Tips for viewing a football game at Wrigley Field?

2024.11.25 14:30 rstory33 Tips for viewing a football game at Wrigley Field?

Visiting Chicago this weekend for my parents 30th anniversary and want to go to the Illinois vs Northwestern game to check out Wrigley Field. Would appreciate any tips on best places to sit for viewing the game and any other general advice for football games at Wrigley.
submitted by rstory33 to AskChicago [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:30 anthonyriera Propriétaire ne rend 1/3 de la caution avec justifications douteuses.

Salut tout le monde,
J’aurais besoin de vos avis sur une situation avec mon ancien propriétaire. Je vais essayer d’être clair sur les faits :

  1. J’ai loué un appartement à Paris pour un loyer de 1600 €/mois. J’y ai vécu du 16 janvier au 11 novembre.
  2. Mon proprio est un particulier.
  3. Après mon départ, il m’a envoyé un décompte incluant plusieurs frais que je trouve douteux :
    • Taxe d'enlèvement des ordures ménagères (TEOM) : Il me réclame une partie de cette taxe. J’ai lu que c’était récupérable, mais il ne m’a pas montré de justificatif. Est-ce normal de la payer sans preuve ? Aussi, il n'a jamais mentionné cette taxe, ni même pendant l'état des lieux.
    • Frais de dossier (50 €) : Il ajoute des "frais de dossier" sur ce décompte final. À quoi ça pourrait correspondre ? Je pensais que ça s'appliquait seulement au début du bail.
    • 200 € pour nettoyer des moisissures dans la salle de bain. Sachant que la salle de bain n’avait pas de système d’aération suffisant (ni fenêtre, ni VMC), je me dis que ce n’est pas vraiment ma faute, mais il me tient pour responsable.
J'ai au final récupéré seulement 448 euros sur une caution de 1500.
Voici le décompte qu'il me donne:
Caution un mois de loyer hors charges …………………………………………………… 1513€ Loyer du mois de novembre (prorata 6jours) …………………………………………322€ TEOM 2024 …………………………………………………………………………………………493€ Nettoyage plafond moisissures (eau de jave. +Peinture) …………....200€ (Manque aération – participation) Frais de dossier………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 50€ Total restant dû en votre faveur 448€ 
Est-ce que ces demandes sont légitimes ? Quels sont mes droits dans cette situation ?
Merci d’avance pour vos conseils ou vos retours d’expérience, je suis un peu perdu et je ne veux pas me faire arnaquer.
submitted by anthonyriera to conseiljuridique [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:30 Embarrassed_List_925 Que significa Wisin?

Porque Wisin se llama Wisin? Que significa su nombre?
submitted by Embarrassed_List_925 to Reggaeton [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:30 lss_web_1444 Link post title 631

Link post title 631 submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:30 RandomMonkeyBomb GPU upgrade help

I have an i7 6700k, currently running a 1080 TI. What would be the best GPU upgrade to not bottle next my cpu. I am wanting better graphics/frames on stalker 2. Money is an option, so the best upgrade with that in mind. I have been considering the 30 series but also interested in the 2080 ti. Would like to stick with Nvidia.
submitted by RandomMonkeyBomb to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:30 the5krunner NNOXX Muscle Oxygen and Nitric Oxide sensor

NNOXX Muscle Oxygen and Nitric Oxide sensor - unique sensor with its first great discount of the year
submitted by the5krunner to the5krunner [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:30 AshamedAd4566 FS! Cky volume 1 picture disc!

FS! Cky volume 1 picture disc! Cky volume 1 picture disc. Plastic sleeve split but vinyl itself is in NM condition. I'll put it in a mofi sleeve for shipping. $125 plus shipping
submitted by AshamedAd4566 to cky [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:30 RipTorn1978 Hi again I have one more if y’all do not mind. Seems to stump people

Hi again I have one more if y’all do not mind. Seems to stump people submitted by RipTorn1978 to Archeology [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:30 Practical_God Gladiator (2000) [1056x1500] by Thomas Gilbert

Gladiator (2000) [1056x1500] by Thomas Gilbert submitted by Practical_God to MoviePosterPorn [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:30 Fair_Log_1688 Feargasm for NN irl crush 0544cfaaadb53f092f0192c34efc2fb0c57c81b8eba526f42d80eb47dd5c0d6a37

Feargasm for NN irl crush 0544cfaaadb53f092f0192c34efc2fb0c57c81b8eba526f42d80eb47dd5c0d6a37 submitted by Fair_Log_1688 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:30 Humble_Royal_2070 Asian mothers stop commenting on your daughter’s weight challenge

Challenge: Failed!
I have been avoiding my mom because every time I interact with her she comments on everything. The times I’ve interacted with her recently, the first thing she says is “you’re so thin, you need to eat.” Imagine the little amount of times we’ve interacted this is always the very first thing she says. Does she think this will help me with how I perceive my body? For context: I lost a healthy amount of weight in thr past year. Ever since that happened, she’s always been nagging me about it. Yesterday, my tummy hurt and I asked her what medicine to take. She told me “to eat because i’m so thin.” She told me to not lose weight anymore, to not exercise, because i’m already thin. When I told her I have fitness goals, she doesn’t want me to reach my goal weight because im thin, the weight i have right now is ok. The healthy perception I have of fitness, weight, my body, is slowly shrinking because of her. Honestly wanna lose weight unhealthily to piss her off.
submitted by Humble_Royal_2070 to AsianParentStories [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:30 Affectionate_Cod1815 THEY KEPT THE SHUFFLE

submitted by Affectionate_Cod1815 to viktormains [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:30 Anxious-Cake-2147 Reason why most AAA games suck these days

Reason why most AAA games suck these days submitted by Anxious-Cake-2147 to IndianGaming [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:30 itsmikeydalton Amazing Night at Soulshine

Amazing Night at Soulshine What. A. Night.
submitted by itsmikeydalton to jambands [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:30 iljilji Quick Tip: You can spread 60 S Challenges across all Ride or Die Bosses for the Lv. 6 Inspector Box.

(Note: This is for those who are only interested in the Lv. 6 Box. Maxing out all 50 Kazax Fragments requires closer to 90-100 total challenges. Also, this is for S Code only.)
The rough formula for the Ride or Die weekly scoring is:
(Total Boss Points) * (Life Multiplier) where

S Challenges Boss Points
1 52,500
10 85,200~
20 132,664
Lives Remaining Multiplier
2+ 1.00x
4+ 1.05x
8+ 1.10x
12+ 1.15x
16+ 1.20x
18+ 1.25x
(Breakpoints are according to the in-game hover, but may be slightly off (e.g. apparently you can have one life left and still get the 1.00x multiplier. (0 lives is 0.9x))
For any other last minute players, assuming you don't have hands and want to maximize the number of lives you want available, the minimum amount of challenges you have to take on per boss is 10.
Due to how scoring works, you can divide the total 60 challenges up any way you want across the bosses. That means for bosses you're more familiar with, you can up the number of challenges so that a harder boss can have fewer challenges. Unfortunately, you can't choose the order of the bosses, but you can adjust the number of challenges after the boss has been chosen, so you have some control over this entire process. Keep in mind you can only adjust downwards, so start with the maximum number of challenges (20) and then adjust downwards depending on the boss. Repeat this process for every entry.
Keep an eye on the specific challenges too. If you're able to remove a specific one that's causing you trouble, you may not have to drop the number of challenges any further. Each life is roughly worth 2 challenges (safe estimate), so if dropping 2 challenges can save you a life (if you're close to a lower breakpoint), it may be worth. Only consider this if you're high on lives - Do not dip under 60 challenges if you are low on lives.
For example, in my practice, Zakum felt relatively simple to clear, while Darknell was costing me a ton of lives. Therefore, a 15 challenge Zakum and a 5 challenge Darknell saves me lives overall, and gives me leeway later to remove a couple challenges.
Bonus Tip: Make sure to use Aurelia's Elixir for an extra life before you enter.
Hopefully this helps someone!
submitted by iljilji to Maplestory [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:30 Dalek_Fred Dev rugged it, so the community is taking over

I called $HEGE and I called $SSSSS, now going for a 3rd. $DEG is a new project that got off to a quick start but was then rugged pulled by one of the devs. However, the other dev on the project is pushing forward and has engaged the community to take over. Currently 47k buyers to 2k sellers. This one’s a runner and people are getting excited. Don’t miss.
submitted by Dalek_Fred to SolanaMemeCoins [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:30 StarMiniWalker What music does this image remind you of?

What music does this image remind you of? submitted by StarMiniWalker to TeenagersButBetter [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:30 kenton_schweppes1 Brighton tonight – stage times and support

Anyone know stage times for the CHALK gig tonight? And is there support?
I went to a gig there last week where the support act came on over an hour after doors opened.
Doors are at 7 tonight and I don't fancy standing around until like 8.30 if there's no support.
submitted by kenton_schweppes1 to mariboustate [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:30 Jqke567 Are there anything new?

I keep seeing the same pattern where: Boy cheats girl Girl leaves boy Boy begs girl to stay Girl moves on while boy continues to annoy her Boy gets karma Girl gets happy ending
Why not something new and interesting? Don't yall get tired of the same damn plotline???
submitted by Jqke567 to Novelnews [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:30 CaptainPlanet_516 Pets

Do the pets that have the green dollar sign only have affect in Lib City, not Europe?
submitted by CaptainPlanet_516 to IdleOfficeTycoon [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:30 DiamondHandsBotard Looking for some CREW!!!!!

I need some people who are KYC so i can unlock my shit. Drop your number and name and i will add you. This is my real account as you can see i have posts and shit so you are going to need to trust me, I'm not going to give my info to some random no post profile. Just let me add you if you are serious, you get the same bonus it just matters that we are in the same Security Circle.
submitted by DiamondHandsBotard to PiNetworkSC [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:30 karenproletaren India beats Kazakhstan!

India beats Kazakhstan! submitted by karenproletaren to Indianbasketball [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:30 Angle_of-France Guide rapide des perso

Salut Tous le monde Quelqu'un pourrait t'il me faire un rapide tuto sur comment ce joue chaques perso svp ?
J'ai bien aimé jouer Carmilla, Aladdin, Geppeto et le joueur de flute
submitted by Angle_of-France to ravenswatch [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:30 lss_web_1444 Text post title 471

Text post body
submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 14:30 pumpkimm I almost fell for this

Somehow this scam email knew my nickname - not my full name and last intital. So at first I was quick to copy the number. And it clicked….they are trying to scam me. 😭😭
submitted by pumpkimm to Scams [link] [comments]