2024.11.25 08:35 agirlisashley-cd Double post today. As I just wanted to say thank you so much to you all. As someone who was nervous about sharing photos of themselves y’all have made me feel so welcome ☺️🩵🩵🩵
submitted by agirlisashley-cd to crossdressing [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 08:35 miamiflight TOMT
Trying to find a trap/EDM/dubstep song where maybe 3 or 4 times throughout the song before the bass drop there's a random "quack" like straight from a discord soundboard
submitted by miamiflight to EDM [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 08:35 SuperiorityComplx-_- What is this?
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submitted by SuperiorityComplx-_- to Pixelary [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 08:35 Obama015 A.E Procrastinar está acabando con mi vida
Tal cómo dice el encabezado, procrastinar sólo ha hecho que mi vida vaya en declive.
Tengo 18 años, ya estoy en la universidad y acabo de "cerrar" mi segundo semestre de Ingeniería. Llevo batallando en contra de mi procrastinación desde hace ya años y, desafortunadamente voy perdiendo.
Me gustaría en serio que fuera tan simple como el hecho de ser un "vago consciente", y he pensado qué quizás sea así, pero no lo creo en realidad. Si bien soy plenamente consciente de mi "condición" y quiero en serio hacer algo al respecto simplemente no puedo, me detengo casi de forma inmediata al intentar hacer algo al respecto. Ya he intentado todo lo que se me ocurre o he investigado y nada parece funcionar, simplemente de forma irremediable vuelvo al mismo punto una y otra vez.
Aunque vengo con el problema desde hace tiempo no fue hasta este año que se hizo algo crítico en mi vida. En años anteriores, en el colegio, era casi algo cómico para mi, posponer las cosas, dejar hasta el último momento para trabajar y que me fuese bien. Aclarando brevemente que siempre me he destacado como estudiante, a pesar de dar el mínimo esfuerzo, además de haber sido becado para la universidad. Sin embargo, este año en la universidad no fue de esa forma. Entiendo el periodo de adaptación desde el colegio hacia la universidad, pero ya han pasado dos semestres y sigo exactamente igual.
Lo que considero incluso más bajo, en algunas ocasiones ni siquiera me he podido mover a hacer las cosas, simplemente pasa el tiempo, llega el momento límite de entrega y no he hecho nada. Me distraigo con suma facilidad, en mi teléfono, redes sociales, en mis pensamientos pero todo el tiempo tengo en la mente lo que se supone que debería estar haciendo y no me dispongo a hacerlo, por más que quiero y debo.
Incluso aunque mi carrera es sumamente interesante para mi, no puedo moverme, aunque sepa que ese trabajo es de alta prioridad no me muevo a hacerlo, sabiendo que de ese parcial depende si apruebo o no el curso, no estudio. Simplemente estoy al límite, perdí ya un curso y estoy a espera de mi nota de uno más, del cual estoy entre la frontera de ganar o perder. Y como producto de lo anterior, peligro de perder mi beca en la universidad, la cual si la pierdo ya no es posible costear la mensualidad. Caso que si llega a suceder, realmente no sé qué hacer. Además de claramente la decepción de parte de mi familia. Sabiendo esto desde el principio, no pude esforzarme como se esperaba.
Ciertamente a lo largo del año han habido otras cosas que me mantuvieron debajo, desde un accidente de mi madre a un incidente de mi padre y, el fallecimiento de mi abuelo y mi bisabuelo. Si bien creo que son factores, he sabido sobrellevarlos, pero no vencer mi procrastinación, falta de ganas, interés, motivación o cualquier cosa que sea.
Es mi primera vez publicando, es el reflejo de mi desesperación por ayuda, de un consejo, algo diferente, nuevo, porque ya lo he intentado todo, o quizás solo necesitaba desahogarme.
A quien se tome el tiempo de leerlo todo quiero agradecerle sumamente, creo que con eso tengo más que suficiente.
submitted by Obama015 to Ayuda_emocional [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 08:35 Raremetal750 Sunless doodle
submitted by Raremetal750 to ShadowSlave [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 08:35 OG_Yaz Interchanging jealousy and envious.
Envious means you want what the other has. Such as, you see a person has a piece of candy and it makes you want some, but you’re broke. You’re envious the other person has candy. Another example is your coworker is anyways receiving praise and she looks really put together. You’re envious of her attention.
Jealous means you’re threatened to lose something to someone else. If your boyfriend is paying attention to another woman, you’re jealous he gives her attention rather than you at the thought he might be more interested in her. When dealing with love, you can only have jealousy.
It doesn’t make me irate. I used to use them interchangeably, until I learned from an episode of “the Simpson’s” the difference then checked a dictionary to verify. I’ll be damned, Homer Simpson said something right to correct Lisa. 😱
Here’s a link to Merriam-Webster that explains the difference, which I just did. Just posting to show proof. https://www.merriam-webster.com/grammajealous-vs-envious
submitted by OG_Yaz to PetPeeves [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 08:35 misterxx1958 Going home from Halloween.....
submitted by misterxx1958 to funnyvideos [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 08:35 android_tests_pac Cant edit crosspost test for 25/11/2024 08:33:58
submitted by android_tests_pac to LssAutomation [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 08:35 LilMissOverThinker My Biggest Dot Mandala
This is a 36-inch, or 3 foot, dot mandala with the centre focused on Buddha & Yin Yang. Please let me know your thoughts on the same. submitted by LilMissOverThinker to mandalas [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 08:35 ImaginaryPassage5174 Op and naar
Why don't i say Ik kom thuis op woensdag Is it because it reads like I come (HOME THE OBJECT) on Wednesday ?
Im supposed to say Ik kom Woensdag naar huis
I know ive got this whole thing messed up but the op naar bit is especially confusing me??
submitted by ImaginaryPassage5174 to learndutch [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 08:35 WulfyZef Emboldened(ez mode) went to wing 1, not w8. Call of the Mist(extra reward) is still on w8.
submitted by WulfyZef to Guildwars2 [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 08:35 Laurent_Sonny What is this?
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submitted by Laurent_Sonny to Pixelary [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 08:35 bbi4life What is this?
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submitted by bbi4life to Pixelary [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 08:35 Exact-Recover6080 NMBC style guide hunt
Does anyone have ANY info about the original nmbc style guide?...plz help me pics and just overall digging would be mutch appreciated or If u have it urself plz post it just help a fellow nightmare fan
submitted by Exact-Recover6080 to NightmareBeforeXmas [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 08:35 Fabled-Martyr Need advice. Finish college, start a trade or stay at current job?
Sorry if this isn't the right post for this sub, I'm just looking for career advice.
I (27M) started pursuing an associate degree in CompSci in 2021. Do to working a full time job (40hr-50hr a week night shift) and now having a daughter, I only take 2 classes a semester. I'm still 26 credits away from completing it and I'm losing the drive to finish it. The current job market isn't helping either.
I've been thinking maybe it'll be better to start an apprenticeship or maybe trade school but that's another 4-5 yrs or so of training and a paycut that idk if I can afford it.
I current work in a factory running a CNC for almost a year making $21.75/hr. My insurance went up recently, from $63.62 for me and my daughter, to $102.75. Plus every other expense increasing, it's a struggle to get by.
So that's my situation. I want my degree but not sure if it's worth it anymore, think an apprenticeship would be cool but afraid of a paycut and enjoy my job now but it just doesn't pay me enough anymore.
Any advice or words or encouragement would be appreciated.
submitted by Fabled-Martyr to jobs [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 08:35 Mr_BertSaxby 12 Rhomben • 853-8 • 1998
submitted by Mr_BertSaxby to GerhardRichter [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 08:35 ManOnNoMission Book Club Discussion 25th Novermeber-1st December: Green Lantern Earth One.
Hi everybody.
This weeks read we take a complete different look at Green Lantern with the never quite fully realised Earth One imprint with Green Lantern Earth One.
Feel free to discuss however suits you, from updating as you go or updating once you finish fully. Obviously spoilers are going to come up but please try to keep the more heavy spoilers towards the end of the week to let people catch up.
Don't forgot to be on the look out for the December recommendations post to drop your suggestions.
submitted by ManOnNoMission to DCuniverse [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 08:35 EltonDanielOliv Séries que queremos no universo Batman de Matt Reeves
submitted by EltonDanielOliv to Foleto [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 08:35 filipe2s Betano | 20€ em freebets (pelo menos 18€ garantidos)
A Betano tem os habituais 20€ em apostas grátis. 10€ por entrar com referral + 10€ por usar o código abaixo. Conseguem usar estas apostas para arriscar e mais do que duplicar o valor apostado, ou jogar pelo seguro e usar o 3 way surebet para garantir pelo menos 18€ (guia abaixo). Depois de apostar uma vez podem levantar logo os ganhos.
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Non Ref Link: https://www.be tano.pt (remover espaço do link)
submitted by filipe2s to BeermoneyTuga [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 08:35 Equal_Translator_118 Question regarding back pay
I was hired (signed on) at a rate 2$/hr HIGHER than what I've currently received over the course of my 1st month of working. (Checked my weekly paystubs for the month and found the discrepancy.) I notified the manager and was told it's fixed and will be updated the following pay period. Question is, will I/should I receive back pay for the 2-3 paychecks that were shorted relative to the amount difference? I was told they "don't do back pay" which to me seems like a lazy response and illegal? Don't know, never been f**ked over with money before. IF im eligible for back pay who would I talk to (HR?), Thanks!
submitted by Equal_Translator_118 to DollarGeneralWorkers [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 08:35 Echoed441 Loud bang noise at 3:20.
At about 3:20 AM, there was a loud bang (maybe two) that rung through the West side of Belleville.
Does anyone know what that was? Freaked me out MAN!!
submitted by Echoed441 to BellevilleOntario [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 08:35 geekyplug WP Astra Lifetime Coupon Code 2024
Are you searching for a WordPress theme that you can customize easily and is built for performance?
If yes then WP Astra is for you and using our SPECIAL LINK (WP Astra lifetime discount code attached), you will get up to 50% OFF for a LIMITED TIME.
submitted by geekyplug to wpblackfridaydeals [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 08:35 NumScritch Did Peter have to shave his head in Rikers?
Hi everyone, just a random question about Peter’s time in Rikers. I’m not sure whether it’s a myth but I thought all prisoners ( in America at least ) had to shave their heads.
I just wondered if he had to shave all that beautiful hair off.
submitted by NumScritch to typeonegative [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 08:35 Queasy_Pass_3179 Ask Anything Thread
Use this thread to ask anything at all! Except for my personal information
submitted by Queasy_Pass_3179 to flagmaphumans [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 08:35 Luna_Goddess_Dance Is there a length of time that betrayal should not be spoken about?
So my WP left me for another woman approx 14 years ago, spent 2-3 months ghosting me and seeing her instead before [recently] admitting he basically stopped seeing her as she was seeing other guys too and he didn’t like it (also a red flag sign being that’s the only reason he stopped seeing her and not that he realised what he had lost - me?)
Anyway, recently I learned of him hiding a porn addiction and use from me our whole relationship - approx 15 years (of our relationship - the porn use longer) so now I am looking back on the cheating incident in a new light (previously chalked it up to being a mistake, now realising his secret selective sexual side I question if it was a mistake at all) and have been bringing up the cheating incident during our current fights and disagreement.
Majority of the time he just goes straight to defence and says “that was 15 years ago” “that was so long ago” “why are you bringing this up now!?” I’m almost an annoyed tone.
Am I not supposed to speak of the betrayal past a certain time length? (In recent years before the porn addiction realisation I had actually stopped all mention of it and even nearly forgotten / forgiven it completely) Ironically, he claims he could never get over ‘doing it’ and was in fact part of the reason [so he claims] for his ongoing porn addiction.
Wasn’t sure which flair to use but I’m happy for all types of comments, opinions etc.
submitted by Luna_Goddess_Dance to AsOneAfterInfidelity [link] [comments]