Family unsupportive of me getting weight loss surgery

2024.11.25 07:39 spazthejam43 Family unsupportive of me getting weight loss surgery

Hey I (26F) just got approved for weight loss surgery. Initially my parents were happy and supportive of my decision but now they aren’t, I also currently live with them. My mom says that weight loss surgery is just a quick fix, that there is too many risks, that I could die and that it could impact my ability to have kids. I tried telling her that weight loss has been extremely hard for me since I have PCOS and insulin resistance. I also tried telling her that it’s a myth that weight loss surgery will negatively impact a person’s ability to have kids but she didn’t believe me. I’m just frustrated and wondering how I’m going to get through this surgery without my family’s support. Does anyone have any advice? How do you deal with people who don’t want you to get the surgery?
submitted by spazthejam43 to BariatricSurgery [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 07:39 lindseynt16 am i wrong for being annoyed?

my roommate has recently gotten a boyfriend and they have been together for around 4 months. for the past 6 weeks (that i have started to really notice; it probably has been longer) he’s had slept at our apartment. like, not one night in the past 6 weeks has he gone home and slept in his own bed. on top of that they sit in her room with the door open talking loudly for hours until they go to bed around 12:30-1am. additionally she put stuff for him to shower in our bathtub and i feel like that is something that should be discussed. it’s not like he lives far away, he has access to a shower at his own house. or at least keep his stuff in her room and take it to the bathroom when he needs it-our shower is already crowded as it is. on top of this sometimes he sits in the bathroom (which is connected to my room) and they talk the entire time while screaming over music that is playing which really disturbs pick one or the other. one time they started to have sex while i am 10ft away in my bed and its 1am and im trying to sleep.
The part that frustrated me the most is that i saw him opening the front door of our apartment the other day with a key that she gave him. i find this pretty rude and disrespectful considering he does not live there, pay rent, or is on the lease. she never discussed it and i am not okay with it.
submitted by lindseynt16 to amiwrong [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 07:39 stoik82 An evangelist or tragedeigh?

An evangelist or tragedeigh? submitted by stoik82 to HydroHomies [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 07:39 LegoIsaac Kitten

Kitten Another try at a high contrast charcoal drawing on black paper. I appreciate the kind words on my previous post. It inspired me to try more! Reference image from Pinterest.
submitted by LegoIsaac to drawing [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 07:39 Efficient-Noise340 Almost a year with PF. I was recommended surgery.

Any suggestions on the surgery? What do you recommend? What is the recovery time?
submitted by Efficient-Noise340 to PlantarFasciitis [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 07:39 Pooge93 First time posting

First time posting submitted by Pooge93 to Jimny [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 07:39 TrueAidooo What is this?

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submitted by TrueAidooo to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 07:39 Pickled__potato What is this?

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submitted by Pickled__potato to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 07:39 Main-Implement1491 Can I rearrange my living room for better flow?

Please ignore the treadmill as it’s being picked up today and the singular cat 5 cable running under the rug. Just moved in. Any advice is helpful!
submitted by Main-Implement1491 to DesignMyRoom [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 07:39 Due-Big466 I’m having symptoms lasting days and I don’t know what to fo

I am female, 29 mixed race American
These symptoms have been going on for a while now and I haven't gotten help for them yet because I'm worried it'll waste peoples time.
I'm a very health anxious person and have been to the er about 20 times in the last two months. I'm getting help for the anxiety but there's something that I'm worried about and it's not in my head(mentally)
I've been having neck pain thats sharp and Migraine like pain for about six days as well as a painful feeling in my lower abdomen which feels like cramping but burning.
With my headache my head with have a burning feeling that moves from the back of my head to across my forehead and it aches strongly, almost to the point that it hurts to have my glasses on because it hurts just having the nose part on the bridge of my nose. And noise and light have started to hurt. It also comes with this jerky feeling in my body, almost like a full bodied sleep jerk.
I was bitten By a mouse a few days ago so I'm on Augmentin if that helps but I've been on this medication before and not had symptoms like this before.
Part of me is paranoid that it's sepsis or menegitis
submitted by Due-Big466 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 07:39 Illustrious-Wealth37 Would this be able to run games like Fortnite

Would this be able to run games like Fortnite submitted by Illustrious-Wealth37 to Prebuilts [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 07:39 RahilRSA Made a bumble account profile review please!!

Made a bumble account profile review please!! Feedback are much appreciated!
submitted by RahilRSA to IndianBoysOnTinder [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 07:39 dragon_stangler Excessive dryness while using benzoyl peroxide creams

I(26M) saw a dermatologist and was prescribed adapalene/benzoyl peroxide which I use every night, and Benzoyl peroxide / Clindamycin which I use in the morning. I was told that there might be some dryness, so I am using oil-free moisturizer frequently. However, my skin still became super dry, and developed a lot of wrinkles around my eyes. I can see a lot more lines when I squint my eyes/laugh.
Is this normal or should I stop using it? I have a follow-up appointment, but it is about 2 months from now.
submitted by dragon_stangler to acne [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 07:39 Chocolatechipcooks UTM is the best decision I’ve made in my life

I love everything about UTM, the campus is beautiful, there’s so many places to sit, the food is yummy, there’s nothing I don’t like. The marking is very reasonable.
There’s always negative posts about how utm is a horrible Uni, etc. — it’s not.
I haven’t made any friends either but I love my own company and just being surrounded by the happy environment.
I’m excited to come to campus everyday.
submitted by Chocolatechipcooks to UTM [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 07:39 etn- What is this?

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submitted by etn- to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 07:39 Frog_with_a_job NO. NO THANK YOU.

NO. NO THANK YOU. submitted by Frog_with_a_job to RLCraft [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 07:39 Cautious_Eye280 "Revolutionizing Client Engagement: The AI-Driven Future of Commercial Insurance"

In the current landscape, commercial insurance is undergoing significant changes driven by technology and heightened customer expectations. One major development is the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI), shifting how insurers connect with their clients. By utilizing AI, insurance professionals can offer tailored recommendations and valuable insights, enhancing the efficiency of their services and providing personalized client experiences.
As AI continues to develop, it presents numerous possibilities for insurers to deepen their client relationships. Tools like 24/7 chatbots offer immediate assistance, while predictive analytics highlight client needs before they even surface. These innovations allow insurance professionals to handle complex inquiries more effectively, building trust and fostering loyalty among clients. The traditional client-insurer relationship, once purely transactional, is evolving into a partnership characterized by mutual understanding and proactive service.
Additionally, AI's ability to analyze vast amounts of data enables insurers to make informed decisions and refine strategies promptly. With these insights, they can enhance their offerings, recognize potential risks, and address client concerns proactively. This data-driven approach leads to stronger relationships, grounded in transparency and a shared dedication to high standards. As AI becomes an integral part of the commercial insurance industry, clients will experience a new level of service—one that values both innovation and reliability. Ultimately, the focus shifts from questioning AI's potential to embracing how swiftly it can advance the industry.
submitted by Cautious_Eye280 to FirebringerAI [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 07:39 Ok-Musician3580 Donald Trump will be the next ____

submitted by Ok-Musician3580 to AskOuija [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 07:39 _40oz_ Reviews 3 and 4 Arette Single Barrel Repo and Fortaleza Still Strength Lote 28

Reviews 3 and 4 Arette Single Barrel Repo and Fortaleza Still Strength Lote 28 submitted by _40oz_ to tequila [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 07:39 Original_Set6276 Shiba Inu (SHIB) Price Prediction- 2025 and 2025

Shiba Inu (SHIB) Price Prediction- 2025 and 2025 submitted by Original_Set6276 to Shibainucoin [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 07:39 Legitimate_Stress335 imagine a Bible for fish with shark Jesus

would he be called the "king of the jaws?
submitted by Legitimate_Stress335 to TwoSentenceComedy [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 07:39 markzhidkov Is this an ok charger? At what current should i charge a 550mah 3S?

Is this an ok charger? At what current should i charge a 550mah 3S? Hi. Sorry if this is a stupid question, but is this a safe charger? I have 2 3S batteries that i want to charge (max 2 at a time) at sector C. What settings should i input? What voltage to charge them to/ use until? Many thanks!!
submitted by markzhidkov to fpv [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 07:39 MarsFire God's Fingerprint

submitted by MarsFire to illuminatedwithin [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 07:39 J7Eire458t56y Symbolism,Heraldry and Flags

Symbolism,Heraldry and Flags Why do countries with a constitutional or semi-constitional monarchy have such bedazzling and regal symbols ? ;Ie what was mentioned in the above title because look at these images compared to republican symbolism and emblems - Just some random ones I picked out as examples,from..State of Japan,Principality of Liechtenstein,United Kingdom,Kingdom of The Netherlands,The House of Romanov,and I of course know that republics have interesting and ornate ceremonial uniforms,symbolism and flags/coat of arms,but it think royal one's look a great deal better.
submitted by J7Eire458t56y to monarchism [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 07:39 DengistK If I use Lysol wipes to sanitize my hands, is this particularly dangerous?

I sometimes use Lysol type wipes to sanitize my hands, I don't touch food after and I typically wash my hands some time period after, is there a lot of risk to this in some way or is the main thing not to ingest it?
submitted by DengistK to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]