2024.11.25 10:56 araphilian Pet Insurance for Dogs with Emergency Vet Visits
submitted by araphilian to petsonly [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 10:56 Total_Job_1411 Naked gnome token ($ngm)
naked gnome token next chill guy
Alex Becker tweeted this coin
submitted by Total_Job_1411 to Memecoinhub [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 10:56 Exciting_Light_2015 Évènement Paix Dieu rue royale
Bonjour les Lillois !
Je partage un bon plan pour ceux qui veulent changer un peu du (petit) marché de Noël. Il y a un magasin éphémère Paix Dieu qui a ouvert jusqu'à mi-janvier rue royale à Lille
Il y a des ateliers autour de leur bière et autres trucs qui ont l'air sympa.
Est-ce que quelqu'un y est déjà allé ? Si oui, est-ce que ça vaut le coup ?
submitted by Exciting_Light_2015 to Lille [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 10:55 mandysm My collection so far!
What do you guys think and what should I pick up next ?
submitted by mandysm to Colognes [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 10:55 Swimming-Donkey-6083 titl
submitted by Swimming-Donkey-6083 to VentureMains [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 10:55 Scendonolepalle Which CAM should I buy?
I've been playing with a 100 GEN Okocha since he's come out but I don't know if I'm sure to keep him. My budget is around 63 million credits and I'd like to buy a 98-99+ upgraded CAM. Which one do you recommend me buying?
submitted by Scendonolepalle to EASportsFCMobile [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 10:55 RedDaix TIL
Today I learned that if you have Lancelot with regeneration/healing cancellation on PVP, you can just hit his special ability to cleanse his debuffs or force them to expire, as it counts as a turn
submitted by RedDaix to SDSGrandCross [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 10:55 CommercialLow9783 Dear Software veterans, need your advice with first job
Hi, so I recently (1.5 months) joined a tech company as a backend SDE 1. This is my first job after college. The pay is good and people are nice. However, I have not received any work yet. I completed the onboarding (3 weeks) and after that I am just getting bored. I go to the office and just look randomly here n there, or just scroll social media. I have been alloted a feature, but it's still in ideation phase, so no actual work there right now. Also, I am a bit shy so it takes me time to make friends and get comfortable with people. I go to gym n all, but this feeling of not doing any work is taking a toll on me. I am not sure how to handle this, hence need your advice. Thanks.
submitted by CommercialLow9783 to developersIndia [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 10:55 The_Quartz_collector Sir Lord Arthur Patrick Chichester, 8th Marquess of Donegall, 8th Viscount Chichester and 13th Baron Chichester of Belfast, 13th Viscount Chichester of Carrickfergus, 8th Earl of Belfast, 6th Baron Templemore, 7th Baron Fisherwick. CoA of the Chichester family and main property - Belfast castle
Arthur Patrick Chichester was born in the 9th of May 1952, and he usually went by his middle name Patrick which he preferred. He his the great grandson of the younger brother of George Hamilton Chichester, Edward Chichester who succeeded George's daughter in the marquesate as both his sons predeceased him and his daughter didn't live long. Lord Arthur was educated in Harrow School in London rather than Eton and pursued agronomical engineering in the Royal agricultural college in Cirencester, Gloucestershire - Scotland, where he eventually obtained his graduation. Following suit in 1975 he joined the Royal army retiring just two years later with the rank of Captain. On the 19th of April 1993, he became the 8th Marquess of Donegall and previously, in 1990, he married Lady Caroline Mary Phillipson with whom he had two children
submitted by The_Quartz_collector to ModerateMonarchism [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 10:55 Phyliinx Carjacking.
When we saw the headlights in the rear mirror we knew our time had come.
The street was narrow, our car placed in the middle, no way to escape without slowly backtracking.
We prepared our handguns. Unlocked them with swift movements.
We pulled the masks down our faces.
Now was the time.
We got out of our car. We aimed the weapon at their windshield. We screamed: "Get outta there!"
And all they did was stopping. Waiting. Wasting our time.
"Get outta there!", I repeated, as aggressive as possible.
The driver opened his door, looked at us and sighed: "Why did you have to be that dumb?"
In that very moment, my friend Tommy died from a headshot.
Shocked, I noticed that the man on the passenger seat had gotten out.
He was wearing a black suit, an expensive watch and the grey hear fell stylish over his head.
"Threatening people is one thing. Being strong enough to commit to the threat is the other."
My finger wrapped the trigger of my gun. But his next bullet hit me in the knee, so I fell to the ground and screamed.
He looked down on me, aiming for my head. "What is it with you kids these days? Why can't you stay infront of your console and play 'Call of Duty'?"
With these words, he shot me in the face.
When I woke up, I was blind. Eternal darkness, eternal fear.
I was not able to tell the tale as I had helped provoke these men who's last words before they left the scene still sent chills down my spine: "Do we tell the Don?"
submitted by Phyliinx to shortscarystories [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 10:55 Full_Conflict_4105 Apple
Hej alle,
Tak på forhånd!
Problemet er som følger: Min kæreste og jeg købte begge iPhone 11, men hendes iCloud/Apple ID er blevet låst, og nu kan hun ikke bruge telefonen ordentligt. Hun kan ikke downloade apps fra App Store, og “Find min iPhone” kan ikke slås fra. Det betyder, at telefonen er stort set ubrugelig, hvilket er utrolig frustrerende.
Vi har været i kontakt med Apple Support, men de har ikke kunnet hjælpe. Deres svar var, at der ikke er noget, de kan gøre for at få adgang til kontoen igen, hvilket efterlader os med en telefon, vi ikke kan bruge – en situation, der er både træls og uacceptabel, især når man har betalt for en funktionel enhed.
Mit spørgsmål er: Er der nogen, der har erfaring med dette problem, eller ved hvad vi kan gøre for at få adgang til telefonen igen? Er det muligt at få penge tilbage, eller er der andre løsninger, vi kan prøve?
Tak for hjælpen på forhånd, og undskyld mit lidt farverige sprog!
Denne version er mere præcis og samtidig høflig, hvilket kan gøre det lettere at få hjælp fra gruppen.
submitted by Full_Conflict_4105 to dktechsupport [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 10:55 MightySouthB Rent-a-car
Buenos días gente, primero que nada buen comienzo de semana para todos.
Segundo Francia, y ahora hablando enserio: me encuentro en la necesidad de tener que alquilar un coche, y anduve buscando precios por todos lados y la que más me cerró fue MyKeego. Tienen un Cronos para alquilar por aprox 780k por dos semanas con kilometraje libre, dos telepases por día, y nafta a cargo de uno (lógicamente).
Quería consultarles si alguno conoce alguna otra empresa más económica o más conveniente por ese rango de precio.
Muchas gracias!
submitted by MightySouthB to ArAutos [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 10:55 Professional-Fig4304 Runners Survey
Hey Runners! I'm working on a school project and need your help. Could you spare 2 minutes to share your:
Height Weight Running Distance Completion Time
Why Participate? Anonymity: Your info stays confidential. Impact: Your data helps uncover insights into running performance. Ready to Contribute? https://forms.gle/QMBcEXHAc7i5qwLZ7 Whether you're a seasoned runner or just starting out, every response counts. Thanks a ton!
submitted by Professional-Fig4304 to runningfr [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 10:55 not_kv anyone with MTTM on this sub reddit ? need guide for MPAP 02 (MPA project work)
hey is there anyone with MTTM degree or has done project work for MPA ?
submitted by not_kv to IGNOUdistancelearning [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 10:55 Free-Power-9785 GT buys Gerald Coetzee for 2.4 crore
This is a great deal for us - backup fast bowler for Rabada, he can bat a bit too. Only 24 so Nehraji might develop him more.
submitted by Free-Power-9785 to Gujarat_Titans [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 10:55 TurbulentFisherman62 WTF
submitted by TurbulentFisherman62 to PvZHeroes [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 10:55 Ok-Lavishness-1397 (F-bi) Feeding my pretty friends if you can trib, dm me
submitted by Ok-Lavishness-1397 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 10:55 arquipelagows Criar conta em que banco?
Eu e a minha namorada estamos a pensar abrir uma conta para ir metendo dinheiro lá todos os meses e ir criando umas poupanças. Estávamos a pensar em algo tipo online sem custos de manutenção, estamos a ver wise ou active bank, mas têm alguma recomendação?
Muito obrigado!
submitted by arquipelagows to literaciafinanceira [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 10:55 H0visboh H: 2500 Nukanades, 1500 stimpacks & 1000 Nukacola cherry W: caps, bbh and bobbypins
Valuing each nukanade at around 75-80c, stimpacks at 25-30c and nukacherry at 15-20c, dependant on volume of purchase.
submitted by H0visboh to Market76 [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 10:55 S_H_4_R_K_Y What is this?
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by S_H_4_R_K_Y to Pixelary [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 10:55 Soggy-Staff6681 🆕 bit average
submitted by Soggy-Staff6681 to OnlinePayIDPokiesAUS [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 10:55 Patriarch99 What is brain tumor nausea like?
Does it always go with a headache? Is it a continuous feeling or does it come and go for days?
submitted by Patriarch99 to braincancer [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 10:55 AffectionateSir1344 Achievements broken or something because I got more than 30 achievements and I didn’t got the badge yet?
The 30 achievements badge and buff I really want it
submitted by AffectionateSir1344 to SolsRNG [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 10:55 Lestraa1389 Цена увоза аутомобила
Да ли неко зна како се обрачунава цена за таксе и остале дажбине приликом увоза, да ли је битно годиште аута, кубикажа итд.. и каква је процедура увоза, шта је све потребно од документације и сл. ?
submitted by Lestraa1389 to automobilisrbija [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 10:55 Asianse Hello hello!! ♡ I just downloaded the game and am new to yugioh would love help on my first deck,also saw this campaign code thing and wanted to ask if anyone could use mine 149061d1. Send me your code and ill also add :3
submitted by Asianse to YuGiOhMasterDuel [link] [comments]