Barberry: A Natural Solution to Improve the Quality of Rainbow Trout Fillet

2024.11.25 15:15 AquaHoy Barberry: A Natural Solution to Improve the Quality of Rainbow Trout Fillet

Barberry: A Natural Solution to Improve the Quality of Rainbow Trout Fillet submitted by AquaHoy to FishFarming [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:15 cacherry Anybody both anything from, is it legit?

Planning to purchase voucher for spa day, but wanted to ensure it will be valid. Anybody had any issue using the bought vouchers? TIA
submitted by cacherry to malta [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:15 the-goober-re Chat why does this sound like miss circle voice?

Chat why does this sound like miss circle voice? (Sorry for the inverted screen)
submitted by the-goober-re to FundamentalPaperEdu [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:15 First-Ad6317 Alpha Swarms in Pokemmo

Alpha Swarms in Pokemmo I started playing Pokemmo again a few days ago but I haven't found any Swarms since I started! Aaaaaaaaaa how annooyiiiing I don't know if there are no more Swarms or if you can't watch Swarms on mobile šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø
submitted by First-Ad6317 to pokemmo [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:15 Attackons2s Yakışıklı Mıyım?

Yakışıklı Mıyım? submitted by Attackons2s to vlandiya [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:15 ptazdba Happy Thanksgiving

So thankful to have found this sub. Your stories give me hope that there are more overcomers out there who have learned what warriors they truly are. As you conquer a new area in your life and learn that you were never the problem, I see more people who can encourage others who will get there with help. It is unfortunate that all of us have had to overcome so much, but take comfort in the fact that it takes intense pressure to create a diamond. So I'm very thankful for each facet in us that forms and shines brilliantly as we all learn the beautiful creatures we were all intended to be. Just took a while, but with help, support and grace, I pray we all get there.
Happy Thanksgiving.
submitted by ptazdba to NarcissisticMothers [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:15 THEXMX Aliens vs. Predator 2 - SUK2 THE MISTAKE | AVPUNKNOWN

Aliens vs. Predator 2 - SUK2 THE MISTAKE | AVPUNKNOWN submitted by THEXMX to avp [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:15 Gates_of_imagination The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain submitted by Gates_of_imagination to audiobook [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:15 Sudden_Pop_2279 This scene of Diavolo was cool for one reason

This scene of Diavolo was cool for one reason
The fact Diavolo specifically called in JUST to tell Doppio, "hey man it's cool, he didn't see the photo." I noticed this with the maid in his room and the child who saw him transforming earlier. Unlike the previous villains, Diavolo specifically goes out of his way to spare innocent's.
Like he's NOT a good person by any means, but he still at least tries to avoid casulities, he even was sending Doppo to Rome specifically to eliminate Cioccolata before he went overboard and killed everyone.
submitted by Sudden_Pop_2279 to StardustCrusaders [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:15 unreveparisien NCT WISH - Wishful Winter (MV Teaser)

NCT WISH - Wishful Winter (MV Teaser) submitted by unreveparisien to NCT [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:15 TopNo6605 Is There A John Savill of GCP

Trying to go multi-cloud being primarily AWS. Been using John Savill's videos on Azure. He's great -- excellent teacher, multiple whiteboards, powerpoints, demos, keeps up to date, etc.
Is there a GCP equivalent? I did the exam-pro 20 hour GCP course but that was one of the most boring courses I've taken. I'm actually not very found of courses on Udemy and other sites, they are bland, boring, some seem to only be powerpoints and only talk about what's needed for a cert.
I don't care about certs, I strictly want to learn GCP stuffs. Any recommendations for similar people to follow on the GCP side?
submitted by TopNo6605 to googlecloud [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:15 No-Trouble-1284 Where can i buy the big fuel tank?

submitted by No-Trouble-1284 to motorizedbicycles [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:15 Rakoru_Hiryuu This is a new age!!

The game is crazy. Loved bladestorm, love the cinematic. I prefer more story focus battlefield like this than the usual go take a base, since and repeat. Also cool they didn't keep the new attack mechanic too, good riddance. The serie is gonna be cool again!
submitted by Rakoru_Hiryuu to dynastywarriors [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:15 daynif Oatmilk Carton Rant

Who else is always on bar during peak, only to find out you've run out of oat-milk because our cartons literally only last for 2-3 drinks. Starbucks, please invest in gallon oat milks, I don't even know where you can get those but please do! šŸ˜­
submitted by daynif to starbucks [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:15 Gates_of_imagination The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain (1876)

submitted by Gates_of_imagination to audiobooksonyoutube [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:15 AdventurousSky6413 Now Available For Readings

Now Available For Readings Now Open For Readings
Aura Readings (What Color your Aura is, where your strengths lie, areas to be mindful of and best career options)
Medium Readings Spirit Guide Messages Love Readings
Yes/No 1 Card Pull 3 Card Pull Readings 5 Card Pull Readings
My Reviews
NB: I don't control or influence the outcome of a reading, to sugarcoat things or people please, I just channel messages as I get them.
submitted by AdventurousSky6413 to PsychicReaders [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:15 CaptainCryptoC When Years of Loyalty to a brand gets You the Customer Service Equivalent of a Shrug šŸ¤” = #Wise #Transferwise

When Years of Loyalty to a brand gets You the Customer Service Equivalent of a Shrug šŸ¤” = #Wise #Transferwise Youā€™d think after years of using a service without a single hiccup, youā€™d earn a little goodwill when something goes wrong. But no, apparently not with #Transferwise #Wise
I reached out to resolve a simple dispute, fully expecting some level of support, only to be met with a shrug and a ā€œnot our problemā€ vibe. Their suggestion? I should go chase the merchant or involve some consumer protection bureau like I have all the time in the world for that.
And as if that wasnā€™t enough, they hinted that my account could be at risk for ā€œinappropriate use.ā€ Inappropriate use? Iā€™ve been nothing but a loyal customer. If anyoneā€™s behaviour here is inappropriate, itā€™s theirs, for completely dodging responsibility.
Iā€™m not asking for the moon here, just a little accountability and basic customer service. Is that too much to expect after years of loyalty? Anyone else had this kind of experience where a company you trusted just completely dropped the ball?
Where can I go next to file a complaint? Its about a few hundred dollars, I dont want to let it go.
submitted by CaptainCryptoC to transferwiser [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:15 GrassIsOverated_04 If you could remove the first syllable from any streaming app, which app would you pick?

Further Explanation: A streaming app is an app like Freevee, Netflix, Disney +, Prime Video, etc. so Freevee would become Vee, and Hulu would become Lu.
Context: My good pal of mine asked me this question and watched me make the worst guesses ever. After I ran almost all the streaming apps I knew he told me when that made sense to ask this question.
submitted by GrassIsOverated_04 to AskMen [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:15 Okay_Mango Where can I buy a good apple pie?

I was asked to bring an Apple Pie for thanksgiving and need help on where I can get an above average pie.
submitted by Okay_Mango to Columbus [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:15 Extremer2903 Denon Perl Pro issue

Just got one to test recently, I can connect the headphone into my phone, can listen to music but I have problem connect to its app. The app keep log me out and when I login again, it said "this device reserved for testing" and doesnt allow me to adjust anything. Anyone got the same problem?
Tried to forget device & reconnect many times but still the same. The seller also doesnt have any idea and when he forget it, he got the same issue with me.
submitted by Extremer2903 to Earbuds [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:15 Signal-Personality-4 What is a realistic number you think you could retire with in Egypt?

submitted by Signal-Personality-4 to Egypt [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:15 bladerskb How I cured my Twitching/BFS and YOU can TOO!

I used to twitch like crazy to the point i couldn't work nor sleep. It was the muscles all over my body.
I went to the ER, did all the neurology tests and everything was clean.
I had to do my own analysis and i discovered I had a horrible diet that threw my systems out of wack.
And when the system is out of wack, everything irritates it, when food that are healthy and normal.
At that time, some days i would eat 6 bananas for example. I would just binge eat.
Once i discovered it was food related. I started testing out foods that flare me up and food that doesn't.
One thing you have to note, when your system is out of wack it takes weeks to normalize it to even be able to do the test because you need a base standard. So I went on a mild fast for around 2-3 weeks. No fast food, no sugar, no soda, no caffeine, . Only healthy vegetables and water. Once my system normalized.
Then I started testing and i discovered as soon as i drank coffee, my muscle instantly started twitching like CRAZY. So i know coffee and caffeine (even in coke drink) does that to me.
Then I tested candle, and the same thing, although to a lesser effect. Then also if i eat too much rice or potato fries.
So I basically had to cut out fast food, candy, any kind of caffeine, any kind of processed sugar, out of my diet for a good 3-4 years. After acouple of months my BFS went from 100% Horrible to around 15% where i don't notice it for much of the day. But it took 3-4 year of constantly eating healthy to go from 15% to 0%. Now I have no BFS. ZERO.
You can too. Its all about DIET.
submitted by bladerskb to BFS [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:15 Automatic-Award-6587 Please don't keep the top bar expandable on hover NOT in compact mode.
submitted by Automatic-Award-6587 to zen_browser [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:15 ChallengeMammoth1813 My bestie is behaving weirdly because of her boyfriend

Me and my best friend have been besties since elementary school since we were six (now I'm 21 and she's 22) we have always been inseparable, we've been through the major events of life together, we consider each other sisters (we know each other's siblings well, my mom loves her etc..) we come from very different cultural backgrounds (she's Pakistani and I'm Italian) but it's never been a problem between us.

I really can't because I'm ugly and also too shy to talk to men, and she knows this, she keeps saying I'm not ugly, but I objectively am.
She doesn't understand that she's hurting me saying those words, do you think she really believes that or she's just low-key making fun of me?
Since I'm ugly I only have my academic skills left so I value University above all else that I have. My bestie's ultra religious Muslim family disapproves of her relationship with her boyfriend and the father threatened her that he would no longer let her attend the University if she doesn't end the relationship. She told me that she doesn't care and that she would rather die than leave him and that he was more important than her education. Hearing her say this horrified me (I'm very much involved with feminist ideals) and I told her that it was kinda horrible to hear her talk like this she tried to explain to me that her life was plain before him and now she cannot live normally like before meeting him, I told her that I profoundly disagreed with what she was saying and she seemed hurt.
So what do you think? Who's in the wrong here?
I want to add that:
All our friendship has been conditioned by that fact that we wanted to do things together but her family didn't let her for example when we were children she couldn't come to my house but I was allowed to go to hers and even stay for hours, we couldn't go out and when we were allowed we could just for a little while before her mother called us inside, she was never allowed to come on school trips, we couldn't go anywhere together for example she couldn't even come to see and visit the highschool we were going to attend when we were in the last year of middle school, she wasn't allowed to chose the high school she wanted because it was a bit far from home (it wasn't even that far), growing up things have changed a little and she's been able to go to the University together with me to a distant city and she now has a job and a car.
Am I the bad guy here!?
She's ready to ruin her life and relationship with her family, give up on her education for someone she never met in person, for me something like this is CRAZY!! CRAZY!
Any advice?
submitted by ChallengeMammoth1813 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 15:15 YONAzora22 How should Nintendo should make the next Zelda game? Lets discuss

The world is ravaged by cycles of calamity (demise) and order.
The world is ruined by civil war between hyrulean factions and the influence of demise.
Hyrule has collapsed, demise holding influence over the entire region, Zelda being imprisoned and disembodied.
Due to gloom, cretaures of the lands are beginning to lose sense of self.
The amnesiac Link is awakened by the Zelda to restore Zelda and Hyrule.
There are only 5 civilians with the other friendly npcs being warriors and wanderers. Npcs end in tradegy with some succumbing to gloom.
The enemies not only include ganondorf's monsters but also gloom affected zoras, gorons, hylians and gerudo.
Whether gloom is something natural in the hearts of hyruleans the deities ssealed or merely a corruption from demise is questioned.
Zelda is genuinely benevolent but this is placed into question by the various enemies and npcs
After defeating ganondorf in the base game, players have a choice whether to restore Zelda and Hyrule (canon ending) or suceed ganondorf as a vessel for demise's hatred (bad ending). There are also like 4 other endings which can be achieved depending on interactions with npcs.
The dlc can involve the twilight realm, lorule, Zonai or whatnot and allow for dialogue changes in npcs, but without impact on the base game.
submitted by YONAzora22 to tearsofthekingdom [link] [comments]