Can dynamic relationships and purpose redefine how we understand complexity in science?

2024.11.25 05:28 Internal_Vibe Can dynamic relationships and purpose redefine how we understand complexity in science?

I’m exploring a framework I call Active Graphs, which models life and knowledge as a dynamic, evolving web of relationships, rather than as a linear progression.
At its core, it focuses on:

• Nodes: Representing entities or ideas. • Edges: Representing relationships, shaped and expanded by interaction. • Purpose: Acting as the medium through which ideas propagate without resistance, akin to how waves transcend amplification in space. 
This isn’t just a theoretical construct; it’s an experiment in real time.
By sharing my thoughts as nodes (like this post) and interacting with others’ perspectives (edges), I’m creating a living map of interconnected ideas.
The system evolves with each interaction, revealing emergent patterns.
Here’s my question for this community:
Can frameworks like this, based on dynamic relationships and feedback, help us better understand and map the complexity inherent in scientific knowledge?
I’m particularly interested in how purpose and context might act as forces to unify disparate domains of knowledge, creating a mosaic rather than isolated fragments.
I’d love to hear your thoughts—whether it’s a critique, a refinement, or an entirely new edge to explore!
submitted by Internal_Vibe to PhilosophyofScience [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:28 alwaysbeblepping Nvidia 565 and KDE Wayland issues (lag, setting orientation fails) with a solution

Tested with a 4060, if you have a different GPU your mileage may vary.
TL;DR: Leave fbdev on, disable GSP and you can't use the open version.
First issue after updating was the factor that the monitor I had rotated to vertical orientation didn't actually get rotated and the display was seriously corrupted. This was an issue with 6.11 as well as 6.12. After much digging, I found people talking about fbdev causing issues and disabling that via kernel parameter nvidia_drm.fbdev=0 did seem to fix.
Independent of the screen rotation issue, the interface just felt extremely laggy. KDE's logout/restart screen also got about 1 frame every 4 seconds. After more digging, I found people recommending disabling the GSP firmware. I tried and that actually did help quite a bit, though it's still felt much, much worse than the previous driver version.
Finally, I tried leaving fddev enabled but disabling GSP. This appeared to solve all my issues (knock on wood).
Kernel options to disable GSP and enable fbdev (the latter probably isn't necessary since I believe enabled is the default now): nvidia_drm.fbdev=1 nvidia.NVreg_EnableGpuFirmware=0
Throwing this out here in the off chance it helps someone. If you have similar issues and that doesn't fix your problem, it might be worth trying different permutations of those options.
submitted by alwaysbeblepping to archlinux [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:28 synthsavior Wraithpiercer XP - Xpand!2 Presets

submitted by synthsavior to VSTi [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:28 Xubair91 WhatsApp is down again.

WhatsApp is down again. ☹
submitted by Xubair91 to chutyapa [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:28 EmptySpaceForAHeart Lethal Company. by _Nudziarz

Lethal Company. by _Nudziarz submitted by EmptySpaceForAHeart to NuziMurderDrones [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:28 AggravatingTough2706 Alguien hace de emi,Nicki, maria o la que quieran que sea dominante?

submitted by AggravatingTough2706 to emimernesbitch [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:28 GreenZealousideal269 Squid 100x from here
How is noone talking about this? Whales are accumulating this.
submitted by GreenZealousideal269 to 100x [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:28 Single_Ad_9557 24/PC/LF gaming group

hi hi, preferably looking for a gaming group/discord to join rather than just having a 1on1.
As much as duos are fun, for me it seems a bit draining and having three or four can fill in the silences if there's any.
Co-op games i have atm is: Wizard101(unsubbed currently) FFXIV (unsubbed currently) Palworld Grounded Don't Starve Together Project Unknown Phasmophobia (not really keen on it as I overplayed it this year but) Baldur's Gate 3 Divinity Original Sin 2 Tabletop Simulator
I don't mind also cozy farming simulators!
Not really into competitive gaming. (used to play OW2 but not anymore).
DM me here if interested, thank you!
submitted by Single_Ad_9557 to GamerPals [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:28 Leather-Trade-8400 Does anyone else think that the new OG OG mode won’t be that successful if it doesn’t have the following?

Does anyone think the new OG OG mode will not be that successful without the following:
A big reason why people are drawn to Fortnite OG is nostalgia
That nostalgia also includes things like the below in addition to the map:

That’s what everyone on social media seems to be wanting too, but I don’t think Epic will bring that back since they didn’t for Chapter OG last year. The (mini)map that they teased contains lighting similar to what the Reload map looks like, which was “bright”/“oversaturated” and had last year’s Chapter OG sheen to it. The minimap is an ingame render of what the actual map looks like, so it’s very likely the lighting will be the same as last year
If the new OG OG mode has the new graphics from Chapter OG, I don’t think it’ll be as successful as people think, and that people will get tired of it soon since it looks/feels “modern” for a lack of a better word, in addition to the other things I mentioned above
submitted by Leather-Trade-8400 to FortNiteBR [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:28 Open_Piano_5501 VRChat Rejections Are Funny To Watch

VRChat Rejections Are Funny To Watch submitted by Open_Piano_5501 to VRGaming [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:28 Initial-Chemistry418 sm

sm submitted by Initial-Chemistry418 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:28 zapgappop 16 or 24 Ram for m4

Looking to use it for logic. Not sure if I should worry about the ai stuff.
submitted by zapgappop to iMac [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:28 SpecificRice9713 Found this while doing the deposit at work tonight. Any thoughts on value??

Found this while doing the deposit at work tonight. Any thoughts on value?? submitted by SpecificRice9713 to Bankstraphunting [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:28 MrArsikk Jennifer Anniston

Jennifer Anniston submitted by MrArsikk to skamtebord [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:28 Ill-Positive6950 [WTS] M.Micalleff Desirtoxic 100ml BNIB $100 shipped (bottle)
Great cooler weather scent. BNIB and ready to go. Will be packaged and shipped with care.
Accepting: PayPal, Venmo, CashApp.. .add 3% for G&S
submitted by Ill-Positive6950 to fragranceswap [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:28 UnionInner807 Feeling like I’m going insane. Weed, music, laundry, yelling, banging

This is going to be pretty long.
So, my best friend and I moved into our first apartment. We signed a 1 year lease. We moved in on August 1st. The apartment is a house split into 3. We’re the one on the top floor. Literally the day we moved it, we immediately were greeted by the smell of weed. Feeling optimistic, I laughed it off. Honestly, I didn’t mind the smell. Then, it consistently was happening, about 1-2 times a week for about an hour at a time. Okay. I was fine with that. A little less than 1 month in, we started smelling weed every day, all day and all night. Certain times being worse than others. I had their whole routine down. Starts really bad around 11am-3pm. Then around 8pm-11am. The time in between that was just lingering smell. I finally decided I had enough about another month of constantly smelling it, wheezing, (I have a chronic illness) flaring up really bad, stuffed nose, nausea, headaches, dizziness. I’m pretty sure I’m allergic to it. So I decided I was going to call the landlord and just have them email everyone and ask they don’t do it inside, but rather outside. Well, that didn’t work. I was still always smelling it and feeling sick. (((Also—— I work from home 5 days a week. I literally had no way out. That’s where I work!))) Now that they were blatantly smoking, even more now, I started having breakdowns. I have complained and complained and complained. They finally just stopped, because this last time I complained, everyone got an email from the landlord stating they will be contacting my city’s police department to do random checks in everyone’s apartments. They’re not allowed to do that, it was just to scared them. The guilt I felt each time I complained was horrible too. I felt like a Karen. I have too much empathy, I’m ngl. Anyways, like I said, it stopped!- but wait, it’s been replaced. With music. Loud, bass music. All day, every day. It can start anywhere from 8am-12am. Yes, midnight. So now, I’m complaining to the landlord again. Every time I complain, the music stops for the rest of the day, but then the next day they start again. This last month, I’ve started babysitting one day a week, 5am- 8pm. The baby needs sleep, but literally can’t. I’ve been trying everything. Drowning out the music doesn’t work since it’s bass. Putting the baby in every part of the house. Doesn’t work, you can hear it throughout the house. I literally feel like I’m going insane. Between my animals, the music, the smell, the baby crying, not being able to sleep myself. I literally feel like I’m going insane. I almost admitted myself to a mental hospital about a week ago. I know how dramatic this sounds, trust me I do, but I can’t explain how I’m feeling any other way than- insane. Now these are the biggest issues. BUT these are not the only issues. We have one washer and dryer in the basement. But they seem to leave their clothes in it all day, every day. After a few days, I got fed up and took their stuff out, put it on the dryer, so I could finally wash my stuff. I mean, I was officially out of clothes. And trust me, I’m not one to do that. These neighbors bring out the worst in me. But soon after I did that, I heard them yelling “who do they think they are?!?!?”. Tbh, now I’m scared of them. And they also have a really loud car that they start at least once every 3 hours and they just sit in the driveway with it running, super loud. Even at like 2am, they’ll just start the car and leaving it running for 15 minutes. Our trash cans should be assigned but nobody knows whose is whose. I thought I found ours, but it gets over full. Also, when we first moved in, we were taking all the trash cans out every week because they were always full and nobody else would take them to the curb. We don’t anymore and only do one, but that one gets full from them too. Randomly, our mailbox will be open with no mail in it. My packages always end up at their doors. One time, a doordasher ignored my specific instructions on where my door is, because “your neighbors came out and told me to leave it at this completely different door, so i did.”. I don’t blame the dasher, it was probably confusing, but why are they telling them that??? I have no idea what’s going on here, but I’m so done. I’ve lived here a whole 4.5 months, and my mental health has tanked. I’m gaining so much weight. I have breakdowns regularly. I feel like I’m not at home, but rather someone else’s that I’m paying $1000 a month for. Not including utilities and shit. I’ve become a shell of my former self. I have panic attacks all the time, can’t leave the house anymore. Have a hard time driving. Even if it’s only 10 minutes. Lastly, I need some “advice”. So, my dad came up with a plan for us to move into a new apartment with my older brother. He just applied yesterday, and I would happily live in an apartment with him! I’m actually quite excited. My only issue is the lease. Everyone keeps on telling me that I have built enough of a case, with my complaints and videos, to legally break the lease without any repercussions. But I am so afraid that’s not true. And I’m going to be stuck paying a “break the lease” fee of $400, plus the $1000 rent each month, along with the other bills at the other apartment. Do you think the landlord would work with me? Do you think the people telling me that are correct? I’m so anxious about this.
Also- this wasn’t everything we have been going through, I’m just tired of writing lol. There’s been lots of banging (specifically to the music) too. We randomly smell weed too, it hasn’t completely stopped, but stopped enough for me to be a bit more comfortable.
Thanks for reading :) I promise I’m a good person.
submitted by UnionInner807 to neighborsfromhell [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:28 TheRealJakeMalloy Hail Damage - estimate to repair?

Hail Damage - estimate to repair? As you can see there is hail damage on the hood and rear. Any ballpark on the cost to repair this kind of damage? Anything to worry about that would not be obvious?
submitted by TheRealJakeMalloy to Miata [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:28 Voidshack No...No..WHY??

No...No..WHY?? let it schnow (snow) got nerfed alreay :(
submitted by Voidshack to jschlatt [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:28 Swimming-Sell1055 Help with puyo puyo Yakuza 6

So I’ve been at puyo puyo for a month straight now and I don’t know if I have terrible luck or I’m doing something wrong. I’ve read through some old threads and am using the tower stacking method and it works for the most part. Issue I’m having is that I just seem to be really really unlucky in that my opponent seems to get chains rather ridiculously that it screws me over and I lose. I once got to a 28 win streak but Rulue never spawned for me so a little upset about that. I know this isn’t required for any trophy but Ive committed this long in getting a 100% completion throughout 0-5 that I would love to get 100% in 6. Just wondering if you guys have any tips or different methods that seemed to work for those of you that did complete the completion for puyo puyo
submitted by Swimming-Sell1055 to yakuzagames [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:28 TheRocketeer0826 Hope none of the original S3 fish win.

Simbal worked the hardest and still got eliminated. None of them deserves the win.
submitted by TheRocketeer0826 to fishtanklive [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:28 zigthepirate Good kpins

Good kpins submitted by zigthepirate to Benzofamily [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:28 aakash_n AITK for asking my parents to vacate the tenant

hello so We have a good size house and my mom like to have Tenant because she doesn't like to live alone in such big house
so over the years we hv had many tenants stay with us for years however only 1 tenant live now she's alone so no issue and now I'm earning too so my mom got this new other tenant they had small kids and their kids were soo noisy disturbed my sleep a lot since my room is like below the terrace
i got angry asked my mom to vacat the room or I'll have to sleep somewhere else
I earn good and give some good amount of salary to my parents so money not an issue but my mom feel alone scared living in big house
submitted by aakash_n to AmItheKameena [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:28 secret_nuggets What to do with pikachu

What to do with pikachu Never sent a card in for grading. I’m more of a binder collector and collect for the fun of it. This reverse holo legendary collection pika was in my old card collection. I believe I’ll hold onto it for a while but do you think it’s worth sending in for grading?
It’s got some whiting on the edges and a couple teeny dings.
What grade do you think this lil pika would get?
Rate my pika!
P.s. yes it’s typically in it’s sleeve and top loader
submitted by secret_nuggets to Pokemoncardappraisal [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:28 Envycreates1 Bullvia oliva concept art, i wani hug that gator

Bullvia oliva concept art, i wani hug that gator submitted by Envycreates1 to EnvyCreates [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 05:28 Cultural_Car_4195 Anime_irl

submitted by Cultural_Car_4195 to anime_irl [link] [comments]