33M looking for chat.

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2024.11.25 12:40 domus27 33M looking for chat.

Hi any dm is welcome
submitted by domus27 to LetsChat [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:40 Neo359 I'm a housekeeper in a mental institution AMA

I (28m) have been doing this for 8 months. My job consists of cleaning the patients' rooms, cafeteria, bathrooms and lounge areas during the day. There's around 20 Pavillions in the entire hospital and there's one house keeper per Pavillion. On my floor, I have around 40 patients to clean up after. This job is as interesting as it is strange; just as scary as it is exciting. Ama
submitted by Neo359 to AMA [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:40 Ok_Compote_327 stufo di tutto e di tutti

ultimamente ho sempre più attacchi di panico, la solitudine ogni giorno è sempre presente e non la riesco più a concepire, non riesco ad avere fiducia nelle persone, in quanto ho capito che oramai anche quella col cuore più d'oro nasconderà sempre delle sfumature di nero, pronte ad abbandonarti o a farti soffrire, io non c'è la faccio più, oggi ho avuto non pochi pensieri di farla finita anche perché non ci penso manco morto a vivere in questo mondo, io so cosa pensi, ma onestamente parlando sentire le stesse cose non mi aiuta anzi mi fa stare peggio, quindi credo che oramai per me sia arrivato il momento(ho già tentato più volte il suicidio e credo che continuerò a tentarci)
submitted by Ok_Compote_327 to psicologia [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:40 SG_Jogik So can someone tell me the lore of this place and why Apprehensive is so hated?

submitted by SG_Jogik to breadbugclub [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:40 Aregoodusernamesleft Male best friend, with past

I started dating a woman two months ago. We had some amazing dates early on. She told me about her male best friend, how close they were and how he was like a brother. She stressed they had never been intimate, this was information she offered because I don’t ask questions I would rather not have an honest answer for. She also mentioned she could never sleep there alone. There have been some bumps along the way but overall I’ve been happy. She and I both have a jealous side, but nothing overwhelmingly overt. This weekend she brought up her best friend, and admitted that she did sleep with him and it was because she initiated. This is still fresh, happened within the past year. She admitted she lied because she feared I would reject her. Honestly, it impacted me more than I would have liked. If I had known earlier on I most likely would have not continued. Unfortunately over the last few months we have gotten closer, the stakes are higher. I’m not sure if I could get over this, there are a few other red flags as well such as her texting me a message intended for another guy she would just hook up with from time to time. I feel I value myself too much to be in a relationship with someone I have trust issues with. Am I overthinking this, has anyone been in a similar situation?
submitted by Aregoodusernamesleft to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:40 Crazed_Monkeypox You can’t defeat me… I know, but he can

I hate that one Orion representative who killed the four Antarean representatives.
submitted by Crazed_Monkeypox to Centaura_Roblox [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:40 SepzenoOfficial Who is to blame for Clark and Lex becoming enemies?

Who is to blame for Clark and Lex becoming enemies? submitted by SepzenoOfficial to Smallville [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:40 alexlaverty Where will house prices fall the most in 2025? | The Business | ABC News

Where will house prices fall the most in 2025? | The Business | ABC News submitted by alexlaverty to AussieNewsVideos [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:40 tom_harding6 Doctors of reddit, what’s the most disgusting thing you have seen?

submitted by tom_harding6 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:40 Anonim761 Bugün okulda isbo olimpiyatlarına yazıldım ama..

Konu hakkında hiçbir şey bilmiyorum aranızda bilgi sahibi arkadaşlar varsa nasıl çalışacağımı veya ne müfredatımda olduğunu bilmiyorum isbo kimya hakkında bilgi verecek arkadaşlar var mı? (İsbo kimya hakkında)
submitted by Anonim761 to liseliler [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:40 Particular-Bee-2068 Negotiating shared assets after a break up, could a lawyer help? (England)

I (41f) have broken up with a partner of 20 years. Not married or civil partnership. We have a mortgage on a 3 bed house, furniture, and car etc, but cannot agree who is entitled to what assets. Would a lawyer be able to help me negotiate this situation?
submitted by Particular-Bee-2068 to LegalAdviceUK [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:40 ConsequenceWise8619 [WTB] Q Cherry Bomb (5/8x24) and Whistle Tip

WTB Q Cherry Bomb (5/8x24) $65 and Whistle Tip $65 up submitted by ConsequenceWise8619 to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:40 etron_0000 Can someone help me find the live wallpaper of the image below?

Can someone help me find the live wallpaper of the image below? I used to have it on my old phone, thanks.
submitted by etron_0000 to livewallpapers [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:40 SrTamandua Onde comprar lentes da Sigma?

Estou querendo comprar lentes novas, um amigo indicou as lentes da Sigma pelo baixo custo delas. Só que não consigo encontrar uma loja na internet, seja no Brasil ou internacional, que tenha as lentes que eu quero. Só consigo achar lentes usadas.
Preciso da dica de vocês sobre onde procurar... Estou desejando uma lente teleobjetiva para tirar fotos de animais na minha Canon T7. As de 300mm da Canon está um absurdo de preço.
submitted by SrTamandua to fotografiaBR [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:40 Physical-Bridge1112 New Gaming Laptop keeps freezing

I have a katana 15 B13V and I have it for over 6 months. And rn, my laptop keeps on freezing when I play Minecraft or Fortnite,drivers are all updated, anyone know why it’s like this?
submitted by Physical-Bridge1112 to laptops [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:40 Ok-Lobster-6665 Isn't she gorgeous

submitted by Ok-Lobster-6665 to 300zx [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:40 riggsjustine Multi-time Moms; how are we hiding these “bumps”??

Okay it’s my fourth so I know my uterus is like “oh yeahhhh, I remember this part!” There’s a big age gap between my youngest and this baby but I do remember showing faster with each one but WHOA!! I look pregnant. Not bloated, pregnant. I’m only 5w3d. My belly is curved/rounded and firm, and I had a pretty flat belly with good muscle tone before getting pregnant this time. I probably look 3-ish months along rn. I really want to wait until closer to 12 weeks to announce in my professional world but it’s also not professional to wear oversized hoodies every day either!
submitted by riggsjustine to July2025Bumps [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:40 abruptously AITAH for not allowing my wife to use my computer and asking her to leave my desk?

My wife has a hard time understanding some boundaries within the house. She will now and then "organize" my stuff without consulting me or move around furniture or decide that now the towels should be stored somewhere else (leaving me searching for them). One of the things that bothers me the most is that she feels very comfortable picking up my mobile phone to read her stuff, call, or to talk to people on my Whatsapp when she can't find her phone. The same goes for my work notebook and my desktop computer.
I have asked her many times not to do that but apparently she thinks differently. I'm not hiding anything but I find it an intrusion of privacy, especially with devices that I use for work.
This morning I came to work and she stayed working from home because she didn't feel well. Just after I left she sent a message asking "I'm running a model on my notebook and it's too slow for other stuff, can I use you desktop PC?". When I arrived at work 30 minutes late I answered that I rather not and that there are two family notebooks on the same desk where the desktop PC is, she can use one of those and even plug them into the big screen.
Her answer was "too late". The problem is that I run a lot of different stuff for work and hobby on that PC and don't want people messing around. My desk is also covered with electronics, screws, wires, etc. It's basically my hobby area in the house.
So I logged into it remotely and closed the browser windows with my work and a couple of other things.
She got furious because she said she had tabs with documents opened alongside mine and that she had already logged into MS Teams with her account (logging me out).
I apologized for closing her stuff but made clear that the PC was off limits. She started getting defensive and accusing me of having "secrets".
I asked her to shut down the PC and use other notebook and stopped answering because, well, I need to work.
Am I an asshole for not wanting her to use my PC?
On an additional note, I have other two good desktop PCs at home collecting dust which I offered to install on her desk explaining that this would make her models run faster. I also have a server running at home where I could install the software she needs to run her stuff (python, jupyter notebook and a few addons). She denied both offers...
submitted by abruptously to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:40 Burnt-Priest 4 hours into the poker stream i have to ask!!! Did anyone find out eventually why Hila was moved to another table?

Curiosity eats at me but hopefully i find out during the stream
submitted by Burnt-Priest to h3h3productions [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:40 heyperso 02 grand marquis seat bracket

I’m trying to take off the bracket (seat railing) but I can’t get through the fabric and I have find any videos any suggestions
submitted by heyperso to grandmarquis [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:40 prince_polka How can a dead wolf cross a river alive?

With this exact wording:
"A farmer with a dead wolf, a goat, and a cabbage must cross a river by boat. The boat can carry only the farmer and a single item. If left unattended together, the goat would eat the cabbage. How can they cross the river without anything being dead?"
You might think this is a stupid question without an answer. No LLM I have tried says that, everyone provides a solution, usually the 7-step standard route.
Some understand that a dead wolf can't eat the goat, but no LLM that I have tried (including o1) answers that there's no way a dead wolf can't cross the river without being dead.
Sonnet's system prompt even warns Claude to be aware about questions being variations of common problems. It does not help in this case.
submitted by prince_polka to ChatGPT [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:40 AttitudeOfCattitude Here we go again!

TW: Miscarriage
My third transfer is in 3 hours. The first two were fresh, and both resulted in MC at ~9 weeks. All our embryos are untested. We have a 5BA, 5BB, and a 4BA left. All day 6 embryos.
I’m excited. I’m hopeful. And I’m also so, so terrified. 🥲
That’s all. I just needed to put those feelings out there. Thanks, friends! 💕
submitted by AttitudeOfCattitude to IVF [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:40 St_Cyclone WTB objective lens ITT 160

I need it for a project. I know lots of guys over the years have harvested the intensifier tubes out of these for diy nods and I’m sure there’s some random 1x objectives laying around. Help me out, please.
submitted by St_Cyclone to NightVision [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:40 No_Thought7511 Waste Management

Waste management business in nepal
submitted by No_Thought7511 to NepalSocial [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:40 s0ggyfries_777 Clat sample questions

NAAAAAAH am I cooked or do some of the answers in the general awareness test 1 don't make sense? cause if these are the type of questions that will come im soooo cooked
submitted by s0ggyfries_777 to clat [link] [comments]
