2024.11.25 05:50 MovingTarget00 Backwards battery 2015 Passat Tdi, I found out the hard way
Bye bye BCM. Not sure what else was fried. I replaced it with a eBay replacement Same part number. My VCDS can’t flash it so I have to wait for the dealer with a 6 week wait. VCDS showed a lot of errors and no-comm warnings. This might be a part out 🤦♂️. submitted by MovingTarget00 to tdi [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 05:50 DanishBeach Kristen Bell
submitted by DanishBeach to FamousArmpits [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 05:50 Little_Mistake_1780 NOW WE’RE COOKING
Finally, a great episode. Damn, I can’t believe that we have to wait until next week.
Things are heating up!!!
submitted by Little_Mistake_1780 to YellowstonePN [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 05:50 innocentri Just a classy look for a workout!
submitted by innocentri to classygirls [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 05:50 ZelinkTheOne Obtaining One Of The Rarest Cards In The Game Through Bonus Wonderpick
submitted by ZelinkTheOne to PTCGP [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 05:50 TheOfficialSvengali What’s your height range?
View Poll
submitted by TheOfficialSvengali to short [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 05:50 Dapper-Marsupial-310 How does one get a boyfriend? 😂 I’m a 22 year old Femmy and can’t seem to find anything more than hookups :/
submitted by Dapper-Marsupial-310 to askgaybros [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 05:50 Davethedeer12 MBA, MSM or MSC in International Business - Online
submitted by Davethedeer12 to InternationalMBA [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 05:50 Justlooking000013 Big Dick GIF by justlooking000013p
submitted by Justlooking000013 to PrinceAlbertPics [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 05:50 After_Conference124 Is star a trans
submitted by After_Conference124 to fishtanklive [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 05:50 Brunonian4Ever [Positive] u/27thofjune
First transaction with the seller for a small two card lot...no issues at all.
submitted by Brunonian4Ever to SportsCardTracker [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 05:50 Fantastic_Canary_417 First look at season 4
it's all connected
submitted by Fantastic_Canary_417 to FromSeries [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 05:50 Inshallaaaaaaa So is the rest of the show just going to be big brother drama and binx voting people out? Yaaa I can’t wait.
When will Binx earn her spot. She’s done nothing thus far. When the fuck will this be Fishtank actual Fishtank. People fighting and overcoming not scheming to win through votes. We just lost the best competitor to a fucking bit. This is so frustrating
submitted by Inshallaaaaaaa to fishtanklive [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 05:50 Aggressive_Tax295 Until a-life fix drops, my headcanon is that Skif's just paranoid ( half joke hlaf serious, prooven by multiple mid game SPOILERS from main quest and exploration)
Spoiler for one specific psi anomaly: it actually makes ghost enemies appear behind your back, INTENTIONALLY for once, unless you take a psi block. When you go loot them they disappear before your eyes.
So actually my headcanon for now that this whole game Skif is slowly going crazy, paranoid, and shoots in random directions where he thinks that dozens of bloodsuckers are constantly chasing him, where there's actually only few, if any of them are real. His first meeting with a real bloodsucker that tanked 120 bullets left a scar in his mind and he's now sees bloodsuckers everywhere he goes.
Ward soldiers appear behind your back in a closed off underground basement after you just cleared the only way forwad. It's not a bug, it's Skif's going crazy after having no choice but to kill people who just followed thier orders and got in his way, later you meet a bleeding ward soldier and can give him a medkit. He also might not be real.
Indicator that you've been sighted appears, from time to time, but there's nobody there. It's not a bug, or enemies spawning at the very edge of a-life bubble and then despawning cuz you moved too far. it's Skif constantly thinking he's being watched.
Before going to swamps you turn on some sort of device, and a dozen zombies appear literally out of thin air. They are also not real. It's Skif blaming himself for killing sunrise zombies in chemical plant+ psi filed effect. Beforehand one of the sunrise guys tells Skif that he hopes zombies can still be helped, we just need to find a way. But Skif had to shoot a dozen former sunrise soldiers to get to a controller, and a thing he needed to get to his stolen artifact.
You go out of a cave that started with psi anomaly into gravi anomaly field. You are sure there isn't a single living soul left inside that cave. But then you turn around and see a group of bandits right in that gravi field. It's not the game bugging and spawning ambush behind you instead of in front of you, it's aftershocks of going through psi anomaly. Also sound completely dissapers in that cave, nobody would ever know if that's a bug or intentional effect (unless we get a patchnote saying it's fixed).
There's also multiple paranoid people in the game defending thier position and shooting at everyone who comes across them. One in the small zone, booby trapped the whole building because he's waiting for a group of bandits he set up. His guilt after what he's done is more destructive that the actual people who he set up, that never come. Instead Another crazy person comes, Skif, and he shoots that guy in the head.
Another one in the garbage in long elevated corridor, a crazy sniper sitting in some sort of psi anomaly, peotected by glass shard anomalies, and writes crazy stuff in his journal about how cool it would be if moles mutated and we could use them to dig up artifacts and loot.
So the zone just slowly drives everyone crazy, stalkers, including you/Skif.
submitted by Aggressive_Tax295 to stalker [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 05:50 sv85742 Surprised by results
Adopted Leo about a month ago from the local shelter and thought for sure he had Border Terrier or some other kind of wire haired terrier. So shocked by the results (last picture). Anyone have similar results? submitted by sv85742 to DoggyDNA [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 05:50 i360Fantasy From shitty to average
submitted by i360Fantasy to AverageBattlestations [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 05:50 Quick_Whole_1994 Steph ball dominance
Guards like Luka and prime harden had the ball in their hands 24/7 while Steph since 2015-16 a good chunk of off-ball which I think hurts his ppg and especially his apg. What do you guys think his per-game stats would be with higher usage? Would his efficiency get significantly worse? Would it reduce his impact?
submitted by Quick_Whole_1994 to NBATalk [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 05:50 Luffy29929292 That's so true!
Please play slither.io again chained and slogo submitted by Luffy29929292 to SLGreddit [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 05:50 Noledgebase Learn C++ Programming - Beginner to Advanced ($49.99 to FREE)
submitted by Noledgebase to Udemies [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 05:50 QiDutty Motivação
Sei que motivação é 10% ou até menos pra alguém ter sucesso seja lá no que for que almeje... O resto é disciplina e só. Mas quando se tem maus hábitos empregnados, fica muito mais difícil, alguém aí que já lutou com isso??
submitted by QiDutty to conversas [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 05:50 reimelcracker Failed courses and other colleges
For some context i am a domestic student studying at Seneca college. Things have happened and it is likely that i will fail all my courses this semester. I am likely going to take a gap year instead of trying the college route and was wondering if these failed courses will show up for any future colleges i try to apply to.
submitted by reimelcracker to OntarioColleges [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 05:50 National-Hat-8630 I feel terrible about myself. Why is being gay so difficult.
So, it’s been many months since my first relationship ended but I don’t want to be in a relationship. I would love to be in one, but I’m the worst candidate to be a partner which I accept.
The issue l don’t understand is why I hate the idea of sex. I still remember the first time I heard what that was. As a little child, I was horrified to know that two people would get naked with each other and touch each other. Since then, I have reserved myself from anyone seeing my private areas. I tried opening myself, but eventually things went horribly wrong.
Another issue that I face is loneliness. I never really had close guy friends growing up. So, I became envious of other guys who would be in guys group friends. Things are better now. I like to do things my way, but sometimes I wish I could have someone for myself. This is where things went wrong for me. I had decided to be in a relationship with a guy, thinking that this would help me ease my fears. I would finally have someone I could trust and love. I still believe he was a good guy (inside), but unfortunately he cheated on me. He had issues too, but he was way hotter than me, so I understood his motives. He wanted to have sex with me, but I felt repulsed by it. And that’s where I feel like I messed up badly to some extent. Had I probably had sex with him, he probably wouldn’t have done what he did. I feel like he would have felt comfortable with me enough for him to open up to me. But sadly that wasn’t the case.
Now the thing that makes me feel terrible is that I don’t feel like I would be a good partner for anyone. These issues that I have are so ingrained in me that I feel hopeless sometimes. I feel like if I’m not in a relationship and only seek a good friendship, I’m a total loser. Everyone I know has already had sex and here I am left behind as always. It’s like fearing of missing out has become my biggest concern at 20.
submitted by National-Hat-8630 to gaybros [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 05:50 Comprehensive-Cup688 did they fix screen recording wonder pulls?
used to be able to screen record your wonder picks to track where the card went, past few times I’ve done it it seems even if u track perfectly it’s just not in that spot.
submitted by Comprehensive-Cup688 to PTCGP [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 05:50 PossibleOk2905 Unpopular opinion: This bastard got what was coming to him
submitted by PossibleOk2905 to okbuddychicanery [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 05:50 Cute_Vegetable7938 Hades - Mythic Restoration
Hi!! I’m stuck on this quest. I’ve done everything I’m supposed to and now it says “talk to hades in the east wing” and he doesn’t come in there to talk. I tried going to him but it didn’t work.
Did I do something wrong??? I put 5 lighting spice in the lighting generator, hope that didn’t mess it up.
Anyone else have this problem?
submitted by Cute_Vegetable7938 to DreamlightValley [link] [comments]