This team is looking Okayish . Really hope Jitesh and bhuvi deliver

2024.11.25 13:20 crown6473 This team is looking Okayish . Really hope Jitesh and bhuvi deliver

-Salt ✈️ -VK -Patidar -Livingstone ✈️ -Krunal Pandya -Jitesh Sharma -Tim David/Romario Shepard✈️ -Rasikh Dar -Hazlewood/Thushara✈️ -Bhuvi -Dayal
Impact-Suyash Sharma/Swapnil Singh
submitted by crown6473 to RCB [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:20 Rypskyttarn D.O.G.E in real life will hopefully do a little bit better than this....

D.O.G.E in real life will hopefully do a little bit better than this.... submitted by Rypskyttarn to memecoins [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:20 Backky_TH So... Did FPE is already fallen?

Because Kaaatie delete FPE video on YouTube
submitted by Backky_TH to FundamentalPaperEdu [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:20 PhotographWorldly349 Vilken bank bör man välja för att spara pengar?

Jag letar efter en bra bank med hög sparränta. Jag använder Nordea just nu, men de har riktigt pissig ränta. Har ni några rekommendationer?
submitted by PhotographWorldly349 to PrivatEkonomi [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:20 Classic_Snow_1338 What’s the best way to bring husband to climax with a bj?

submitted by Classic_Snow_1338 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:20 kevinrainbow2 Why don’t gun manufacturers put finger-print locks on guns?

If my phone has a fingerprint lock and I can open many apps with biometrics, why don’t we have them on guns? Wouldn’t this help reduce some crime?
submitted by kevinrainbow2 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:20 Creepy_Budget_9074 advice for quitting when your partner vapes?

i see my boyfriend all day everyday. i never vaped, and actually used to make fun of people that did, until i started dating one. it's been 2 years now of me vaping and i'm ready to let go of this. i want to. i need to. my health has taken a major decline and so has my singing voice. i want my life back and to stop being a slave to this dreadful device. i've talked to my boyfriend about this and he told me he could quit with me but he doesn't want to because he turns 21 in a few weeks and it would be "annoying" to quit when he can finally buy them himself (his brother, 24, buys them for him and i used to, 20F, because no one ID'd me). i know i can't expect or count on him to quit with me, this is my battle and it isn't fair to place any blame or expectations on him. i have to learn how to look at his vapes and say no. i am a ball of anger and restlessness without a vape, and in the mornings, the first thing i think about is hitting his. i always cave. i need some advice in how to navigate this. i have bpd, and it's not realistic for me to not see my boyfriend for a few days for the cravings to pass. i've thought about it, but my greatest addiction in life is him, not the vape. i'm in therapy for my bpd and i know i struggle with codependency. i see this reflected both with my partner and with vaping. i know quitting is all about mindset. i know that withdrawal symptoms are the poison leaving my body and that the anger and restlessness i feel is my brain trying to make me pick up a vape again. the mental symptoms are what make me cave. my brain tells me that once i see my boyfriend, i will vape and my anger will subside. i've never gone a full 24 hours successfully. any advice?
submitted by Creepy_Budget_9074 to QuitVaping [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:20 Drunk_Irishmn Cannibal family horror movie.

Here’s a tough one. This movie is pre-1995. Mid 1980’s to 1993ish. A family of cannibals are living in a house, in a city/town. The scene I remember best, is of the family sitting around the dinner table with a live man strapped down, they all begin to slice meat off of him and eat. Almost like a normal family dinner. Talking and being jovial; like everything is right in the world. The victims girlfriend is tied up in the corner waiting to be devoured as well. I’ve searched for this movie for almost 3 decades to no avail. Any help would be most appreciated. Thanks! 😊
submitted by Drunk_Irishmn to horror [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:20 Key_Sense9194 Born and raised JW in Poland

I've been thinking about sharing my story somewhere as it's been weighing on me for a good few years, though, I've had it locked deep within my subconsciousness. Maybe some other folks will be able to relate to it.
One of the reasons why I avoided sharing it all is my previous negative connotation with ex-jws and hoping to NEVER look back once I left. However, few years of therapy and a lack of understanding from people around me (as much as I ADORE my best friends, and they saved my life simply by being with me as I struggled to come out as gay, be diagnosed with anxiety and ADHD, leave the religion and my family, move out on my own - everything amidst COVID-19 etc.) led me to the conclusion that I need to speak my truth somewhere be it scream into the void or smear it over some reddit sub.
I live in Poland - one of the few countries that are somehow very similar to the US on the mental level. My mother raised me in the cult, as she believed in the trueness of the religion, my non-religious father did what he could do best drowned himself in vodka and died when I was preteen. Ever since I was forced to read YPA as a 7-8 year old I knew something was "wrong" with me. Mind you, Polish society is generally anti-gay, anti-mental health awareness and basically the older generation forces you into believing that you should suck it up and be "normal" so realising that you're a very artsy gay kid your jw friends cannot understand really well is very troubling and just a HEAVY barrel of shit to go through. Thankfully I've met so many worldly friends and I never allowed the venom of "they are evil!" seep into my brain. Still - for the first 22 years of my life I was a JW. Baptised at 17, I remember checking the other guy getting baptised out in the changing room, but it was too late - the guillotine fell. But let's go back to the beginning. 11-years old me, dead father, an unbaptised publisher getting shepherd visits about how I was the spiritual head of the house, my mother never denied it.
The whole ordeal of conducting family worship, public appointments, helping running mic, sound during meetings and stuff all of it on my head - at the same time I had to study algebra and fight my teachers about evolution, read the bible during recess and be bullied by other kids for being different. My mom never batted an eye and it still hurts sometimes nearly as much as knowing that I will never experience my 6th birthday or the 18th or the 21st, no holidays or Christmas as a kid either.
In my teen years I kept praying, and begging jehova to help me stop being gay too. Funnily enough he didn't help my impure thoughts and some younger elders kept luring me with their innocent sexy eyes. I did everything I could. At one point I was attending two congregations at the same time - my regular Polish one and the foreign group conducted in English, though I was deemed too spiritually immature for it. I think, the first time I opened my eyes was when I decided to go to school prom at 17 years old - half a year after getting baptised. An elder's visit at my house telling me that I wouldn't be able to read watchtower on sunday meetings nor run mike because I'm weak in faith. Why? Because I wanted to celebrate finishing high-school. Yet another time my mother could only cry and do nothing as shit went down. Then I got talked down because I went to get a bachelor's in language studies at Uni. Thankfully I found my chosen family back then and so it went for a few years - basically PIMO, denying being gay in front of everyone, the elders never learnt that fact when I was in the cult.
Long story short, during COVID-19 I worked night guard shifts at a hotel and during one night a very hot guy flirted with me and allowed me to see that I am a human being, allowed to have sex with another consenting adult. Finally after all these years, a bunch of old white guys couldn't deny me living life on my own terms. Within a month I moved out of my mother's flat and now 4 years later I am able to live my own little life, with my hair dyed pink or blue, play video games and not look back. Even though I lost my mother and brother and had to relearn respect towards myself I'm at the happiest point of my life.
Still, it feels very lonely sometimes - as if I was born in another country and moved to Poland and nobody knows what I'm talking about when I say I had to sit for 8 hours the whole weekend because of a convention, that I had to smile at people cussing me out whose house I visited on Saturday because big daddy up above said so.
Hope someone might be able to relate to this. Peace.
submitted by Key_Sense9194 to exjwLGBT [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:20 Ouroboros963 China blasts US plans to set up bases, missile units in Japan, Philippines ‘in event of Taiwan contingency’

submitted by Ouroboros963 to NihilistNewsNetwork [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:20 galaxyboyo M23

submitted by galaxyboyo to currentlyfapping [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:20 trypunchme If I have a visa but it hasn't started yet, can I enter the the country earlier using the 90/180 rule?

I'm a British citizen and I have been granted a national D Visa for Greece that starts on the [19th of December](canary:event?ts=756302405.00). My question is, I want to know if I am able to enter Greece before my Visa starts using the 90/180 day rule?
I'm aware that British citizens are allowed to spend 90 days out of 180 days in Greece. But I just want to make sure that I'm able to enter Greece successfully without any issues, using part of the 90 days that I'm allowed before my Visa starts.
submitted by trypunchme to SchengenVisa [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:20 Kleekey weird burger
anyone know why this burger was floating for a bit
submitted by Kleekey to holocure [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:20 Krystal_Chaos Qualche conoscenza e chissà (preferibilmente femminile)

Ciao ragazzi , Ho 36 anni abito in provincia di Catanzaro sono entrato per caso in questo gruppo, non sono un animale sociale onestamente ma voglio fare nuove conoscenze e vedere cosa ne scaturisce, preferisco compagnia femminile, meglio se nella mia zona ma non è tassativo. Amo leggere, faccio sport quotidianamente e di recente mi sono aperto alla meditazione, In generale amo i videogiochi, ma per ora questo generazione mi ha deluso (mi sento un vecchio seduto su una panchina che guarda i giovani che passano e li critica aspramente "ai miei tempi ecc" ma è così) Per il resto mi ritengo una persona piuttosto curiosa mi piace conversare di tutto (soprattutto di cose che non conosco così da apprendere cose nuove e arricchire me stesso), aperto a nuovi punti di vista. Purtroppo ho un difetto cronico: vado di overthinking ed entro in un loop in cui non ne esco più e non mi aiuta nelle decisioni della vita ma sto cercando di correggerlo con la meditazione.
A presto.
submitted by Krystal_Chaos to AmicizieConoscenze [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:20 mra21 Taking Care of Captain Mithrun

Source: 毛糸丸 on Pixiv.
Note: The translation for this fanmade work was taken from a third-party website. I only did the typesetting, so please excuse any imperfections since I’m just doing it for fun. Enjoy!
submitted by mra21 to DungeonMeshi [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:20 Big-Lawyer-3444 Chronic tension, structural freedom, fascia

I've been thinking about a possible connection between misophonia and structural dysfunction since I read the orofacial mirroring paper and connected it to my jaw-related triggers and objective jaw dysfunction.
The other day I came across this person - Dr Satya - and was immediately struck by a couple of parallels between her approach and what I've been working on.
She focuses on fascia--which is connected to why tongue-tie release can offer relief from chronic posture issues--and says this (emphasis mine):

Born from Dr. Satya's journey to avoid brain surgery for Chiari after decades of misdiagnosed chronic illness and sensory processing dysfunction, this method reveals what traditional healthcare often misses—the profound connection between structural freedom and nervous system regulation.
I think the idea of structural freedom is important and could be the underlying factor behind the jaw dysfunction/tongue tie connection. Misophonic distress can feel like a highly frustrating constricted sensation -- maybe that's telling us something about the nature of it?
I've emailed Dr Satya with these thoughts - will update if she responds!
submitted by Big-Lawyer-3444 to misophonia [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:20 PerceptionWarm1670 How do grow niche account?

I've seen several posts in this subreddit, while many people posting their success on getting recognition, i see that most of it either meme pages or trending celebrities videos.
But.. how do you grow an account that has specific niche? I'm trying to build an account to promote my book, but I'm not really sure how to do it since Instagram doesn't seem for that kind of niche.
Any ideas how?
submitted by PerceptionWarm1670 to InstagramMarketing [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:20 DietMany865 My boyfriend hides erections from me and fights and offends me so I don't have sex.

I'm dating a guy who spent 10 months going to my work EVERY day to try to win me over! He treated me like the muse of his life… he was affectionate and dear! But... He wasn't my type, I didn't like him... I treated him badly so he didn't have any hope with me in terms of anything other than friendship. He even walked away from me in a situation where I was very rude because I didn't intend to stay with him... After he walked away, I missed the attention he gave me and I opened the doors so he could get to know me better... Anyway... 2 months after all these months of his investment, we hooked up and now we're dating! He was always very perverted. Not just with me, but to the point where he even gets turned on by YouTube watching women with pretty faces, nothing special... He's 38 years old... but in the 4 months since we started dating, he's changed a lot! We started to have fights about these changes... the only reason for the fights is that he never wants to kiss me (he even complained about having to kiss me), that I have to beg him for sex and ask for affection! I drop EVERYTHING to be his partner... whenever he needs me I'm there... and even though I'm sad, when he looks for me, I'm there smiling happily... We had sex 2/3 times a day before... he doesn't work, he has an inheritance... he doesn't do anything... Now we've barely had sex... I've already had to see him yell at me saying that we weren't going to have sex at night because we had already had sex the other day in the morning... as if he had already done his duty, you know? Lately, I've noticed that in addition. He has erections all the time and hides it from me... or finds a way to make me sad so I don't want anything to do with him... saying things like: can't I get a hard-on? We don’t need to have sex every day… etc… He humiliates me and says harsh things to the point where I feel bad. Most disgusting woman in the world (since I'm a well-desired, fit woman who takes care of herself!) I don't know why he does this... when I ask him to finish because I can't, he says he doesn't want to... but it seems like he's just waiting for me to take all my things and disappear... I don't know what to do!!! Is it normal for a guy to love and not want to have a relationship with a woman? Hiding erections, mistreating to get away from it? When we have sex, I notice that it even seems like he focuses on things other than me, in order to have sex because I don't even feel like I have the place, he barely looks at me... even until he pretends to cum, he has already pretended with me, twice! I spent the night awake after having a terrible day where in addition to hiding erections and treating me badly, he insisted on wearing two pairs of shorts to sleep so he needed to touch me…. I don't know what to do! He doesn't want to break up but unlike before, he loved kissing me and wanted to eat me all the time and gave me affection... he stays distant and just seems to want to push me further and further away! I've tried to talk, but he doesn't talk about band other than defending himself and blaming me! When I ask him to finish he says he doesn't want to... I don't know what to do anymore... I'm a friend, a partner... I don't refuse him anything! Whenever he needs me, he has me... When I'm with him, he's just sleepy... he sleeps early and wakes up late! The two times I finished in that time, they lasted a day each time... both times he slept very late and woke up very early to masturbate... but with me that fire no longer exists! What would you do?! I'm 39 years old and I've even been to sex symbol... I've never been so confused! :(
submitted by DietMany865 to Adulting [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:20 Geralt-of-Revia-3038 [0 YoE, Unemployed/Fresher/Graduate, AI/Data Analytics/Network Engineer, BD]

[0 YoE, Unemployed/FresheGraduate, AI/Data Analytics/Network Engineer, BD] I have been rejecting with this Resume from several companies! Not getting a single call!!

submitted by Geralt-of-Revia-3038 to ResumeExperts [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:20 ManicZombieMan First Tiki mug, found at good will in Ohio

First Tiki mug, found at good will in Ohio Long time lurker first time owner. Nothing special. Not from a specific tradeartist but it’s my first and I like it :)
submitted by ManicZombieMan to TikiMugs [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:20 ally4us Neurodivergent homesteading / farming

I’m a neurodivergent person struggling to find the support where my special interest.
I have brain injuries and Neuro different types.
I have many gifts and I have challenges as well .
Accidents happen how does burnout recovery happen?
How can I design and develop a support system around Verme to per me with worms 🪱 and sunflowers 🌻 ?
Microbits with LEGO, earthing StEAmable activity / events collaborations.
I struggle with retention, focus, chronic fatigue, etc. I’m finding a disconnect within my internal and external communications.
submitted by ally4us to Permaculture [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:20 Royal_Ad_189 Anyone got clips from underpass this sunday evening

Was anyone present at the Underpass sunday (24th nov) evening? Did you make any videos of the guys singing? Can you share those clips?
submitted by Royal_Ad_189 to Chandigarh [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:20 nitgenki Sneeze with blood

Hi, what should i do nagsneeze dog nmin with blood 🥺 I don't know where else to ask..
submitted by nitgenki to dogsofrph [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:20 Dalek_Fred Coming up on 20k holders

And a 30mil MC.
submitted by Dalek_Fred to HegeCoin [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:20 DifficultClaim4000 7 th house me sab planet sath hone ka matalab ?

7 th house me sab planet sath hone ka matalab ? submitted by DifficultClaim4000 to astrologyreadings [link] [comments]