"Any last words?" Ahh

QE、IE、PE、ME、TE、RE分别是指什么工程师? 我来答共3条回答 rui_xing_知道合伙人教育行家2018-07-29 BIOS启动选项设置错误. 出现No bootable device,最常见的原因是bios中启动选项没有设置好,这种情况下,用户首先开机进入BIOS,台式机一般是按del键,笔记本一般是按F2键,现在因为有SSD固态硬盘的原因,开机速度很快,把一般是先按del或者F2键,再按电源按钮,等进入BIOS后再松开按键。 在电子表格中输入分数的情况不时会出现,那么如何在excel中正确输入分数形式呢? 2.There must be any number of people in my position. 一定有很多人处在我这种境况。 3.Accidents are still the number one cause of premature death for Americans. 交通事故仍然是造成美国人过早死亡的头号因素。 4. Once at Elgin day-trippers visit a number of local sights. Style journalist and music presenter Neil Balman doesn't want any brandedpossessions. 时尚记者和音乐节目主持人内尔·鲍曼不想再要任何名牌产品了。 扩展资料. 近义词:speaker. 读音:英 [ˈspiːkə(r)] 美 [ˈspiːkər] 释义:发言者,演讲者。 Did the experiment find any differences in terms of what children learned? in terms of what/how/who etc. In the end, there is little change in terms of what children learn. Another philosophical stance views children in terms of what they know-their strengths. He sees it in terms of what might be. 因此,在日常会话中little和few通常由hardly any替代,也可以由动词否定式+much/many替代。 3、意思不同: a little 与 little 也可以用作副词,表示“有点”“稍稍” 表示“很少”。few 和 a few 不用作副词。few 与 little 作形容词用,都表示“几乎没有”,相当于一个否定词。 有用户留言说在Windows10系统管理中,找不到本地用户和组菜单项,这可能是由于其它第三方软件优化的时候,把其不小心关闭 ... Win10任务计划程序是操作系统的常见功能,可安排脚本、程序在最方便的时间运行。 If you have any problems, consult the FAQs on our website. 如有任何问题,请参阅本网站的常见问题说明。 例: See the FAQ for details on how to solve thie problem. 关于如何解决这个问题,请参阅 FAQ。 例: This FAQ is a short list of answers to mon problems. 此「FAQ」是常见问题解答的简短列表。

2024.11.25 13:35 BooPlaysMDickie "Any last words?" Ahh

submitted by BooPlaysMDickie to mdickie [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:35 adulting4kids Poetry Class Week 15-16

Week 15-16: Triolets and Kyrielles
Day 1: Mastering Triolets - Activity: Analyze a classic triolet for its compact structure and repetition. - Lecture: Discuss the characteristics and rhyme scheme of triolets. - Discussion: Share thoughts on the impact of repeated lines in a compact form.
Day 2: Crafting Triolets with Precision - Activity: Break down the process of crafting a triolet. - Lecture: Explore the use of repetition and economy of language in triolets. - Discussion: Share and discuss individual triolets, focusing on the success of repetition.
Day 3: Embracing the Kyrielle - Activity: Analyze a famous kyrielle for its repeating lines and rhythmic qualities. - Lecture: Explain the structure and thematic possibilities of kyrielles. - Discussion: Discuss the challenges and beauty of crafting poems with repeated lines.
Day 4: Writing Exercise - Developing a Kyrielle - Activity: Craft a kyrielle exploring themes of resilience or change. - Assignment: Write a triolet on a chosen subject. - Vocabulary Words: Refrain, Rhyme Scheme, Narrative Possibilities.
Day 5: Peer Review and Feedback - Activity: Peer review workshop for triolets and kyrielles. - Lecture: Discuss the impact of repeated lines in triolets and the thematic possibilities of kyrielles. - Discussion: Share insights gained from reviewing peers' work.
Study Guide Questions for Week 15-16: 1. Discuss the characteristics and rhyme scheme of triolets. How does repetition contribute to their impact? 2. Explore the use of repetition and economy of language in crafting triolets. 3. What defines a kyrielle, and how do its repeating lines contribute to its thematic possibilities? 4. Discuss the challenges and beauty of crafting poems with repeated lines in kyrielles. 5. Reflect on the process of crafting triolets and kyrielles. How did you approach the themes and rhythmic qualities?
Quiz: Assessment on triolets, kyrielles, and the impact of repeated lines in poetry.
Week 17-18: Ode to Joyful Ballads
Day 1: Writing Joyful Odes - Activity: Analyze classic odes for their celebratory nature. - Lecture: Discuss the characteristics and structure of odes. - Discussion: Share personal experiences or topics worthy of celebration.
Day 2: Crafting Odes with Precision - Activity: Break down the process of crafting an ode. - Lecture: Explore the use of vivid language and poetic devices in odes. - Discussion: Share and discuss individual odes, highlighting successful elements.
Day 3: Understanding Narrative Ballads - Activity: Analyze a famous ballad for its storytelling qualities. - Lecture: Explain the narrative structure and musicality of ballads. - Discussion: Discuss the challenges and beauty of crafting narrative ballads.
Day 4: Writing Exercise - Crafting a Ballad - Activity: Craft a ballad recounting a personal or fictional tale. - Assignment: Write an ode celebrating an everyday object or experience. - Vocabulary Words: Ode, Stanza, Narrative Structure.
Day 5: Peer Review and Feedback - Activity: Peer review workshop for odes and ballads. - Lecture: Discuss the celebratory nature of odes and the storytelling qualities of ballads. - Discussion: Share insights gained from reviewing peers' work.
Study Guide Questions for Week 17-18: 1. Discuss the characteristics and structure of odes. How do odes differ from other poetic forms? 2. Explore the use of vivid language and poetic devices in crafting odes. 3. What defines a ballad, and how does its narrative structure contribute to its storytelling qualities? 4. Discuss the challenges and beauty of celebrating everyday objects or experiences in odes. 5. Reflect on the process of crafting odes and ballads. How did you approach celebratory themes and storytelling?
Quiz: Assessment on the understanding of odes, ballads, and the use of vivid language in poetry.
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:35 Consistent_Speech798 How do I put a canon lens on a lumix g85

submitted by Consistent_Speech798 to Cameras [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:35 reallifeloser647-416 Canada post strike

When this shit over with man my tribes christmas money supposed to be coming
I dont have a job n need a bottle
submitted by reallifeloser647-416 to Torontology [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:35 HypeAtHeart Anyone have any thoughts on the TMX V10

Looking to buy a new jacket and saw the TMX V10 was released. Was also looking at a TA one, I’m in NY not too crazy cold, want to look as good as possible.
submitted by HypeAtHeart to MonclerRep [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:35 Ricks2Cents Coleman CT200U Mini Bike Vs 110cc Chinese AVT Kandi 4 Wheeler Mini Bike Race Fail 2023 #Ricks2Cents #RickRamirez #coleman #ct200u #colemanct200 #colemanct200u #minibike #minibikelife #minibikemafia #minibikesociety #minibikers #kandiavt #saferwholesale #saferwholesaleatv #110ccatv #minibikerace

Coleman CT200U Mini Bike Vs 110cc Chinese AVT Kandi 4 Wheeler Mini Bike Race Fail 2023 #Ricks2Cents #RickRamirez #coleman #ct200u #colemanct200 #colemanct200u #minibike #minibikelife #minibikemafia #minibikesociety #minibikers #kandiavt #saferwholesale #saferwholesaleatv #110ccatv #minibikerace submitted by Ricks2Cents to YouTubers_Share [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:35 LarxRss02 Looking for Charcadet, offering below

Looking for Charcadet, offering below submitted by LarxRss02 to PokemonGoTrade [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:35 Madux337 Smoke & Shadow

Smoke & Shadow submitted by Madux337 to DicePorn [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:35 notnot_athrowaway2 What do I need for EAX effects for Thief 1/2?

I've been playing the Thief series ever since I got my hands on a demo copy prior to Thief 1 release in the 90s and I played both Thief 1/2 consistently for many years after that including Dromed. I haven't picked it up in the past few years until now and falling in love with it again, but one thing I'm missing is the EAX effects. I'm using the Steam versions of the game (still have the original CDs, but I keep those preserved lol)
I don't have a sound card on my current PC (way back in the 90s-2000s I had a Sound Blaster Audigy) and was wondering what do I need to get to use EAX with Windows 10/11? Can I just pick up an X-Fi and that'll work or are the newer Creative Labs cards compatible as well? I just wanted to check with y'all before spending money on something that may not work.
submitted by notnot_athrowaway2 to Thief [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:35 love_guruvar Dating expert

Use this thread to promote yourself and/or your work!
submitted by love_guruvar to love_guruvar [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:35 Fun_County2822 do I need a root canal?

just removed my impacted third molar, but the dentist told me that my lower second molar got a cavity because I took too long to remove the wisdom tooth, I never experience any kind of pain or sensibility. A root and a crown(as suggested) is really necessary or can it be solved with a filling?
submitted by Fun_County2822 to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:35 ash_mp3 I walked through the Inferno.

When I was 13, I smoked salvia out of a water bottle bong. The kids I was with told me “just smoke it how you would weed.” So I did, and “fell down into a dark pit, where the sky turned dark red, my only guiding light (was what I assume to be my last eye sight of the lighter) was the dancing flames in the dark corners of this bloody landscape. I looked down to see myself standing on bodies and flesh just fused into a landscape. My body turned into the letter M.”
Yeah my body turned into the letter M iv heard other people say they have morphed into letters. But I also felt my bones and flesh breaking and fusing to make this letter out of my cartilage and bones. First time a drug ever made me physically feel pain. I just finished reading Dante’s Inferno and Dante’s Purgatory and after finishing them, I can confidently say those two books are exactly what I seen until turning into the letter M. Funny that this happens almost 20 years ago, and never read the Devine comedy until now, yet my trip was really a frame by frame working of it.
submitted by ash_mp3 to Salvia [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:35 BerrieMiah Robby Keene (Cobra Kai) Edit

Robby Keene (Cobra Kai) Edit submitted by BerrieMiah to Editsz [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:35 FillEnvironmental571 Cidadania italiana Judicial: emissão de Carta d'Identità e Passaporte

Olá pessoal,
Estou no processo de reconhecimento de cidadania via judicial e recebi minha sentença positiva após a audiência. No momento estou aguardando o trânsito em julgado e após a transcrição das certidões no comune do meu antenato.
Como estou com pressa para a emissão dos meus documentos, gostaria de saber se posso ir para a Itália, assim que o comune finalizar as transcrições, e de lá solicitar a carta d'Identità e o passaporte.
submitted by FillEnvironmental571 to cidadaniaitaliana [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:35 myNameIsOver20charac What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by myNameIsOver20charac to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:35 Terrible_Joke5673 $50 Midland Bank Bonus

Open new Midland Bank personal checking account and hold it for 90 days. Get $50 bonus.
👇 https://refer.midlandsb.com/AQF109!c2b178a947!a
submitted by Terrible_Joke5673 to referralcodes [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:35 MissGirrl 2012 RAV4 Check Engine, TRACoff, 4WD On

Good morning everyone. So I’m in need of some help/advice. My check engine, trac off, and 4WD lights came on. This was followed by some shaking of the car. I’ve noticed it shakes when I press on the brakes and stops when I really press down hard on it.
I went to get gas the other day and after I had filled my tank, the car would not turn on… it took four tries (twice manually, and twice with the remote start I had installed form Best Buy).
Has anyone else had a similar problem, and knows what could be going on? I’m aware there are hundreds of possibilities, but would appreciate if those who have gone through the same thing could share their experiences as well :)
Mechanic one: Read the lights and said it could be a problem with a leak. Said there are a myriad of reasons those lights could be on.
Mechanic two: Lights turned off the second I arrived to get a reading/opinion. Once I told him the issues he said I might have to change the canister and after taking a look under my car he said there were no rope leaks.
I’ve read that it could be an O2 sensor issue, or EVAP.
Anyways, I’d appreciate any help/advice!
Note (idk if it’s relevant but I’ll but it down): 161k miles on the car, Battery changed March of 2023, Passed emissions earlier this year, Brakes and rotors were changed over the summer.
submitted by MissGirrl to Toyota [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:35 Slav3k1 FW13 AMD mainboard water damage corrosive - is this mainboard now useless or can be repaired?

Hello everybody, just managed to spill unsweetened tea under (and tiny splashes over) my FW13, it wasn't even much water really. I immediately turned it off and started drying. Not long after I assumed that since it was really not much of water I will just plug it back in and continue working. Unfortunately when I turned it on, the display was behaving really weird so I shut it off again.
I rushed to unplug the battery, but unfortunately it was too late I am afraid. This time I took out the motherboard and I found out places where I guess electrolysis caused corrosion.
My question is: is there anybody who repairs FW motherboards? Is this maybe repairable? It would make me extremely sad if I just thrown away 800 EUR just like that.
If there is no chance of repair, I wonder is there an official / unofficial secondhand market so that I could grab my replacement motherboard a bit cheaper?
Bonus question: if I just swap motherboards and keep the rest of the components, I should boot just fine right?
submitted by Slav3k1 to framework [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:35 her0slam HRM Pro Plus w/o any other device?

Hello, I just got my HRM Pro Plus, but my watch has not arrived yet (255).
Am I able to use it all, or do you need the watch to at least be able to start the run (then it will track)? Saw conflicting answers online, ty
submitted by her0slam to Garmin [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:35 BroMandi [Amazon] $416.79*: 6187-Piece LEGO Star Wars: Ultimate Collector Series - The Razor Crest (75331, 2022) at Amazon [Deal: $416.79, Actual: $599.99]

[Amazon] $416.79*: 6187-Piece LEGO Star Wars: Ultimate Collector Series - The Razor Crest (75331, 2022) at Amazon [Deal: $416.79, Actual: $599.99] submitted by BroMandi to RedditShoppingDeals [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:35 Stormlight85 The worst part about going to games isn't even the team...

it's the annoying ass in-house entertainment and host. Now don't get me wrong, for what they want him to do, he does it well, but man it just feels super "corporate" and sponsor driven. Between the "who wants a t-shirt/hot dog..." stuff, "taking a look to the sky for some parachuting cookies/caliente gift card pizza boxes/ fucking cowboy hats..." and now even giving out large ass lottery tickets....like what the fuck is this place?
What's almost worst, is the generic "Noise!" "Get Pittsburgh Loud!" etc signs they just walk down the aisle in the middle sections in the last couple minutes if the team hasn't lost the game already(which does mean these signs are less and less used lol).
I know I don't represent everyones feelings, but...i just want to watch a hockey game, man.
submitted by Stormlight85 to penguins [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:35 urwowrightnow What is this?

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submitted by urwowrightnow to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:35 AK_Gamezalot ALIEN INSANE VERSION V2 LENGTH: 21:40

submitted by AK_Gamezalot to Yedits [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:35 ParticularIll7748 Whatisit

I am going on 6 years with this
submitted by ParticularIll7748 to whatisthisbug [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:35 seasick1 Help: X-Mas inspiration needed

Like every year I am absolutely clueless what to gift my loved ones (and of course always too late getting/creating them).
Thats why I'm asking you guys, for inspiration - what, if any, are you printing this year as gifts for your loved ones?
submitted by seasick1 to 3Dprinting [link] [comments]
