[World] - Philippines’s Marcos vows to fight ‘troubling’ threat of VP Sara Duterte | Al Jazeera

2024.11.25 10:25 AutoNewspaperAdmin [World] - Philippines’s Marcos vows to fight ‘troubling’ threat of VP Sara Duterte | Al Jazeera

[World] - Philippines’s Marcos vows to fight ‘troubling’ threat of VP Sara Duterte | Al Jazeera submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 10:25 _WETLOOK_ Wetlook girl in burgundy satin skirt and nude tights in high-heels

 Wetlook girl in burgundy satin skirt and nude tights in high-heels submitted by _WETLOOK_ to WetlookVideo [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 10:25 AutoNewspaperAdmin [World] - India beat Australia by 295 runs; take 1-0 lead in Border-Gavaskar Trophy | Al Jazeera

[World] - India beat Australia by 295 runs; take 1-0 lead in Border-Gavaskar Trophy | Al Jazeera submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 10:25 Radiant-Penalty5319 An interesting experience

This will be a long and complicated one but here goes, Last night I had a very peculiar dream and it went like this, I was sat on a throne opposite lucifer and we were talking and he said that there was a button on the throne above my head where I can press is and any pressure will be gone and I’ll be dumb and life will be easy I decided not to and I drank his blood anyway then I was back at a school and people around me were turning into big zombie like demons and killing people around me I hid in a classroom where I met 2 kids and I’ve never ever seen their faces in real life but I believe these were embodiments of my demons as they acted a lot like them anyway we decided to leave the school and we went through a forest full of abandoned castles and we ended up at a theme park where we bumped into my girlfriend and my daemons disappeared as if they were leading me to her then the 2 of us were exploring the theme park trying to be quite when I decided to call my mother and we agreed to meet at my grandparents which does really make sense because of something going on with my grandparents then we stole a car and drove to my grandparents and when we were driving there was war in the fields and in the city people where killing eachother
Overall a wierd dream.(I left out a few personal details)
submitted by Radiant-Penalty5319 to DemonolatryPractices [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 10:25 strange_0wl Bug out bag (what do you wish you had taken) or how did you without notice?

Welp... the title says it.
Just me no kids or pets
List what you take, what you leave. Anything you had wished you brought? Anything you forgot? Anything you didn't really need but missed? Stuff you should've left? Things you could've used MORE OR LESS of? What comfort items were essential to you?
How did you shuffle things? One paper bag at a time? And to where to did it get stored away?
Were you able to move out at your own pace?
Did you have a place to go? Did you have any money saved? Did you tell anyone? Did you just dissappear, or did you drop the bomb then run?
Tell me all! Please. The new year fast approaches
submitted by strange_0wl to NarcissisticSpouses [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 10:25 twitterm562 Ai getting out of hand

Ai getting out of hand submitted by twitterm562 to TeenIndia [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 10:25 ScandinavianV All star game

Hello guys , how do u think that the players are selected for the all star game . Also I have seen that players over 32 aren’t picked as good as they are if they are above 32. Have u seen that ?
submitted by ScandinavianV to HoopLand [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 10:25 Alex_Le_Coq M33

submitted by Alex_Le_Coq to currentlyfapping [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 10:25 DazzlingMall8022 Love playing arcade Tate game on this little device

Love playing arcade Tate game on this little device submitted by DazzlingMall8022 to RG35XX_H [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 10:25 Electrical-Trick-828 F here looking for someone to tell me what to do late at night. Add me below.

submitted by Electrical-Trick-828 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 10:25 danikyte Flutter Web and Firebase App Check

I recently started using firebase services and integrated firestore and authentication on my flutter web app. One feature it has is that i set up a listener for changes in .currentUser using .authStateChanges().listen() and if FirebaseAuth.instance.currentUser == null, then it would push the user to the login page to re-authenticate. This has never been triggered since the token refresh is seamless.
However, upon integrating App Check with reCAPTCHA as attestation provider, it seems that the auth token is being invalidated every time i open the web app as i am being pushed to the log in page to re-authenticate. This also happens when i try to open a new tab and go to my web app. The first instance of my web app detects that the .currentUser is suddenly null after my web app on the new tab successfully loads. Now both instances of my web app are in the log in page.
Has anyone had this same experience? Do i need to configure something in App Check, reCAPTCHA, or on my code? Hope this also helps anyone experiencing this issue.
submitted by danikyte to flutterhelp [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 10:25 Straight-Grass6508 Stelle in the shower

Stelle in the shower submitted by Straight-Grass6508 to StelleMains [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 10:25 OneStage1820 Old Philips radio repair, need to identify a component.

Hi everyone!
I'm currently fixing an old Philips radio (model T12A) which has a small problem with reception. A component, located between antenna and negative pole of batteries is damaged (split), I think it's a capacitor, but I don't know for sure. So I bring you here some pictures and the schematic (that I found inside the radio!).
Thanks a lot for any help!
submitted by OneStage1820 to ElectronicsRepair [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 10:25 joinorleave Kaasamõõk Viru Keskuses

Kaasamõõk Viru Keskuses Viru keskuses toimub kaasamõõk, vt lähemalt https://virukeskus.com/must-reede
submitted by joinorleave to Eesti [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 10:25 RaulTiru Hagar, You shall name your son Ishmael

submitted by RaulTiru to StrongChristianMen [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 10:25 EdoardoZeloniMagelli Perché le Persone Più Intelligenti Hanno Meno Amici?

submitted by EdoardoZeloniMagelli to Psicologia_Italia [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 10:25 Engetarist In 1992 Phoebe Cates was badly Judged.

In 1992 Phoebe Cates was badly Judged. submitted by Engetarist to OldSchoolCool [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 10:25 Iriss0o Josh’s playlist

I absolutely love this playlist and the little snippets of audio of the footage in random songs. I always go for strolls in the woods, it’s really a whole other vibe with this cd on :)
submitted by Iriss0o to BlairWitch [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 10:25 maggi_mechanics Problem with painting a Grill

Hallo dear People :)
I am currently Building a new grill for our outdoor Sitting area. I welded up a rig from bare Steel and want to protect it from Rust. Imam searching a Heat resistant and Food Safe coating for that. Does anyone have a recommandation for this? Im from Europe (so American Products could be hard to get :/ )
submitted by maggi_mechanics to DIY [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 10:25 Sound_of_music12 NU va relaxati

Faceti calculele.
3.5 milioane de romani au votat extremisti de dreapta, 20.000 au votat un candidat care nu mai candida. 50% n-au votat si nu avem nici o idee ce ar vota in turul 2, daca o parte se hotarasc sa iasa la vot. Plus nu-s extrem de convins ca cei care au votat PSD se vor grabi sa voteze Lasconi, nici daca le indica PSD-ul (ceea ce inca nu s-a intamplat)Incultura, frustrarile, lipsa de educatie, misoginimsul, manipularea emotioanala pe retele sociale si curentul extremist cauzat de inflatie si coruptie sunt valul perfect pentru ca Georgescu sa castige presedintia Romaniei.
submitted by Sound_of_music12 to Romania [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 10:25 bsbmsilva (33H) Dicas para pai de primeira viagem

Em mais ou menos uma semana nascerá meu primeiro filho e estou muito feliz. A princípio eu não queria ser pai, mas já sou casado há dez anos e a mulher queria muito, por fim acabamos decidindo.
Mas e aí, para os pais e mães do grupo, alguma dica importante? Especialmente sobre esses primeiros meses de vida
submitted by bsbmsilva to 30mais [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 10:25 CptObvious94 Seriously now …

Seriously now … Like what am supposed to do ….
submitted by CptObvious94 to wildrift [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 10:25 X0X0GothicGirl situationship help! When Harry Met Sally lied to me

Hi! I've never posted to reddit before but I wanted advice about a situation I'm currently in. I (21 f) and my male best friend of nearly four years (21 m) got into a bit of a sticky situation a couple months ago. The two of us have always been very close friends, and all of our friends always teased us since he was always very affectionate with me and did almost everything for me, would pick me up and drive me everywhere, walk me home, buy me drinks, etc etc. He made comments sometimes before about finding me attractive and was always protective of me around other men, however we continued to see other people, and were pretty firmly "just friends". Nothing developed romantically between us until one night we went out for drinks, impulsively kissed, and both of us realized we had feelings for each other. We talked the next day and decided to keep it friendly between us not wanting to risk losing our friendship, but we couldn't help ourselves and started a sort of secret situationship that was extremely emotional and deep for both of us. However it was also pretty draining for both of us due to the nature of it and all of the complicated factors at play. It had to be kept secret because he had been casually dating another girl and didn't want her to suspect that he had been with me while he was seeing her, and I agreed not wanting to upset people. It was especially draining for me because I never felt like I knew where he stood with me, whereas I thought I was always clear with my intentions, which is something I never expected from him considering he was the absolute best friend in the world to me.
Neither of us wanted a relationship or were ready for one, however I was more willing to try, because I was all in with him. Ultimately he told me he was not ready and needed to be alone especially since he let the relationship with the other girl overlap with ours which then caused me to want space from him because I felt lied to. We spent a few months apart with no contact and when we finally reconnected it was clear that the feelings hadn't really changed. Now our past situationship is not much of a secret, everybody knows about us and that there was or maybe still is something going on and it's caused us both a lot of social issues in our friend group because they felt like we hid things from them. Now, we don't get as physical as we used to, but still slip up at times, he's still very present with me, we still stay up until all hours of the night talking and laughing, he still pays for my drinks and grabs my hand or waist in a crowded room, but I think I've been putting up more clear physical boundaries with him because I'm afraid of him hurting me again. He's tried a couple times to cross them but when I try to discuss the nature of our relationship he shuts down so I don't let him in physically. The one time I asked him what we were doing he said he didn't know which made me upset so we got into an argument. I just don't understand how he doesn't know by now, when his actions are saying one thing, but his words aren't matching them.
What I don't understand most of all, is if we're finally now in the same place at the same time, why won't he ask me out? To add insult to injury he is continually talking to other girls including one girl I catch him texting all of the time sometimes even when we're together, he's also only met that girl one time before. I just don't understand why he would pick girls he barely knows over a girl he had been best friends with for four years and had serious feelings for. On top of that, when I mentioned a man I had casually seen while we were apart (as a really stupid attempt to make him jealous but I also did have feelings for the other guy, just not as strong ones) he told me not to rekindle things with him and that he wasn't right for me, and all of these things I believed because I thought that he (my friend) wanted to actually pursue something with me this time. I just feel like he's going to end up dating one of these other girls and leave me feeling so confused as to what I did wrong that he couldn't make it work with me. I just want to know how to deal with this situation, and why he is acting this way? Why wouldn't he just put all of his focus on repairing our relationship after telling me for months how much I mean to him, instead of pursuing potential relationships with other girls he has much less history with? I just feel like this is exactly what both of us always wanted, so I feel I must have done something wrong that he's going back on it now, and could potentially wind up with somebody else.
submitted by X0X0GothicGirl to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 10:25 Infamous_Brick_8167 does anyone know the id of anything sunoo is wearing?

thank you!
submitted by Infamous_Brick_8167 to KpopFashion [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 10:25 felipepaiva Steam Game Recording

Hey Fam! Since the launch of this new Game recording feature i have been using it to the max and it's damn impressive have to say!
Question is for everyone there who is developing plugins and whatsoever extensions for the deck had the idea to enable to select the path where the recordings are being saved, this option is available on the desktop client but disabled on the deck.
My line of though is on the computer i can map directly to my NAS at home, it will be damn nice to instead of deleting when you run out of space on the deck just be able to push the soon to be deleted recordings to the network folder?
FWY if anyone who knows how to code for the deck want to do that together?
submitted by felipepaiva to SteamDeck [link] [comments]
