
2024.11.25 08:50 treehugginvanilla Blair

I absolutely to the core of my being DESPISE Blair Waldorf. I just needed to get this off my chest
submitted by treehugginvanilla to GossipGirl [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:50 Short-Shower1117 I’m a cuck with a college gf….. Give me a realistic feargasm and make me regret asking for it…. Kik: anon.1_2_3.

submitted by Short-Shower1117 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:50 Accurate-Yoghurt-909 What's something that most people don't know, but should?

submitted by Accurate-Yoghurt-909 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:50 haygurlhay123 Thought this might make someone laugh :)

submitted by haygurlhay123 to EnoughLibertarianSpam [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:50 tylerthe-theatre Sadiq Khan unveils his plans for 'key worker' rent-controlled homes

Sadiq Khan unveils his plans for 'key worker' rent-controlled homes submitted by tylerthe-theatre to london [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:50 eleelaine1111 My friend told me that I can make 1m honey in 15-20 mins. Is that a good thing?

submitted by eleelaine1111 to BeeSwarmSimulator [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:50 Slow-Screen-834 Am I having flashbacks?

I took 2.6 g two weeks ago. I weigh around 50 kg (110 lbs for the americans). I know. That’s way too much. You live and you learn.
Now 2 weeks later I just realised when i stare at my wall for like 10-30 seconds it starts moving. Not like zoning-out-moving but like visual-hallucinations-moving. Idk if this is considered trip flashbacks or if my mind is playing tricks on me.
How can i make it stop?
submitted by Slow-Screen-834 to MagicMushrooms [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:50 no_place_no_time Nether Portal Level 2: portal al inframundo. Acrylic, spray paint and other mixed media on canvas - 2x1.7 meters

Nether Portal Level 2: portal al inframundo. Acrylic, spray paint and other mixed media on canvas - 2x1.7 meters submitted by no_place_no_time to painting [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:50 frankrice Best pricey triband AP

I've got a full gigabit infra in place, removed vendor router etc. My main problem is that I'm using three cheap mesh AP and now that my speed was upgraded by my ISP to a giga I can't fully reach it wireless. Is there any pricey AP that can give me most of my gigabit? I assume that a single powerful AP will be more performant than a three node mesh, that's why I ask directly for an AP. Correct me if I'm wrong. Should I go for a wifi7? Tri band? What's your experience?
submitted by frankrice to HomeNetworking [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:50 nofurtherquestions1 Daily challenge Grind Pros

How the f are people having so high points?!? I want to see it step by step. And how long does it take them. Curious as a SLS fiend
submitted by nofurtherquestions1 to slaythespire [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:50 Grose1454 No Musashi and no Ereshkigal from gssr

No Musashi and no Ereshkigal from gssr submitted by Grose1454 to FGO [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:50 MugShots NV Energy Alert

NVEnergy Alert Under Investigation in 89117 1 customer affected ORT: 2024-11-25 00:38:32.000-07:00 ETR:
submitted by MugShots to AlertVegas [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:50 legendscastile Question: Are Black friday deals allowed by Kickstarter?

That's the question. I finish my Kickstarter campaign on Thursday and I'm a bit worried about the effect of Black Friday on my campaign. But what if I take advantage of it, does anyone know if that is allowed in Kickstarter campaigns? I mean to create rewards or add-ons specific for black friday for a limited time. Thanks!
P.D: if you wanna check my campaign, it's an adventure game called Legends of Castile
submitted by legendscastile to kickstarter [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:50 Used-Ad3908 Why did my glue turn yellow?

Why did my glue turn yellow? I don't know if this is the correct sub but here it goes, I had this gap where concrete broke off so I wanted to fill it with regular glue for fun.
The bottom which is not fully visible yet was rusty iron (for the window bars).
I added the first layer of glue and it became transparent like expected but it still has quite the dip so I added a second and a little thicker layer on top of it and it started to turn yellow for some reason.
Yesterday and today we're practically the same in terms of temperature and humidity.
Can anyone explain why this Happened?
submitted by Used-Ad3908 to chemistry [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:50 hsjdk taking a second gap year due to mentor unavailability?

this is an application cycle question, so if its too irrelevant, feel free to take it down
Has anyone else been in the position where (nearly) every potential mentor of theirs is not accepting students during the cycle they are applying? There were five mentors across five different schools that I had my eyes and mind set to work with as a potential phd advisor, but over this summer and fall, every one I had reached out to have regretfully admitted that they are not taking students for the upcoming academic year. These are people who I can confidently say I have a strong research fit with their current projects and relevant experience in working with the techniques they wish to employ in their studies.
I'm still applying this cycle to the few schools on my list that still have faculty im interested in, and I would still be elated to attend them, but if I had to be honest, they aren't my original top choices :-( My school list dropped from about eleven to four after both checking the admission pages and discussing a future mentor-mentee relationship with these people throughout the last six months. Some of the faculty that I reached out to told me to contact them again next year if I didn't get accepted this cycle, but I still feel confident in at least one acceptance from the schools and mentors that I picked out. I don't think I'll be sitting in regret necessarily, but it hurts feeling like so many "ideal" programs are unavailable to me this cycle.
is this a normal feeling 0_0 would most people in my position just not have applied this cycle and waited another year ? I graduated spring of this year knowing that I would be taking ONE gap year, but I honestly did not expect for almost half of my potential mentors to not be accepting students this cycle. I wish it were as simple as that, but I feel like the faculty that have suddenly stopped taking students for the fall semester have been taking students for the last three/four years, so I'm assuming they have their hands full with their current students, and will have their hands full for the next two years at least.
submitted by hsjdk to ClinicalPsychology [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:50 Dependent_Ad_9808 Daily Sumi 798

Daily Sumi 798 submitted by Dependent_Ad_9808 to KanojoOkarishimasu [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:50 africakitten Women entering the workforce increased labor supply and depressed wages; to fix this women should be encouraged to leave the workforce and be housewives

Everyone is complaining, quite rightly, that wages are too low.
It takes two working parents now to raise enough capital to buy a decent house and secure a solid middle class lifestyle the likes of which was possible on one salary 50 years ago.
The reason for this is rather simple: the massive increase in the supply of labor from women entering the workforce in the late 1960s onward.
That is when you start to see the decoupling of wages from cost of living, with increasing share of capital and decreasing share of labor to GDP.
This process accelerates and deepens with every passing decade right up to the 2020s.
When you nearly double the workforce over the span of 40 years, you create a glut of labor supply that reduces the bargaining power of wage earners with every passing year, which is exactly what we have seen.
It is now possibly at a breaking point, where we have excessive returns to capital, creating billionaires and a huge wealth disparity in society, and downward social mobility for the poorer 50%.
What about this opinion is an unpopular opinion? Here it is in a nutshell, enjoy:
In order to increase people's wages and go back to single income families, we need to reduce the labor supply by encouraging women to leave the workforce and be housewives again.
This will result is a better environment for raising children, force companies to almost double wages and reduce income inequality.
submitted by africakitten to TrueUnpopularOpinion [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:50 _libid0 FS: 2 pax Victory Liner Bus tickets to Baguio, 29 Nov, 3PM, Sampaloc Manila

Hello!! I made a booking mistake thus needed to sell these tickets. Help a bro out!! Thank you!! 🥰
submitted by _libid0 to classifiedsph [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:50 Primary_Discussion19 Neverrrr?

Neverrrr? submitted by Primary_Discussion19 to nickfromthegymsnarkk [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:50 Educational-Love-171 Remove FMI on iPhone 6

Hello. Recently I bought an iPhone 6 with iOS 12, but previous owner forgot to log out from his Apple account. I asked to the seller, but he wasn't the owner. Any way to log out? I'm in Home Screen.
submitted by Educational-Love-171 to setupapp [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:50 Triumph_leader523 What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Triumph_leader523 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:50 Fabulous_Abrocoma365 New pickup and First SB Dunk

New pickup and First SB Dunk submitted by Fabulous_Abrocoma365 to DunksNotDead [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:50 Content-Cricket-7896 I'm loving fort atm but

Am I the only person in the world who hates juices music? It's literally the worst shit I've ever heard 😂
submitted by Content-Cricket-7896 to FortNiteBR [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:50 moxie_girlx What are you sick of people trying to convince you is great?

submitted by moxie_girlx to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 08:50 STOOOOOPIDhooman TRADING!

TRADING! Mlf- frosts, decent (or better) upgrades Klf- balloon unis , hot doggos and African wild dogs
submitted by STOOOOOPIDhooman to AdoptMeTrading [link] [comments]