2024.11.25 13:47 ryogadan 43-year F1 record broken following George Russell’s Las Vegas GP victory
submitted by ryogadan to Formula1_world [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 13:47 ryogadan 43-year F1 record broken following George Russell’s Las Vegas GP victory
submitted by ryogadan to Formula1_world [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 13:47 Temporary_Test_8445 Weather
The weather in Jeddah only needs a long car ride date with a coffee
submitted by Temporary_Test_8445 to Jeddah [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 13:47 Educational-Bee4231 Just born!
submitted by Educational-Bee4231 to lioden [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 13:47 WarmCurrency602 Is Holly Walker touring with Maribou State
Hey everyone,
I got tickets for their show in Amsterdam on their album release date. We're very excited.
I was wondering if Holly Walker was touring with them? I really love Nervous Tics and have been dying to see it live!
submitted by WarmCurrency602 to mariboustate [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 13:47 perfctluvr 20m looking for someone to play fortnite with dm me <3
i have disc tooo
submitted by perfctluvr to PSNFriends [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 13:47 Nalagirl86 Acid reflux possibly? When and what to feed?
My Pom has been vomiting white foam in the morning hours for the past couple of days. Looked it up. Possibly acid reflux. I know it’s not an empty stomach issue cause I’ve been giving him a little treat in the middle of the night to prevent this. But I’m so confused about the feeding schedule if a dog has reflux. It says eating too close to bedtime can cause reflux and to feed earlier. But I don’t want to let him go 12 hours without food because an empty stomach can also cause reflux. So I give him a small treat in the middle of the night. Anyone have a dog with reflux and what is your schedule? I’ve read contradicting info about when to feed. It’s so confusing. Feeding closer to bed can prevent nausea from an empty stomach which can lead to reflux but feeding late at night and then lying down can also cause reflux. I’m so confused. Just looking for advice.
submitted by Nalagirl86 to DogAdvice [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 13:47 shehawty Gemeente dwingt afval scheiden.
Lang verhaal "kort", in het begin van dit jaar kreeg mijn blok met sociale huur-appartementjes het verzoek van de gemeente om onze containers in te leveren. In de ruil daarvoor kregen wij 1 grote gezamelijke (1100L*) voor elk type respectievelijk.
Zo ging 30 man met hun eigen containers, naar 1 gezamelijke bak. Hier en daar hebben wat buren hun bak gewoon gehouden, wat ik achteraf gezien misschien ook maar had moeten doen.
Ik hoor je al denken; "meer scheiden is toch ook beter?" En hoewel de efficientie van de recycling cyclus te debateren valt (5-10%), kan ik niet zeggen dat ik het geen nobel streven vindt. Het effect daarintegen is enorm van last. En hoe de gemeente het behandeld is beschamend.
Er ontstaat hier nu elke keer al snel na het legen een vuilnisbelt. En dan heb ik er persoonlijk 1 zak in gegooid. Het is nu zover dat ik nu een zak in de tuin heb liggen.. soms ligt er een heel piepschuim fort in en is hij gelijk vol, soms ligt er rest afval in de papierbak. En we worden daar dan gezamijk voor afgestraft, in de zin dat we zelf met de overvloed mogen zitten. Het creeerd onnodige verdeeldheid in de buurt, laat staan de stank en het ongedierte.
Inmiddels hebben wij brieven gehad van de gemeente als reactie op de klachten die ze ontvangen, dat we de zakken er niet naast mogen leggen en inmiddels onderzoeken van wie de zakken zijn. Om ze dan te beboeten. En dat we beter moeten scheiden, want ze zien hoe weinig pmd zakken er worden besteld.. Mijn wat oudere en minder gestelde buurvrouw, stond hierdoor laatst huilend voor mijn deur om wat ze nou aanmoest met haar afvalzakken. Je zou bijna paranoide worden.. Voor zover ik weet willen ze huishoudelijk afval bij de stort ook niet aannemen, dus wat dan? Begraven in de tuin?
En ook bij het gemeentelijke bestuursorgaan keerde ze mij hun kont; Beter sorteren, eigen schuld. Alsof het echt niet aan de capaciteit ligt, terwijl mijn straat elke dag wel degelijk een vuilnisbelt lijkt. Nog voor ik er zelf iets in heb gegooid..
Er zijn wat koopwoningen in de straat die op het punt staan een petitie te beginnen. En op dit moment zijn ze (de gemeente) hagen aan het plaatsen, want verstoppen. Dat kunnen ze wel heel goed.
Als je de rant overleefd hebt wil ik je graag bedanken, en ik hoor graag wat je er van vindt! (Ps. Super sorry voor de d's en de t's)
submitted by shehawty to nederlands [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 13:47 ValenDrax My wishlist of legendary Can-Am racers
2024.11.25 13:47 IamBokiBokiBoki Where to find actors for small video in Oslo?
Hey everyone! I’m looking for someone who can record a short video (1-2 minutes) in Norwegian for an ad promotion. I'll provide a script, and they just need to show up and record it on camera. It’s a simple, straightforward task, and I'd appreciate someone who can speak clearly and deliver the lines well.
Do you know of any groups or places where I can find such person?
Thanks in advance!
submitted by IamBokiBokiBoki to oslo [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 13:47 dreamy-pinup Jinx - My first time drawing her! How did I do?
I’m 5 episodes in for Arcane season two. So far it has been great! This is my first time drawing Jinx! How did I do? submitted by dreamy-pinup to Illustration [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 13:47 Feisty_Cup_8567 Anyone know what this cabel is?
submitted by Feisty_Cup_8567 to BangandOlufsen [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 13:47 ShadowxOfxIntent Anyone had any luck getting in this stash?
submitted by ShadowxOfxIntent to stalker [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 13:47 BB_GG izna - TIMEBOMB (Fanchant Guide)
submitted by BB_GG to kpop [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 13:47 Historical-Dark-943 Need a rate, Honest rate. Preferably females
submitted by Historical-Dark-943 to honestdickrates [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 13:47 WonderingWizard509 Do I have Central Hechtacromia? I posted in a different sub asking what my color is and I got both hazel and CH. So could it be? Thank you for all replies!
submitted by WonderingWizard509 to heterochromia [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 13:47 South_Accountant8365 Chce ktos ocenic laske ktora ruchalem?
submitted by South_Accountant8365 to SexyPolishInfluYoutub [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 13:47 Avonbarksdale40 9mo Lab Sleep Outside Crate Question
My 9mo lab sleeps great in her crate. No issues. Eventually want her to sleep outside of the crate. Tried the last 3 nights. She did pretty good but felt like she never settles. Constantly moving to multiple spots throughout the room during the night. She was extra sleepy during the day because of this. Think we are gonna being the crate back up to the room tonight. But any tips on the transition would be great. Thanks!
submitted by Avonbarksdale40 to puppy101 [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 13:47 portalrbn Obras de ampliação do Inca no Rio serão retomadas
submitted by portalrbn to PortalRbn [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 13:47 Endermen123911 Regarding a part of the buckshot roulette ARG I’ve seen no body speaking about what does it mean?
The line in question for the buckshot roulette ARG is as follows
Four numbers lie hidden in sorrow and blood, Three in booming shots and an essence swept by the flood. Where does the dance blazing below entwine? Only in misery will you see cosmic shine.
submitted by Endermen123911 to ARG [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 13:47 Commercial_Common_32 Lace pattern with crochet bind off
Hey all! I’m nearing the end of my lace project and it’s calling for a crochet bind off. I found a good tutorial and understand in theory how to do it… but my pattern shows two knit stitches between the crochet 3 stitches together and chaining 3. Do I actually knit those two stitches and then begin to chain? Do I knit them onto the crochet hook? I’m confused because then there will be unbound stitches at the end. Any help is greatly appreciated! submitted by Commercial_Common_32 to knittinghelp [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 13:47 dabj107 How hard is it being an introvert? Will society accept me?
I am a recent graduate and currently work remotely as a developer. I don't have any noticeable projects to fill my portfolio, and I have nearly two months of experience. I didn't build any kind of project that says, "Wow," I just have basic projects in my resume. I am also feeling like i am getting trapped in the job not getting time to learn other things out of the work. The sprint is too tight. I just want to upgrade my skills this is not enough and i am paid very low compared to the work I am doing currently and even if i try to apply for other jobs i don't notice projects to attract or get emails. I also don't have bigger networks, I am an introvert yes lack some communication skills. How do I improve myself from this? I work as a front-end developer. Has anybody gone through this situation?? My goal is to be perfect at Frontend first then go for a fullstack developer role. I am just stuck on doing my office work and not getting time for learning anything outside work.
submitted by dabj107 to NepalSocial [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 13:47 Lucky-Cod7511 Horryfying combination anti venom + xenophages
How powerful would it be?
submitted by Lucky-Cod7511 to thevenomsite [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 13:47 Adventurous_Rock294 Poached eggs
First go at poached eggs. Not eaten / opened up yet. Got the pan boiling but they tended to break apart a bit as you can probably see. Looking for constructive tips / critique. submitted by Adventurous_Rock294 to UK_Food [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 13:47 Beginning-Cat-8281 Help me with my white gaming setup
So I’d like to have an all-white setup but I’m not sure because I know white gets dirty very easily on other things but what about my gaming PC? I don’t want to continuously clean my mousepad and everything, so I was wondering, do they get dirty fast or really bad?
submitted by Beginning-Cat-8281 to buildapc [link] [comments]