2024.11.25 11:33 RomaSD2800 P
submitted by RomaSD2800 to namesoundalikes [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 11:33 fosquito_master Gaming Monitor Upgrade
Hey all, I want to get a new monitor and was thinking about going for an oled, and wanted some recommendations. My current monitor is a Samsung Odyssey G3 https://www.amazon.co.uk/Samsung-Odyssey-LF24G35TFWUXXU-FullHD-Monitodp/B08WWZ3SM8
I dont need more than 144hz and preferably i'd want something bigger than my current ( 24" )
submitted by fosquito_master to OLED_Gaming [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 11:33 loserboy42069 Weird question, but do you get misgendered by your tarot cards?
Sometimes I get a man or a woman in my cards and I’m not too sure if thats supposed to be me or not.
submitted by loserboy42069 to asktransgender [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 11:33 baelorthebest What's wrong with Chessbase India
Instead of discussing the game . They are discussing about Vidith and his girlfriend. Cringe max
submitted by baelorthebest to chessindia [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 11:33 kingkurtiss is this something to talk to a therapist about?
Not currently seeing a therapist but on the wait list to see one. I’ve always had male therapists and so have never felt comfortable raising a weird quirk i’ve had my whole life. I guess “daddy issues” is the best way to describe it because i get attached/attracted to every single older male in my life. doesn’t matter if they’re not attractive whatsoever, I will definitely get attached. It’s never really been a big problem since i’d never make it obvious and none of them have ever known but it’s a bit annoying that I can’t have a relationship with an older man without becoming infatuated lol. I should add, I have a perfectly normal and loving fathedaughter relationship with my dad so it all makes no sense. Do I bother bringing this up with my new therapist (F)? Or is it possible that i’ve just been stitched up with older men being my type?
submitted by kingkurtiss to TalkTherapy [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 11:33 PastelMuffins Quick is this fair ? For my Green Party bow? ( in second pic)
I’m not familiar with the worth of party bows in colors like that 😭 submitted by PastelMuffins to AnimalJam [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 11:33 hwithsomesugarcubes opinion on this trade? (im the trade stand) (i did this trade and im asking for opinions)
submitted by hwithsomesugarcubes to AdoptMeTrading [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 11:33 djohnnam $pWBTC still surging
Up 848% since the month began. https://preview.redd.it/fqmnijeca13e1.png?width=1206&format=png&auto=webp&s=eac75f5b72583adf9591ff42a7e1697b23ac5b0d submitted by djohnnam to PulseAlts [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 11:33 promocode_AliExpress AliExpress working coupons
submitted by promocode_AliExpress to aliexpresscouponcodes [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 11:33 CoolestPersonEverDuh Please upvote. I will return the favor!
submitted by CoolestPersonEverDuh to commentkarma4u [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 11:33 CosmicTyrannosaurus HEGE is about to be the next big memecoin
The momentum behind HEGE is unstoppable! With holder count growing rapidly, it's clear that the community is getting stronger by the day. What’s more, two new CEX listings are just around the corner, opening doors for even more adoption and trading opportunities. Many are already drawing comparisons between HEGE and what DOGE achieved during the last cycle. Join the movement now and don’t miss the opportunity! linktr.ee/hegefund submitted by CosmicTyrannosaurus to CryptoMarsShots [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 11:33 the_oth3r_me ...
submitted by the_oth3r_me to DepressedinKashmir [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 11:33 That_One_Fluid_Teen Constant purring?
I just got my new kitten over the weekend and the first full day, each time I pet him, he purrs, and don't get me wrong, I love it, im sure he loves it too, but it's constant, is he ok? Hes from a rescue, he's 6 months, and he's come out of hiding to play with me once already. Even when he was just out of the bed playing and I touched him, he started purring, he has food, water, lots of toys.
Does this just mean he likes me instantly? He's a shy boy, won't even come out for my mom yet, ive let him have his space, ive stayed completely still when he did want to explore the room out of the bed (mostly because i was terrified he would run back into his bed), and ive given him treats, and played with him (he loves the ribbon wand toy) Do we have a connection or something?
Also the purring does not stop for a while even after I stop petting him, he doesn't stop purring when I pet him
submitted by That_One_Fluid_Teen to CatAdvice [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 11:33 KeyNegotiation42069 Why Hazbin is a show for dead
First, most of the character in the show r dead Second, the target audience is probably necro Third, there are some characters in the show die Fourth, season two is not coming, I give up guys, the show is dead Fifth, it’s a furry show, I’m dead Sixth, there’s a character in the show called Lute, she’s the hottest and prettiest girl I ever seen, and she took my heart away, now I’m dead So Hazbin is a show for dead, and I own your soul btw submitted by KeyNegotiation42069 to hazbin [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 11:33 Zestyclose_Sense_988 urghh
Oh fusebox i just want to stay loyal to jin 😓 who should i go for!! Do i go for max? submitted by Zestyclose_Sense_988 to fuseboxgames [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 11:33 dorydejour ISSO É ÉTICO/LEGAL?? (IMOBILIARIA)
Sou proprietária de um apartamento e coloquei ele pra locar em algumas imobiliárias na minha cidade. Surgiu um interessado na imobiliária X, negociei e aceitei a proposta para seguir com os tramites legais. Até ai tudo bem.
Ao receber os documentos de administração para assinar, tive algumas dúvidas e tentei esclarecer com a imobiliária. Comecei alguns questionamentos, até que a consultora que estava conversando comigo disse que o DIRETOR da imobiliária me ligaria para me ''tranquilizar'' perante minhas dúvidas. Ele me ligou, conversamos, ele explicou meus pontos etc. Tudo certo. Porém, quando recebi o documento aluguel, veio a surpresa. O INQUILINO ERA O DIRETOR DA IMOBILIARIA...
Fiquei extremamente desconfortável com essa situação pois isso não foi me informado em nenhum momento (mesmo que não fosse obrigação, acharia de bom tom). E a imobiliaria ainda me colocou para ''tirar minhas dúvidas do documento'' com o inquilino/diretor??
Isso não gera um certo conflito de interesses? Estão tentando me enganar de alguma forma?
submitted by dorydejour to ConselhosLegais [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 11:33 frenzy3 Virgin
submitted by frenzy3 to ImFinnaGoToHell [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 11:33 Master_Clock2807 Pareri su BioMutant?
È un titolo di cui non sento parlare mai da anni ormai, ma trovandolo in mega saldo mesi fa gli ho voluto dare una chance e lo sto provando questi giorni. Ho 6-7 ore e per il momento mi sta divertendo un sacco, facendomi riavvicinare ai videogiochi dopo mesi di totale burnout. Ho dei gusti strani io? Perché ne ho sentito parlare sempre e solo in maniera molto negativa
submitted by Master_Clock2807 to italygames [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 11:33 Zanzibar196 SCP 324 - Roots of Remembrance - AI Music
submitted by Zanzibar196 to Suno [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 11:33 Gaudron What does "Screen Defence" from Advisors actually do ?
Hello reddit,
I've been wondering what does the "Screen Defence" from Advisors and the Chief of Navy actually do ? Attack is easy to figure out, but defence less so and I couldn't find the answer on the wiki or with a quick search on the reddit either.
I have been given to understand that defensively, ships use their speed and visibility to reduce the chance of being hit while armor reduces the damage taken from said hits (scaling on the enemy Piercing). Does Screen Defence affect all these stats ? Do they mean Hit Points ?
submitted by Gaudron to hoi4 [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 11:33 Otaku_Onslaught62442 << You solely are responsible for this! >>
submitted by Otaku_Onslaught62442 to Project_Wingman [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 11:33 Moinak_0409 গর্ব করে বাংলা বলুন। মাথা উঁচু করে জোর গলায় বাংলা বলুন। বাংলা বাঙালির বাপের সম্পত্তি। বাংলার মাটিতে কোনো বহিরাগতর দাদাগিরি চলবে না। বাঙালির উপর হিন্দি চাপানো বাঙালি মানবে না। প্রতিরোধ হবে। গতকাল ধর্মতলায় বিশাল বিক্ষোভ করলো বাংলা পক্ষ।
submitted by Moinak_0409 to BanglaPokkho [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 11:33 Werdnakcep Legion Praetor
The journey to understanding the primordial truth continues, with a legion praetor ready to spread the word. submitted by Werdnakcep to WordBearers [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 11:33 vadapavpav Need one ticket for Dilluminati, Chandigarh venue.
Kindly DM
submitted by vadapavpav to TicketResale [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 11:33 marksmagicapparel Trade megas s2r
submitted by marksmagicapparel to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]