CPS 213 Final Help

为什么打字的时候打出的字会把后面的字替换掉原因:按下了键盘上的insert按键,该按键为替换按键,在输入文字时会将输入 ... 兵器213所又名陕西应用物理化学研究所,应届硕士税前15万左右,到手13万左右,事业编制,常年6天工作制,一般应届硕士进去都是生产岗位,加班非常多,待遇在西安只能说一般;应届博士税前25万起步,紧缺专业例如电子类,兵器类可以到30万税前,去重点实验室相对好很多,主要是做科研,写 ... 科技副酋长(主持工作) 回答数 3,012,获得 5,654,603 次赞同 电阻并联计算公式总电阻值的计算1/r总=1/r1+1/r2+……+1/rn,即总电阻的倒数等于各分电阻的倒数之和特别的,两电阻并联总值为 ... 知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。知乎凭借认真、专业、友善的社区氛围、独特的产品机制以及结构化和易获得的优质内容,聚集了中文互联网科技、商业、影视 ... 在80级wlk巫妖王之怒版本中,这个地方可以更换全身80级蓝装,以及 手、腰、靴子、项链、披风、戒指以及勋章 200-213装等等级装备,在初期可以弥补很多装备上的不足,并且只需要荣誉点数更换即可,荣誉点数可以通过参加各大战场获得,获得的速度也是可以的。 伏罗希洛夫射手 科技副酋长(主持工作) 贝塞尔方程(the Bessel differential equation)在物理学诸多领域都有非常广泛的应用,如柱坐标下波的传播,薛定谔方程的解,薄膜振动,热传导等等。 兵器工业213所. 又称陕西应用物理化学研究所,创建于1968年,位于陕西西安雁塔区,隶属于中国兵器工业集团有限公司,是国家财政拨款科研事业单位,是我国唯一的火工烟火技术专业研究所,涉及机械、电子、测试、能源动力、电磁、力学、化学等多个专业 ... 最近给自己的电脑捣鼓华为nfc一碰穿,看贴纸标有213、215、216,这个差别是在于传输速度吗?

2024.11.25 13:40 level99mafiaboss CPS 213 Final Help

I was wondering if any students who have previously completed this course have any advice/tips for taking this final and if possible, the average grade of the final from their time of taking the course if known.
Thank you.
submitted by level99mafiaboss to TorontoMetU [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:40 amhelia tell me which one you like best

tell me which one you like best submitted by amhelia to SelfieDump [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:40 Former-Berry-5735 [WTS] Ray Ban New Wayfarer 25$ shipped

Hi All.
Looking to sell my Ray Bans. They have been used a bit but still in good shape. No major scratches on lenses and no wiggle/play in the frame. Model is New Wayfarer. Asking 25$ shipped. Needs transaction via Cash App please. Thank you.
submitted by Former-Berry-5735 to GearTrade [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:40 Azalio5 What is a fair trade for fruit storage

What is a fair trade for fruit storage submitted by Azalio5 to bloxfruits [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:40 aGoryLouie I was looking for a robin (the bird) calendar for my nan but found a different Robin (the politician).. will still most likely buy it, 10/10

I was looking for a robin (the bird) calendar for my nan but found a different Robin (the politician).. will still most likely buy it, 10/10 submitted by aGoryLouie to okmatewanker [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:40 SnooChocolates5297 Do i click confirm received? I want to return.

Do i click confirm received? I want to return. I just recieved my order snd had this problem that the seller has sent the wrong model. Is smaller and i wont fit my 3d printer. But its the same brand. How can i return this? Shou i click confirm received?
submitted by SnooChocolates5297 to Aliexpress [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:40 seanlilmateus INSIDE Arsenal Training: Nwaneri Slaps for his first PL goal

INSIDE Arsenal Training: Nwaneri Slaps for his first PL goal submitted by seanlilmateus to Gunners [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:40 ProfessionalBad885 I got a nice bf :33

Hello friends, I’m very happy to announce I am now with a femboy. I met him a couple days ago on TikTok we have a lot in common and we vented to each-other about problems and other things. I truly think this is the one person, I truly want to be with him. I am honestly really happy that I became comfortable with my sexuality, we are both gay and we’re very happy together :)
submitted by ProfessionalBad885 to feminineboys [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:40 PVRechner Deutschland im Klimawandel

Deutschland im Klimawandel submitted by PVRechner to umwelt_de [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:40 EmbarrassedSquash538 Mi mama hoy lunes! Como la ven?

Mi mama hoy lunes! Como la ven? submitted by EmbarrassedSquash538 to madurascasadas [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:40 Agitated_Finance3138 beruhigt euch, das ist schwarzer humor 🥶🥱

beruhigt euch, das ist schwarzer humor 🥶🥱 submitted by Agitated_Finance3138 to ichbin14unddasisttief [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:40 WonderSome8861 29M Florida keep me entertained while I work

Hello I’m 29m from south Florida looking for long term friends with the potential to be in real life friends. I like to game, I collect things, and am into cars and motorcycles. Overall I’m a pretty chill introverted guy who just takes things one day at a time.
submitted by WonderSome8861 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:40 Own-Foundation-2966 Does this mean they will not be testing for THC?

The services that I have to go through are this: Urine collection for drug test - (9DSP/EXP OPI/CUSTOM LEVELS/NO THC/OXY/PHN)
submitted by Own-Foundation-2966 to drugtesthelp [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:40 Afraid_Cherry_1629 Goood morning

so. im not mad. but this is the second time i really needed you in a situation i thought you would understand. idk why youre mad at me. but its ok. i cry and im sorry it makes you mad. i mean if you cared to ask im just sad my family is gone. but instead you just go thru the laptop or my phone and thts fine. id rather go to you. id rather cry to you. all i needed was a hug. thats all. i thought you would understand and not just think im high or drunk. even if i wasnt it was stilll going to be sad for me. 7 days. ok and maybe with the new job i can go back home. ill leave you alone. i can take punches and screaming and doing all the chores myself while you sleep or game. i cant take no emotional support. i cant and wont fake being happy because it upsets you tht im crying. my twin is gone. 25 years of family holidays. the first time im alone all you do is get annoyed and irritated with me. you said im not alone i have you. but i dont. cause if i did. you would have just held me and let me cry. my emotions are not your responsibilty. nor is my sanity and comfort. im an adult. i can and will take care of myself. but if you say you love someone than i dont understand why im met with such distance and fustration. and i see you just dont care and thats fine. your mother as ask me if im ok before you do. i have forgotten the letter i will write it before i go. i cant be in a grieving and vulnerable state with you and i need that. i dont want to talk to other people i want to talk to you.but you..your face..you just look like you hate me....so 7 days. new job and ill help you get it too. i will not leave you in the same position because i love you. i will still help until you dont need it cause i love you. i will always be here for you cause i love you. but the past few days of trying to talk about it with you was eye opening. your showing new colors and they arent pretty anymore. ive never begged for anyones attention. ive never wanted to. i never had to. i am the definition of obsession but im not delusional. im not stupid. the drugs dont consume me. my emotions are fucking real. you helped with realizing those things. you helped wiht paying attention to those signs. so i love you. im sorry. i dont want to leave but i reallly cant be around anger when im crying. i cant. i love you
submitted by Afraid_Cherry_1629 to Unsent_Unread_Unheard [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:40 LiteraturePatient653 So does the all might special tuning slot not work right now?

Did I actually waste those resources? It seems to work in cpu battles but when u have a real match u can hear the sound cue and the visual sign that it activated but it doesn’t actually do its effect.
I know the game has its struggles with bugs but it sucks that this new system is already having problems that u can’t know about till u waste resources. Don’t even know if the devs realise the bug even exists.
submitted by LiteraturePatient653 to MyHeroUltraRumble [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:40 DotComprehensive5907 7 Years of HER🥰 (Storytime❤️)

I still remember the first day I stepped into school in 5th grade. And boom, that’s when I met her. She was the first friend I made here, and from the moment we started talking, I just knew there was something about her. She was the cutest thing, with this smile that made everything feel warmer. We’d skate together after school, laugh at the smallest jokes, and just enjoy being kids.
Of course, rumors started spreading. We both tried to deny them for two whole years, but let’s be honest, deep down, we both knew. We liked each other. But we were also the kind of friends who teased each other over silly things. I remember the time she beat me in science marks (just once, haha). She couldn't stop flaunting it. That was the last time she had more marks than me. After that, I was the science topper for the next few years (I'm not saying I’m proud, but... well, I am).
In 6th or 7th grade, we started spending even more time together. We’d hang out during breaks, play games, and it was like we were discovering how much we had in common. Our birthdays were just a day apart, and our lives seemed to match in so many ways. But what really got me was how cute she was, inside and out. She had this incredible personality—she was so funny, so smart, and she could sing like an angel. I played guitar, and she’d sing along, and it felt like the most perfect duo.
School trips? Oh, they were something else. We’d just wander around, holding hands, not caring about anything, laughing at dumb jokes, and feeling like we were in our own little world. I couldn’t get enough of those moments with her.
Then one day, I asked her what she wanted to do when she grew up. She said she wanted to go into the medical field. I didn’t know anything about it, but that night I went home, cracked open my biology book, and read a few chapters just because I thought it might bring us closer. That’s when I found my love for biology. I guess I should thank her for that.
In 8th grade, everything just clicked. People started noticing that there was something more than just friendship between us. They combined our names, made their little jokes, but we didn’t care. I didn’t care how she looked. To me, she was perfect. She was the girl I wanted to grow old with—not because of how she looked, but because of the way she made everything feel lighter, better.
Then came 9th grade. We went on another school trip, and this time, things felt even more real. We sat together on a long bus ride. She fell asleep on my shoulder, and I just leaned into her. My best friend snapped a picture of us, and it’s still one of my favorite memories. We spent the day laughing, goofing around, and just being... us. I bought her a little bracelet, and it felt like one of those moments you never want to end.
On December 31st, just before the New Year, I finally asked her to be my girlfriend. She said yes, and I was on top of the world. But here’s the thing: I had no idea what I was doing. I didn’t know what being a boyfriend meant, so I didn’t do much. We ended up breaking up a month later, and it hurt. I had so many gifts for her, but never got the chance to give them to her. I just wanted to make things right.
The next year was hard. 10th grade came, and so did the lockdown. Everything seemed to fall apart. My best friend proposed to her shortly after we broke up ofc she rejected, she never liked him and I found out only later. I didn’t know about everything going on behind the scenes, and it hurt. I had to step away from everything, cut myself off from everyone, just to keep her safe. I spent 10th grade mostly alone, trying to figure out what was going on in my life.
11th grade came, and when I saw her again after two years, my heart stopped. She was still the same beautiful, cute person I remembered, but I was different now. I was focused on my own path, my own dreams. I didn’t know why she chose a different stream, and we just passed by each other like strangers.
By 12th grade, I decided to send her a friend request on social media. She accepted right away, and we started talking again. I found out everything—everything she’d been through. It was heartbreaking, but through it all, she still cared. I wanted to start over, but I was still wrapped up in my goals, my exams. She moved on, found someone else, but eventually came back to me. I was still too focused on my future, though, and we didn’t work out.
She made it to her dream college, and I struggled. I took a drop, messed up, and now I’m trying again.
And now, looking back, I realize how much she’s changed. She’s not the same girl I knew—the one with the cute laugh, the spark in her eyes, the girl who made everything feel better just by being there. But I’ll always have those memories. And I’ll always think of her as the girl who was just so cute—in every possible way.
there ( i spent my 15 mins break writing that)
ps: when I learnt guitar, told her about it she said "you didn't need to do that to impress me, you were already enough"...
submitted by DotComprehensive5907 to self [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:40 tayl428 Possible good idea with Slacker/Live One ending

Here's a possible good idea for all of us that are losing free SlackeLiveOne later this week.
If you have audio favorites saved (starred) from LiveOne, it might be a good idea to unfavorite those NOW before the free LiveOne ends. I've seen many applications keep favorites from sources that are no longer available just because the device can't talk to the original source (LiveOne) to un-favorite them. The unreachable favorites may be shown there forever if the code isn't done correctly to remove them.
submitted by tayl428 to TeslaSupport [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:40 Ok-Instruction830 How The Harris Campaign Manipulated Reddit To Control The Platform

submitted by Ok-Instruction830 to JonStewart [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:40 Zealousideal-Prize91 NLMB Choppa Kills Store Clerk Over Dispute About Blunt Sharing Sentenced To 60 Years

submitted by Zealousideal-Prize91 to GangBangCity [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:40 Kubi1ay [28/M] Hey! I'm looking for you.

Hey everyone!
I'm kinda bored at work rn and I've been thinking about posting something like this for a long time, so why not now.
I am 28 years old, married and living in Germany. I don't look very German but I was born and raised here.
Life has been pretty hectic lately. Work has been intense, marriage can be challenging and the last few weeks I've been feeling pretty down. I'm looking for some sort of escape. Someone I can chat to every day. Are you married too and feel similar?
I'd like something long-term, not just a quick exchange. Who knows, maybe a real connection could come out of it? Maybe not just friendship but something that can be more than that.
In my spare time I like to play games on my PC/PS5 (Hunt Showdown or CoD), watch movies and series (Rings of Power rn) or just go for a walk in the nature. Apart from that I don't have much time for anything else, although I really want to get back into sport.
I took a personality test for fun and can give you the results if you want lol
That's all for now. Feel free to reach out! 😊
submitted by Kubi1ay to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:40 kimme Nedbørsrekord i Tromsø

Nedbørsrekord i Tromsø submitted by kimme to Sapmi [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:40 ZestycloseWall3317 Imagine this anime coming out in 2024

Imagine this anime coming out in 2024 submitted by ZestycloseWall3317 to Asmongold [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:40 Lagosas Assault at St. Thomas Santa Claus parade | CTV News

Assault at St. Thomas Santa Claus parade | CTV News submitted by Lagosas to ontario [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:40 BrilliantOk7766 Anyone here working at delaware Philippines? I just would like to get an idea on the flow of the interview/business case presentation for Analyst Development Program and also the average salary.

Anyone here working at delaware Philippines? I just would like to get an idea on the flow of the interview/business case presentation for Analyst Development Program and also the average salary. submitted by BrilliantOk7766 to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:40 Ok_Preparation8048 "Stock Market for Beginners 🚀

"The stock market is a place where people buy and sell shares of companies. Think of it as a giant marketplace, but instead of buying groceries or gadgets, you’re buying ownership in companies." "When you own a share, you own a small part of that company. If the company grows, so does the value of your share." 1. What is a Stock? "A stock represents a share of ownership in a company. Companies sell shares to raise money for their business. By buying a share, you become a part-owner of that company." 2. How Does the Stock Market Work? "The stock market acts as a middleman. Buyers and sellers come together on platforms like NSE (National Stock Exchange) or BSE (Bombay Stock Exchange) to trade these shares." "These exchanges ensure that transactions are safe, secure, and transparent." 3. Why Do Stock Prices Change? "Stock prices change due to demand and supply. If more people want to buy a stock, its price goes up. If more people want to sell, its price goes down." 4. Types of Stock Market Participants "There are two main players in the market: Investors – They buy shares and hold them for a long time, hoping the value increases. Traders – They buy and sell shares frequently, looking for quick profits." "To summarize, the stock market is a marketplace for buying and selling shares of companies. It’s driven by demand and supply, and it offers opportunities for both long-term investors and short-term traders." "In upcoming videos, we’ll dive deeper into how to invest, read charts, and pick the right stocks. So don’t forget to hit the subscribe button and like this video if you found it helpful. See you in the next one!"
submitted by Ok_Preparation8048 to IndianStockMarket [link] [comments]
