5 months today.

2024.11.25 09:30 Pale-Fortune-3237 5 months today.

I lost both my horse and my grandmother on the 25th of June this year.
submitted by Pale-Fortune-3237 to GriefSupport [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:30 AdDry3533 Solo tengo un par de cosas que decir sobre la reunion de las chicas

  1. Angelita la perversa fue mala; lo aceptó y admitió que fue por cómo se dieron ciertas cosas. Es válido que se sienta mal, pero no es aceptable su egocentrismo, malas vibras, falta de respeto y falta de profesionalidad que trajo al programa (honestamente, insoportable).
  2. Mariana Stars dijo muchas cosas que no debió decir y, cuando, por ejemplo, Megui se enojó en su momento y Angelita también (y durante el resto de la temporada), Mariana se hacía la víctima y desestimaba el punto de vista de las chicas afectadas. Además, sus disculpas no eran genuinas… especialmente la del capítulo de reunión, que fue una disculpa falsa acompañada de un ataque.
  3. En el Roast, Miss Cristo, Porka y Angelita mostraron una falta de respeto y profesionalidad. Encima trataron de enmascararlo diciendo: “No tengo por qué reírme si no me da risa”.
submitted by AdDry3533 to DragRace_Espana [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:30 atiing2784 I submit can’t stop sharing my sister Kiara sess below

submitted by atiing2784 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:30 Silly-Day Trying to find out if is real

Found both imagens in Pinterest with no link associated to Twitteart accounts. Are this real ROM hacks? Wanna play purely by visuals
submitted by Silly-Day to PokemonROMhacks [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:30 louiselyn Apple’s AirPods Max to see no major upgrades due to low sales

submitted by louiselyn to airpods [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:30 Own-Lifeguard-8281 Best course to refer for XAT ?

Kindly help me with what videos or paid courses would be the best to refer for XAT prep.
submitted by Own-Lifeguard-8281 to CATpreparation [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:30 actu-juridiqueFR Tempête Kirk : l’état de catastrophes naturelles reconnu dans l’Essonne et les Yvelines

Tempête Kirk : l’état de catastrophes naturelles reconnu dans l’Essonne et les Yvelines submitted by actu-juridiqueFR to ecologie [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:30 59Bassman [SKX007] 9 years in my first automatic is still chugging along.

[SKX007] 9 years in my first automatic is still chugging along. submitted by 59Bassman to Seiko [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:30 Memin_Sanchez What is this?

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submitted by Memin_Sanchez to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:30 Custard_Badger What is this?

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submitted by Custard_Badger to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:30 TheVroidio coming back with lots of new information

coming back with lots of new information Hello everyone, I'm back to playing after having stopped after the release of the awaken form of dark cacao and my god, so many new things. I took a screenshot of the cookies that I consider to be my most important and the ones that I don't have. If anyone can help me rebuild my pvp and pro pve team with a focus on beat yeast, I'd appreciate it.
submitted by TheVroidio to CookieRunKingdoms [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:30 JavierAlexanderLDN How to Cook In Brighter Shores

How to Cook In Brighter Shores submitted by JavierAlexanderLDN to VideoGamingGuides [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:30 Sulturkey1997 I predict of the signal(241128)

I predict of the signal(241128)
  1. Yubin will be Gong Yu-bomb.
  2. Hyerin will try to stop her...
  3. But Yeonji will keep saying too much!
  4. So Jiyeon will be tired...
submitted by Sulturkey1997 to triples [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:30 SolarBarbie Awful Seasons Bug

Dropped into a Seasons game today. My team spawned with 7 players, entire front 4 missing.
submitted by SolarBarbie to EASportsFC [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:30 Odd-Kaleidoscope813 Any effective steps before legal action against the employer?

Cheers folks,
One of my foreigner friends works for a foreign company in Beijing, where they refuse to pay his overtime or only pay a small portion of it. They justified this partial payment by citing a Chinese law that supposedly deducts one unit from the overtime multiplier, claiming that this was already covered when the regular salary was transferred. According to the contract, weekday overtime should be paid at a 1.5x rate, but they are only willing to pay half of that. Weekend overtime should be paid at 2x the hourly rate, but they would only pay the standard hourly rate—or not at all, claiming there’s no budget for it. Furthermore, they are not paying him other entitlements that are clearly outlined in the contract. These same entitlements are provided to his Chinese colleagues without any issue.
How could my friend enforce his claims before taking legal action? In a legal dispute, could he benefit from the fact that the company has already lost a lawsuit to a former colleague in the past?
Anyone might has similar experience?
submitted by Odd-Kaleidoscope813 to chinalife [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:30 Training-Audience955 Has anyone ever experienced this before? Do I have anything to worry about?

(Sorry If this is a bit graphic) So I’ve posted on here before talking about meditating on Lucifer and feeling sexual vibrating energy from him that almost made me orgasm and asked if anyone experienced that before and many people agreed and I felt pretty relieved. Since then I’ve been feeling that same energy and a warm presence behind me before I go to sleep and while I’m sleeping and it sometimes makes me orgasm. There have been a couple nights where this was keeping me up at night and I was losing sleep which scared me and I thought okay maybe this is a tricksteparasite because this is not healthy. So I stopped meditating for a few days because I didn’t want this to affect my sleep and didn’t want this to become addicting because I’m starting a new job on Wednesday which I’m pretty sure lucifer got me because I asked him. Anyways last night was something else, as soon as I try and sleep I feel this warm/hot presence behind me again but I actually feel his hands all over me and feel this intense vibrating energy on my private area which makes me orgasm and this goes on for hours and it felt amazing!! Then after a few hours I try to tell it nicely okay I really need to go to bed now, you can please stop. thanks. And I try to sleep but still feel that vibrating pulsating energy on my private area again. Anyways I think I do nod of to sleep for a few minutes and have a dream that I’m still in my bed and a demon grabs me by the foot and drags me in the bed (this isn’t the first time this has happened) I start screaming and after a while I wake up and still feel this warm/hot presence behind me and still feel the sexual energy from it. So i’m awake for another couple of hours and then say again you can please stop now, I’m gonna go to sleep. I manage to only get 3 hours sleep last night. I Literally had like 20 orgasms last night it’s inane 😆 but I don’t think this is Lucifer because during the act I kept saying what’s your name? And didn’t hear anything back. So who could this be? A different demon? A tricksteparasite?
submitted by Training-Audience955 to DemonolatryPractices [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:30 FakeLuisGames What is this?

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submitted by FakeLuisGames to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:30 cidadehoje Dádiva de Sangue na Academia do F.C. Famalicão

Dádiva de Sangue na Academia do F.C. Famalicão submitted by cidadehoje to cidadehoje [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:30 Mr_NotNice1 What is this?

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submitted by Mr_NotNice1 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:30 WindowCompetitive364 277165126470

277165126470 submitted by WindowCompetitive364 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:30 TenLag #RangersFC are delighted to announce the appointment of Patrick Stewart as its new Chief Executive Officer. Patrick will join the club on 16 December 2024.

#RangersFC are delighted to announce the appointment of Patrick Stewart as its new Chief Executive Officer. Patrick will join the club on 16 December 2024. submitted by TenLag to rangersfc [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:30 LordPiglet03 Do you create new cities for each new pack? UK Theme is out this afternoon!

Do you create new cities for each new pack? UK Theme is out this afternoon! submitted by LordPiglet03 to CitiesSkylines2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:30 igotitatriteaid Beng highly sensitive is such a curse.

I know for a fact I've done more in the last 20 years than all of the people who have shamed me, and they still make me feel like I am garbage and make me want to die, how can these people do this? How do I get thicker skin?
submitted by igotitatriteaid to hsp [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:30 Powerful_Poetry_4048 Versinke in der Zukunft des Bauens: Deine digitale Baumaterial-Schatztruhe wartet! 🏗️✨

Hallo liebe Baumaterial-Enthusiasten! 🏗️
Habt ihr jemals davon geträumt, einen Baukasten aus Lego-Steinen zu haben, den ihr einfach online zusammenstellt? Nun, jetzt könnt ihr das mit echten Materialien tun! Willkommen im 21. Jahrhundert, wo ihr eure Baumaterialien online einkauft, ohne euren verstaubten Keller oder schwitzigen Baumarkt zu betreten. 🎉
Stellt euch das vor! Ihr sitzt gemütlich auf eurer Couch, ein Kaffee oder vielleicht ein Craft-Bier in der einen Hand, und mit der anderen Hand klickt ihr eure zukünftigen Wände, Böden und Decken zusammen. Betrachten wir mal die Vorteile:

Aber Moment mal! Wo finde ich so einen fantastischen Online-Shop, fragt ihr? Lasst euch keine grauen Haare darüber wachsen. Die Antwort lautet: www.floriansbaubox.de! Eure eigene kleine Schatztruhe im Netz für alles, was das (Bau-)Herz begehrt.
Wenn man digitale Baukästen durchstöbert, kann das fast so aufregend sein wie eine Schnitzeljagd. Ihr wisst nie, welche verborgenen Schätze auf euch warten. Braucht ihr Fliesen für eure neue In-Dusche-Regendusche? Oder besonders dichte Dämmung, die die Klänge von Omas altem Röhrenfernseher schluckt? Kein Problem!
Hier sind einige Gründe, warum ihr dringend mal einen Blick reinwerfen solltet, oder wie ich es nenne, eine virtuelle Baustelleneskapade unternehmen solltet:
Also, lasst euch inspirieren. Baut den Schrank oder gar das gesamte Haus, von dem ihr immer geträumt habt. Besucht www.floriansbaubox.de, schlemmt in ihren digitalen Gängen und erlebt Einkaufspaß, wie ihr es noch nie zuvor geträumt habt! 🌈🌟
Und am allerwichtigsten, bleibt neugierig und behaltet einen übersichtlichen Lagerbestand. Denn nichts ist ärgerlicher, als kurz vor dem Werkstoffwunder festzustellen, dass euch der Letzte Ziegel oder der benötigte Spaten fehlt. 🧱🚀
Fröhliches Bauen und Einkaufen! 🛠️💻✨
submitted by Powerful_Poetry_4048 to OnlineLC [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 09:30 Lost_Formal3270 Rate my main avatars

Rate my main avatars :₽
submitted by Lost_Formal3270 to RobloxAvatars [link] [comments]
