创业氛围浓厚,毕竟处于湾区,除了Stanford就是Berkeley了,开车去三番半个小时,去南湾(Palo Alto/Mountain View) 不堵车一个小时,每年都会有无数的Demo Day/Tech Talk/Meetup在湾区进行,对于接触创业文化相当方便。 先写这么多,之后想到什么再慢慢补充。 这两个学校是同级别的神校。想再比比。 为了热闹,可以把MIT和Caltech都拉进来比比? 伯克利校园费 ( Berkeley Campus Fee ):750.5 美元; 班级通行证费用-过境 ( Class Pass Fee - Transit ):95 美元; 非居民补充学费 ( Nonresident Supplemental Tuition ):14,877.00 美元; 健康保险费 ( Health Insurance Fee ):1,984.00 美元; 包含具体和可量化的经验(我在Berkeley的教授告诉我Adjectives are useless)。 没有任何错别字或错误。 CV要包含的内容 1. 联系方式 Contact. 这里写你的联系方式,比如姓名、地址、电话号码、电子邮件地址,还可以加上个人网站或GitHub的链接(如果有的话)。 2. 我申请了UC Berkeley 的春季学期交换。现在要做一个线上面试和英文水平测试…请问有没有人有类似的经验? 图片自网络 他极具争议性,因为他有在推特上发表煽动性言论的历史。 加州大学伯克利分校(University of California, Berkeley)的诺贝尔奖得主细胞生物学家兰迪·谢克曼(Randy Schekman)在艾森之前担任eLife的主编,他认为这一决定源于艾森与董事会之间长期存在的问题,而帖子是最后一根稻草。 加州大学伯克利分校(University of California, Berkeley),简称伯克利,位于美国旧金山湾区伯克利市,是世界著名公立研究型大学、在学术界享有盛誉,位列2016年ARWU世界大学学术排名世界第3、U.S. News世界大学排名世界第4。 Finally, some schools frame the EdD specifically in terms of applied research, such as New York University,The University of Texas at Austin, and the University of California, Berkeley. 美国提供教育博士学位的院校会选择只提供EdD【 此处需要引用 】,只提供PhD(如斯坦福大学),或两者都有(如加州大学洛杉矶分校、密苏里大学和 ... 清华大学校园内的伯克利友谊树 【学习体验】 伯克利大师云集,群星璀璨。比如我所在的计算机系的教授们和校友们对整个计算机产业的发展都产生了举足轻重的影响:比如David Patterson的SiFive (RISC),Ion Stoica的DataBricks (Spark),Steve Wozniak和乔布斯一起创立的苹果公司等等。 知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。知乎凭借认真、专业、友善的社区氛围、独特的产品机制以及结构化和易获得的优质内容,聚集了中文互联网科技、商业、影视 ...
2024.11.25 08:50 Accomplished-Mark717 Berkeley ED chance me
3.8x 16x high - what are shots at Berkeley ed? Is the ed program more competitive? I'm really holding out for that guaranteed scholly but haven't heard if that makes the ED program more competitive or if they care more about stats. Thoughts?
submitted by Accomplished-Mark717 to lawschooladmissions [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 08:49 spindlycashew Secular Primary Schools near Stillorgan
We just moved back to Dublin with kids in tow and I get the impression I already need to be looking into a Junior Infants place for September of next year.
I'm looking around and most seem religious ("St" this or that, "Catholic" written in the description...). Are there any seculanon-religious schools in the area? Our youngest will be in creche near Stillorgan so having the two of them nearby would be handy, but I'm open to further afield. We're closer to Blackrock.
Also, is it really going to be that hard to find a place for next year?
submitted by spindlycashew to Dublin [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 08:49 Stalker_Dolg Россияне, какие популярные игры вы не понимаете и не планируете понимать?
Я к примеру не понимаю, как люди так фанатеют по фортнайту.
submitted by Stalker_Dolg to rusAskReddit [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 08:49 OritheGoose I (35F) am broken and struggling with my (35M) partner. Is there any hope for this relationship? I need outsider perspective.
Me and my bf are autistic. We have been dating for 8 months but we've been friends since 2005 and always had secret feelings all this time. I (UK) have flown to see him(US) twice this year, and am due to spend the holidays there in 4 weeks. I am his first romantic experience and he is a very nervous person. He feels like home, my soul mate and my epic love that lasts a lifetime.
He does not like touch, is bad with expressing love via words and affection and it's taken a lot for me to reprogram my brain to understand his love languages and they are quality time (irl) and acts of service. He may be a little bit asexual but he's not sure. He doesn't eat enough food or take care of himself and he always seems burned out because he hates his job and where he lives, he complains about wanting to pursue his creative side but he makes no effort to make any changes.
Over time his efforts have dwindled, he never plans anything or takes any initiative, he stopped calling because he said he hates voice calls. We are just texting buddies when apart and he checks in with me every day and always says he loves me. (I appreciate this a lot because this guy does not even talk to his own family and a lot of our mutual friends have complained he never replies) He also does literally anything I ask him to do and in person he does anything I want and looks after me well. I feel very loved in person and he feels like the person I want to be with long term. He has said the same.
However, his dry and slow responses are exhausting when we are apart and he's always so distant, it's lonely. This relationship has been an intense rollercoaster for me and I suffer with anxious attachment. He doesn't flirt or compliment me any more either. Whenever we have had problems before, we have both agreed that we want it to work long term and he insists he loves me and both of us also feel that if this doesn't work we don't want another relationship ever again because it won't be the same level of love and connection.
I try and be playful and sometimes I make jokes about us turning into an old married couple or joking like "one day we will have this in our future home" etc and yesterday he got upset at this. He said the future is complicated for him and he gets worried when I joke about marriage or living together because he wants to "get his life together first before he can think about it" and he feels that we are moving too fast and just wants to enjoy what we have right now (I have literally not even asked him to take any next steps or discuss future)
I got extremely upset because I'm going through a hard time right now as it is, and I said that at this point in a relationship, considering the future with someone you love really shouldn't give this type of reaction and I will not be a placeholder or be treated as a convenient option for any man. I said I needed a break to process my emotions.
He apologized a bunch and said that was never his intention, said he can't change how I feel and feels terrible hurting me and that he was feeling bad now and went to lay down. It felt like he was giving up.
I messaged again and said that saying sorry isn't enough, and relationships require energy and effort and his lack of effort over the last few months just makes me feel like I'm not worth fighting for. I informed him how much he has hurt my feelings with his nonchalant behaviour and now freaking out over a joke, and that the ball is in his court to fix this.
He replied back this morning (his bed time) saying he's spent hours trying to figure out what to say but he's in an extremely bad place mentally and loves me and at least wanted to acknowledge what I said.
I don't know what to do and I'm barely functioning. I know it's easy to say walk away but this is a neuro divergent relationship and it's not that simple, sadly.
I really need some advice
submitted by OritheGoose to LongDistance [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 08:49 Cyrus_S6 How do I download this wallpaper?
submitted by Cyrus_S6 to microsoftlauncher [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 08:49 hoppy-boi Filbism dilemma
Basically a chair doesn't exist because the term is more like a 'tag' that we use to name something we sit on. This means that a stool may be considered a chair, but also a stump can be used as chair. So filbism could be extended to any wood object you can sit on because it meets the requirements to be considered a wooden chair.
submitted by hoppy-boi to StanleyMOV [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 08:49 kafteji_coder Can Angular Signals Replace RxJS for Core Use Cases?
Hi Angular Community!
Can Angular Signals fully replace RxJS for tasks like API calls, form interactions, and data sharing between components? Are there specific scenarios where Signals outperform RxJS, or are there limitations to consider?
Looking forward to your insights!
submitted by kafteji_coder to Angular2 [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 08:49 ithisturtle lip dysmorphia?
hi guys! i was not sure if this was the right space to share this, but i have been struggling a lot with this for 10+ years and just now I’m beginning to realise how much unnecessary stress I’ve been putting myself into for not much reason at all, so I’ve decided to share and see if i get get some perspective or advice here..
to shorten it all, it begun when i was little and had a burn from either the lemon wax of my firsts times waxing my stache or eating a lemon/acid popsicle at the beach (can’t really remember, i asked my mum and she told me both versions) leaving me with some stains on the side of my lips/mouth, which left me insecure for a long time but i thought it was something from my head and nobody could really see it.
years passed, many sunscreen and skincare steps later, i had my first boyfriend and then when i finally let my guard down and stopped wearing much makeup around him, when we were intimate and chilling all of a sudden he hit me with “how cute my little moustache mouth stain was” and gave a little giggle. i don’t believe he was bullying me, but my GOD i was livid and all my crippling insecurities of years returned and then doubled.
so i thought that in spite all my efforts, it wasn’t paying off at all, so after (overly) obsessing at myself in the mirropictures, I’ve decided to experiment on over-lining my lips (specifically the upper lip) + applying concealer around my mouth, which then i discovered to be the only way i could lessen it’s appearance (in my perspective). so after breaking up with this guy, I’ve begun to see other people but always with this huge paranoia in my mind which included thinking that people were always looking at my mouth, after eating/drinking/making out/accidentally removing it and running to the bathroom to reapply said liner, not letting anyone touch my face (unless in an intimate way) etc
and so over the years I’ve tried i believe almost everything under the sun to make my lips darker, from applying lemon on the lips and going to the sun, lip tints, henna, micro pigmentation, etc but haven’t really found the perfect long lasting option that leaves me satisfied. i feel the “taste” for my desired look is not what i usually see the girls around me go for, so i feel i have very little reference.
another detail (id anyone care) is that I’m mixed, so that’s why this two-toned lip is something i lean to because weirdly i feel makes me feel more in touch my poc heritage, which I’m really proud.
anyway, I’m not sure what I’m asking here, perhaps recommendations for lip liners in this mauve-ish range, or other perhaps more definite procedures i can do as to make it more long lasting, or a contact for a trusted therapist hahah but i really appreciate the space, truly ❤️
my god i really apologize for this long ass text, it’s really the first time i have ever talked about it (i thought/think this is very shallow to be something very shallow of myself to be talking about) but it’s something i am really hoping to get over, i feel it’s been so long following this pattern that i honestly don’t know how i look like anymore and unfortunately really struggle to feel beautiful without it 🥲 appreciate any input, if you made till the end thank you for sticking till here❤️
ps: here[https://ibb.co/album/rkSpgH ] are some pictures of my lips, last two pictures are very rare pictures of them bare 😬
submitted by ithisturtle to BDDvent [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 08:49 B0ssc0 WA mining watchdog launches legal proceedings against Santos over 2022 oil spill off Pilbara coast
submitted by B0ssc0 to australia [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 08:49 Sagexz Dar Vienas
submitted by Sagexz to lietuva [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 08:49 Swimming_Ad6790 songmont or tory burch
which brand is better? songmont or tory burch? i have tory burch but i’m planning to sell it so i can buy songmont mini song bag.
submitted by Swimming_Ad6790 to handbags [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 08:49 Substantial-Hope-773 Colonoscopy done but painful
Hey everybody, I had my colonoscopy on Sunday and it all came back clear except for 1 grade 1 hemorrhoid, which means I'm still not sure what caused the bleeding or the bloating but I'm glad there was no polyps or need to remove anything. Thanks to everyone who answered my questions about how to do the prep my report says Moviprep bowel preparation: Excellent which it definitely wouldn't have been without the help I got so thank you.
Also to everyone worried I did the prep and was expecting really bad stuff but it wasn't actually too bad, it doesn't taste great but actually the feeling of going to the toilet is really satisfying and I thought i'd be stuck there for like 4 hours sweating etc but I just kept getting the need going and coming back and then when I needed to go again I would go again, I would definitely recommend what someone else said with vaseline and use wet wipes that are kept in the fridge, even after these I was a bit sore but they defo helped!
One question I have is everyone said it's painless just mild discomfort but I actually had a lot of pain at one point I felt like a stabbing pain apparently I was given 2mg Midazolam 100 μg of fentanyl like I remember it feeling very painful I even had gas and air and still felt pain, I also remember the conversations I was having there's bit's I don't remember like lifting my legs up etc but i'd say 95% of it I remember clearly is that normal? also it says level reached: terminal ileum, is this normal? I felt like he went further than normal - this isn't intended to scare anyone like literally 98% of it was completely was very painful, one benefit of it was it's made me want to eat healthier even though they didn't find anything to avoid digestive issues they also found out I had a irregular heartbeat :D
submitted by Substantial-Hope-773 to colonoscopy [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 08:49 snowball567 29M Indecisive, need help with choosing..
Hi all, I'm financially successful with a good paying job and currently living in UK (but planning to return/settle to India in 3 to 4 years). Look wise - above avg, selectively social, overall healthy, and independent. I'm in a relationship, but need some inputs to choose a partner..
1) Option A: Met this girl and started a relationship 5 years ago (mostly long distance though and this is my 1st relationship as well). She is modern, super outgoing, bold, goes clubbing regularly, has several guy friends, and is intelligent. I think she loves me more than I love her. Overall she is a happy soul in general and I usually have a good time with her emotionally, intellectually and have good physical intimacy. What's lacking is the language/culture barrier - she is from North India and I am not able to really make peace with the idea that I can't bring out my OG "malayali/nadan version" with her. Miss speaking in Malayalam sometimes. Sometimes this gives me a anxiety about my future.
Option B: End this relationship and venture into the world of dating apps maybe and matrimonial sites for even a potential AM. I think I should be able to find someone on matrimonial sites without a lot of difficulty (at least optimistic for now). But don't know if that person is going to come with her own set of problems that I could never have imagined, even if we both will be able to talk in Malayalam and will hopefully have a "malayali" household.
How do I get some clarity here and fix the indecisiveness? Not sure if random Instagram reels of happy malayali couples and their life is giving me a lot of fomo..Or is something really wrong with me..
submitted by snowball567 to KeralaRelationships [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 08:49 Neokill1 Help me pick
Bit stuck on a 4070 Ti Super to select for an upcoming build. They are all in my price range if $1350 AUD (Australian Dollars). For that money I can potentially get a Radeon 7900 XTX which were on special for $1400. Sticking to Asus, MSI, and Gigabyte. Parts: - CPU R7 9800X3D - AIO Lian Li Galahad II Trinity - MOBO MSI B650 Tomahawk with 32Gb RAM Will be used for video production for YouTube primarily using Adobe Creative and After Effects, and gaming. Nvidia is better suited to Adobe apparently. Thoughts, suggestions??
submitted by Neokill1 to graphicscard [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 08:49 nekemnemagyarazd Ez ki ez a srác?
submitted by nekemnemagyarazd to talk_hunfluencers [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 08:49 maxdwinter Random Access Memories no.3
submitted by maxdwinter to DaftPunk [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 08:49 babbynightlight Is my cat’s spay incision okay?
My 2yo girl cat got spayed last Wednesday. She has been healing well so far and acting totally normal (although quite energetic and hard to keep chill as she’s been healing.) I checked her incision this morning and it was normal but I checked it just now and it looks suspicious, is her incision open? I sent a photo to the vet I got her spayed at, they open at 8am (it’s 1am here now.) Am I okay to wait on a response from the vet in the morning or is this an emergency? She doesn’t seem to be bleeding- I also know her spay stitches are internal? So I’m not so sure. Any advice is appreciated.
submitted by babbynightlight to CATHELP [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 08:49 eost002 Food kym?
submitted by eost002 to SingaporeRaw [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 08:49 Adventurous_Note_15 M4M 18 fat guy obedient for real men 053baf5cb4e4e7f6af2c7d0425d33f0fd0afe423cfab9010dfc437310c5217c02d
submitted by Adventurous_Note_15 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 08:49 morkcc Ragnok unveils third-generation 'Gun Mouse' for FPS gamers: Now with recoil simulation
submitted by morkcc to hardware [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 08:49 BlackjackBallsack This rejection letter I recieved from A Job Application
submitted by BlackjackBallsack to mildlyinfuriating [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 08:49 zuluyankee Asa Akira & 2GTS - Asa Teaches Sex (Download)
Can you get "Asa Akira & 2GTS - Asa Teaches Sex" as a free download? Nope, but you can get it through a group-buy for a small fee. It's 100% legit. Just check it out. 👉 Asa Akira & 2GTS - Asa Teaches Sex (Download)
Who Is Asa Akira and What Is "Asa Akira & 2GTS – Asa Teaches Sex"? If you’ve been curious about improving your skills in the bedroom, you’ve probably stumbled across Asa Akira’s name. She’s not just any adult film star—Asa Akira is a legend in the industry, crowned AVN's 2013 Female Performer of the Year and ranked as one of the top adult film stars worldwide. So when she drops a course like Asa Akira & 2GTS – Asa Teaches Sex, you know it’s not just fluff. This program is all about understanding the art of giving women unforgettable orgasms. What Makes This Course Special? Here’s the thing: sex isn’t just about going through the motions. According to Asa, it’s about creating earth-shaking, reality-blurring experiences for your partner. Her course dives into six types of female orgasms—yep, six—and breaks down exactly how to give each one. From clitoral orgasms to the legendary 15-minute extended orgasm, Asa covers it all. You’ll learn techniques that most guys don’t even know exist, giving you an edge that will seriously up your game. Why Learn From Asa Akira? Asa’s credentials aren’t just limited to her on-screen performances. She’s spent years researching, experimenting, and learning from some of the top male performers in the adult industry. These aren’t tips you’ll find in random Google searches—this is insider knowledge straight from a pro who’s lived it. Plus, her casual, no-BS teaching style makes everything easy to digest. When and Where Can You Use These Skills? Here’s the kicker: these techniques aren’t limited to certain scenarios. Whether you’re trying to impress a new partner, rekindle the spark in a long-term relationship, or just become the best lover you can be, Asa’s methods are versatile. You’ll learn everything step by step, so you can adapt her teachings to any situation, making you unforgettable in the bedroom. How Does the Course Work? The program is packed with videos featuring Asa and other adult industry stars. It’s structured like a roadmap, guiding you from basic techniques to advanced skills like "Orgasmic Confusion." What’s that, you ask? Think of it as keeping things unpredictable by mixing up the types of orgasms you give, so your partner is always surprised and satisfied. It’s all explained in a way that’s easy to follow, even if you’re starting from square one. Why Should You Care? Because let’s be real: knowing how to truly please a woman can change everything. It’s not just about avoiding awkward moments or gaining confidence—it’s about creating a deeper connection with your partner. Asa’s course gives you tools to transform your sex life, ensuring that your partner is not just satisfied but hooked on the experiences you provide. Final Thoughts: Is It Worth It? If you’re serious about stepping up your game and want guidance from someone who’s mastered the art of pleasure, Asa Akira & 2GTS – Asa Teaches Sex is a must-try. The mix of professional insight, practical techniques, and Asa’s engaging personality makes it a unique, empowering experience. Whether you’re a complete novice or just looking to fine-tune your skills, this course is a game-changer. Time to take notes, gentlemen—you don’t want to miss out on this one! submitted by zuluyankee to XanderLearning [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 08:49 Velkhanas What little guy is this?
i work in a pretty open building usually overnight but i noticed this little guy on the wall. had to max zoom on my phone to see the spider better so it’s lower quality. but judging off the patterns can anyone tell what kind it is and if i need to relocate the spider or if its fine being there. looks different than the house spider i found a while back.
location is Yamhill county, OR
submitted by Velkhanas to spiders [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 08:49 SulkiestC Xbox
Anyone trying to play
submitted by SulkiestC to Crossout [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 08:49 Sarciteu How can I professionally design a dial?
Hello, I am in the process of producing a watch. I have contacted a factory that can produce dials for me. I want to personalize them so I want to make my own design. I will use a ST19 movement. What software can I use to make the design and send it to the factory? Is there any website with template files for this? Thank you so much
submitted by Sarciteu to watchmaking [link] [comments]