Dry fern despite watering

The phrase despite all evidence to the contrary has a literal meaning that can be worked out from the meaning of its component parts. Despite - without being affected by, or without taking any notice of. Evidence - the available information about something that proves or disproves an assertion. Contrary - the opposite Both are acceptable, but "despite never having learned" sounds like a reference to the past, whereas, "despite never learning," sounds more like a present condition. The meaning should be clear from the context, though. The "having / not having" is the gerund form of "have learned" or "had learned." 尽管 “despite”、“despite of” 和 “in spite of” 在含义上相似,用于表达两个事物之间的对比或矛盾关系,但只有 “despite” 和 “in spite of” 是正确的用法,前者是介词,后者是短语介词,它们可以放在句子起始位置,后面接名词、名词性短语或从句,用于正式和非正式的语境中。 "Despite" can't normally take a that-clause. Most speakers would find this sentence either ungrammatical or unidiomatic. I love him despite the fact he is small. This is correct and idiomatic. Some stylists dislike this form (it's rather wordy), but it's quite common among native speakers. I love him despite him being small. Despite is a preposition and should take either a noun or a gerund. The usual expression using a noun is despite the fact (that). The that is optional and makes the sentence sound slightly more formal. They can be instructed in swimming despite the fact (that) they are very young. If you want to use a gerund, you should rewrite your sentence as ... Despite the pain in his leg he completed the marathon. It seems to me "in spite of" is a slightly more elaborate form, to be used in more fancy, most formal writing. "Despite" is not informal but not quite that elaborate. edit: as mcalex mentions, "Despite of" (and even "In despite of") is not incorrect, it's just an almost dead archaic form. Notwithstanding and despite imply "in spite of" and have been used in the sentences as prepositions. The only difference is that the use of notwithstanding is formal. Moreover, notwithstanding can also be used as an adverb such as He doesn't want me there, but I am going, notwithstanding. In spite of and despite are not always interchangeable; when the object is a participial clause with no explicit subject, for example, only despite works: “Despite being drunk, he still managed to walk straight” is fine, whereas “In spite of being drunk, he still managed to walk straight” is dubious at best (completely ungrammatical to me). despite all that尽管如此 (作状语,要用逗号与句子的主干隔开) Despite all that, tourism is still making modest progress. 尽管如此,旅游业依然有适度的发展。 despite of没有这个短语,应为: in despite of 尽管 We started for the tour in despite of the heavy rain. 尽管下大雨, 我们还是出发去旅行. - Despite of:该短语是"despite"的错误形式,不常用。 例句: - Despite the rain, we went for a walk in the park. (尽管下着雨,我们还是去公园散步了。) 2. 用法区别: - Despite:通常作为介词出现,后面接名词或名词短语。 - Despite of:不常用,应该使用"despite"。 例句:

2024.11.25 12:51 WhiteSha-dow Dry fern despite watering

Dry fern despite watering How can I rescue this fern? I’ve been watering it once a week and leave it by my humidifier every couple of days. It gets light but not direct sunlight.
submitted by WhiteSha-dow to plantclinic [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:51 Visible_Definition28 💯

💯 submitted by Visible_Definition28 to camilakisara_of [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:51 Difficult-Command281 19m horny as fuck anyone wanna help me cum? Discord jerkbud0967 session 05d5283a89c73624a5449ac8d6e86af7f4b1148b457d5f4514ec6afb36826af646

submitted by Difficult-Command281 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:51 stopdownvotingmetf $10 for signing up on tiktok (First Time)

$10 for signing up on tiktok (First Time)
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submitted by stopdownvotingmetf to referralcodes [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:51 Substantial_Mess_456 The US drops sanctions faster than it drops bombs on the Middle East

The US drops sanctions faster than it drops bombs on the Middle East submitted by Substantial_Mess_456 to Palestine [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:51 ConfidentAir757 I love your updates!

I love it, everytime you update your fucking armory thing you‘re loosing all your settings.
Fucking great execution!
submitted by ConfidentAir757 to ASUS [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:51 InfantryMOD We’re hiring – looking for scientific experts for high-profile roles

We’re hiring – looking for scientific experts for high-profile roles submitted by InfantryMOD to prsuk [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:51 gunnersya What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by gunnersya to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:51 Mighty_Boole alright buddy

alright buddy submitted by Mighty_Boole to bindingofisaac [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:51 JapKumintang1991 PHYS.Org: "Man scouring Google Earth found a mysterious scar in the Australian outback. Now we know what caused it"

See also: Matej Liar's article as published in Journal of Southern Hemisphere Earth Systems Science
submitted by JapKumintang1991 to australia [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:51 Professional_Rip8351 How do yall be getting the cash out option during a bet ??? In FanDuel. I never get it . Like when you got all your picks but it’s one more left ..

submitted by Professional_Rip8351 to fanduel [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:51 buttertaekoo How do I redirect my thoughts towards growth than just daydreaming and trivial things?

I'm at that such a rock bottom in my life. Everything is at the bottom. I want to get better but I no more think of what's actually better for me. Firstly I spend so much time on my phone, if my phone's aside, I'm probably listening to some podcast or music or anything like that or watching tv or simply trying to sleep. When either of these aren't the case, which is very rare, rather than thinking and stressing about my life..... I would either have some music playing uncontrollably in my mind or worse, I'm daydreaming and creating things in my head. I want to get out of this, I'm losing control over my life. I am 22, no pg degree, no job, living with my parents, no offline friends(everyone moved to different cities), no skills, no hobbies. This sucks even more bc not too long ago I was ambitious, had goals, was so disciplined and determined to change my life. Idk why did I end up in this shitty loop again. Please don't suggest me to get a degree or jobs or anything, I want to first break out of this thought pattern and redirect my mind towards growth, success and abundance please help me with that.
submitted by buttertaekoo to AskIndia [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:51 New_Improvement6675 does the projects of gsoc 2024 are ones for contribution in gsoc 2025?

submitted by New_Improvement6675 to gsoc2025 [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:51 PinNo7102 Do men like romantic self made christmas gifts?

Hi, So I (21F) want to give my boyfriend (24M) an amazing Christmas gift. I got him 1 small thing that reminds me of him and a good headset. But i also wanted to get him something else. As he already has everything he needs and doesnt like to get stuff that he already has/doesnt need I thought something selfmade would be perfect. Here is where my issue arises I wanted to make him a box with little notes of things i want to do with him, things i love about our relationship etc. I was also going to get a scrapbook or some sort of photo album where we can keep track of our vacations.
Other Social media platforms have told me that this is a bad idea because men dont actually want this and would rather have a real gift. What do you guys think?
submitted by PinNo7102 to AskMenAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:51 after_dark_minis Completed Guinevere

Completed Guinevere submitted by after_dark_minis to KingdomDeath [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:51 FE_Dorian Do you use your loungefly even when it rains ?

I’d like to use mine (it’s the world of pixar not made out of vinyl) but most of the time it rains at DLP when I go so I don’t know if I should use my regular backpack and wait for a sunny day (just curious I know I could use it even when it rains)
submitted by FE_Dorian to Loungefly [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:51 Julian81295 DER SPIEGEL verlegt Mitte 2025 Erstverkaufstag auf Freitag

DER SPIEGEL verlegt Mitte 2025 Erstverkaufstag auf Freitag submitted by Julian81295 to de [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:51 Internal-Date553 Sectorul 1 3 si 4 sunt ultimele sectii ramase deschise in care se numara. Credeti ca e vorba de vreo manevra psd?

submitted by Internal-Date553 to Roumanie [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:51 Fly_High_Laika Before pic: 19y.o, 87kg. After pic: 20 y.o, 77kg. Height: 5'10" (>1 year transformation)

Currently it's been <1 year and I did a bulking phase since I kinda but a weightloss and strength platue, back on a cut..goal weight is 70±2kg. Gonna get a tattoo on my arm too.
Diet: Not anything specifically, 1500-2000kcal diet, trying to maintain a 4:4:2 ratio of Carbs, Protein and Fat. (Primary protein source is chicken, egg and milk (reduced milk due to low hgb count, i suspect my iron isn't being absorbed due to high calcium intake)
Suppliments (started using after these pics were taken)
Vitamin C (400-800mg/day)
Nutrabay Creatine Monohydrate (6g/day)
Supradyn tablet (1/day)
Magnisium oxide (400mg/day)
Elemental Iron supplement (50mg/day)
Vitamin D3 (2200IU)
(started using it primarily to improve my hgb count and have a healthier skin)
Back and biceps:all 3*8-12 reps with reverse pyramid set Lat pulldown (change attachment and grip width every week)
Chest supported T baSmith Machine row
Cable Arm Half-Kneeling Lat Pulldown
Bayaesian cable curl
Preacher curl
Reverse ez bar cable curl
Forearm (Sam sulek cat girl style)
Cable crunch
Chest&Triceps: Incline bench press
Flat bench press
Cable fly
Upper chest cable fly
Skull crushers
Single arm cable tricep extension
Assisted Dips
Dragon Stand
Legs (hamstring biased): Deadlift
Hip thrust
Leg curls
Leg extension
*Legs (quad biased): * Squats
Bulgarian split squats or hack Squats or leg press
Leg extension
Leg curl
A PPL split where the leg alternates between ham biased and quad biased workouts.
Usually Monday - Saturday split and Sunday as rest day but during hard leg days I tend to take an extra day between splits as rest day.
submitted by Fly_High_Laika to Fitness_India [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:51 DrCreatureflix Can I get opinions on this deck I am building for a friend please?

I am building a gift deck for a friend around their favourite legendary and looking for some opinions. I am operating around a budget of about £60 (about 75 dollars in freedom units). They enjoy the aristocrats' playstyle so I thought that a sacrifice deck with a light reanimation package for backup would be a cool deck to give them. I aim to build them a more casual-style deck as my friend is still fairly new to this game so I don't want to bog them down with a deck that would be purely oppressive and thus sour their pod or put them off the deck.
The main game plan is to ping our opponents and gain benefits from offing our sac fodder a la the standard aristocrats' gameplay loop using Savra to crush the opponents' board state slowly. The reanimation package ensures that we do not have to rely on purely fodder or cards that can self-reanimate and that we can use any creature at our disposal for sacrifice while still gaining all the benefits. I want to also include a couple of their favourite cards in the deck as well, namely Dreadhound and Meathook Massacre II (though this one might have to go; I am not sure).
Any thoughts and recommendations for changes would be greatly appreciated. The Tags also give a reason why the card is included in the initial list.
Thank you all in advance.
Decklist: https://www.moxfield.com/decks/Q5EGk0vCN0m5ecWHR4fm4Q
submitted by DrCreatureflix to MTGCommander [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:51 No-Ice-6653 I need more hobbies

I need more hobbies submitted by No-Ice-6653 to LudwigAhgren [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:51 Fit-Collection2908 Suggestion for improvement: make the chat show how far back the bot's memory is, so that you know when you need to write down things in a summary of things the "chat memory" box

If the bot has a memory that's limited to a certain amount of tokens, would it be possible to program the chat to count these tokens, to keep track of how far back in the chat the memory of the bot goes, and then show this in the chat in some way?
submitted by Fit-Collection2908 to JanitorAI_Official [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:51 Embarrassed-Rope6407 Miyabi before the fall of the old capital

Miyabi before the fall of the old capital submitted by Embarrassed-Rope6407 to ZZZ_Official [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:51 NexusMaw What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by NexusMaw to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:51 windows9005 advertisement(?) i found on youtube recommended

advertisement(?) i found on youtube recommended submitted by windows9005 to countablepixels [link] [comments]
