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2024.11.25 06:19 SweetSeksyBetty I got the job!
I have my start date in January. In my usual high speed fashion, I'm itching to start studying. I know I'm slow in the memorization game and really want to take advantage of the time I have. Can anyone recommend free resources for me so I can start studying? I've been to the IAED website, but I just can't afford to pay for study materials through the official site.
submitted by SweetSeksyBetty to 911dispatchers [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 06:19 Ok-Respond-7462 Pourquoi n'habiterez-vous jamais en Eure-et-Loir?
submitted by Ok-Respond-7462 to PasDeQuestionIdiote [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 06:19 knownda Is the Direct Tax Code 2025 really simplifying taxes, or is it just a new way to squeeze more out of us?
Do you think this new structure will significantly impact investment strategies or favor certain types of funds over others?
If yes then how...?
I keep hearing about how it’s going to simplify taxes and make more people pay up, but also that it could increase tax burdens.
submitted by knownda to mutualfunds [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 06:19 Alert-Reference1489 Are these worth anything?
submitted by Alert-Reference1489 to CURRENCY [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 06:19 LewNeko Is Bell incapable of getting stronger without hestia?
Hi, new reader here. In the middle of s1, and was wondering if Bell (or Adventurers in general) are incapable of getting stronger without a god/godess to update their status. I noticed in one of the episodes that hestia had to quickly update his stuff before he went out to hit a strong enemy, so I was wondering, 'what happens if hestia forgets him or is in a position where she can no longer update his status'. getting stronger was explained pretty easily, 'do stuff', but it seems like after doing the stuff, you only actually get the reward of strength by going back to your god/goddess and getting the status updated. So how cooked would he be without Hestia? I'm sorry if this is a dumb question
submitted by LewNeko to DanMachi [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 06:19 Roald-Dahl I hope the Hyde School Survivors attorneys see this post📪🌈😂
Some photos and meticulously documented information was shared w/ us mods by a survivor of the (truly deranged) Hyde School in Bath, Maine. In order to protect the source, I’m only showing you a small part of the (empty) package and I’ve obviously thrown in some fun extra graphics of my own to the actual photographs we received recently. I see you, HSS friends.🩵 I’d be pissed if someone did this to my mail, too. (I’m pretty sure this is ILLEGAL actually, Hyde. Not to mention absolutely creepy as anything…) I suggested to this survivor (the receiver) that they *immediately file a police report** for federal mail tampering, but they had already taken the liberty of doing so—in addition to recording the evidence and circumstances and then also documenting the entire ordeal. So…you guys (lawyers) take it from here?!* Next time, Hyde School, do a better job, so the receiver and all of us can’t tell that you blatantly took a scissor and cut a straight line across the left front side of the package to make it look like you didn’t physically tamper with their mail—allegedly stealing the contents of what was supposed to be inside of this parcel. We know it’s you, Hyde. Or someone on your behalf and request…😂 Also, a personal note: thank you so much for helping sue the monsters from FHW / Trails Carolina / WTC, etc. (Lastly, has anyone else here had the TTI actually break into their mail?! SCARY! This is, frankly, a pathetic and desperate move. Go work on your MF character or something, Hyde.) submitted by Roald-Dahl to troubledteens [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 06:19 No_Whereas_6740 What blue light glasses to buy for somebody who already wears eyeglasses? Do clip-ons work?
Some of these glasses out here claim 100% 50%, but how am I supposed to know that they're actually going to do it. I can't trust these companies especially Chinese ones. I wear eyeglasses so I'm looking for ones that can be put over them or possibly clip-on,butclip-ons would be better but I'm worried about possible light coming in the sides? I guess I'll just list some questions if anyone can answer them that would be great.
1-can I use clip-on lenses or does it need to cover the whole side?
2-anyone know a specific glasses I could use that they have tested or somehow know blocks a very high amount or 100% of blue light? They need to be pulled over glasses like the ones that you can put over the top of regular glasses or clip-ons if those are usable for blue blocking
submitted by No_Whereas_6740 to DSPD [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 06:19 Wrong_Mousse3622 Anyone here also a fan of The Kid Laroi?
In my playlist I have $B and Kid Laroi, at school I get made fun of listening to both 😭 it's silly but whatever, I was talking to my friend about how I went to the Kid Laroi concert last night they didn't seem heaps interested, if it was $B they definitely would've reacted differently, Just looking for a friend that listens to both
submitted by Wrong_Mousse3622 to SuicideBoys [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 06:19 4orce_fan smell coming from the engine bay and it doesn’t go away..?
hi there everyone! so i have a 2008 mazda cx7 with like 150k miles and ever since i got it about a year ago its always had this weird smell after running. when i turn off the car and walk infront of the hood, i can smell some sort of odor. i quite literally cannot describe the smell, but it doesn’t smell musty, i guess its moreso comparable to oil or plastic-y? anyways i haven’t really been worried about it but my car has been off for about an hour or two, and its cold out (rare for florida!) so i dont think that heat is causing the smell, since i bent down and although the smell isn’t as pungent as when i just turn the car off, it’s still there. any idea as to what it could be? i just recently got my oil changed, and its a turbo engine so it burns a bit of oil. could that possibly be it and then that smell has just been burned onto the inside of the engine bay? or do old cars engines just start to smell like that? thank you for any advice!!
submitted by 4orce_fan to MechanicAdvice [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 06:19 birdsnleaves we ran out of cups and plates multiple times this weekend
i work at a dine in movie theater and there were an hour or two each day where we just didn’t have any plastic cups for water. they were all in use or needed to be cleaned. managers were telling servers to upsell liquid death. we were running out of regular plates too, everything was getting served on a round pizza platter. it was so fucking ridiculous. wicked kicked everyone’s ass. it hasn’t been this bad since beetlejuice.
submitted by birdsnleaves to MovieTheaterEmployees [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 06:19 Shao-Yang Cloning own Private Repository
I’m unable to clone private repositories with git clone
, even though I own them. It prompts me with 'Username for
In my other laptop, I'm able to clone my private repo as normal.
submitted by Shao-Yang to github [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 06:19 No_Resolution_3316 DDOS?! RIOTTTTTTT
https://preview.redd.it/m4hnb0yaqz2e1.png?width=604&format=png&auto=webp&s=9e304a28bd6f6df710fcc28e5c90dfc747377ff5 submitted by No_Resolution_3316 to PedroPeepos [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 06:19 Catmangoz Luka~
submitted by Catmangoz to AlienStage [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 06:19 __nostromo__ How do you get the current thread ID in lua?
I'm trying to log events and take into account events that might exist in other threads than the current one. How can I do that? I only see :help vim.uv.os_getpid()
which is the process ID and :help vim.uv.thread_self()
, which isn't an ID but a handle to a thread. As far as I know there's no way to serialize that thread handle into a string or number that can be stored. Or maybe there is?
The other route I haven't tried yet is using luajit ffi. Was wondering if anyone had an success getting the ID of the current thread in Neovim lua. Any advice would be appreciated, thank you!
submitted by __nostromo__ to neovim [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 06:19 ChickenRoll_ Guys I was half awaken and wanted to order peri peri masala but my dumbass ordered this powder. What is the use of this. Please tell.
submitted by ChickenRoll_ to nagpur [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 06:19 HealthConnect942 Wer hat geile Füße für mich von weiber die er kennt oder Promis
submitted by HealthConnect942 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 06:19 ChiefRabbitFucks How do I determine a budget for discretionary expenses? I can always save more money instead
I am trying to sort out my personal finances after a lifetime of bad habits, and I'm really struggling to know how much I can afford when it comes to discretionary spending. For example, I need a new laptop, but I have no idea how to determine the budget. How do I know if I can afford $x amount?
I've been stuck on this decision for over a year now. I'd really like that new Macbook, but can I really afford it? I have the actual money in my bank account, and I'm not sacrificing any mandatory expenses or savings, but I can always save more. I just don't know what kind of heuristic I can use to determine how much to spend on personal items vs just saving every last penny.
submitted by ChiefRabbitFucks to budget [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 06:19 Interesting_Knee3118 Windows Powershell opening and closing randomly
I've noticed for a while when I'm on my pc PowerShell will randomly open then close for no reason. It has been happening for a few months now and whatever I do I can't find the problem. It's annoying because when I'm playing a game it will usually auto pause it since it puts me on the tab of the PowerShell. My specs (incase this will help)
Windows 10
Intel I-7 8700K
16 gb RAM
ASUS ROG Maximus X Hero
Radeon RX 580
If you know or find a solution send it here.
submitted by Interesting_Knee3118 to WindowsHelp [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 06:19 Civil_Choice_2417 Help
So I’m trying to find every wonder and sight, and for some reason it says I haven’t discovered the pond dome. I’ve been playing on this world for two years and I never noticed it is there anyway to make it say that I’ve discovered it I’ve tried everything I could think of submitted by Civil_Choice_2417 to GroundedGame [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 06:19 arcana-juno What’s the Hippogriff worth?
submitted by arcana-juno to AdoptMeTradingRoblox [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 06:19 Ok-Insect1270 Anyone seen this bike rack before ?
submitted by Ok-Insect1270 to bicycling [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 06:19 QuirkyInvestment5169 Have You Noticed Differences in BPN Pre-Workouts Bought from Different Sellers?
I bought two BPN pre-workouts: one from the official website and another from Amazon’s official link. I’ve noticed some differences and am wondering if anyone else has experienced this. Here’s what I found:
submitted by QuirkyInvestment5169 to BPNsupps [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 06:19 Beautiful_Recipe3204 I tried drawing Samuel from Wolf (2013)😭😭
I dont think i did too shabby, what yall think! submitted by Beautiful_Recipe3204 to tylerthecreator [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 06:19 Tall-Trip-761 Freyja Skallagrim: The Black-Horned Maiden's Vengeance
Part I: The Fallen Kingdom
In the heart of the frozen north, a kingdom of gold once thrived. The Golden Vikings, a lineage blessed with the power to manipulate gold, ruled over a prosperous land. Their prince, Harald, was a prodigy, his gold-bending abilities unmatched. His sister, Sigrid, a cunning assassin, was his most trusted ally. A tragic night changed everything. A rival clan, envious of the Golden Vikings' power, launched a surprise attack. The kingdom fell, and the Golden Vikings were slaughtered. Only Harald and Sigrid survived, their hearts filled with rage and a thirst for vengeance.
Part II: The Girl of the Black Forest
In a remote village, a young girl named Freyja Skallagrim grew up. She was a quiet, introspective child, often lost in dreams. Her life took an unexpected turn when her village was raided by a ruthless Viking warband. Fleeing for her life, she stumbled into the mysterious Black Forest. The forest, a place of ancient magic and hidden power, transformed Freyja. A dark pool, imbued with otherworldly energy, granted her extraordinary abilities: superhuman strength, speed, and a keen sense of perception. Her once-white horns turned a striking black, symbolizing her newfound power. However, her transformation was not without a price. The spirits of the Golden Vikings, the ancient warriors who once ruled the north, sought vengeance for the destruction of their lineage. They chose Freyja as their vessel, binding her to their will. Now, she must not only seek vengeance for her family but also fulfill the ancient prophecy of the Golden Serpent's Vengeance.
Part III: The Clash of Destinies
Harald, now a ruthless conqueror, seeks to expand his empire. His army, armed with gold-forged weapons and armor, marches across the land, leaving destruction in its wake. His sister, Sigrid, a master of stealth and poison, is his most feared weapon. Freyja, emerging from the Black Forest, becomes a symbol of hope and resistance. She joins a hidden clan of Vikings, honing her skills and learning the ancient ways of the Norse. Her unique abilities and unwavering spirit make her a formidable warrior. A fateful encounter brings Freyja and Harald's paths together. Their clash ignites a war that will shake the foundations of the north. Freyja, with her berserker rage, faces off against Harald's gold-enhanced warriors. Sigrid, with her deadly snakes, seeks to eliminate Freyja, but the young warrior proves to be a worthy adversary. The Storm Brews As Freyja and her allies fight against Harald's forces, the ancient spirits of the Golden Vikings begin to manifest, influencing the tides of war. The once serene landscapes of the north are transformed into battlegrounds, where magic and might collide. Freyja, burdened by the weight of the Golden Serpent's curse, struggles to control her growing power. The spirits, hungry for vengeance, push her to the brink of darkness. She must learn to harness their energy, channeling it for good, or risk becoming a monster herself.
The Betrayal
Amidst the chaos of war, betrayal strikes at the heart of Freyja's allies. A trusted friend, corrupted by Harald's promises of power, turns against her. The betrayal shakes Freyja to her core, forcing her to question her own loyalty and the true nature of friendship.
The Final Confrontation
The stage is set for a climactic battle between Freyja and Harald. The fate of the north hangs in the balance. Harald, fueled by desperation, unleashes the full extent of his gold-bending powers, summoning a colossal golden guardian. Freyja, her eyes burning with berserker rage, faces the monstrous creature. A fierce battle ensues, the ground trembling with each blow. Freyja, with her incredible strength and agility, dodges the guardian's attacks, seeking an opportunity to strike. Finally, she finds her chance, delivering a powerful blow that shatters the golden creature. Harald, stunned by the defeat of his guardian, charges at Freyja, sword raised. But Freyja, with a swift movement, disarms him and strikes a decisive blow. As Harald falls, Sigrid attacks, her golden snakes hissing and striking. But Freyja, with a single motion, destroys the snakes, leaving Sigrid vulnerable. With a heavy heart, Freyja delivers the final blow, ending Sigrid's life. As the dust settles, Freyja stands victorious, her mission complete. She has avenged her people, defeated a tyrant, and brought peace to the north.
The Aftermath
In the aftermath of the battle, Freyja must confront the lingering darkness within her. The spirits of the Golden Vikings, though defeated, still yearn for vengeance. She must learn to control their power, to balance it with her own humanity. With newfound wisdom and strength, Freyja embarks on a journey of redemption. She seeks to rebuild the shattered world, to heal the wounds of war, and to ensure that the horrors of the past are never repeated. As she sails towards the horizon, a new era dawns, one marked by hope and the enduring spirit of the Black-Horned Maiden.
submitted by Tall-Trip-761 to ShortfictionalStories [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 06:19 lathander1987 Riven(2024) Reveiw , The Absolutely Stunning World, Feel in Virtual Reality
submitted by lathander1987 to myst [link] [comments]