Benzina je čerpací stanice, která nabízí široký sortiment potravin, denní tisk, motorové oleje a specializovanou autokosmetiku. Značka Benzina se sedmdesátiletou historií definitivně zanikne. Její vlastník, skupina Orlen, ještě letos změní logo u 90 procent stanic. A do konce příštího roku se má Benzina z českých silnic vytratit úplně. Benzina byla původně česká distribuční síť pohonných hmot a motorových olejů a provozující čerpací stanice. Značka vznikla v roce 1953. V roce 1958 byla zaevidována jako oficiální značka Sdružení československých rafinerií. Čerpací stanice Benzina, lídr českého trhu, se postupně přejmenují na Orlen. U prvních osmi pump v Česku přikročí polská společnost PKN Orlen ke změně do konce letošního roku. Orlen Benzina . ORLEN Benzina získala pošesté ocenění Nejdůvěryhodnější značka 2023 v soutěži Důvěryhodné značky Přečíst Provozujeme nejrozsáhlejší sítí čerpacích stanic v České republice. Načerpejte kvalitní paliva za skvělé ceny a energii na další cestu ve Stop Cafe. Provozujeme nejrozsáhlejší sítí čerpacích stanic v České republice. Načerpejte kvalitní paliva za skvělé ceny a energii na další cestu ve Stop Cafe. Benzina je obchodní společnost s nejrozsáhlejší sítí čerpacích stanic v České republice - provozuje jich přes 330 .Síť čerpacích stanic má v nabídce nejen kvalitní aditivované pohonné hmoty a prémiová paliva pro náročné požadavky zákazníků na moderní jízdu, ale také další sortiment zboží Benzina. Mimo ... Čerpací stanice Benzina, lídr českého trhu, se postupně přejmenují na Orlen. U prvních osmi pump v Česku přikročí polská společnost PKN Orlen ke změně do konce letošního roku. Už na začátku letošního roku přidala PKN do názvu holdingu Unipetrol a sítě benzinových pump Benzina název Orlen. V Česku Benzina provozuje 421 čerpacích stanic a s tržním podílem z maloobchodního prodeje pohonných hmot 25,2 procenta je dlouhodobým lídrem trhu. Na Slovensku má Benzina 15 stanic.
2024.11.25 14:50 Acceptable_Check_706 Sfat intretinere motor benzina
Salut tuturor,mama mea si-a achiziționat de curând un Vw passat b5.5 2.0 136 cp benzina,este prima masina care o cumpără pe benzina cum sa întrețină corect o masina cu acest motor?A făcut pasul spre benzina din cauza mașini diesel pe care încă o are un Ford fiesta 1.4tdci cu care numai probleme are,în aceea masina sa investit degeaba o grămadă de bani.Asa ca întrebarea mea este următoarea, cum sa o întrețină corect sa nu aibă probleme pe viitor.
submitted by Acceptable_Check_706 to AutomobileRO [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 14:50 LakerFan200 Missed prayer
I have a condition where once I have been to the toilet, urine still comes out 10 mins after meaning I have to use a tissue
Due to me having class during prayer how can I make up the asr prayer that I missed as a result of this
submitted by LakerFan200 to islam [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 14:50 Kanra_Cosplay Jinx cosplay by me (Kanra_cosplay)
submitted by Kanra_Cosplay to CosplayForEveryone [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 14:50 Fresh_Culture2811 AITAH for wanting to hit a 16 yearold who slapped my child?
So I have a new set of in-laws, there's a load of cousins and none of them have or understand children, when there are family meets they all play together and exclude my child which upsets him. The decided to allow him t play a game (Mario) with them for once, but didn't show him the controls and laughed at him when he didn't do well. This made him really sad, we wanted to play again but they turned it off and told him to get lost.
Unfortunately he then bit one of them - a 16 year old, normally my kids a good boy, but I think he just flipped out, kids do that sometimes. Instead of coming to find me, and telling me what had happened so I could decide on a proper course of action, the 16 year old slapped him hard across the face.
I was so angry you couldn't believe, and to be honest I had to be held back at first. After I calmed down I wanted out so we left.
Now the family's all going mental, with one half saying the 16 year old if going to try and sue my 5 year old, and the other side saying they aren't surprised I tried to hit the 16 year old for attacking my child.
So who's right?
I get that it's not nice to be bitten, and my boy should definitely receive a punishment for it, but punishing a child with violence is never right in my book. AITAH?
submitted by Fresh_Culture2811 to AITAH [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 14:50 Hungry_crying (NY) My landlord keeps coming over unannounced, and now he's messing with doors inside the house.
Okay, so here's the situation. We've been renting this place for 5 years, and our landlord has a habit of popping by unannounced--no text, no call, no nothing. He doesn’t come often, maybe six times a year, but when he does, it’s always to access the garage. Fair enough, the garage is his domain because it’s full of his classic cars, and we don’t even have access to it.
But here’s the kicker: the door from the garage to my living space used to always stay locked. Recently, though, I noticed a draft and found that the door isn’t locked anymore. It doesn’t even close properly because the hinge plate is missing! My dad tried to DIY-fix it by shoving some cardboard in there to keep it closed.
The last couple of times the landlord came over, I noticed the cardboard was gone—meaning he’s clearly opening that door. He’s not just going into his garage. He’s peeking into my space without notice, which is a whole different level of violating. The door literally opens opposite the bathroom, and now I’m worried I’ll come out of the shower one day to find him there.
I get it—he owns the place, and it’s only six visits a year, but no notice is unacceptable. Just the other day, I heard the garage open, and my first thought was, “Here we go again.” Sure enough, cardboard gone, draft back. For now, I pulled a Home Alone and rigged a booby trap on the door. (picture: string tied to the doorknob, connected to a pipe in the laundry room. Try me, buddy.)
The problem is my mom. She’s a first-time renter and is paranoid that if we complain, we’ll get evicted. But I’m 99% sure that’s not how it works. We’ve never missed a single rent payment in five years, and this dude is clearly violating tenant rights. I’m just over it.
So reddit, what do I do? Am I crazy for thinking this is way out of line?
submitted by Hungry_crying to Renters [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 14:50 Madness_69 Chai mein cheeni ka relationship
submitted by Madness_69 to indiameme [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 14:50 Tokpie THIKDIK (THIK) Token Listed on Tokpie 📈 👉 Anti-meme meme token ⭐
THIKDIK (THIK) Token Listed on Tokpie 📈 👉 Anti-meme meme token ⭐ #THIKDIK #THIK #token #MemeCoins #Solana
submitted by Tokpie to Tokpie [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 14:50 azulur Is there a lore reason that explains why Echo sounds breathy & bothered when she copies Hazard?
The "Adaptive circuits engage: ...hahhzardd~" in a soft voice is throwing me off every time I hear it lol
With Mauga she sounded thrilled at the power; for Hazard it feels a lot more tuned down.
Thanks for your thoughts.
submitted by azulur to Overwatch [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 14:50 batmansnutsack54 Player count
What is the player count like for EU servers on xbox? I cant seem to find a game no matter how long i wait.
submitted by batmansnutsack54 to deadbydaylight [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 14:50 Old-Championship2531 finally got a PS VITA
thanks to everyone that helped me with finding a sd card/ sd2adapter and where to buy a vita from. will post more once i’m fully setup with games :) submitted by Old-Championship2531 to PSVita [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 14:50 Double-Escape3524 37[F4M] single New York looking for friends to share their daily lives with
Hello! I'm looking for a real connection with someone that might lead to something more. I'm perfectly fine with platonic chats, but ultimately I want a romantic connection. Also, I'm a mixed race girl and I'm basically okay with it, but it's okay if you don't, everyone has preferences. Nice to exchange photos.
I'm cheerful and enjoy your bog standard introverted activities like reading and being obsessed with all that stuff, I like to draw sometimes, I'm a huge LotR nerd, crochet, art and crafty stuff, I listen to quite a bit Podcasts range from history to Bigfoot and weird stuff. I've started making some lifestyle changes so that I can live my life more fully, so I'd love to talk about that as well. I'm a little anxious too, but who isn't?
Just be yourself. I don't have any requirements other than being a gentleman and being clear-headed. I tend to like people a little older than me, but keep in mind that I'm not looking for a pick-up or anything superficial, I'd rather the conversation be relatively calm, so keep it clean.
submitted by Double-Escape3524 to R4R30Plus [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 14:50 GladMaterial787 Trade
submitted by GladMaterial787 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 14:50 Dixie_Normus69_ Coldplay... Ahmedabad 25th 1 ticket available (G-block)
Physical delivery will be made.. I will also be attending the show. Not trying to scam anyone
submitted by Dixie_Normus69_ to TicketShare [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 14:50 Different-Lunch9320 Do anyone have link to this drama please ?
submitted by Different-Lunch9320 to dramabox [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 14:50 Subject_Mountain_765 C'est quoi vos talents/spécialité au lit ? Ou juste que sexuel que vous aimez vous faire tout(e) seul? ( jpp dm )
submitted by Subject_Mountain_765 to influenceuse_fr5 [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 14:50 Hacomeback 感恩节快乐😁
submitted by Hacomeback to LOOK_CHINA [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 14:50 Furrynova How to kill Missionary in SH3 melee only?
I lost all my ammo, healing items and I'm at low HP. I only have one save file. Do I need to start the game over again?
submitted by Furrynova to silenthill [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 14:50 Cherri_Bomb_The_Best What’s up hoes! Angel showed me this site. So I guess AMA?
submitted by Cherri_Bomb_The_Best to hazbin [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 14:50 Cyborgguard Poor giants
submitted by Cyborgguard to NFCEastMemeWar [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 14:50 AoCCoM Ryuko wearing the Fibertrix (Idea:Me/Artist:LewiNog)
submitted by AoCCoM to TrixCentral [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 14:50 ThrowawayBabyPanic My Problem May be Solved and I'm Not Sure How I Feel About It.
This is kind of an update to my previous posts so if you want some context they are on my page.
Sara started her new preschool this month and absolutely loves it! She already has lots of friends and is excited to go so that is good. We have seen Monica and her husband and Austin a little since not having them watch Sara anymore but not like before. Monica admitted that she has really been neglecting her mental health and I am trying to give her space to do that but I am not sure she is. Every time I talk to her she says something bad is happening or is depressed. I feel awful but there is not really anything I can do and I have my own problems to deal with. I am working with my therapist to be less of a people pleaser and one thing she pointed out is I go out of my way to solve other's problems and not my own so I am trying really hard not to do that.
A little bit of background is needed for this story so I will try to give some without making it obvious who I am talking about in case she comes across this post. Monica and her husband are not amazing with money. They have enough to survive (barely) but as soon as they get money it is spent. They have more toys for Austin than I can count and they always have more coming in. Because of money issues, Monica and her husband live with her dad. There are a lot of issues in that relationship and her dad is constantly threatening to kick her out over issues but never follows through. I honestly feel so terrible, I could not imagine having a parent like that who only has conditional love to give. Monica and her husband do not pay rent, they do pay utilities though for the house. Well, this time Monica's dad actually followed through and signed a new lease for a house. This means Monica HAS to move out by a certain time because her dad will no longer be renting the house they are currently in.
I saw her post on bluesky (the new twitter for those boycotting Elon) asking about part time jobs and places for rent so I messaged her asking what is up. She explained how her dad signed a new lease and they have to be out but have NO SAVINGS and cannot afford to live anywhere. I truly feel bad but there is nothing I can do to help so all I could offer was a listening ear. She explained how she has friends on the other side of the country (2030.8 miles or 3268.55 km away) and may move there.
I am not sure how to feel now. I don't know if it is even going to happen. Even though all the stuff in my other posts happened I cannot help but feel sad. I don't know if I need advice or what. I just wanted to get all my feelings out so here I am. I may update, idk yet.
There is a lot more going on as well that I may get into if anyone wants with Austin not adjusting to not having Sara there and some manipulation and possible ghosting. I am just very confused how to feel right now. Should I be happy? or relieved? or sad? or all of the above?
submitted by ThrowawayBabyPanic to MarkNarrations [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 14:50 Tadeo111 "Suffocation" AI Generated Short Film / Music video
submitted by Tadeo111 to ChatGPT [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 14:50 Significant_Cook9961 First Chanel bag from Emily
This is my first time buying from Emily, and I’m really happy with it! The bag is amazing (god factory). I paid $426 via Wise, and the process was smooth Her whatsapp +86 15507692093 So far, I’m loving the bag 🥰🥰 submitted by Significant_Cook9961 to RepladiesDesigner [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 14:50 Dadenskas Dae feel like their pwbpd wants them to be miserable?
It seems like my pwbpd wants me to be miserable because any time there’s anything that might bring me happiness, there’s a fight. Is this typical? And if so, why?
submitted by Dadenskas to BPDlovedones [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 14:50 Azurimell We are a small shop with a tight budget, wondering what tools you'd recommend for security:
What do you use for the following security practices? Everything I've looked at is crazy expensive. We are aiming for a level 2 CMMC/Moderate confidence NIST 800-171 certification which requires these.