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2024.11.25 06:21 lss_web_1444 Image post title 891

Image post title 891 submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 06:21 tressyglowbelle Dogs are my peace

Dogs are my peace submitted by tressyglowbelle to cuteanimals [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 06:21 Defiant_Consequence9 KING SIMBOL

Probably the most dominate fish in history you were to strong for your own good and the other fish knew.(besides burt) Respect is given when its earned and wifi earned it 100%
submitted by Defiant_Consequence9 to fishtanklive [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 06:21 abjinternational [New] Python Programming - The Complete Guide [2021\ Edition]

[New] Python Programming - The Complete Guide [2021\ Edition] submitted by abjinternational to udemyfreebies [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 06:21 Spangdangley Employer going back on pay review

My employer agreed to a 6 month pay review and during the review my manager stated if a condition was met by a specific point in time I would receive a pay review. This is recorded and the goal was met so I have evidence of it. A few months later during follow up I was told I would not be getting a payrise as I had one prior to that 6 month review.
I asked for this to be revisited as I since was allowed access to the recording and now have the evidence. It has been denied again and no response has been given to my query around my managers claims or the fact that they agreed to review my pay in writing. I have also not been given a clear answer and do not believe my review was passed on to the CFO as it should have been.
Do I have grounds for legal action and any advice in how to approach this?
submitted by Spangdangley to LegalAdviceNZ [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 06:21 abjinternational [New] Python Programming - The Complete Guide [2021\ Edition]

[New] Python Programming - The Complete Guide [2021\ Edition] submitted by abjinternational to udemycoursedaily [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 06:21 Ok-Excuse-539 Is it acceptable to use ChatGPT during a technical interview for a big tech internship?

I know a student who recently got an offer from a major chip company after using ChatGPT to solve problems during their technical interview. It was an online technical interview conducted over Zoom, and the interviewer was present and watching. The student had ChatGPT open on another monitor and used it to solve the problems during the interview. Is this kind of practice acceptable?
submitted by Ok-Excuse-539 to ECE [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 06:21 marshall_good uh.. hey Bill

uh.. hey Bill submitted by marshall_good to reddeadredemption [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 06:21 Intelligent_Mix_6159 Lazada Refund Issueee

Sino pa naka experienxe kay Lazada ng ganito? May kinancel kasi akong order kasi ilang days na hindi pa din napapacked ni seller and sabi ni lazada possible daw na macancel yung order ko. So kinancel ko para sana ulitin na lang yung pag order, akala ko mabilis lang marefund yung binayad ko pero 3 days na hindi pa din narerefund. ano po pwede gawin? 🥲
Ps. Bayad na po yung inorder ko through BDO CC
sorry if dito ko napost madami kasing active dito hehe
submitted by Intelligent_Mix_6159 to PHCreditCards [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 06:21 Obey_Recon_ Alexis nitro max or donner ded-200 pro

Just wondering which is better, the donner ded-200 pro is on sale for 200 off so it’s the same price as the max
submitted by Obey_Recon_ to edrums [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 06:21 mcra_ig Trading/selling fantasy pets

submitted by mcra_ig to playwild [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 06:21 Mercury_bt about the AU...

Powder having the Hextech in the AU reminded me that the Hextech will be made by Viktor anyway, like he told Jayce; In all possibilities and paths, nothing would stop the devastation unless Jace stopped it. Viktor saved Jayce and his mom to get him interested in magic and working on it, thus becoming Victor's partner and stopping him. Meaning, the Hextech would have been created by Viktor even in Jayce's absence. the only thing that can stop it is Jayce. and since he isn't around (dead from the explosion or in prison).. The destruction that Jayce saw will happen.
So even if this world seems perfect and we all wish it was, destruction is bound to happen.
submitted by Mercury_bt to JinxArcane [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 06:21 NavJongUnPlayandwon Man City in crisis: 2nd in the league Man Utd are back: 12th in the league Manchester remains Blue no matter what happens this season!

Man City in crisis: 2nd in the league Man Utd are back: 12th in the league Manchester remains Blue no matter what happens this season! submitted by NavJongUnPlayandwon to MCFC [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 06:21 Incogn1toMosqu1to I was on the fence about Dancing Through Life...

...but boy was I wrong!!
When I saw the teaser I was SO disappointed! I hated how it sounded - so overproduced and pop-y.
But it actually suited Fiyero's character so well, and was a total bop. Not to mention the choreo and performances!
I apologize to the musical theatre gods for my brief lack of trust!
submitted by Incogn1toMosqu1to to wicked [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 06:21 DualPinoy anime_irl

submitted by DualPinoy to anime_irl [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 06:21 ThePrinceOfRats Dan Wesson Commander classic 8 round mags?

Dan Wesson Commander classic 8 round mags? I recently purchased a Dan Wesson commander classic, but I’m having trouble locating 8 round magazines that would fit this design…..I was looking for 8 round magazines with metal plate like what my commander came with but can’t really seem to find anything quality other than for 7 round mags…..any suggestions on where to look?
submitted by ThePrinceOfRats to 1911 [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 06:21 abjinternational [New] Python Programming - The Complete Guide [2021\ Edition]

[New] Python Programming - The Complete Guide [2021\ Edition] submitted by abjinternational to FreeUdemyCoupons [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 06:21 AurorasTreasures Finally got a Chappa plush after months

Finally got one of these and he gets to relax in my hot tub. Lucky little guy.
submitted by AurorasTreasures to Palia [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 06:21 abjinternational The Python Programming A-Z Definitive Diploma in\ 2021

The Python Programming A-Z Definitive Diploma in\ 2021 submitted by abjinternational to udemyfreebies [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 06:21 abjinternational The Python Programming A-Z Definitive Diploma in\ 2021

The Python Programming A-Z Definitive Diploma in\ 2021 submitted by abjinternational to udemycoursedaily [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 06:21 E7_ra Saniya Babu

Saniya Babu submitted by E7_ra to Actress_Kingdom [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 06:21 I-Promise-Im-Cool Automatically copy hex code

Hello, is there a website that when you drop the dropper on a color, it automatically copies the hex code ?
submitted by I-Promise-Im-Cool to DigitalArt [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 06:21 GuardGlad5237 23F Could just use someone to talk to tonight

I've never done anything like this before, but tonight, I really could use someone to just talk with about some things.
It's nothing about my personal life so much, that's going well. But more about stuff in the world that tonight just triggered me and my sadness is just spiraling over it.
I made the mistake of reading about the Laken Riley case. Her 911 phone call, the tests between her and her mom the day she died. All of it just hit me hard. I cried and I'm still crying. There's just so much evil in the world. No one deserves what happened to her.
Anyways, totally get it if you don't want to reach out, but if you do, I'd love someone to talk to!
submitted by GuardGlad5237 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 06:21 OpenWeb5282 Homeschooling will be future of education, if you still have any doubt then read this, homeschooling parents are already living in future.

Homeschooling will be future of education, if you still have any doubt then read this, homeschooling parents are already living in future. submitted by OpenWeb5282 to Homeschooling [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 06:21 Any_Ad_2334 Te han criticado por tu forma de ser en un trabajo

Llevo un par de semanas trabajando en una clínica privada en un puesto importante donde no hay conocimiento de parte de los dueños sobre el significado del área, pero un día de la nada se acerca el chico de rh y me comenta que tengo que cambiar mi forma de ser por que siente que soy muy frío y eso no le gusta a la empresa
Yo me quede con cara de es neta lo que me estas diciendo, y si le respondí que no venía a caerle bien a la gente si no a trabajar Por lo que me responde qué el lo sabe pero que siente que mi actitud es algo que afecta en el entorno de los demás
Estoy considerando dejarles su cargadero de puesto por que aparte de pendejos, mal pagados ustedes que harĂ­an??
submitted by Any_Ad_2334 to lacamiseta [link] [comments]