AMA post title 732

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2024.11.25 07:22 lss_web_1444 AMA post title 732

AMA post body
submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 07:22 IzanagiTheGod Friendly Request to Stop Unengaging with the Game’s Mechanics

I’m loving the hell out of this game, honestly can play it for many hours straight once you get a good lobby going. However there is one consistent issue I find even with the most genuine lobbies, and I’ll coin it as “street walking”.
Essentially players that are putting a lot of time into the game decide the best thing to do is gather as a group in the middle of the street and not engage with the gameplay whatsoever. These aren’t stupid players mind you and that’s kind of the issue. The 3-4 people running around doing things are immediately placed on the shit list, as the only way to really beat this strategy is to kill criminals, raise your new world bar, then spam the cards you obtain from doing so as the street walkers will absolutely not do the events.
I’m all for different strategies, but I just want to say this is an incredibly tedious game for most people involved as the Kira’s can’t really pull cool or sneaky plays as they’re forced to write 5 names then do their best to integrate with the group, which is not really possible as the game goes on longer. Meanwhile the people who prefer not to stand there get punished for running around and doing tasks, by being the prime suspect. Yeesh I remember I was outted as Kira almost immediately once because 6 people ran to the street in the first 10 seconds, then when vindicated investigator showed up I killed him in a room with the npc I just questioned which let those 6 players know Kira was one of the 2 people not there.
Another game the last 5 investigators decided street walking gave Kira too many chances so they all huddled in the parking garage, Kira follower was arrested. I was Kira and was lucky enough to see this, so I joined them or else I was cooked. What transpired was over a minute of people standing in place while I would exit the garage, write a criminal name in broad daylight, then quickly enter back in. As humorous as imagining Light pretending to sneeze and writing a name down at task force headquarters in front of literally everyone, it ain’t what the games really meant for. Naturally the 1 person who wasn’t comfortable being in a box with 6 people was L, so they arrested them and I killed him for a really lame victory for everyone included.
Again I know “just join a different lobby” is an option, but I see this in roughly 60% of them at this point. And while it might only be 2 people initially, most of the other players realize if they don’t follow suite they’ll be suspicious. It’s a real shame and I just want to encourage not to do this, unless it’s a genuine mid-game strategy that’s employed to sus out a Kira that only kills criminals and hides. Doing it after all your tasks are done makes perfect sense of course, and perhaps there needs to be more incentive to complete Kira tasks, as I feel like the enourmous risk these have compared to the non existent benefit is why most players prefer to not bother and to find Kira the street walk way, instead of trying to fill the investigation meter which rarely happens.
submitted by IzanagiTheGod to DeathNoteKillerWithin [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 07:22 Critical-Rub1492 ¿Donde recomiendan descargar GTA IV y GTA 5 a buen precio o recomiendan comprarlo? PC

El detalle es que le voy a agregar mods, por eso no se si comprarlo o descargarlo pirata
submitted by Critical-Rub1492 to VideojuegosMX [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 07:22 mentallyill645 IM SO UPSET I FORGOT TO RESET THE UNWORN 😭😭

IM SO UPSET I FORGOT TO RESET THE UNWORN 😭😭 I tried so hard on this comp only to realize right after I forgot to reset the unworn 😭😭 I’m so upset I can’t even 😭😭
submitted by mentallyill645 to SuitU [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 07:22 geenin Ps5 Putrescent knight pw btf

submitted by geenin to BeyondTheFog [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 07:22 HaiderIscool12 Verification

Hi, on my Desktop it says i still need to verify my account, but on my phone under the email section it doesnt say Verify now. any help.
submitted by HaiderIscool12 to duolingo [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 07:22 Charming-Wish-7703 Don't know what to do....

So after 4 years of fighting to get disability for my mental health and traumatic brain injury, I FINALLY got approved through a judge for SSDI on Halloween. Yesterday, a letter came in the mail saying that I need to submit my proof of income (I have zero income) in order to be approved for SSI. My dilemma is that, while I know it would be a huge cut in my payments, I don't know if I really WANT SSI. I don't want my savings to be limited to a mere $2,000. That's barely survivable in this economy, and I need to be able to save my money in case of emergencies. Is it really worth having both?
submitted by Charming-Wish-7703 to SSDI [link] [comments]


Sáng 28/5, các ĐBQH thảo luận ở tổ về luật Phòng cháy, chữa cháy (PCCC) sửa đổi. Rất nhiều ĐB bày tỏ lo ngại về việc khả năng PCCC của ta có “vấn đề”, luật chỉnh sửa sơ sài nên đọc xong thấy… bế tắc.
Trấn an ĐBQH về phương tiện cứu hỏa, nhất là ở nhà cao tầng, Bí thư Thành ủy Phạm Quang Nghị cho hay Hà Nội đã đặt mua trực thăng để chữa cháy, hiện phương tiện chưa về."
Nguồn Tiền Phong
submitted by ANHPOLY to VietNamNation [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 07:22 Known_Elevator_9141 Can one believe in God but not the Bible ?

submitted by Known_Elevator_9141 to Christianity [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 07:22 lss_web_1444 Video post title 242

Video post title 242 submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 07:22 rusakovic 📩 [WEBTOON] Content Reviewer (Korean/Japanese Bilingual) Salary: 💰$120 - $280. 📍Remote job in 🇺🇸 United States

📩 [WEBTOON] Content Reviewer (Korean/Japanese Bilingual) Salary: 💰$120 - $280. 📍Remote job in 🇺🇸 United States submitted by rusakovic to likeremote [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 07:22 Icy-Degree-5845 So I can die with a smile on my face without feeling like the good Lord gypped me.

So I can die with a smile on my face without feeling like the good Lord gypped me. submitted by Icy-Degree-5845 to lebowski [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 07:22 Noem3D_ Sälja STLs som privatperson.

Hallå! Jag hade tänkt börja sälja STL-filer för 3D printande men har ingen erfarenhet av försäljning som privatperson.
Detta är en väldigt liten inkomst som jag talar om, beräknas inte vara speciellt lönsam eller vara i närheten av min huvudsakliga inkomst via anställning.
Men, jag önskar sälja dessa filer för att kunna dela dom med andra som delar intresset samtidigt som jag får en liten krona för den tid jag lägger ner i arbetet.
Jag försökte göra mig vis på skatteverkets hemsida utan någon större lycka.
Jag tänker att detta faller in under hobbyverksamhet. Dock känns det som ett krångligt steg att ta bara för att tjäna några små kronor som jag sen måste redovisa verksamheten för resten av livet. Att starta eget företag skrämmer mig då jag inte har något speciellt intresse av företagande och ingen riktig kunskap inom det heller.
Någon annan som jobbar med försäljning av filer som privatperson och har något tillvägagångssätt?
(Hoppas att detta ej bryter mot regel #5 då försäljningen hoppas jag kunna ske som privatperson)
Tack på förhand!✨
submitted by Noem3D_ to PrivatEkonomi [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 07:22 lss_web_1444 Image post title 49

Image post title 49 submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 07:22 Fit_Bill_9014 Toxicity

Why is EVERY fucking match a toxic fucking wasteland of shitty survivors / cancerous killers / slugging /camping / tunneling? It's a fucking 3x blood point fest, and you're going to fuck EVERYONE out of points just so you can survive / get a 4k? You're a goddamn garbage fucking person if you play like this during events.
submitted by Fit_Bill_9014 to deadbydaylight [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 07:22 AdCareless777 Xueyi (花红)

Xueyi (花红) submitted by AdCareless777 to xueyimains [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 07:22 BodhiLover9015 I made these Christmas bracelets! 🎄✨

I made these Christmas bracelets! 🎄✨ submitted by BodhiLover9015 to somethingimade [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 07:22 Bigkiko69 Can I get perm blizzard with kitsune and 3 Leo’s or am I underpaying

submitted by Bigkiko69 to bloxfruits [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 07:22 Gamer_Hedgehog Azumanga Daioh Anomaly 1

Azumanga Daioh Anomaly 1 submitted by Gamer_Hedgehog to TeleBlue [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 07:22 uite_2lei Referendumul iniţiat de primarul general al Capitalei, Nicuşor Dan, a fost validat atât din punct de vedere al prezenţei la urne, cât şi al răspunsurilor pozitive la cele trei întrebări adresate. Peste 60% voturi „Da” la toate întrebările adresate.

Referendumul iniţiat de primarul general al Capitalei, Nicuşor Dan, a fost validat atât din punct de vedere al prezenţei la urne, cât şi al răspunsurilor pozitive la cele trei întrebări adresate. Peste 60% voturi „Da” la toate întrebările adresate. submitted by uite_2lei to sport_politica_cancan [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 07:22 Past_Sea1199 Ninjew in the ninjew event

Ninjew in the ninjew event submitted by Past_Sea1199 to SouthParkPhone [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 07:22 One_Money_1302 cartel monstruo from Tamaulipas

cartel monstruo from Tamaulipas submitted by One_Money_1302 to shittytechnicals [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 07:22 CJ_2076 Ps5 w: runes weapons materials h: karmas ask, mule

submitted by CJ_2076 to PatchesEmporium [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 07:22 Loud-Coyote-6771 Funny and cool interview of Elton on Russell Harty's show on the date of his 27th Birthday. Looking like the Mega Star that he is with his platform shoes, Caribou glasses and sharp suit with GYBR songs embroidered in his shirt !! He also performs "Candle In The Wind" at the end of the programme.

submitted by Loud-Coyote-6771 to EltonJohn [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 07:22 billybee10 Can't watch BBC iPlayer

Well I am sure most of us are experiencing this? Any new updates on going around it?
submitted by billybee10 to nordvpn [link] [comments]