2024.11.25 05:28 johnadamsinparis Recarga mínima para mantener linea de celular activa?
Tengo una línea AT&T. Cual es la recarga mínima para que siga funcionando?
submitted by johnadamsinparis to mexico [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 05:28 XSpidermanx23 Need getting a clue
Hi, can someone able complete this? I can trade not sure if I have trade if I have what you need I need “getting a clue and usual suspects submitted by XSpidermanx23 to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 05:28 DeimosKyvernite Lieutenant with priorities
submitted by DeimosKyvernite to Unexpected [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 05:28 bluebelle420 Relapsing and active addiction
I've been addicted to methamphetamine for 3 years. I've been an all day everyday user straight out of the gate. I have been in recovery for the last two weeks. My twin brother just got out of rehab. We used to use together often. He will lose his family and home if he is caught using again. He has gotten lucky so far and passed two mouth swabs. I already know the people he runs around with. I used to too. Some of them have reached out to me or I have spoken to them in the street. I know that he is an active addiction again. I have a cabinet at my house that only one other person has access to, my twin. We don't live together. I live with my mom. Last night I found drugs inside of the cabinet. I get into the cabinet about two times a week. Obviously I did not put them in there. Every addict I know has crawled around on the floor on their hands and knees looking for more rocks. There is absolutely no way he didn't know drugs were in there. I started hyperventilating, crying, and I threw up. I had to have my mom remove them because I wasn't strong enough. I was able to stay sober. My twin brother tried to sabotage my sobriety because he is active addiction and I don't know how to feel about it.
submitted by bluebelle420 to Adulting [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 05:28 Plastic-Year1541 Who is the most powerful Magic user out of these 5?
Who do you think is the most powerful out of these 5 Witches? submitted by Plastic-Year1541 to DisneyChannel [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 05:28 LudexOfAshfeld [WARMAP] Season 31 | Campaign 5 | Battle 12 |
submitted by LudexOfAshfeld to WESTHOLDKNIGHTS [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 05:28 LUIE_SCAD Rate camera 19/45📷
submitted by LUIE_SCAD to PRYudiposting [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 05:28 Ok_Guess_6123 Me están extorsionando
Hola, hoy hice una pelotudez atomica. Resulta que estaba boludeando en telegram porque un amigo me habia pasado un grupo, estuve un rato y vi a una persona que estaba "vendiendo contenido" resulta que el contenido eran una serie de videos de personas teniendo relaciones sexuales, hasta ahi todo normal. Yo pregunte y "compre" aun sabiendo que lo mas probable es q me iba a estafar, pero me arriesgue igual, como mucho perdia plata. El caso es que eso no es lo peor, lo peor es que despues de depositar bastante plata y que me estafaran, la mina empezo a extorsionarme pidiendome mas plata, amenazandome tambien con escracharme en todos lados y hacerme una denuncia. Todo esto porque segun ella estaba "comprando p... infantil" cosa que es totalmente falsa porque en ningun momento se hablaba de eso lo maximo que habia supuestamente eran videos filmados de "viajes de egresados" donde en teoria la mayoria son +18. El punto es que a mi la plata me chupa un huevo y lo que pueda decir la mina tambien, el tema es que yo no quiero que esto escale a algo penal porque no quiero que le de un infarto a mis viejos, soy un pibe de 20 años e hice una boludez pero nunca fue con la intencion de hacer algo ilegal... Mi duda es si realmente tiene con que denunciarme? porque yo creo que Promocionar, lucrar, estafar y extorsionar a alguien con "contenido ilegal" es mucho mas grave que lo que hice yo que al fin y al cabo fue una simple transferencia, ni siquiera vi nada. Esa es mi duda, espero que me puedan aclarar un poco las cosas, creen que va a hacer algo o simplemente me quería asustar para sacarme plata? yo a todo esto la bloquee y ya esta, no se la segui en parte porque me entro bastante cagaso.
submitted by Ok_Guess_6123 to DerechoGenial [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 05:28 TempAccount540a What does this emoji mean? 💋🥀🗝️
submitted by TempAccount540a to Emoji [link] [comments]
submitted by HOLA-SOYHOMEROCHINO to jaguares3810 [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 05:28 adham_khan Yachtmaster 40
submitted by adham_khan to SeikoMods [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 05:28 jthomas5295 29m/Australia- just got home from work looking for a casual and chill chat
Thinking about either playing some ps4 or just watching a movie and being lazy what do you think? We can skip the small talk and pretend like we are already friends.
submitted by jthomas5295 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 05:28 dhronved12 Selling Instagram, YouTube,Tiktok, LinkedIn, Twitter Followers, Likes, Views etc
Boost your online presence with our social media promotion services! 🚀
We offer high-quality promotion services for:
2024.11.25 05:28 Various-Fun4918 Tengo apego ansioso y hago cualquier pendejada por amor
Hace un año me enamore de una persona por internet (y nose si es mi falta de amor o atención por parte de todos todo el tiempo o pues simplemente no tengo amor propio o lo qie sea) la cosa es que esta persona vive en otro país y quiero ir a verle y conocerle pero nose si calga la pena intentar! A veces siento que le encantó y otras veces no tanto, así que quedó en el que se que no Pero quiero porque es la única persona que tengo ahora en mi vida que me hace sentir bien, lo siento por el contexto todo pendejo, estoy escribiendo a lo pendejo jajajjaa ni siquiera yo sé que pedo, hace una semana tenía una cita con un psicólogo y me canceló así que solo me hace pensar si realmente es buena idea intentarlo, todo me desanima
submitted by Various-Fun4918 to guatemala [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 05:28 Illustrious_Mud_4815 Risking Jolee quick af
submitted by Illustrious_Mud_4815 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 05:28 FreelanceSeriously Help me make a list of everything to do and place to visit before I leave America?
So far all I can think of: • Sequoia Forest • Redwood Forest • Finish Up all my tattoo plans • Attend concerts for non international music artists that I enjoy
If your suggestion is something I have already done or been to I will reply individually with a green check mark (✅)
I can’t wait to leave America. I have no chains or plans to ever return when I leave. It might take me a year or two to finish up my tattoos and see all the musicians I want though I’ll definitely be out of here before I’m 30.
(Moving to Japan or Italy)
submitted by FreelanceSeriously to vagabond [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 05:28 Dekarus A couple modding questions regarding Quake 3.
Firstly, if I were to make a Quake3 map, would it work with offshoots of the engine, such as OpenArena and the like?
Secondly, does Quake 3 support other enemy types such as what you might see in Quake 1/2/4, or is it just bots using normal player AI and equipment?
submitted by Dekarus to quake [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 05:28 Character-Charge-931 The Sacrifice (hi res re-upload)
submitted by Character-Charge-931 to HeroForgeMinis [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 05:28 90-s-kid Late period, negative tests
So as the title says I expected my period 5-6 days agp and I've been feeling some symptoms that could be early pregnancy but all my tests are negative.
A part of me is worried that it's very slowly rising hcg (another ectopic) but a part of me also thinks it's normal with irregular periods when my first period after surgery (and rupture) was in October?
submitted by 90-s-kid to EctopicSupportGroup [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 05:28 Bre33yBri3 New Event Soon?
Not that I'm ungrateful guys, this 10th anniversary event has been really fun buuuuttt I've completed it now. There's still 18 days left for the event countdown but no way it takes everyone that long to finish right? Sooo will we get another event while this one is still going? Thanksgiving and or Christmas? Asking for those who have played the events around the holidays.
submitted by Bre33yBri3 to GoodPizzaGreatPizza [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 05:28 superslay45 Character charts?
Hello! With the holidays coming up I was wondering if anyone had a list of all the families or sets made. I have a lot and it’s a little confusing for my family members to know what I have or don’t 😅😅😅 I know they sometimes come with a little checklist but I wanted to see if there was any new ones!
submitted by superslay45 to sylvanianfamilies [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 05:28 PoetZealousideal110 Custom Formica coffee table I made this weekend. Just wanted to share
submitted by PoetZealousideal110 to Christianity [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 05:28 AutoNewspaperAdmin [Sports] - Nets rally to give Jordi Fernandez tight win over ex-team Kings, mentor | NY Post
submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 05:28 wajiha-95 gay🚿irl
submitted by wajiha-95 to gay_irl [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 05:28 clarke_bobby Was feeling uneasy stocking heaters. Now I know why.
submitted by clarke_bobby to walmart [link] [comments] |