Just going to show off a little of my collection.

2024.11.25 14:40 jonconcasino12345 Just going to show off a little of my collection.

Gonna show off some ping collectables that I currently have.
submitted by jonconcasino12345 to PingGolf [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:40 sonofpencilman Hvac cleaning necessary?

Called hvac company for quote. They advised we need to clean hvac and ducts every 5 years. Is this true?
submitted by sonofpencilman to hvacadvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:40 ExoticFarmer9888 I have a question,can sameone help me

Hi,I had a Beyblade like Big Bang Pegasus with an adjustable plastic Spin Track that locked into different heights. Does anyone know what this could be or if it was a special edition? Thanks!
submitted by ExoticFarmer9888 to BeybladeMetal [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:40 peterp1122 Chill Relax Recharge

Chill Relax Recharge submitted by peterp1122 to DeepIntoYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:40 daydreamDaisyy mmmmeeeeee thooooo

mmmmeeeeee thooooo submitted by daydreamDaisyy to sciencememes [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:40 rockmanlegend My budget stun lol

My budget stun lol submitted by rockmanlegend to YuGiOhMasterDuel [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:40 No_Violinist8510 Walsh is cooked

Walsh is cooked submitted by No_Violinist8510 to dickvspussy [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:40 whydoilurklol Fogborn is god-awful to use

Fogborn is god-awful to use I just reached silver with him. His stamina sucks ass compared to Vapor and Rosemary’s. You’ll never ever get more than 4-5 ppl tops, depending on the map. Shit blows!
submitted by whydoilurklol to pillarchase2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:40 Adorable-Doubt1945 EdTech Entrepreneurs: What are your marketing needs and challenges?

Hey everyone! I am an IT student who recently got into technical writing (tutorials and technical articles), which is how I earn my bread and butter right now. I like the work and feel like I could do more, however the amount of my output is currently limited from my customer’s end (who is in the EdTech industry, which is why I am posting it here).
I am still unsure if this is the right sub to ask, but nevertheless:
To anyone out there who is owning a SaaS business: I would like to understand your perspective more, in order to be able to acquire further customers and deliver good work according to their needs.

I wished I could formulate the answer more specifically, but that is where I hope you will come in – I’d be very thankful for anyone who shares their experiences!
It does not matter, if it is something that you lack time for or are not sure yet how to solve, any input is appreciated!
submitted by Adorable-Doubt1945 to edtech [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:40 Mapienator rip

rip https://preview.redd.it/se486usm723e1.png?width=629&format=png&auto=webp&s=c01ffeb93c1cf2af6e9cd6c3db14de47e01ffd93
submitted by Mapienator to runescape [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:40 Short_Algo $BTBT Awaiting Buy Signal based off 10 signals $5,444 net profit 4.26 profit factor 80% win rate on a 15-min chart. Free trial at https://www.ultraalgo.com/?afmc=46 #trading #stocks #investing #money

$BTBT Awaiting Buy Signal based off 10 signals $5,444 net profit 4.26 profit factor 80% win rate on a 15-min chart. Free trial at https://www.ultraalgo.com/?afmc=46 #trading #stocks #investing #money submitted by Short_Algo to StockTradingIdeas [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:40 StrategyCharacter275 10⬆️or🔄for rly more

10⬆️or🔄for rly more submitted by StrategyCharacter275 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:40 ilustwomen Rashi Singh

Rashi Singh submitted by ilustwomen to bollyarm [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:40 Anxious-Specialist41 Could you provide me your opinion to improve this skin please. Thank you.

Could you provide me your opinion to improve this skin please. Thank you. submitted by Anxious-Specialist41 to GlobalOffensive [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:40 Real_Buyer_2263 Fee bills this soon??

I don't understand how LSU is already asking for the fee bills when I haven't even gotten my Pell grant back from FAFSA yet for the next semester.
Is it normally this soon?? There's no way I can afford tuition without my grant!
submitted by Real_Buyer_2263 to LSU [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:40 AdSome8943 4 spots vacant ...

4 spots vacant ... submitted by AdSome8943 to eatventureofficial [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:40 Selector28 Win Limited Edition: 4 OUDER Snow Boots Collaboration, plus all Ouder series accessories, An Ouder Designer Sneaker Shoes & 2 Shoe's Friends or $50 Gift Card (11/30/2024) {WW}

Win Limited Edition: 4 OUDER Snow Boots Collaboration, plus all Ouder series accessories, An Ouder Designer Sneaker Shoes & 2 Shoe's Friends or $50 Gift Card (11/30/2024) {WW} submitted by Selector28 to giveaways [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:40 jabzoit Vintage saxophone, new mouthpiece

Hello! New here
I used to play clarinet 20 years ago and now, after playing guitar for the intervening time, I'm finally getting into my first instrument I ever desired!
I've probably done the wrong thing and ordered a vintage German saxophone (G H Huller) I'll have serviced. But I didn't read good things about modern Chinese ones for longevity, so took a punt on this thing.
I have been looking a mouthpieces as it doesnt come with one - does it matter if I order a 4C or Rico M7 or something that seems good for a beginner and pair it with this old sax? Will it even fit? Does chamber size matter etc?
They never seem to list dimensions for the part that fits onto the sax.
Anyway, any advice appreciated. I did a good Google but found very little info on the above.
submitted by jabzoit to Saxophonics [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:40 CoreLifer iil vaporwave and future funk what other music genres will I like?

submitted by CoreLifer to ifyoulikeblank [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:40 voidd What are your preferred tools to collect client ESI (emails, texts, social media posts)?

I need to collect ESI ( from email boxes, phones, and social media accounts) from ~10 clients in a manner that preserves metadata and is generally compliant with typical ESI standards. The ediscovery vendor I use offers this service, but it is pricey ($15K +), so if there are tools that I can use to do this myself, that would be preferred. Any suggestions?
submitted by voidd to ediscovery [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:40 FairFreedom3260 Just deleted all my bookmarks...now what?

Hey everyone,
I just deleted all my bookmarks on a whim. They were cluttered and honestly overwhelming, but now I'm feeling a strange mix of liberation and panic. I've lost a lot of resources and references that I thought I'd get to someday. Now that they're gone, I'm questioning how much I really needed them. It's weird how something so small can make you rethink your priorities.
Has anyone else done something like this? How should I move forward? Maybe it's a chance for a fresh start. I'd love to hear your thoughts.
submitted by FairFreedom3260 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:40 00s4mu Pre-everything fitness milestones!

Pre-everything fitness milestones! Never realized how much i needed this community. I wanted to share some of my progress (First photo the 2 above are the before and the rest is now.)
My asian household refuses to acknowledge the existence of trans people and when they do, they associate the term with mental illness. Which is why i know i will never have a "coming out" story or will be able to sit them down and have a "talk" about my gender identity. I'm twenty years old and for some reason, people have marked my age as antiquated. A lot of them presume i should be on T by now for at least 2 years, busy scheduling my top surgery. However, that's just not my reality.
I wanted to shed some hope, in case there are individuals who have no access or might never have access to the care they need or want. I've been building my body for years and i promise you, change is possible, even when it doesn't feel like it. 🏋‍♂️
submitted by 00s4mu to TMPOC [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:40 newAnonXz Current CTC: 6.5LPA Remote, Almost 2YOE. Am I underpaid?

Started at 5ishLPA remote as a CMS dev, laid off for cost cutting, and then joined for 30% hike after 1.5 years. Having second thoughts if I switched for less and can't help but wonder if I made a mistake during negotiations. On one hand I tell myself atleast it's remote and a field of my interest but then I compare with others' CTC and I feel down. Thoughts on what to do/how to cope?
submitted by newAnonXz to developersIndia [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:40 yaulendil Can we square the claim in the Athrabeth Finrod ah Andreth that Eldar avoid marrying or having children during wartime with the number of Eldarin characters born during the War of the Jewels?

I don't have a copy of Morgoth's Ring on hand, but hopefully I'm remembering the gist of Finrod's assertion about Eldarin customs well enough for this question to be valid.
I get that Aegnor has more reasons for denying Andreth marriage than the average Elf might. He's a lord or chieftain, so has more obligations than a soldier or noncombatant. And he has to factor in Andreth's mortality. But my impression was that Finrod was saying Aegnor wouldn't have married during wartime even if neither of those factors were at play, or at least the mortality factor.
Here are characters who, at least in some version, married or had children in Beleriand during the War of the Jewels:

We can discount the latter four. Eol because he's already violating plenty other Elvish ethics. Luthien, Idril and Nimloth because they married Men or Half-elves, and because Beren and Luthien came back from the dead and seemed to have made a conscious effort to part themselves from historical affairs until Sarn Athrad. But Idril and Nimloth were both still as fully Eldar as Aegnor was.
Also, Andreth and Aegnor met during the Long Peace, while many of these other marriages and child-bearings (certainly the Half-elven ones) occurred in more dangerous times.
The best resolution I can think of so far is that when the parents of Pengolodh and Voronwe married and conceived, they migrated somewhere far away from any Orc-raids until the children were fairly full-grown. I don't know if the timeline allows for Orodreth and his wife to take a similar sabbatical from overseeing Finrod's fiefs.
I suspect the out-of-universe explanation is Tolkien conceived of this custom while writing the Athrabeth and didn't rewrite the other stories to be up to date with it. But even if so maybe we can make the other marriages feel consistent with it, as readers.
If Andreth had responded to Finrod with "What about your nephew Orodreth and his wife and daughter Finduilas?", how do you think Finrod would have answered? "Orodreth was able to vacation on the Isle of Balar for a century or two"? "We all hated that Orodreth did that, we almost disowned him for it"? "Orodreth actually married and had kids in Aman, our subcreator just hasn't retconned it yet"?
submitted by yaulendil to tolkienfans [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:40 lss_web_1444 Text post title 632

Text post body
submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]
