to this building on Tuam Street?

Does anyone know what’s happening to this building on Tuam Street? Yeah, it’s nosey of me, haha.
I drive past it most days and have always appreciated the building. Used to be a sports centre or similar, and has recently had greenery removed and repairs done to the wooden siding

Would be cool if someone is converting it into a house or something!
Pic is from a couple weeks back. It’s now all painted and fixed up.
submitted by joshsuxxxx to chch [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:10 Firm-Reputation-2052 What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Firm-Reputation-2052 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:10 Mammoth_Shop3811 What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Mammoth_Shop3811 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:10 Quirky-Current-766 IdƑskori elmagányosodás - rant

Közeleg a karĂĄcsony, Ă©s pĂĄr Ă©ve Ă©szre vettem, hogy ebben az idƑszakban sok reklĂĄm, tĂĄrsadalmi cĂ©lĂș hirdetĂ©s szĂłl arrĂłl, hogy ne hagyjuk az idƑs embereket elmagĂĄnyosodni, lĂĄtogassuk meg ne csak a nagymamĂĄt, hanem a szomszed nĂ©nit-bĂĄcsit is, mert szegĂ©nyek milyen szomorĂșak Ă©s elszigeteltek Ă©s hogy vĂĄrjĂĄk a tĂĄrsasĂĄgot.
És itt jön az unpopular vĂ©lemĂ©ny: 1. MiĂ©rt elvĂĄrĂĄs hogy legyen tĂĄrsasĂĄguk a semmibƑl? A magĂĄny ellen az ember leginkĂĄbb maga tehet, nem? Keresni kell a kapcsolatokat, a lehetƑsĂ©get ismerkedĂ©sre. Az idƑsek miĂ©rt nem szerveznek maguknak programot, hĂ­vnak vendĂ©gsĂ©get, invitĂĄljĂĄk be a szomszĂ©dot egy kĂĄvĂ©ra, stb? MiĂ©rt nekĂŒnk, fiataloknak a felelƑssĂ©gĂŒnk a karĂĄcsonyi hajrĂĄban Manci nĂ©ni bĂĄnatos lelkĂ©t ĂĄpolni?

  1. Az elszigeteltsĂ©g nem korfĂŒggƑ Ă©s nemcsak az idosebb generĂĄciĂłt Ă©rinti. A fiatalabb generĂĄciĂł is rettenetesen szenved ettƑl, 20-40 közötti ismerƑseim Ă©s kollegaim elĂ©g nagy hĂĄnyada kĂŒzd a szĂ©thullott csalĂĄdjĂĄval (vĂĄlĂĄs, elidegenedett nĂĄrcisztikus szĂŒlƑk elĂ©g gyakoriak), szĂŒlƑk halĂĄlĂĄval, pĂĄrkeresĂ©ssel. EgyĂĄltalĂĄn nem alap dolog hogy a fiatalok nem magĂĄnyosak Ă©s mindig van tĂĄrsasĂĄguk.
  2. Az idƑskori magĂĄnyra visszatĂ©rve, a napokban olvastam askhun a kivĂĄndorlĂĄsrĂłl Ă©s hogy kĂŒlföldön Ă©les utĂĄn miĂ©rt jönnek sokan haza. Nem egy vĂĄlasz volt hogy hĂĄt az idos szĂŒleiket fĂ©ltik. Meg szegĂ©ny idos szĂŒlƑk jaj de magĂĄnyosak. Sokszor komplett csalĂĄdokat, kisgyerekeket hazakoltoztetnek emiatt. Azok az idos szĂŒlƑk, ha meg egĂ©szsĂ©gben Ă©lnek, tehetnĂ©nek a maganyuk ellen. NyugdĂ­jas klubbal, akarmivel. Engem elƑbb talĂĄlna bĂĄrki holtan, minthogy hazarĂĄngassam az unokĂĄmat egy fejlettebb orszĂĄgbĂłl, fejlettebb iskolarendszerbƑl mert Ă©n hĂŒpp-hĂŒpp unatkozom Ă©s egyedĂŒl vagyok.
  3. KollĂ©ganƑm (31N) sztorija visz mindent: hĂĄrman tesok, vidĂ©kiek. Az anyja egyetlen programja hogy folyton haza rĂĄngatja a gyerekeit, fƑz hatvanfele kajĂĄt Ă©s ott kell ĂŒlni majd minden hĂ©tvĂ©gĂ©n. Ez önmagĂĄban nem lenne akkora baj, viszont ha a gyerekek nem mennek, sĂ©rtƑdĂ©s van, rendes Ă©rzelmi terror. KollĂ©ganƑ teljesen kivan, sokszor nincs energiĂĄja 250 km-t autĂłzni oda-vissza meg lemondani hĂ©tvĂ©gi programokrĂłl az anyja ebĂ©dje miatt. Ahogy Ƒ fogalmazott: “a szĂŒleimnek nincsenek barĂĄtai. Mi vagyunk a barĂĄtaik.” Szerintem ez sĂșlyos kĂ©pet fest errƑl a generĂĄciĂłrĂłl. A meghatĂł “figyelj a szegĂ©ny kis magĂĄnyos szomszed nenire” propaganda nĂ©zĂ©se közben mindig eszembe jut: vajon miĂ©rt is magĂĄnyos az az öreg szomszed? Hol vannak a barĂĄtaik, s vajon milyen viselkedĂ©ssel vaditottak el a csalĂĄdot maguktĂłl?
submitted by Quirky-Current-766 to tanulommagam [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:10 Few-Case8348 Palayam Palli

Palayam Palli submitted by Few-Case8348 to Coconaad [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:10 Similar-Yam6095 ç»æ”Žäž‹èĄŒæłąćŠć€§ć†…ćźŁ äž­ć›œ2ćƒćź¶ç””è§†ć°æć€’é—­

submitted by Similar-Yam6095 to GTok_CN [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:10 nuclearrmt Pre-war formal wear & panharmonicon

Pre-war formalwear enters while panharmonicon is on the field. If the first trigger resolves, what happens to the 2nd trigger? Do you resurrect another dead creature with the 2nd etb trigger? Thank you for answering.
submitted by nuclearrmt to mtgrules [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:10 Elklandboy Need advice on what Keyboard would work well with a Behringer UB-Xa Desktop

I recently purchased the Behringer UB-Xa 16-voice Multi-timbral Polyphonic Desktop and i was wondering what keyboard would work well with it? I'm looking for a standalone keyboard that would not break my bank account that would connect to the desktop version ($100-=$500). I didn't have $1300 to buy the one with keys so bought the $649 desktop version instead. I am as new as they come, so I'm not very knowledgeable but trying to learn.
submitted by Elklandboy to synthesizers [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:10 Flimsy-Class-5010 Question maxxxine/ Pearl

I just finished Maxxxine after watching Pearl last night. In the ending of Maxxxine is her father the killer? How can that be possible if in Pear movie her father was immobile almost dying? Or am I extremely confused?
submitted by Flimsy-Class-5010 to HorrorMovies [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:10 Historical_Glove_119 I got my first shundo today, he has a non-shiny twin too that is a hundo

I got my first shundo today, he has a non-shiny twin too that is a hundo submitted by Historical_Glove_119 to pokemongo [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:10 Beautiful_Garbage_55 Fasting makes me feel like I have full control of my life đŸ™ŒđŸŸđŸ’•

I've been in a rocky relationship for about 5 years now. I DID NOT TRULY see (until recently) how chubby I was getting?? I sort of did months prior, but it progressively got worse ):😅😒 I'm talking about... big arms, back fat and protruding stomach. Since officially starting IF this year on October 25th (I do a mix of all methods, but I'm mainly trying to perfect doing ADF majority of the time) I have lost ALL my back fat and slimmed down all over. Lost a total of 4 pounds so far in a month, which I’m assuming was true fat loss because it wasn’t too much or it didn’t happen too fast!
I absolutely love that I have control and am taking control over what I eat. It's freeing to me idk how to explain it. I'm mad my boyfriend didn't really tell me this, I guess bc my butt was getting huge it was okay? (I’m black so in our culture as long as butt comes with its lol it’s fine). But I genuinely was feeling like a pig, feeling so lethargic, HUGE, and disgusting.
When I finally took "before pics" its was insane how much weight I truly saw I gained (TAKE BEFORE PICS ITS SO IMPORTANT!) My boyfriend obvi wears the pants in the relationship and he pretty much has say so on a lot of things
which I trust his opinion on a lot of things as well, but sometimes I want to feel like I have FULL control of SOMETHING?? I guess I have issues being fully feminine /submissive which is a whole different convo! I feel like it's just not in my DNA to be fully submissive. So he's not going to make me eat or tell me what to eat, he's not really controlling per se, but he's very opinionated on what I should and shouldn't be doing, within good reason??
Hes seen my fasting results and he's very happy so no stopping now. I feel better. Only thing is I get BOREDDD lol and want to throw in the towel periodically throughout the day, but I try to keep myself motivated and disciplined with a couple methods I don't mind sharing if anyone cares haha they help đŸ«¶đŸŸđŸ™ŒđŸŸ
submitted by Beautiful_Garbage_55 to intermittentfasting [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:10 Free_Exchange1278 S1ze b3t for my m.0m. on SC inf0 below

Horny af want to Sizebet for my mom. Outsize and make me into a cuckson. Snap : spirmi22
submitted by Free_Exchange1278 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:10 Potatoplayz88 You can grow 4 more arms

You can give yourself 6 arms except the extra 4 are only 3 inches long Once you want to get rid of them, they pop off like a lizards tail and you can eat them for extra nutrients or they just shrivel up and rot after a few minutes. They have a 1 hour cooldown
submitted by Potatoplayz88 to shittysuperpowers [link] [comments]
