CP is in like a billion dollar debt. How are they gonna pay for 24% pay increase and your trans surgery?

2024.11.25 11:20 Gamtoronto CP is in like a billion dollar debt. How are they gonna pay for 24% pay increase and your trans surgery?

Me personally I think they are getting paid fairly. They are in like a billion dollar debt. How are they gonna pay for 24% pay increase and your trans surgery?
submitted by Gamtoronto to CanadaPost [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 11:20 Diabeetus94 What is wrong with my Sim?

What is wrong with my Sim? I dont understand why so many People with similar Rig Specs have no issues. I tried like everything even turning down Global Graphic Settings to Low, but still get those Random Lags, even in the Menu when I go out of the Flight. I am using Frame Gen Mod and Intelligent Standby list Cleaner. I thought that this is an issue maybe with the Fenix beta, but also happens on the normal Ini Airbusses. My System: AMD Ryzen 9 5900X RTX3080 32GB Ram G.skill Trident Z
submitted by Diabeetus94 to MicrosoftFlightSim [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 11:20 ocolly Slaughter's House: The importance of OSU football's senior class, Steve Lutz's competitive fire

Slaughter's House: The importance of OSU football's senior class, Steve Lutz's competitive fire submitted by ocolly to ocollysports [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 11:20 Agar_ZoS Armoured Clash On Parade – Community Painting Showcase – OnTableTop

Armoured Clash On Parade – Community Painting Showcase – OnTableTop submitted by Agar_ZoS to DystopianAge [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 11:20 Proper-Piccolo8625 Anyone wanna jerk together for Sadie rn so horny

submitted by Proper-Piccolo8625 to sadiemckennaaaa [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 11:20 pandi1975 disembodied tyrant - cd anywhere?

im old school and prefer a cd so i can put it in the car and blast the fuck out of it while driving home. but im buggered if i can find it anywhere
and pointers or suggestions?
submitted by pandi1975 to Deathcore [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 11:20 CosmicTyrannosaurus HEGE is about to be the next big memecoin

The momentum behind HEGE is unstoppable! With holder count growing rapidly, it's clear that the community is getting stronger by the day.
Two new CEX listings are just around the corner, opening doors for even more adoption and trading opportunities.
Many are already drawing comparisons between HEGE and what DOGE achieved during the last cycle.
Join the movement now and don’t miss the opportunity!
submitted by CosmicTyrannosaurus to AltcoinTalk [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 11:20 Aggravating_Fault_25 Good morning 🥺❤️

Good morning 🥺❤️ submitted by Aggravating_Fault_25 to Rabbits [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 11:20 AntRnd THINGS TO DO THIS WEEK IN LONDONThrifting never gets old in London!! Find more thriftinf events on the Ganddee app 🌟All info about the treasure hunt via the link in our bio 😉#thrift #thrifting #thrifted #london #ganddee

submitted by AntRnd to ganddee [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 11:20 LindenArden13 Unde au dispărut pesedeii?

Acum câteva zile, un user foarte arțăgos și plin de sine, cu un nickname ceva gen „Nazbolwhatever”, se lăuda sus și tare în toate postările că el și familia lui votează PSD, că oricum PSD câștigă, face și desface și Ciolacu o să fie președinte. I-am spus în repetate rânduri cât e de prost, și n-a vrut să mă creadă.
Acum eram curios să văd ce păreri mai are și văd că și-a șters contul (sau ceva asemănător, că nu mai apare niciun comentariu de-ale lui pe nicăieri). Ce s-a întâmplat? Asta a fost toată „susținerea” pe care o oferă pesedeii partidului lor?
Nazbolwhatever, unde ai dispărut? Te rog, întoarce-te și spune-ne în continuare cum PSD face și drege și tu ești nespus și neașteptat de inteligent!
submitted by LindenArden13 to Roumanie [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 11:20 IcyRegular Mystery 2004 Exeter bus journey

Mystery 2004 Exeter bus journey submitted by IcyRegular to exeter [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 11:20 santosh_ksk Transition from network security to VAPT

Hi everyone,
I got selected as a fresher in VAPT and they offered me 2.5 LPA indian currency which is too low compare to my current CTC 16.8 LPA. I'm okay with reduction as this is transition to another domain but network security is not too far from VAPT right. I'm thinking it's too low to start again.
Please do let me know.
submitted by santosh_ksk to Pentesting [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 11:20 lovely_lil_demon meirl

meirl submitted by lovely_lil_demon to meirl [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 11:20 No-Cod-2313 What's your headcanons for a US that avoids a 2ACW?

Norris is my personal choice (I'm boring, I know. I just want wholesome stuff, okay?).
My own headcanon is something like this:

submitted by No-Cod-2313 to kaiserredux [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 11:20 Lazy_Sand362 MIT researchers develop an efficient way to train more reliable AI agents

submitted by Lazy_Sand362 to AgenticAISystems [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 11:20 singhanilit Guru Ji Gaddi Designs ideas Video

submitted by singhanilit to furniture_makingideas [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 11:20 PatheticGambler [Get Schooled] Didn't know they already made a book.

[Get Schooled] Didn't know they already made a book. Saw this at my local book store.
submitted by PatheticGambler to manhwa [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 11:20 Balor_shadow 23m Ireland!! Hey you? Yes you, want a friend ? I’m looking for friends and peeps to create fun friendships! All can apply!!! Would love to meet people!

Hello there! Howdy! Salutations!
How is everyone doing! I hope you are all well !! So here’s a lil about me!! I’m from Ireland! In uni, studying history and film! My fav period in history would have to be probably either Vikings or Roman periods :) My fav movie is Jurassic Park! Which is a Goated movie btw!!!!!
I have a very wide music taste and I listen to everything and anything, my fav bands/artists are slipknot, Mumford & sons, metro boomin, Frank Sinatra, John Williams, Hanz Zimmer and many many more. I also game (Ps5, Xbox, PC) so we can play something hopefully!!
I’m a very outgoing person who loves to chat, have fun and chill, so if we ever move to discord we can text/call and have fun, maybe even drink and game together, fun stuff ya know.
So thanks for taking the time read and I hope to hear from someone soon! Write an introduction!!!
submitted by Balor_shadow to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 11:20 milktanksadmirer It’s everyone’s fault expect the government’s

It’s everyone’s fault expect the government’s submitted by milktanksadmirer to IndianConversation [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 11:20 thecoloradosun Amid opposition to newly approved mountain lion plan, CPW commission urges respect for employees

Amid opposition to newly approved mountain lion plan, CPW commission urges respect for employees submitted by thecoloradosun to coloradosun [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 11:20 SwimCute4789 צריך לפטר משהוא במילקי_במ

צריך לפטר משהוא במילקי_במ submitted by SwimCute4789 to ani_bm [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 11:20 Sufficient-Art-6810 What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Sufficient-Art-6810 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 11:20 ObjectiveAd6551 For $500, you can get Matt Gaetz to own any lib personally for you.

For $500, you can get Matt Gaetz to own any lib personally for you. submitted by ObjectiveAd6551 to WhitePeopleTwitter [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 11:20 SliskConny Seeking Advice on Building in Elden Ring Without Spoiling the Fun

Hey everyone,
I’m relatively new to Elden Ring, but I’ve played through Demon's Souls, Dark Souls 1 and 3 before, so I’m familiar with some of the basics like weapon scaling and stat allocation. In Elden Ring I am currently level 60 and rocking a strength-based greatsword build, which has, besides from being tediously slow versus some bosses, been fun so far!
That said, I’m struggling with how to approach building in Elden Ring. I don’t want to just blindly invest 50 points into a stat like Strength or Faith without a clear idea of what weapons or abilities will justify those investments. On the other hand, I don’t want to constantly Google specific builds like "dexterity/faith build Elden Ring" because that takes away the joy of discovery for me. Praise be to FromSoftware for giving us Larval Tears, but as I understand it, they’re limited in number, so it doesn’t feel wise to use them recklessly to experiment with too many new builds.
As for my current choice of the greatsword, I’ve been sticking with what feels familiar from the previous games— a pure, brutish, two-handed strength build. While it’s effective, I feel like I am missing out on a lot of the fun that comes with FromSoftware games. I tried being a caster in Demon's Souls which was not very enjoyable to me but I am open to all kinds of builds.
How do you all approach building characters and planning stat investments while still keeping the exploration and experimentation fun? Are there any general principles or in-game clues that you use to guide your builds without spoiling too much?
Thanks in advance for any advice!
submitted by SliskConny to EldenRingBuilds [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 11:20 Alvaricles22 Who would win this hypothetical war?

submitted by Alvaricles22 to mapporncirclejerk [link] [comments]
