Plugin Exodus: Request/Proposal for plugin that alerts you if you have plugins that left

2024.11.25 15:29 demetris Plugin Exodus: Request/Proposal for plugin that alerts you if you have plugins that left

I think a plugin like this does not exist and I also think it would help.
In this piece I describe why I think it would help and how I think it could work.
WHY? In my view, plugin authors looking to leave wordpress[dot]org have to solve two problems first:
Set up infrastructure (a) for people to download their plugins and, once the plugins are installed, (b) for the plugins to be updated from the new location. This is a technical problem and it is easy to solve.
Let their users know that the plugin has left dotorg (and cannot be updated anymore via dotorg).
This is also a technical problem, but it is not just technical, and may not be easy to solve in a satisfactory manner for all plugin authors.
The plugin I am thinking about is meant to help towards solving the second problem. (It is not a complete solution though.)
THE PLUGIN FUNCTIONALITY The plugin, let’s call it Plugin Exodus, would do two things in its most basic form:
Alert you if a plugin you use has left dotorg, provide a link to download the plugin from its new location, and, optionally, also provide a link to instructions on how to move from the old to the new.
The plugin would know all that by looking at a built-in database. The database would be updated as needed with information that plugin authors submit. (Author submissions would be the only way to add information to the database. The plugin should not take it upon itself to add such information to the database for any plugins.)
Importantly, the plugin would also have to know that those submitting information for a plugin are the authors/owners of the plugin. In other words, it should provide a way to verify ownership of plugins submitted.
Even more importantly, the authors of the Plugin Exodus plugin should be trusted to not add information to the plugin database on their own initiative. If they were allowed to do that, they could, e.g., add hello-dolly to the database and direct users of Hello Dolly to download a Hello Dolly plugin that is not the genuine Hello Dolly.
I have no idea how this last problem of trust can be solved.
Include a mechanism that (a) prevents updates from dotorg for plugins that it knows have left dotorg, and (b) prevents updates from dotorg for itself.
PLUGIN PROPAGATION (essential for a plugin of this purpose) If plugin authors, especially plugin authors that are looking to leave dotorg, like the idea of the Plugin Exodus plugin, they could start recommending it to their users through any channels available to them. When users install the plugin, they would receive alerts for plugins by the author who recommended Plugin Exodus, and, importantly, they would also receive alerts for any other plugins the plugin knows about.
The install base would grow faster if some providers of managed hosting liked the idea and added the plugin to their setups as an mu-plugin.
PLUGIN HOMEPAGE The plugin homepage, in its most basic form, would have (a) a link to download the plugin and (b)information about what the plugin is.
Optionally, it could also have easy to add features such as:

WHO WOULD BUILD THIS PLUGIN? That’s easy. There are many good plugin developers thinking about leaving dotorg. Building a plugin like this would be simple for any of them.
WHO WOULD BUILD THE SITE FOR THE PLUGIN? That’s easy. I can do that.
WHAT ABOUT THE DOMAIN? That’s easy. I bought and the other day while thinking about the problem. But that’s just a suggestion (which I don’t like very much because it is too dramatic for my taste). Any sufficiently descriptive domain name would be fine.
WHAT DO YOU THINK? Do you think this is a good idea?
Do you see any inherent flaws in the concept?
Do you have suggestions for improvements?
Are you maybe already working on something like this? :-)
submitted by demetris to Wordpress [link] [comments]

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From Singapore
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I haven't taken any new pics for 2 months now. I feel like I haven't got any time for it due to life reasons and some excuses here and there. There are times I want to take pics but I just spend my time doing something else.
I really want to take pics because the new figs I have, but I feel like i don't feel like it. Do you guys feel the same way sometimes too?
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2024.11.25 15:29 Lurker-Specialist Advice: UK partnership with one partner moved to Europe

As a mix of wanting different opinion, waiting to hear back from some EU consultants and my UK accountant being fairly unresponsive, I want to see if anyone is in a similar position as ours.
We have an events company and set up a partnership back in 2022. One of the two partners moved back to Europe (european with indefinite leave to remain), now based in Germany.
Up until March 2024 they've been an UK tax resident, then moved in May.
As far as I understand for the year 2023/24 everything has to be paid in the UK which will be by next January so all good. From April 2024 then it seems that anything has to be declared in the UK but paid in Germany for the other half part.
Our accountant suggested to merge into a LTD but we're not super profitable so we're a bit concerned, unless a partnership cannot exist if one of the 2 partners doesn't live in the UK anymore? I read it's still possible but the return has to be posted, which having an accountant they surely can do this instead.
A sort of a side question... the events business technically only operates in the UK offering a service in the country, does this mean taxes can be paid in the UK and whichever profits can be transferred to Europe with a written documentation? I read UK LTD work undergone within the country is expected to be taxed in the said country regardless on who lives where, but either way we'd like to get it right so there's no surprises next month/in 2025.
Thanks in advance for any response!
submitted by Lurker-Specialist to UKPersonalFinance [link] [comments]

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2024.11.25 15:29 Mission_Oil_943 Punch tracking is game breaking

To say this is a problem is an understatement. Punch tracking is awful but worse than that is it’s so consistently inconsistent.
Sometimes its worse for your opponent and then sometimes worse for you, there really is no consistency and sometimes you’ll face someone who has no issues with punches landing whatsoever, while your consistently punching an invisible shield around your opponent.
Most games I play it is bad but it’s still playable but let me tell you, I just played one of the most game breaking matches out of my whole time playing this game.
I fought a fury who would just consistently walk backwards and jab the entire time, im not joking barely threw anything else. Fine not a problem idc how people play. Im rocky and im walking him down because he’s just running absolutely everywhere and then finally get him cornered and, oh wait. Shit. Only 1 of like 5 fucking punches land. So not only is it hard enough to hit bro because he’s moving well but even when I do pin him down nothing fucking lands, how am I supposed to win SCI.
But it gets worse, I’m trynna work the body jab which blatantly should hit but nope. Hits an invisible wall and bro gets like a fucking 4 counter chain on me and this was the story of the fight. I’d try to land, the game wouldn’t register it and dude would just go off on counters. It’s so annoying because I was losing rounds due these counters which shouldn’t even be counters.
submitted by Mission_Oil_943 to undisputedboxing [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:29 Puzzleheaded_Run6678 Merry got better

Merry got better Merry is 3 years old, and he has a brother, Pippin, that just took off one day and didn't come back home. We looked everywhere for him, but we didn't find him. That was 2 month ago, and Merry was really depressed for some time, until we managed to get him back on his paws thanks to constant cuddles and switching to wet food (and of course many snacks given with some ear scratching). I was super worried about him, but I'm really reassured now that he's happy again.
Congratulations Merry !
submitted by Puzzleheaded_Run6678 to cats [link] [comments]

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2024.11.25 15:29 Upstairs_Buffalo4891 AIO for being upset with my sister

A relative of mine recently passed away. This person left all of us some money when they passed. I’m in line to get about 5 times the amount of any other relative. My sister took photos of all the bank information and sent it to all the relatives. I’m upset because non of them need to know my amount. She also said that they would’ve found out anyways. Which isn’t true because one of the accounts was in a separate bank that no one knew of, but me. I don’t like them knowing because I know how greedy they are. AIO?
submitted by Upstairs_Buffalo4891 to AmIOverreacting [link] [comments]