Chio Tortillas Original Salted, 110 g PRIME für 1€

2024.11.25 08:40 JaySTAR Chio Tortillas Original Salted, 110 g PRIME für 1€

submitted by JaySTAR to dealsde [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:40 Cukubali Rocksmith

Arkadaşlar selam, şu sıralar rocksmith oyununa sardım sürekli videolarını izliyorum fakat anladığım kadarıyla oldukça fahiş bir fiyata oynamak için Ubisoft’un kablosunu almam lazımmış. Fakat elimde bir ses kartı var idare eder seviyede sadece bunu kullanarak oynayabilir miyim ?
submitted by Cukubali to enstrumanlar [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:40 PsychologicalDingo74 [Hiring] Videoeditors

Are you tired of spending all your time searching for work instead of Editing?
Well I know how we can help eachother! We are a videoediting talent acquisition agency and we would love to onboard beginner, amateur and skilled editors onto our agency and no worries there is no onboarding fee!
All you have to do is Dm me your Name, Country, Editing style and portfolio.
More details will be provided and feel free to ask anything.
submitted by PsychologicalDingo74 to forhire [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:40 IJagan Hi

lkjlk atnd
submitted by IJagan to CoverScreenOS [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:40 Remarkable_Ad_4787 My hot takes on whose character cameo should be added in the new Punch-Out!! game (if it could ever be released...)

submitted by Remarkable_Ad_4787 to punchout [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:40 Harks_8 How rare is Lure 5??

submitted by Harks_8 to HypixelSkyblock [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:40 Plane_Hour8984 Feeding non nudes and tribs I did of my close friend (18+) if you can degrade/snuff her

submitted by Plane_Hour8984 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:40 CuteDiversity Titel.jpg.png.ttf

Titel.jpg.png.ttf submitted by CuteDiversity to PolitiekeMemes [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:40 GoddessLyra1901 Bow in the presence of greatness, love

submitted by GoddessLyra1901 to findommes [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:40 Y-Berion What is this?

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submitted by Y-Berion to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:40 ficsitapologist What is this?

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submitted by ficsitapologist to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:40 DraftNational9753 2h commute from Amsterdam to Lelystad?

Hi there. I recently got offered a office job, right now it's in Almere, but half of next year they will move to Lelystad. The problem is that I live in Amsterdam Osdorp which makes it difficult, well Almere is not that far (1h15m commute with 2 buses), but the other location in Lelystad is indeed far (2h with 1 tram 1 trein 1 bus).I don't wanna move, cause i rather stay in Amsterdam, I'm only 29yo and live with my girlfriend and we like to have fun in the city and don't wanna move to small towns like Lelystad, where i would just work and home the whole time, aldo our rent is pretty cheap for Amsterdam. Now I know everybody will say it's a nightmare, and I know it is. The thing is that the job looks really interesting, the pay is good, I would be in charge of my team and after 6 months the work is 50% from home. Where i work right now (warehouse job) it's not bad, the pay is also just 200 less than what i got offered for way less responsibilities, the commute is 35 minutes, but I feel like there is small possibility to grow. I also would love to start working from home, and this would be a good opportunity to start doing that, other than being a nice job to put on my CV and learn new skills. So i kinda could see the time of commute to work as an investment on myself, because this company would give me the training for everything and I could use these skills to apply in 1 year for similar jobs, but closer to my place. On the other hand the commute would be exhausting, and maybe I could get another similar offer in Amsterdam, although there is much more competition than Lelystad. So guys give me your thoughts, even though I know the final decision is mine.
submitted by DraftNational9753 to Netherlands [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:40 AustinNothdurft Letty and Abi are in Type Shit tunnel rn

Letty and Abi are in Type Shit tunnel rn submitted by AustinNothdurft to fishtanklive [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:40 lone_wolf_55 We don't need a verbal confirmation to come inside.

An open door with a welcome mat is enough.
submitted by lone_wolf_55 to TwoSentenceHorror [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:40 Sensitive_Profile510 Pe 8 decembrie

Pe 8 decembrie submitted by Sensitive_Profile510 to romemes [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:40 Routine-Document1691 Athena Cats are Time

Athena Cats are Time submitted by Routine-Document1691 to CatsareTime [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:40 Weak-Composer-121 Do you prever simple, basic or tuned trucks?

Most of the time, the player trucks I see are tuned. Are there players who like the simplicity of basic trucks too? I myself like both, yet when it comes to it, I usually fall back to simple trucks. I like to blend in with traffic for some reason. Maybe there are others aswell
submitted by Weak-Composer-121 to ETS2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:40 Ok-Revolution-83 Who will eat this monstrosity?

Who will eat this monstrosity? Content makers are creating something out of this can anyone eat this ever?
submitted by Ok-Revolution-83 to indiasocial [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:40 android_tests_pac New Poll for 25/11/2024 08:38:29

Example text for poll
View Poll
submitted by android_tests_pac to qa_automation_polls [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:40 Upbeat-alien What is this?

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submitted by Upbeat-alien to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:40 Budget-Factor-7717 My submission

submitted by Budget-Factor-7717 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:40 polyphonic_peanut Caught in the Middle Inside

When I was a child, like many people here, I was caught in the middle of my parents' arguments, sometimes their violence. I was the diplomat, mediator, conflict resolver, peacemaker. Aged ... 7, 8, 9? Something like that.
Today I've been reflecting on how maybe the traces of that past play out in my mind day to day.
I often find I am caught between two - or multiple - pressures around what I 'should' or 'should not' be doing. Or even just thinking or feeling.
Schema Therapy detour:
I've been really into Schema Therapy for a few years, and now in treatment for almost all of this year. One thing I like about it is how it helps to 'map out' the different parts of ourselves (or 'modes'). For me, this mapping allows me to see and understand my parts more clearly, and attend to them or respond generally in more adaptive or healthy ways (or through the so-called Healthy Adult mode).
In the ST model of NPD, it is said that we can have a very strong Demanding Parent mode. This is the internal helicopter or pushy 'parent' in our minds, telling us what we 'should' or 'should not' be doing. To a certain degree, this is normal and adaptive. But the Demanding Parent mode is really over-the-top. It is 'Over-Demanding', relentless and omnipresent.
In response to this, we can experience a sense of pressure and anxiety. Our so-called 'Vulnerable Child' mode is being tormented by the Demanding Parent inside.
One way we can cope with this is to flip into an Overcontroller mode. This is seen as a common response for pwNPD, and I definitely relate.
In that Overcontroller mode, we try to live up to the standards of the Demanding Parent. We go to the nth degree. We push ourselves. We try hard. We show up 'well'. We are Overly Nice. Compassionate. Hard Working. Achieving. Beautiful. Successful. The best.
When we reach the targets set by the Demanding Parent, we might get that high - which I would associate with a combination of a Self-Aggrandiser mode, and a 'Detached Self-Soother' mode (which can similarly be seen in addictive behaviours). We've reached that pinnacle. We are The Best. And it feels so bloody good. It's also a world away from the pressure and anxiety of the Vulnerable Child, which is still there underneath.
What I see, though, is that most of the time, I don't reach that high. Instead, especially when I'm working from home, or on my own for any length, or just trying to make decisions for myself, I can be quite locked-in to an Overcontroller mode.
I haven't quite reached the goal, and the stress of feeling that internal pressure and anxiety about what I 'should' be doing is pretty strong.
I'm wondering if the Overcontroller can be a default mode of mine, to be honest.
But, getting to the point of this post, I've been wondering if, like when I was a child, I might have two - or multiple - Demanding Parent modes, and/or multiple Overcontroller modes working against each other.
It's like I'm caught in the middle. It causes a decent amount of grief every day. Each Parent mode is telling me a contradictory thing that I should or shouldn't be doing, and so I flip between multiple attempts to meet those contradictory standards.
Both Overcontroller modes still have that sense of angst and pressure, and, after a while, I can get really overwhelmed with anxiety. It can lead to panic or some other form of dysregulation.
For example:
I like to work out. I like to keep healthy. I can be really happy doing it. I enjoy it. Great.
But then my joy for it shifts into this more Demanding Parent mode pressure: I should be doing it, because I should be maintaining my look, my standards, my muscles, my weight, even my passion for it. It shouldn't stop.
My mind starts spinning: "When am I going to pack this into my day? Maybe I'll get up even earlier to fit it in. Am I doing enough?"
But then a contradictory Demanding Parent mode starts piping in, telling me not just that maybe I can take a break or rest, but that I absolutely should take time off. It's pressure from the other direction.
And by the way, that should comes with a hidden self-criticism, a hidden inner critic. It tells me that I'm failing, bad, terrible, crazy etc for 'not being able to rest sufficiently or manage my schedule, or go about my workouts in a relaxed way.
In response to this, I see that I flip into two contradictory Overcontroller modes, each one reacting to the respective Parent modes.
I see that this flipping between these different poles or different standards can happen very rapidly. Like, in the space of a few seconds I can go from one to the other:
"Get going with that workout, boy!"
- Ok. So I start the workout.
"Stop! You're crazy for doing this!"
- Ok. So I stop.
It's an example of how it could show up. But I'm realising that: this is quite a pervasive pattern in my life:
Call a friend. No, leave them alone.
Go for a walk. You should take some time off. No, stay at home. You need to work.
Tidy the house, you lazy bastard. No, leave it messy you overcontrolling neat freak!
No wonder I have experienced so much anxiety in my life, especially on my own. I have these two poles of opinion about almost every aspect of life.
My Vulnerable Child mode - the part that experiences the anxiety and stress as feelings - is in disarray. Which way do I turn? So much pressure from all directions.
Another thing I like about Schema is that the Healthy Adult mode can be cultivated to help in these situations. It can become mindful of what's going on (mode aware). It can then work to 'cut through' the chaos with a more level-headed response.
And that is what I really need to do.
I think my/our Healthy Adult mode is identifiable because it doesn't come with that pressure or angst. Whereas one Demanding Parent might say: "You bloody need a 15-minute rest, you idiot! Stop overworking!", the Healthy Adult response is: "I'm gonna have a chill and feel into my body, try to be with and relax, and then go from there."
I can do that. But also: my overcontroller modes can be really strong. So it's real work.
It's interesting to me, though, to see it like this: my inner child caught in the middle of these two, conflicted parents.
I'm happy to spot it, because that can help me towards more freedom in my life.
submitted by polyphonic_peanut to NPD [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:40 mirrored-_- What is this?

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submitted by mirrored-_- to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:40 anonymossastrproxmax kabul et sen de anasayfanda dönen kurbağa görmeyi beklemiyordun

kabul et sen de anasayfanda dönen kurbağa görmeyi beklemiyordun submitted by anonymossastrproxmax to shitpostfrommygallery [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:40 AutoModerator Beginner’s Guide to Canva

Beginner’s Guide to Canva submitted by AutoModerator to CanvaLinkPro [link] [comments]